トップ ※リアルタイム抽出とアーカイブ抽出のスパチャを統合(merge)したものを表示しています。
配信名:【CATS ORGANIZED NEATLY】i chat while i move cats【NIJISANJI EN | Petra Gurin】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
   $  USD   16     578.94   82,942円
 SGD  SGD    1      50.00    5,091円
 CA$  CAD    4      30.00    3,239円
 EUR  EUR    1      10.00    1,434円
  A$  AUD    2      12.99    1,247円
 WON  KRW    1      10000    1,030円
 YEN    1    2        860      860円
 MX$  MXN    1      50.00      358円
 NT$  TWD    2      46.00      210円
---- ---- ----       ----   96,411円
No 時間 元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 09/20
¥250   ふっくー 初スパです!どぞ!ペトラちゃん好き!
2 09/20
  Shadowmitten (メンバーシップ入り)
3 09/20
  雲丹うに (メンバーシップ入り)
4 09/20
NT$23.00   斎藤ひろし (無言スパチャ)
5 09/20
  Mero Nya Ch. Comfy Pengy time
6 00:04:45   Smitty Webernjagermanjensen Bro, it feels since forever I've seen you, Petra! You even grew!!! Oh wait, you grew about a month ago
7 00:06:09   Anton Namtet petra gurin from nijisanji en
8 00:08:01   Tiffarinmin (メンバーシップ入り)
9 00:10:58   abi (メンバーシップ入り)
10 00:28:58 A$5.00   DisGuy(ディスガイ) Petra, According to a vet All you have to do is Squish those cats! Thats right SQUISH THOSE CATS! Not to hard, just gently....(P.S love the outfit)
11 00:29:16   celeste NYANDEEEEEE
12 00:29:27   Shirokasi hey petra do you plan to play splatoon 3?
13 00:30:36   Sora383 Cat ear Petra is just what I needed after studying cognitive psychology all day.
14 00:31:48   Specter 96 (メンバーシップ入り)
15 00:35:52 $99.99   dylan wilson Welcome back! Hope you had a wonderful vacation! As I promised before you went on vacation, you may not remember, but I set aside money to spoil/bully you with aka supas once you came back, so here is the first one. I hope you have had a wonderful day too petra.
16 00:36:48   Kiki Miss you Petra! I’m so Happy to see you in the offline collab !It seems you all have so much FUN!
17 00:37:35 CA$5.00   Mero Nya Ch. We love supporting the Pengy
18 00:45:22 $99.99   dylan wilson
And here’s number 2, out of a undisclosed amount. Also how did your exams go? I’m guessing you did great. Also I ended getting a cat, sort of. It showed up to my new apartment one day and now I take care of it. Still need a name for it. Do you have any ideas miss petra?
19 00:48:02 $2.00   Mechazaurus A neighbor cat left a flayed mouse on my doorstep
20 00:54:15 $99.99   dylan wilson
Okay we won’t talk about exams. It’s a black cat. I believe it’s a girl. Meows ALOT. Also did you ever try that drink I recommended the one day? If so how was it? If not then have you tried any new drinks that you liked?
21 01:02:55 $99.99   dylan wilson
Please do not worry about how much I am giving you petra. I made sure to take care of my financial responsibilities before I decided to do this. So you don’t need to be afraid about me doing this. Also I think I might go with your name, because why not. I like it.
22 01:04:27 $2.00   wildnexus Haha what are finances?
23 09/20
  Shirokasi 1 件の Petra Gurin【NIJISANJI EN】 のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
24 01:13:18 $99.99   dylan wilson
But on another note. I missed you a whole lot in the time you were gone. I normally started and ended my weekends watching you. So I just played video games like I did before I found nijisanji en. Also I live in New York. But not in the city.
25 09/20
  clearplasticcups Welcome back, Petra!!! Glad you’re home Touching grass rn so will catch the vod!
26 01:17:12 SGD50.00   ShadowBlazer Clearly superchats are free if Dylan is giving this much AKA SUPAS. Also I hope you had a nice break Petra. Good luck with the cats Puzzlemaster Gurin :_petoLove:
27 01:20:30 CA$10.00   VeeJaiii Take this free super chat Petra
28 09/20
  🍌🍌シュー叔母ちゃん Here's a free supachat from me, Petra~ (I'll send you another one that is also free from my wallet soon)
29 09/20
  Bell K.A. but this is free tho? welcome back again petra puzzle master gurin we missed you a lots!
30 01:22:41   PPdragooon its free
31 09/20
  GenmaichA _ Definitely worth it, also missed you a lot petra!
32 01:23:09 ¥610   桃宮心愛 初めてスパチャします!いつもアーカイブ見てます!日本語で送っても読んでもらえますか?ペトラちゃん大好きです
33 01:23:11   Jhe petra gurin is always worth it
34 01:23:22 CA$10.00   Mero Nya Ch.
Best investment ever. You bring us happiness
35 01:23:30 CA$5.00   🍌🍌シュー叔母ちゃん It's free from my wallet. Does that count?
36 01:24:02 €10.00   dasBente if the member supas aren't free either, might as well embrace the paid supas
37 09/20
  Usny first stream back and she's already back to lying to us
38 09/20
  Miguel Macias 10 件の Petra Gurin【NIJISANJI EN】 のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
39 01:35:12 MX$50.00   Miguel Macias ma'am those look awfully heavy, may I hold them for you? (I'm talking about the cats of course)
40 09/20
  Shirokasi 10 件の Petra Gurin【NIJISANJI EN】 のメンバーシップ ギフトを贈りました
41 01:46:58   Sapphire (メンバーシップ入り)
42 01:50:21 NT$23.00   斎藤ひろし
43 01:52:13 $5.00   Usny petra sweetie even your outfit is in dark mode. stop resisting
44 01:53:06 $2.00   wildnexus
You can do it! Petra "good at puzzles" Gurin!!!
45 01:54:53   Crow of Revelry I forget, are headpats accepted?
46 02:00:30   IbrahimMayuyuPetraMystaShu please step on me CRINGE
47 02:04:04 A$7.99   Lethe I can’t believe Petra is exposing her IQ to chat
48 02:07:08 ₩10,000   RYUHOOM OMG I started watch your stream today and you are soooo cute~!~!~!ToT!!!!
49 02:17:52 $2.00   rosa good luck on the puzzles petra!!!
50 02:22:32 $50.00   MVB welcome back from your trip you definitely just got back from petra!
51 09/20
  yoji 無かったことにはならない…諦めも肝心です…
52 02:23:12 $2.00   StormsBeyond When you get a new PC, After Effects stream when?
53 02:23:27   Xtreme I got this Deja vu feeling, don’t know why
54 02:24:56 $2.00   wildnexus
Welcome home Petra! Did you enjoy OddTaxi?
55 02:25:59   Warren Choi So this is how dementia feels like.. wait who are you?
56 02:35:27 $5.00   wildnexus
For those asking, u need tickets if u want to watch shows on different stages. Performances on the Open Stage should be on the official channel on YT.
57 02:36:54 $4.99   Open Window Maniac You can lie to yourself but you can’t lie to us Petra.
58 02:49:15   周凱晴 (メンバーシップ入り)
59 03:27:02 $2.00   wildnexus
Fr welcome home Petra!!! We missed you!!!