配信名I'm Bored So Hi
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
EUR EUR 6 47.00 \7,249
$ USD 5 17.98 \2,533
THB THB 2 440.00 \1,788
YEN YEN 2 1500 \1,500
PLN PLN 1 25.00 \862
VND 1 100000 \598
WON KRW 1 5000 \552
MYR MYR 1 15.00 \458
CA$ CAD 1 2.19 \233
---- ---- ---- ---- \15,773
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:00:35   636cc (メンバーシップ入り)
2 00:01:46 €10.00   NPC_No_33 yeaaa bgm letz goo
3 00:03:45   Izzy Maririn! That spider is what we call a “daddy long leg “ they’re super friendly and useful to keep around!
4 00:04:53 $4.99   Izzy Bro do you even wolf spider?
5 00:06:55 CA$2.19   Momohaku
6 06月17日
  Mommy [ Bessie ] Love the thumbnail fish maririn with eyepatch and ahoge faux handcam stream let’s go
7 00:07:30 €10.00   NPC_No_33
Now we see exactly how big the spidy was
8 06月17日
  shadowdemonlord hi Bored so HiI'm Shadowdemonlord sorry not sorry dad jokes couldn't resist lol
9 00:10:01   Carcar1030 The fish is sooo cute!!!!
10 00:10:58 $4.99   Izzy
Maririn! Do you have any plans to challenge us at fall guys again someday?
11 06月17日
  Nick Vo [#190] hehe
12 00:11:38   RENJI_c (メンバーシップ入り)
13 06月17日
14 00:12:16 THB400.00   RENJI_c hehe
15 00:12:26 ¥1,000   みー おえかきTSKR 今日も声がきけてうれしい、ありがとう
16 00:12:38 $2.00   Anourack Phongsavath Hi at 3 am again
17 00:16:52 ₩5,000   레티 letea It's amazing hand Maria's drawing is so cute hehe
18 00:27:44 €2.00   Lucky Nag⚡️ I always love your drawings a lot Mari, keep it up
19 00:31:53 THB40.00   みはる so cuteeeeeee
20 06月17日
  샤브shabu I'm so sad that I couldn't watch the stream because of the exam T.T But I always cheer for you!
21 06月17日
  Nao Yeayy 6 months with maririn and marippets badge obtained
22 06月17日
  Unerring Pog 8 months with maria and the marippets
23 06月17日
  Undefined404 Your art is so cute! Thank you for always blessing us with such comfy streams
24 06月17日
  yuu hi maririn
25 00:46:20 ¥500   Kosu PERFECT, you draw so fast
26 01:14:14 MYR15.00   Xanxus998 visit them at night in ur doll form to tell them that they are incorrect "convincingly"
27 06月17日
  Barisuta582 Marinrin, I think you can draw an emoji of you staring at us with your eyes wide open next time...
28 01:31:32 PLN25.00   Mika's Chonky Bird Wait, if the stream is not planned, then supas are not official (ergo - free), right?
29 01:31:49   Gil-dayo FREE MEMBAS
30 01:32:50 €5.00   Luthien Black Free
31 01:33:41 €10.00   NPC_No_33
32 01:33:47 $5.00   Crescent Shroud free Supa hooray
33 01:34:49 ₫100,000   Kikibi free
34 01:42:26 $1.00   LemonFizz (a無言スパチャ)
35 06月17日
€10.00   NPC_No_33
time to burn the house down