配信名🥺【NIJISANJI EN | Aster Arcadia】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 5 84.99 \11,423
EUR EUR 2 25.00 \3,676
CA$ CAD 2 35.99 \3,617
YEN YEN 1 2000 \2,000
MX$ MXN 1 125.00 \932
HK$ HKD 1 50.00 \856
---- ---- ---- ---- \22,504

No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:02:26 $10.00   Cloudie Daiz Funny fact: Today I told my straight guy friend (who thought you were a girl until like a few hours ago) about the pregnant jokes about you and he said "She *would* make a smoking hot m!lf tho"
3 01:19:46 €5.00   Nyu Aster I know today has been rough but we're all here for you and love you. Keep your head high king
5 01:27:23 €20.00   Quascho While it won't fix whatever is causing you distress, we shall do our best to drown out the anxiety and worries. Ganbaster! <3
7 01:46:15 $50.00   Viola (a無言スパチャ)
8 01:47:46 MX$125.00   Candy Mary I don't have many things, but your late streams really help me, I appreciate what u do .
10 01:51:48 $4.99   Ojipon Hi Aster! I just got here, but I want you to know you are NOT boring. You are one of my favorite Niji members and I think you are an amazing person
11 01:51:56 $10.00   Victoria M I've only been here for 2 days, but I can confidently say I've always been entertained and comfortable in you streams and clips. You don't have to worry aster, we love you anyway
12 01:53:58 $10.00   DawnCosmic i love that you have very chill streams, I been in an accident and your streams have been getting me through these day, og
13 01:58:42 CA$13.99   Chungy you’re the only streamer I’ve ever tried sniping on my alt before and the only league streamer I watch these days. and if u feel like ur pity baiting, then nvm Aster I hate you…
16 02:21:40 ¥2,000   梅ニャー even with my limited english, I enjoy watching you a lot Aster, especially when I am working haha we are always here for you ! だいすき!
20 03:18:28 HK$50.00   🎭SiNuo💫 (sorry for late reply) maybe niji chose you for business reasons, but we chose you to be our oshi only because we like you, love you so so much star boy, wish you all the luck to get some win
24 05:33:55 CA$22.00   D K That was a chill match to get me ready for bed. Thanks for the stream Aster and goodnight!