配信名【DEATH STRANDING #03】no timefall's gonna keep me down!!!【NIJISANJI EN | Pomu Rainpuff】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 62 228.89 \32,466
EUR EUR 7 17.00 \2,641
CA$ CAD 5 20.79 \2,234
R$ BRL 1 5.50 \161
ARS ARS 2 180.00 \102
---- ---- ---- ---- \37,604
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 06月18日
$2.00   Cheliax
2 06月18日
$1.49   fake NEET
3 06月18日
$1.49   Solid Takezo
4 06月18日
$1.49   Ray Mack
5 06月18日
$0.99   Murphy
6 06月18日
$0.99   WildestDuck
7 06月18日
$1.49   outcast777
8 06月18日
$2.00   StarCreator ready for stealth danding
9 06月18日
  Venkiro 1
10 06月18日
  Pineapple Semtex
11 06月18日
  b1uCheese Hi pomu!
12 06月18日
13 06月18日
  WireSun7 I'm a Golden PP now
14 06月18日
15 06月18日
  washernett Just got your hairpin in the mail the other day, its so cute!
16 06月18日
  Peachu I cannot think of anything to put here because it’s 3am and I’m very tired. Goodnight pomu
17 00:06:35 $5.00   Cooper Black Don't worry, death stranding is all about USPS truckin' across the U.S. as norman reetus with his funky feetus.
18 00:08:48 ARS90.00   ima rafan the lifeline where New York was moe
19 06月18日
  Cai Pomu! Today is my birthday can you wish me a happy birthday?
20 00:10:01 CA$11.00   Inkerlink THE HUDSON RIVER... TWO YEARS AGO
21 00:13:10   Anourack Phongsavath Hi Pomu
22 00:13:27 $2.00   Hermit999 Pomu Death Stranding video essay maybe? .3.
23 00:14:10   I'll use my trusty frying pan as a drying pan as long as you have a good time, vtuber!
24 00:14:18   Andrew Tannebaum (メンバーシップ入り)
25 00:14:48 €2.00   Gyro Juggler she played the kojimbo game ->no snake -> dropped
26 00:15:50 $2.00   ChaoticSn0w Yo Pomu! It's my bday today! I'm old now!
27 00:16:02 $5.00   TheJollyRamRancher I think it's fitting that you'll leave the game stranded.
28 06月18日
  Vivy Core 1
29 00:18:57 $5.00   Danklord Weedsmash since ive only ever seen the dunkey video, what do you do in this game besides fedex a baby? genuine question
30 06月18日
  Ray Mack 1
31 06月18日
  Solid Takezo 1
32 06月18日
  τεαcυρ ηγαη ηγαη 1
33 06月18日
  VeeJaiii the Moomin Silly 1
34 00:30:39   Dragothel (メンバーシップ入り)
35 06月18日
  FilaStyle84 5
36 06月18日
  WildestDuck 1
37 06月18日
  Maru De Cinco 5
38 06月18日
  Saint Athracht 5
39 06月18日
  Murphy 1
40 00:38:16   SASUKE (メンバーシップ入り)
41 00:39:56 $5.00   TheJollyRamRancher
I don't use soap. but I use shampoo like body wash so it's okay
42 00:40:46 €2.00   Gyro Juggler
all pomudachis use 3 in 1 bodywash
43 00:41:04   Kojima is God?! (メンバーシップ入り)
44 00:41:19   Professor Guapo What does BB dream of?
45 00:42:22 $5.00   Erik_W1 Instead of soap I just throw myself into fire, the ultimate cleanser.
46 06月18日
  Ray Mack 1
47 06月18日
  WireSun7 1
48 06月18日
  Hai-Helfer鮫之丞 10
49 06月18日
  Solid Takezo 5
50 00:45:05   Noirlyn【Noween】Small Guy ayo 12 months nice
51 06月18日
  KBarn 5
52 00:47:59 $2.00   Nhân I been think about play this game again but imlazy
53 06月18日
  Daniel Duarte Keep on keepin on Pomu Porter
54 00:53:10 €2.00   ACCEPTABLE CASUALTY Just checking in! Im up to 277 Premium Deliveries!
55 00:53:41 $5.00   Beter Thiccums "Amazing, mission complete! That right there is why you're the best Boss"
56 00:54:27   mercury (メンバーシップ入り)
57 00:55:36 €2.00   ACCEPTABLE CASUALTY
The real game begins on the Bike. Vehicles = SUGOI
58 01:10:02 $5.00   Airborne Ninja You can load things onto your bike by opening the cargo menu while standing next to it
59 01:16:09 $5.00   Airborne Ninja
Pomu you do know what happens to corpses in this world, right?
60 01:26:35 $5.00   Whisperers Death Stranding. Can't walk 5 kilometers without running into DMCA music. And there's no separate audios! Cause Death Stranding.
61 01:35:25 €2.00   thundercookie15 im pomu
62 01:36:22 $1.99   Ryan1269 Petition to say “I’m pomu” instead of “im Sam”
63 01:40:27   Tykis (メンバーシップ入り)
64 01:40:54 CA$2.20   Virulent ビルレント The D stands for Da baby
65 01:42:48   jorjub (メンバーシップ入り)
66 01:54:08 $10.00   TheJollyRamRancher
hey pomu pushing forward on the controller, or the W key, makes you move forward. I sure hope this backseating doesn't make you stop using it and only move backwards from now on
67 02:09:06 $5.00   Jimi Styles Nice package, bromu.
68 02:11:14   sango323 I want a ride where im in a false see through womb being carried by my mama norman reedus
69 02:11:47 $5.00   TheJollyRamRancher
and you could get a video in line like "HOLA! watashi Samu desu!"
70 02:14:08 $4.99   Marrow Hi Pomu! Today is my older brother, Mason’s birthday. May you sing him a happy birthday song?
71 06月18日
  ObviObvi 20
72 02:18:45   Rockbiter When do we find out they had BT weapons all along, and your sweat collection is just a hobby thing.
73 02:20:16 $20.00   SpanKFPenheim here, get a pillow and some baby food
74 02:22:53 $2.00   T.j. Bobby Thank u Pomu for the 5G 3D printer
75 02:26:26 $10.00   TheDAWinz what up just got home after doing many "strand" type objectives
76 02:27:12 €5.00   ACCEPTABLE CASUALTY
Fun Fact: If you were to consume Energy Drink at the rate Sam does, you'd end up with a Kidney Stone. And a Heart Attack. Probably while peeing.
77 02:28:15 $10.00   TheDAWinz
mads mikkelsen more like DADS mikkelDAD
78 02:31:36 €2.00   ACCEPTABLE CASUALTY
Pomer Simpson
79 02:42:54 $4.99   Yuh Pomu it’s my birthday today!
80 02:48:03 $10.00   TheDAWinz
whose footsteps are these?
81 03:14:55 $5.00   Kyoma Zanki Upcoming dmca Pom
82 03:15:17 $2.00   Guru Sam's back must hurt so bad.
83 03:18:16 $10.00   Goose Howard perfect cover, ten out of ten
84 03:20:29 $2.00   CaseyRaptor A good song for this game is Stop the Rain.
85 06月18日
  Gormless Did you see Nic Cage at KojiPro? Hoping for some sort of insane collab
86 03:35:32 $1.00   WireSun7 (a無言スパチャ)
87 03:35:37 ARS90.00   ima rafan
Norman Peedus
88 03:35:43 CA$1.10   Virulent ビルレント
89 03:35:45 $0.99   WildestDuck
90 03:35:45 $1.00   shadowdemonlord (a無言スパチャ)
91 03:35:47 $1.00   Venkiro (a無言スパチャ)
92 03:35:48 $1.00   CaseyRaptor
93 03:35:50 $1.00   NotoriousBSG82 (a無言スパチャ)
94 03:35:52 $1.00   τεαcυρ ηγαη ηγαη (a無言スパチャ)
95 03:35:55 $1.00   WireSun7
96 03:36:02 $1.00   Kyoma Zanki
97 03:36:03 $1.00   StarCreator
98 03:36:03 $1.00   Solid Takezo
99 03:36:17 $1.00   Solid Takezo
100 03:36:21 $1.00   WireSun7
101 03:36:23 $1.00   CaseyRaptor
102 03:36:26 $2.00   averagegatsby29 how much $ for pomu grenades on the merch store
103 03:36:29 $1.00   Solid Takezo
104 03:36:48 $1.00   Solid Takezo
105 03:36:55 CA$0.99   TuppGalloCapon (a無言スパチャ)
106 03:36:59 $0.99   LOKUS11 (a無言スパチャ)
107 03:37:11 $1.00   CaseyRaptor
108 03:37:16 $1.00   Bread (a無言スパチャ)
109 03:39:46 $10.00   Mic Mac (LostnConfusion) Please do the next cutscene before finishing
110 03:45:11   BeeDun pomu he has goo hands
111 03:45:45 $5.00   Kyoma Zanki
Extinction Entity? EE?
112 03:46:30 $5.00   Mic Mac (LostnConfusion)
Crazy, my phone auto corrected Boss fight to cutscene.
113 03:55:54 CA$5.50   Virulent ビルレント
Have a nice dinner with your friend! Treat yourself!
114 03:56:56   Zubaz115 9 months... I now have a BB! Have fun with your friend!!!
115 06月18日
R$5.50   Carateca is totally fine if you don't stream it anymore, there's plenty of other good games. and if you come back to it, have fun!
116 06月18日
  Advent Chaos The Pomu who delivers
117 03:59:32 $2.00   Seymour (シーモア)
118 06月18日
  DraconianX987 Hope you have a good time with your friend Pomu! !
119 04:00:03   Ponyboy we had fun with norman reedus and pomu
120 04:00:44 $10.00   AKinkyKadaver you know this game was originally gonna have a side objective where you had to crush cans to progress. ultimately it was removed because it was just soda pressing
121 04:05:26 $5.00   Vivy Core
122 04:09:33   Dynamo [ダイナモ] (メンバーシップ入り)
123 04:10:32 $5.00   miya vtubers that use part of their name for their fanbases cringe~