記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 32 313.87 \41,572
YEN YEN 5 6300 \6,300
CA$ CAD 7 57.00 \5,577
WON KRW 1 50000 \5,253
NT$ TWD 2 900.00 \3,878
£ GBP 1 10.00 \1,597
SGD SGD 2 15.00 \1,479
NZ$ NZD 1 16.99 \1,424
IDR IDR 2 158000.00 \1,346
PHP PHP 4 425.00 \1,010
MYR MYR 1 15.00 \450
ZAR - 1 329.99 \329
A$ AUD 1 2.99 \268
---- ---- ---- ---- \70,483
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:02:47 CA$5.00   Cheese evening doppio stream TSKR! looking forward to jackbox hilarity + waxing
2 00:03:01 IDR79,000.00   Arcana Good luck on the collab! Looking forward to the previous batsu too Will there be another batsu today?
3 00:03:47 PHP50.00   Felicity Goodluck Piochan! Have fun
4 00:04:37 NT$150.00   tifa0958 good morning Doppio!!!!! I hope you have a nice day
5 00:05:08 $4.99   Aeron Scott Hello Dio!! I can’t stay for long but thank you for the stream! I hope everyone has fun
6 00:05:43 $50.00   Just A Tree 🎭🐣 (Sam) I'm super excited for this collab and I hope you all have fun... also best of luck on the batsu o7
7 00:06:28 $4.99   crisonium GANBA DOPPIO!! Best of luck! I hope it isn’t too traumatic. All my love.
8 00:07:10 CA$2.00   Rain! ...good luck pio o7
9 00:07:22 IDR79,000.00   Arcana
Pain killer fund
10 00:08:04 $10.00   iRenCross Good luck funds.....
11 00:08:10 $5.00   annie💛✨ its been an honor o7
12 00:08:17 CA$10.00   Shuubeans im praying for you and your um............. assets.. good luck, hopefully you dont die tonight LMAO and if you do, we had a good run thanks for being genuine and entertaining o7
13 00:08:55 MYR15.00   amiraaa best of luck for batsu o7 we will take care for the ballpits
14 00:09:11 £10.00   Mallory Martin ur so cute
15 00:09:11 ¥500   Tomo it was nice knowing you pio o7
16 00:09:21 $2.00   Sam Kidd Doppio Nijibald arc?
17 00:09:55 ¥500   RISA りさ Good luck....PIOI pray you are safe.
18 00:09:58 $2.00   Ms. Len Good luck. I'm sending a prayer for deez nuts
19 00:10:50 SGD10.00   Zumi 紫敏 Jacket > Pio
20 00:13:18 $4.99   crisonium
Chat is kind of cursed. Do not want the Pio to die! Sending all the strength and prayers for your batsu
21 00:23:01 $10.00   expired_identity YOU'RE DOING GREAT SWEETIE
22 00:53:46 $4.99   Viv Everyone turn your volume down before you lose your hearing!!!
23 00:54:30 $9.99   rob Rip it!!
24 00:55:30 $4.99   Empress Astral YOU’RE SO STRONG
25 00:55:52 $4.99   Aeron Scott
Dio,, I really hope you trimmed before you waxed.. It hurts less if you trim first
26 00:56:27 CA$5.00   Cheese
what a smooth guy
27 00:56:55 $2.00   ClowningAround donations for medical bills
28 00:57:35 $1.99   crisonium
Ice man. Ice. Don’t want bruising.
29 00:57:47 $5.00   sugaskitty
30 00:59:17 $50.00   Kherron21
31 00:59:23 CA$20.00   Lynn_1112🦁🐣 WHAT A GUY!
32 00:59:27 $2.00   Feather Ladere GO WASH OFF WITH WARM WATER YOU DONT WANT IT TODRY
33 01:00:30 $5.00   ravi use oil to help get rid of any extra wax and stickiness from the area! I'd feel very bad if you were left uncomfortable for the rest of the stream.
34 01:05:51 $5.00   ClowningAround
im scared you are hurt bc of balls. I need some pics to send to doctor
35 01:07:16 $1.99   crisonium
Get ice!!! And some water. Aftercare!!
36 01:07:44 PHP125.00   Roku69 nice and smooth lol. make sure to practice aftercare after the stream!
37 01:10:08 $9.99   Viv
Make sure to put some ice and cream and carful sitting for a little bit Doppio. You’ll be okay
38 02:01:31 $5.00   Spades at least i can say my oshi waxed his ()s live, what a brave boi
39 02:31:40 ¥500   たむちゃん My 10 consequtive work days are over, yesterday was the last work day of the year Piochan's stream a lot of fun, so I tried my best~ big thank you
40 02:33:12 $4.99   Liz Though I probably won’t be able to catch ur stream tomorrow I hope you have a wonderful New Years
41 02:33:15 ₩50,000   ZANGTO magenta supa for Doppio Waxscythe otsupio >.< !
42 02:34:01 CA$5.00   Cheese
you really are what a guy. scythekicks keep winning. THANK YOU FOR EXISTING!
43 02:34:08 $4.99   Shar Doppio please be sure to ice your hope you feel better
44 02:34:28 $10.00   Jade Magnum Space Cowboy Thank you for the stream, Pio
45 02:34:42 $2.00   Nina Singson Here's a blue superchat and Im keeping the jacket
46 02:34:54 $10.00   iRenCross
To keep jacket funds. Thank you for going into the New Year with us!
47 02:35:07 CA$10.00   Shuubeans
youve made our 2022 fun and exciting too, thank you so much piochan we love you too!
48 02:35:49 NZ$16.99   S.W Happy New Years to you & all of XSOLEIL! Thankyou for being here & for being a chad guy! Otsupio!
49 02:36:03 A$2.99   Snugglepuff [Hex’s Angel] (a無言スパチャ)
50 02:36:10 $10.00   annie💛✨
hope to many more memories in 2023!
51 02:36:46 ¥1,600   NiCO STREAM & BATSU おつかれさま! YOU DID IT!! ;A; おだいじにしてね! コラボたのしかったよ!
52 02:36:53 PHP125.00   OokamiYuki👹🐣 Happy new year babu piochan!! Thanks for the jacket, will DEFINITELY give it back next year Love you so muchh!!
53 02:36:59 SGD5.00   Zumi 紫敏
Happy new year! Looking forward to another great year with you
54 02:37:08 ZAR329.99   sezabean You’re gonna need an entirely different ball heater now doppio, you had me wheezing plz OwO
55 02:37:11 $50.00   ♡Pumpkin♡ aww looking forward to a cringe 2023
56 02:37:49 ¥3,200   OJI OTUPIO I'm glad I met Pio this year!Good luck next year
57 02:38:06 $4.99   Viv
No more sticky jokes please I won’t want that in my head
58 02:38:09 $10.00   Ken Can't wait for the memberships, proud of you Doppio! Fun stream
59 02:38:18 PHP125.00   VAXELTY 。 piochan! you're an absolute gigachad, very punk rock, what a guy indeed. thank u for the stream today! i had fun! here's a lil sumn for aftercare TuT
60 02:38:31 NT$750.00   KH Hello Doppi! Once I thought that 2022 is the worse but then I meet you.Life is full of happiness with you.I enjoy every stream and every game you shared,it gave me power to live on.New year new challenge,wish you have a great start,HAPPY NEW YEAR