記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 164 1300.52 \171,572
CA$ CAD 6 29.70 \2,842
MYR MYR 9 72.00 \2,116
A$ AUD 2 19.99 \1,780
NT$ TWD 9 360.00 \1,549
EUR EUR 4 8.00 \1,136
PHP PHP 2 304.00 \732
RON RON 1 25.00 \714
YEN YEN 1 200 \200
MX$ MXN 1 25.00 \174
IDR IDR 1 20000.00 \171
HK$ HKD 1 10.00 \167
---- ---- ---- ---- \183,153
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 03月19日
  muffin I hope SCARL doesn't see this I'm going for a one year record , were she doesn't notice my membie supa's so far she missed the first three
2 03月19日
  Rissatchi (メンバーシップ入り)
3 03月20日
  Siorra (メンバーシップ入り)
4 00:00:58   Starstruckkitty YAY ICECREM
5 00:02:12 $200.00   ComradeTasker (a無言スパチャ)
6 00:03:26   INeedTheSzechuanSauce 2 months as a scarling pog
7 00:03:39 NT$30.00   R-YONG ch. scarle don't scream
8 00:03:41 $2.00   Bintock Why do you sound like a bird?
9 00:03:43 $1.99   Ryan1269 Hi mommy we finally doing the ice cream rolls or?
10 00:04:37 $4.99   SIR956⏳(scarle's doggo) Uhmmm I would like root beer float miss scarle
11 03月20日
  LEO_101 Thank you for making my day today even if the stream barely started, My birthday is tomorrow excited
12 00:06:05 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82 Evening Scarle, hope you are feeling better! I look forward to getting some ice cream, you got cookie n cream?
13 00:06:10 $5.00   Rashzakea Hi Scarle! I'm so happy you're well-rested! Your voice sounds a million times better! Maybe you should listen to us more often
14 00:06:31 $10.00   Bob K. Good to see you in good health and lively. Thank you for prepping for fun stream. :)
15 00:06:32 PHP249.00   J3LLYANN [Gen. 4 Scarle&Melo]💋🌂 Hi scarle, i glad ur doing ice cream rolls cuz i been listening to ice cream roll asmr. Also i have my midterms could u wish me luck.
16 00:06:36 $5.00   Theocrass IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY?! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCARLE!!!!!
17 00:08:14 $7.77   Brando Sheriff You sound so much better, glad you got a good amount of rest Looking forward to ice cream finallyAlso HBD bb
18 00:08:15 $1.99   SIR956⏳(scarle's doggo)
Lol you wilding miss scarle
19 00:08:16 $5.00   Theocrass
20 00:08:24 NT$75.00   R-YONG ch.
how r u? your land lord goes out and you hurt your hand? im inba big meeting so i might lurking more todayhope the meeting ending soon
21 03月20日
  otaku_banana sh-sheesh
22 00:09:00 $2.00   Bintock
You would be famous!!!... OR rather INFAMOUS
23 00:09:16 $2.00   zXxSladexXz A birthday suit for a virthday girl. Love you
24 00:09:24 $2.00   lancista91 You surprise me every damn stream Scarle. tskr
25 00:09:47 $1.99   DelStar Have you remembered to drink Pepsi today?
26 00:10:48 $1.00   sailormoon4eternal (a無言スパチャ)
27 00:12:08   LeidenFrost (メンバーシップ入り)
28 00:12:18 $2.00   Customer Support Johnson (Scarle moves away from the mic to breath)
29 00:12:19 $2.00   zXxSladexXz
You make my heart lag
30 00:13:41 $5.00   lancista91
Just in case Scarle, we'll support you on "other" sites if your nakedness ever gets you bonked.
31 00:13:54   BMUltra (メンバーシップ入り)
32 00:14:41   BMUltra Hello Scarle, Just came do drop by to say hello and happy 5 months my DOGGY DAYCARE!
33 00:14:44 NT$30.00   R-YONG ch.
ppl online like nasty things, welcome to internet
34 00:15:13 A$5.00   wemajor Would love to join and watch the ice cream shenanigans however sadly I am in the office fighting my coworkers for power cables and barcode scanners
35 00:16:41 $4.99   DelStar
Please remember to add pepsi to the ice cream Scarle yonaguni.
36 00:18:42 $2.00   Charlie Spurr Scarle I demand you confirm with doctor for voice!
37 00:20:19 $2.00   Bintock
and.. the first thing U dois grow a strawberrymold
38 00:21:26 $2.00   zXxSladexXz
The manga was a true treat to read.Start to finish
39 00:25:57 $4.99   DelStar
Are you sure you’re not only going to go back because you’re a bottom?
40 00:27:39 $2.00   zXxSladexXz
Perfect is the enemy of good
41 00:29:27 €2.00   Christin ice soothes a sore throat so i hope it helps you:*
42 00:30:16 $200.00   Nyra [Dorka] (a無言スパチャ)
43 00:30:28 $10.00   Charlie Spurr
I once read a really creative fanfic where it's revealed Keitaro only survives all the crazy stuff by healing himself w/ chi and is more than capable of defending himself but doesn't cuz he's too nice
44 00:30:51 $300.00   Nyra [Dorka]
45 03月20日
  Nyra [Dorka] 20
46 00:34:35 $2.00   Charlie Spurr
What is your purpose? "I pass butter." Oh my god..
47 00:36:19 $2.00   Red Totally not a cam girl btw
48 00:36:36 $2.00   Bintock
Freddie Pooper?
49 00:36:51 $2.00   zXxSladexXz
Frede Kreugaguni.
50 00:37:08 PHP55.00   LeidenFrost Superchat for Nyra, my new oshi
51 00:37:37 $2.00   zXxSladexXz
Nyra debut when?
52 00:37:59 $1.99   DelStar
I belong to mr pickle not you
53 00:39:34 $2.00   Patrick Star :O
54 00:39:54 $2.00   zXxSladexXz
Reverb stream, let's go.
55 00:41:03 $100.00   ComradeTasker
You got that Kurt Cobain sweater
56 00:41:48 MYR6.00   edoge14 Clearly she's cosplaying as emo Waldo
57 00:42:17 $5.00   Customer Support Johnson
Can't believe my enchantress is really the Beetlejuice girl
58 00:42:59 NT$30.00   R-YONG ch.
i see an aka supa war? and dont forget not scream
59 00:43:33   billy joe【dork】 Is that Hot Topic Steve from Blues Clues?
60 00:44:23 MYR15.00   vivi° ♡ [ viibslicious ] congrats on the supas you're receiving; btw if you're gonna put red bull on ur ice cream rolls , I'll break ur arm /j
61 00:44:41 $1.99   WraithSage Is that the shirt the moose wears in Backyardigans
62 00:48:29 $1.99   Hama Vinh Ch. Can you do cheese :D
63 00:50:04 $2.00   Red
"Are you shidding my duck right now" - Scarle 2023
64 00:50:05 $2.00   Customer Support Johnson
Scarle with the sloppy choppy skills
65 03月20日
  Soulless Slacker [#659] What in God's name is that
66 00:53:18 $2.00   NotoriousBSG82
I still eat it if it's made by you.
67 00:54:00 $1.11   Brando Sheriff
68 00:54:05 $2.00   StarCreator quick lick the spatula while she's not looking
69 00:53:50 IDR20,000.00   Mafu sneaky supa
70 00:54:51 $2.00   zXxSladexXz
It should have been us...
71 00:55:55 $2.00   zXxSladexXz
No you goober, I want you to l ck us.
72 00:58:24 $1.99   Hama Vinh Ch.
It’s not backseatin it’s loud training
73 00:59:05 $1.99   Greg D Looks good, Scar have you ever seen your TV tropes
74 01:00:17 $5.00   Xyris Kalamax Girl, what are you doing? I told you to take a break and here you are streaming. Don't make me come over there and be a parent. That's Nina's job.
75 01:01:24 $4.99   DelStar
Please don’t lose your day job Scarle not sure this up to standard even at cold stone creamery….
76 01:01:33 $4.99   David [Ike’s Brother in Christ] Scarle… I could’ve sworn you said you were gonna have a short stream yesterday. Why is it 6 hours long?! GIRL TAKE A BREAK FOR LONGER THAN 30SECONDS
77 01:02:14 MYR6.00   vivi° ♡ [ viibslicious ]
it looks like c00m now
78 01:02:56   Jj Saphire Pineapple flavored?
79 01:03:19 $4.99   Greg D
Scarle, you... probably need to workout... how much do you do in a month? Also love your shirt, large sweater for the win.!
80 01:04:34 $4.99   Taisan Put that mortar on some bricks and you could build a house (just kidding Scarle, love ya)
81 01:05:00 $2.00   Theocrass
don't be sad Scarle ... just be better!
82 01:05:40 $5.00   ComradeTasker
You can't so no backseating and then ask for help.
83 01:05:52 $1.99   Greg D
Could be the Timing, mastery is hard... tbh...
84 01:06:41   BlinkiePinkie At least it can still taste yummy ,keep up the good work!♡
85 01:09:27 ¥200   柿助 HELLO~(by kakisuke)
86 01:13:04   Seelie Komore A tutorial might be better than asking us
87 01:15:05 €2.00   Christin
thanks for the roll. here is your pay muah
88 01:16:25 $2.00   Pinkerton What's the Scarle special?
89 01:16:57 $4.99   Greg D
Scarle, what does your actual diet consist of? Red Bull, BBQ chips, Ice cream, Ramen? What is your breakfast, lunch, dinner routine?
90 01:17:33 $2.22   Brando Sheriff
I'll take that one pls and thankies
91 01:18:24 $1.99   SIR956⏳(scarle's doggo)
I’ll take 1 but for a friend thanks miss scarle
92 01:18:33 $4.99   Greg D
Scarle, If I ever talk too much, please tell me, Cuz I do, But You talk a lot as well, so Please take this kiss *mwah*!
93 01:19:07 $2.00   LifeGivingLemons The Scarle Special is some freshly gargled Redbull
94 01:20:34 $2.00   StarCreator
bless you
95 03月20日
  Blue Christopher 💋💅 20
96 01:22:13 $5.00   Sile Necrosis Ch. Is she actually making the Ice Cream rolls? There's no way she could make a mess out of this... right?
97 01:23:18 $4.99   Greg D
I wanna hold your hand... I want to hold your hand, but also... I now have proof that Scarle is Hot in 2D And 3D.. those hands ... THAT POUR.. Why?
98 01:23:53 $1.99   Greg D
Gonna taste like regrets and Red bull.
99 01:24:45 $5.00   TheMessage 04 Reminds me of that video on YouTube with the lady saying 1 shot of Vodka and then add a lot instead.
100 01:25:12 €2.00   Christin
redbull ice cream is my order aaah
101 01:25:56 $1.99   Jaehaerys48 / ジェイ The forbidden play-dough
102 01:27:54 $1.99   Greg D
That was Really good, Scarle, LOVE THAt it worked!
103 01:28:45 NT$30.00   R-YONG ch.
WHy Red bull ice cream is blue
104 01:29:08 $1.99   Greg D
105 01:29:43 $2.00   Sile Necrosis Ch.
this has gotta be a warcrime or something
106 01:29:49 $2.00   HatsonaMiku red bull float!
107 01:30:04 $2.00   NotoriousBSG82
Please don't put Red Bull on everything Scarle.
108 01:32:48 $2.00   Customer Support Johnson
A certified Life Alert moment
109 01:33:16 $1.99   DelStar
Girl why do you have two boxes of redbull
110 01:33:48 $5.00   Rashzakea
I know things have been super crazy lately, so you probably haven't thought about it, but is it too late to submit memes for meme review?
111 01:35:36 $2.00   Rashzakea
Memes are supposed to be related to you yea?
112 01:40:45 NT$30.00   R-YONG ch.
Will you still love me if im very nasty
113 01:41:57   MopeyMoon I'd like to speak to the manager
114 01:43:03 CA$2.20   Banglog can i have one order with soy sauce?
115 01:45:58 $5.00   dado some women can start producing from irritation in that area. I had that happen and had to ask my mom if the fluid (sorta pre-milk) i saw was normal
116 01:48:00 $2.00   dado
tl;dr: t*ts got irritated and started making fluid
117 01:48:21 $2.00   Bintock
HARD things give more rewards.... WALKS OUT
118 01:48:31 $4.99   DelStar
So Scarle cleaning all this up looks like a pain you sure you’re up to it?
119 01:48:41 $2.00   HatsonaMiku
the blue spot is killing me
120 01:53:04 $1.99   DelStar
Can u ask roomie Chan if I can be her side hoeshi
121 01:53:41 $4.99   Greg D
Scar, if u could spend a day w/ a genshin character, who would it be? Also, What type of Sweater is that? And are you wearing Just that or... ?
122 01:57:30 $5.00   Theocrass
Scarle, are you telling us you aim for the Freddy Krueger fit?? ALSO I THOUGHT YOU WERE A KAEYA STAN! WHAT HAPPENED TO KAEYA!
123 01:59:27 $2.00   dado
@eriimyon - "diluc having a good dream"
124 02:00:55 $2.00   Xyris Kalamax
125 02:00:59 $2.00   Luke G will you make Oreo ice cream later? that be good
126 02:01:40 MYR6.00   Undead Lord Finally, sum good freaking ice cream rolls
127 02:02:11 $5.00   Silly Ivan Chat will never forget how you SOLD US OUT on that kissing booth stream
128 02:04:52 $2.00   Customer Support Johnson
Scarle making dem dairy caca
129 02:04:58 $1.00   NotoriousBSG82
130 02:05:00 $1.00   Pinkerton
131 02:05:08 $1.11   Brando Sheriff
132 02:08:48 $2.00   Onii San I've learned that from my Brother
133 02:08:53 $2.00   Luke G
may I have this salsa dance Scarle?
134 02:09:09 $2.00   Rashzakea
I bet if you left it in the fridge she'd steal it
135 02:09:12 $1.99   Greg D
Roomie chan is Your polar opposite, It's funny, ya
136 02:10:58 $1.99   Greg D
Ur heart is pure and good, her's sounds good also.
137 02:12:09 $1.99   Greg D
We want you to Keep your jOb, Scarle...
138 02:14:17 $2.22   Brando Sheriff
Scarle "Tom Holland" Yonaguni
139 02:14:23 $1.99   Greg D
....I WANNA SEE IT, you crazy Girl, LET HER COOK!
140 02:15:25 $1.99   Greg D
...I want to see the whole thing, Scarle..
141 02:21:00 $1.00   NotoriousBSG82
142 02:21:02 $1.00   Pinkerton
143 02:21:24 $1.11   Brando Sheriff
144 02:22:48 $5.00   Customer Support Johnson
Some people think it's funny~ but it's really wet and runny~ Diarrhea, diarrhea~
145 02:32:41 $2.00   Luke G
I started going back to the gym already lost 20 lb
146 02:32:48 $2.00   Cyborg Ed EXTRA THICC! Can I get some ice cream though?
147 02:34:35 $0.99   NIJISANJI fan21 (a無言スパチャ)
148 02:35:32 $20.00   Mikael Ore get us some barbecue Scarle~ missed ya uwu
149 03月20日
  Mikael Ore 5
150 02:37:59 $4.99   DelStar
Hola Scarle como estas? Senor pickle es mi oshi usted es mi side oshi.
151 02:38:18 $5.00   Mikael Ore
btw saw those tweets of the strawberries... come on girl...
152 02:38:42 $2.00   Luke G
Would you do a Spanish stream with Reimu?
153 02:41:24 $5.00   Mikael Ore
wanna turn it on? do a hip dance~ works with me... I mean what? *gets bonked*
154 02:44:33 $4.99   DelStar
Boku no oishi pickle san desu. Anata wa side oshi. Gomenasorry
155 02:46:48   Kitsune Kumori oh wow 6 months nice
156 02:49:28 $2.00   Mikael Ore
157 02:52:15 $1.99   DelStar
That looks good Scarle , you’re on a roll… ;)
158 03月20日
  Mikael Ore 5
159 02:56:55 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82
So cute! Did you give it a name? How about Dwayne Johnson?
160 02:57:21 $2.22   Brando Sheriff
My vote is on Fappy 2
161 02:58:56 $2.00   NotoriousBSG82
It must be the sad puppy dog eyes, always this.
162 02:59:24 HK$10.00   Maqywhaq【マッキーワック】 How about Diluc?
163 02:59:55 MX$25.00   M0NST3RK1LL i buyed a slice of bread-zombie pillow is so cute
164 03:07:03 $2.00   Luke G
if I saw you I think my heart would skip a beat
165 03:10:23   Matias (メンバーシップ入り)
166 03:12:37 $5.00   Luke G
I feel your pain about clothes, I have a 38 inch waist but I have to wear size 44 pants because for a man I'm dummy thicc
167 03:18:25   reika ʚ💛ɞ (メンバーシップ入り)
168 03:25:30 $2.00   NotoriousBSG82
Ewww what is this
169 03:27:41 $2.00   NotoriousBSG82
Scarle, I'll let you try it first
170 03:28:03 $1.99   Hama Vinh Ch.
I’d like to order a mint ice cream roll pls
171 03:34:13 $1.00   NotoriousBSG82
172 03:34:21 $1.11   Brando Sheriff
173 03:36:14 MYR15.00   vivi° ♡ [ viibslicious ]
can't believe you've made diarrhea-flavored ice cream rolls, so proud of u <3
174 03:36:24 $2.00   Red
RIP Ice Cream Motor - Mar 2023 - Mar 2023
175 03:38:42 $2.00   Mercedes Darnell no the icecream anyway I got to dip out. goodnight
176 03:39:55 $2.00   Frantix3654 "Come on! Get hard! You can do this." -Scarle
177 03:40:36 $2.00   Customer Support Johnson
Ice cream machine having performance issues.
178 03:41:12 MYR6.00   edoge14
It's just nervous
179 03:41:34 $2.00   Joseph B. Joestar It knew what you were doing and sacrificed himself
180 03:44:32 $2.00   Cyborg Ed
You just got to stroke it.
181 03:44:45 $2.00   Red
LET HIM COOK SCARLE he needs to chill fr
182 03:45:33 MYR6.00   edoge14
183 03:53:31 MYR6.00   edoge14
The contrast between this and the strawberry one
184 03:55:26 NT$30.00   R-YONG ch.
What wrong with your Tongue
185 04:00:33   Yes Shaz Yes would smash .... it into the ground
186 04:05:20 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82
Good job on the ice cream rolls, make sure to clean up and don't leave any food rotting please
187 04:05:39 $2.00   Cyborg Ed
I just tested BBQ ice cream... it kind of slaps.
188 04:06:36 $5.00   Bob K.
oh yeah, and don't forget to 'not' put anything away in the kitchen cabinet. Thank you for another fun evening! :)
189 04:21:19 $2.00   Scarle Bonacoochie Did you call?
190 04:36:30 $4.99   Chloe V Can I have a Scarle kiss before I Hugo to the bedddddd
191 04:37:33 $4.99   Chloe V
192 04:43:55 $5.00   Mosaic OK YO WAIT, do you remember the GX episode where Adrian and Viper dueled. Not with their cards, but instead taking off their shirts and fist fighting?
193 04:44:50 $2.00   Scarle dummy shorty hands u should buy card Amazon queen spread
194 04:46:34 $4.99   DelStar
Hey Scarle what did the Nun say when she got asked her age?….. Nun ya business;)
195 04:51:16 $4.99   DelStar
If you want to Turn On the ice cream machine ask it for a date first Scarle, you gotta work for it
196 04:52:16 $2.00   Scarle dummy shorty hands
scarle broke it by opening her legs goteem
197 04:53:44 $4.99   The Phantomnaut The current time is LA:TE am.
198 05:00:48 NT$75.00   華鳥風月(KachouFugetsu) Remember! Daylight saving is an illusion, the time zone is a hologram, buy SUPA! Byeeee!
199 05:02:27 RON25.00   Rachet 40K Daily light saving is such a pain because it changes in different dates depending on the region.
200 05:04:22   Angelica_ 3000 (メンバーシップ入り)
201 05:09:36 NT$30.00   R-YONG ch.
btw did you buy any game on steam sale?
202 05:15:47 €2.00   Monika DON'T STREAM CHALLENGE for the anniversary
203 05:18:36 $5.00   Theocrass
obviously you should prepare and compete in a local marathon as a stream. It'll be good for you!
204 05:18:56 $5.00   EnvyMizuhashi April 1st Yandere ASMR Roleplay but Scarle scuffs it really bad---oh wait, you already did that.
205 05:19:58 $1.11   Brando Sheriff
206 05:22:36 $5.00   Silly Ivan
mine's been like that all day too. So I'm right there with you, chica
207 05:24:13 $5.00   Luke G
My job is sending me on a working contract for a few months so I won't be able to see you stream, but I'll hold you in my heart until I come back
208 05:26:24 $2.00   EnvyMizuhashi
Scarle Yongunai: The Hunt for the Strawberry Mold
209 05:30:19 $1.99   DelStar
Bring back debut Scarle for a day
210 05:30:20 $2.00   Theocrass
obviously you should make mole from scratch
211 05:31:09 $5.00   James Maybe rerecord Lets get it started for the year 1 anni since most of you were sick when you were recording?
212 05:31:21 $1.99   DelStar
Introduce us to roomiechan or Mamaguni
213 05:33:14 $1.99   DelStar
Make us chilaquiles or tamales
214 03月20日
  SanguiniusReborn Like hell you can’t sing, Nina used to say the same thing, and now look at her with only a bit of vocal coaching. You can do it if you only try
215 05:38:31 $5.00   Silly Ivan
No flattery, Scarle, you have GREAT voice control. You show that every time you change what voice you're talking in. You're more than fine
216 03月20日
  Scarle Bonacoochie 5
217 05:50:08 A$14.99   XSOLIEL SpecForce Congrats a non cursed cooking stream
218 05:51:05 CA$5.50   Kiruka Fried chicken ice cream roll when?
219 05:53:49 MYR6.00   edoge14
You're traumatising the poor Scythekicks
220 05:54:07 CA$5.50   D K Powdered sugar chicken... My poor heart
221 03月20日
  Customer Support Johnson (メンバーシップ入り)
222 06:01:11 CA$5.50   D K
Scarle please... spare the Scythekicks at least
223 06:01:47 $2.00   Rashzakea
Scuffed yandere is definitely a niche
224 06:02:02 $2.00   Silly Ivan
Are man-dates to see the new Keanu movie okay??
225 06:03:44 $2.00   Ann the poor teddy bear on the table...
226 06:05:10 $10.00   Customer Support Johnson
I do like the "normal" home decor of a couch, a table, and a vase with flowers on the right side of the screen. Really brings the Scarle BDSM scene together.
227 06:08:10 $5.00   Customer Support Johnson
So where's the buffet of food? There's usually a buffet somewhere in these org...e events
228 06:09:45 CA$5.50   D K
Johnson is talking about the bbq ice cream... yeah...
229 06:12:50 CA$5.50   D K
Have a good night everyone these last few minutes of stream were something out of a fever dream but glad I was able to witness them