記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 268 738.19 \100,570
EUR EUR 21 74.00 \10,678
£ GBP 9 37.00 \6,075
YEN YEN 8 3340 \3,340
CA$ CAD 7 25.00 \2,507
CHF CHF 2 10.00 \1,455
SEK SEK 2 100.00 \1,309
A$ AUD 4 9.48 \868
PHP PHP 4 250.00 \616
MYR MYR 6 15.50 \471
ARS ARS 2 540.00 \374
R$ BRL 3 12.00 \314
BGN BGN 1 2.00 \147
---- ---- ---- ---- \128,724
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 02月28日
$1.99   Cheliax Let’s gooo
2 02月28日
$1.49   Solid Takezo
3 02月28日
A$1.49   ChickenParfait🪄
4 02月28日
¥140   Haruka
5 02月28日
$2.00   Seymour (シーモア) The DLC I didn't know I needed
6 02月28日
$1.99   fake NEET
7 02月28日
$0.99   Murphy
8 02月28日
  Huntley (メンバーシップ入り)
9 02月28日
$1.49   Ray Mack
10 02月28日
  David「Titanium」 (メンバーシップ入り)
11 02月28日
$1.49   outcast777
12 02月28日
A$1.99   Zhumingz
13 03月01日
$2.00   StarCreator *anxious heart on repeat*
14 00:00:26   KingChrono Aerti?
15 03月01日
16 03月01日
  A.G. Aragon
17 00:03:21   saku Pomster.
18 00:03:27   wildnexus Hi Pomu
19 03月01日
  Skrubbert Oh hey, 18 months, nice
20 00:03:37   Israfel713 I'm Pomu!
21 03月01日
22 00:03:57   Vladidou After Metal Gear, FF arc soon?
23 03月01日
  Rokuyon 【ろくよん】 Hey PomPom. Don't you think my name's looking a little cuter recently?
24 03月01日
  Lumin bye pomu ! thanks for the stream !
25 00:04:02   juice box (メンバーシップ入り)
26 03月01日
  Vivy Core Aekward Pomu
27 03月01日
28 00:04:27 $2.00   Sean W Pomu executes Omniwash
29 03月01日
  Zanthox I'm back from a trip to Germany and am excited to become Pomu again!
30 03月01日
  Ricky pomu kawaii
31 03月01日
  Roflchief 127 Hi
32 03月01日
33 00:05:56 £5.00   Rokuyon 【ろくよん】 You mentioned the other day the reason you're name is written in hiragana, lol
34 03月01日
  wally4 golly Thanks for another month boss7
35 03月01日
  Seed Ch. 2 months of Pomufication and many more months to come!!
36 00:07:14   Draconic My arch nemesis Sephriwash
37 00:08:21   Yuuta (メンバーシップ入り)
38 00:08:53 $5.00   Daniel V. Zatsudan: The Game
39 00:09:32 $5.00   Mika's fries (#1 Fan) Hey cutie pie are you a Ford? cuz vrmmmm mmmmm vrmmm
40 03月01日
  Axiah Varah I hope you enjoy your first day at Shinra
41 00:11:37 $5.00   Mika's fries (#1 Fan)
Hey girlie are you a tractor because I want you to mow me down (testing my rizz)
42 00:12:56   Sugar Sloth Am.... Am I Pomu?
43 00:13:19 $5.00   Mika's fries (#1 Fan)
Hey honey Bunn, you got a license for that dump truck?
44 00:15:06   KuugaP HI Pomu. My brain is fried from the month of classes I've had to do for my job change, your streams have been helping me get through them!
45 03月01日
  Shin Solaire
46 00:16:10 $1.99   raeflux thank u for the PP energy to help me with work !!
47 00:16:42 CA$2.00   Ghost of Pomu, Millie's Sexy Voice Lover(NOT PAID) Grandma CHADpuff
48 03月01日
  Vivy Core 5
49 00:18:51 $5.00   Mika's fries (#1 Fan)
Where do i sign to get a package like you ?
50 00:20:08   acceptable casualty I was feeling under the weather last week, so when i woke up today, i thought the Ace Combat Stream might have been a fever Dream. So glad it wasn't.
51 00:20:29 $5.00   Mika's fries (#1 Fan)
Do those eyes run in the family or are you just that cute?
52 00:22:10 $5.00   Mika's fries (#1 Fan)
Can I borrow a kiss? I'll give it back right after
53 00:22:11   NinjaTendo i wanna be grandmu when i grow up
54 00:22:43   resolvve A bunch of my coworkers are calling in sick today during the work day its crazy, people are dropping like flies we are already down to half of my team
55 00:22:49 $5.00   Mika's fries (#1 Fan)
Mikas been gone so long I don't know who to rizz up anymore :(
56 00:23:09   Amir Last Grandmu aged like a good wine
57 00:23:29   Jcdr Can Grandmu adopt me
58 00:23:30 $5.00   Shiirohh Grand-mu is such a badass. I see where your personality comes from!
59 00:24:19   Shiirohh (メンバーシップ入り)
60 00:24:35   Pirate505 Hey babygrl are you a pomu because, ugh, your youtube page says so idk
61 03月01日
  Petra’s Birthday Goblin [Honey #401]
62 03月01日
  Hiun F. Marseille pom my wife
63 00:25:36 $2.00   Tiara Azmalan Visit your gramma if you can. Trust me
64 00:25:45 $5.00   Mika's fries (#1 Fan)
If being hot was a crime, you'd be under arrest. 13 months for you >:(
65 03月01日
  //ace [chajiizumaa] epic gamer moments
66 00:25:58 R$2.00   Carateca literacy means you can complement pomu's faults
67 00:26:09   Luis Fernandez Pom my husband
68 00:26:09   アルアジーフ only 1 month to go for my golden pp let's goooo
69 00:26:14 $20.00   StarCreator
my eyes take in the sight of her exposed belly as she lies before me. I lean in just below the ribs and take in the delicious smell before planting a flurry of kisses in her soft waist.... so where do you kiss your cat?
71 00:26:43 $4.99   Orchestrafanboy19 Pomu, are you a fairy? Because I like you fairy much.
72 00:27:03   Seymour (シーモア) Here's to a year and a half of being in Pomie Party. It rules.
73 00:27:03   Tree Bobber As I am Pomu like everyone else, I can confirm on behalf of all Pomus that we are not Hiun's wife
74 00:27:23 $5.00   Rafflesia I heard you're a fairy. Can I part of your tale?
75 00:27:24   Jose Panameno sorry pomu, I only see you as a friend. my only love is pomura
76 00:27:40 $2.00   LuisPJ Pomu My Captain
77 03月01日
  Alex Wingace Are you Big Boss? Because I want to train with you.
78 00:28:03 $5.00   Primal_Lapras Guuurl you put the "fair" in fairy
79 00:27:58 $10.00   TheDAWinz Power Wash away the anger! Here I stand beneath the warm and soothing rain
80 00:27:38 £2.00   bee who is pomu
81 00:28:09   Havasnack524 (メンバーシップ入り)
82 00:28:41 $5.00   Gator Pat Sajak is my bestie. You? Not so much.
83 03月01日
£10.00   Fig Love you pomu <3 can you plase tell my friend Azi "Azi I love you" or something like that, mwa
84 00:28:57 BGN2.00   Chovek hey girl are you phone cause then who was you???
85 00:28:59 €2.00   acceptable casualty Give up guys. We don't got Ocelussy. Or Snakeussy.
86 00:29:00 $5.00   Rockbiter Hey gurl, are you an angel, cause you look like you fell down. I mean from heaven... or something. Hang on I wrote it down *opens fanny pack*
87 00:29:08   mistfist Hey Pomu are you big boss? Cause I like it when you eat wild animals and don't understand movie references
88 00:29:16 $5.00   Mika's fries (#1 Fan)
Are you on Santa's naughty list? I can help you to get on it this year ;)
89 00:29:36 $5.00   Tristian Hey Girl, are you a vtuber because you make me wanna get my vtubes tied.
90 00:29:45 $2.00   implode hey Pomu are you
91 00:29:47   Snow Yoshi Hi Pomu I hope your day is going well
92 03月01日
  Saxmith we luv tha pom
93 00:30:10 R$5.00   Synapse (a無言スパチャ)
94 00:30:40   Mika's fries (#1 Fan) (メンバーシップ入り)
95 00:30:40 ¥800   田代誠一 OHAYOU POMU! Today I’m gonna graduate from my high school. I’m gonna read a message in front of 1000 people and I’m kinda nervous lmao
96 03月01日
  tanya [ターニャ] because it's chewsday and I choose you
97 00:30:55 $1.49   Murphy
98 00:30:56   Umbra pomu
99 00:31:07 €5.00   Marshall Banana Hey girl are you CQC cause i wanna remember your basics
100 03月01日
  リリ🌻 hello fairy in my delusions yuo are very cute today
101 00:31:49   NovaNazo Are you Solid Snake? Cause I need to fight you to prove that I am the superior clone despite having the lesser genes
102 00:31:54   Trevor Weisberg Basic-ally the best?
103 00:32:28 $2.00   Andres Hey girl are you a ladder cuz I sure want a thrill
104 00:32:45   Mika's Keyboard Pomu is real
105 00:32:55 $5.00   Vivy Core Pomu just data behind our encryption keys
106 00:32:59 $10.00   TheDAWinz
Yea i had a blown eye once, was walking and then it exploded right int he socket.
107 00:32:59 $5.00   Mika's fries (#1 Fan)
love your humor pomu. and your legs..okay enjoy stream :)
108 00:33:36 $5.00   mistfist Are you Pomu Rainpuff? Cause I'd like to see you release Fairy of AKIBerse on physical media so I can buy it please
109 00:35:23 $10.00   TheDAWinz
I hope you have a spare eyeball for when you blow one in the socket.
110 03月01日
  Tobber Does this mean I should stop making fart noises with my eyes?
111 00:35:35 $5.00   bep are you POMU because i am watching YOUR STREAM :) Hi pomu
112 00:35:42 A$5.00   Sugar Sloth Its the little puffs of air thing they do when you get an eye test. They should definitely tell you if your pressure is abnormal
113 00:36:28   Dingus Hey baby, are you an angel? Because I have astigmatism and everything has a halo now.
114 00:36:50 CA$5.00   Thai Danh POG! I only watch vtubers who roll bad for their IRL stats!!
115 00:35:06 £2.00   bogsphil Are you a pretty meme? Coz you're exquisite~
116 00:37:01   MurphLAZ3R How in the world is there a Powerwash Simulator x Final Fantasy crossover? Never played any FF games, but I've heard nothing but praise for FF7.
117 03月01日
  Alesandro Espiritu
118 00:37:16 $4.99   Shinkou Have you played FF7 remake? If so best boy and best girl?
119 00:37:33 $5.00   smistake did it hurt? when you clawed through the earth's crust, emerging from the depths of hell?
120 00:37:36 CA$5.00   KBarn Hey girl, are you Beast Wars Megatron, because I look at you and I think "Yesssss"
121 00:37:42 $19.99   PagePyralis “Use brings about wear, tear, and rust. And that's a real waste.” -Angeal Hewley, SOLDIER First Class, Crisis Core
122 00:37:53 $5.00   Pyrobug0 Hey girl, do you have wings? Because you're pretty fly.
123 00:38:10 £5.00   oddball-boy
124 00:38:23 CA$5.00   Virulent ビルレント Hey Pomu! Are you Pomu? Because if you are you are pretty good!
125 00:38:54 $2.00   Vivy Core
Rizz Practice Rizz Practice Pomu
126 00:38:59 ARS450.00   Mcvaca Hey Pomu, are you Cloud Strife? Because ladies literally die for you
127 00:39:15 $5.00   BraveryDuck Hey girl, are you single? ...That's it.
128 00:39:43   Errored Hcker girl are you my oshi? because i want to listen to you on a lazy friday night
129 00:40:17 $2.00   wildnexus Hey Pomu I la li lu le love you (platonically)
130 00:41:26 $4.99   Orchestrafanboy19
Yo, your legs are the word. Now let’s go to my room and spread the word.
131 00:42:05   Just Some Guy with a Mustache Midgar? Is this that game with the Italian Senator
132 00:42:11 $5.00   The Amazing Poyo Girl, I must be a spikeweed from Plants Vs. Zombies because I want you to step on me
133 00:42:16 $5.00   JP Ng "i see youre drinking 1% milk. is that cuz you think you're fat? cuz you're not. you could be drinking whole if you wanted to" -napolean dynamite
134 00:42:27 $10.00   ZeroTsunGame That license plate should just say Gar cuz there's nothing Mid about you
135 00:43:11 $2.00   Sean W
You're my one winged angel
136 03月01日
  thundercookie15 insert quirky pickup line here. for for 18 months now.
137 00:43:39 $1.99   Kamen Astartes Try this 1. Hey are you a girl? Cause I like them.
138 00:43:45   ice dragon - female fanbase (メンバーシップ入り)
139 00:43:52 $5.00   Hiun F. Marseille the bright star light rays from light is what i see, astygmatism in 1 eye gang, annoying whenever you drive (i dont so im good),pomu is the best event
140 00:44:30   Jeremy Abel hey pomu, pomu pomu because pomu pomu?
141 00:44:58 $2.00   Clinton Griffin Pomu-puff of Gryffindor what is your Wisdom?
142 00:45:09 $5.00   Pyrobug0
Is your name Sephiroth? Cause I enjoy your insanity more than I probably should.
143 00:45:10   ice dragon - female fanbase (メンバーシップ入り)
144 03月01日
145 00:45:42   Toiraksi I want you to pay close attention to the first three words of this sentence.
146 00:46:02 $2.00   Gup please not hufflepuff, anything but hufflepuff
147 00:43:53 $5.00   naniwazuni help me finish this pick-up line: hey girl are you the three security digits on the back of your credit card? because you're ___
148 00:46:38 $5.00   Arb Niero I was having a stroke, because the sight of you stopped my heart
149 00:46:44 $10.00   TaquitoBurrito Ay gurl are you Slytherin? Cuz I wanna Slytherin to your arms every night
150 00:46:45   CB Jones (メンバーシップ入り)
151 00:46:46 PHP125.00   Melty are you an enemy aircraft? cause my missiles are locked on to you.
152 00:48:00 €5.00   acceptable casualty
"Hey Girl, are you a Bogie? Cause i wanna get on your rear and fire away!" "Did Pratt&Whitney make you? Cause i wanna fire you up!"
153 00:48:07 R$5.00   Carateca
hey chat are you meat? because you're going into the meat grinder
154 00:49:17 $5.00   OZ hey girl is our rizz like your nose? because people claim it's there but I can't see it.
155 00:49:33 CHF5.00   Tree Bobber Hey girl, are you a vtuber's sleep schedule? Because you keep me awake at night.
156 00:49:34   Eden 3.14159265
157 00:49:57 €5.00   Marshall Banana
Hey girls are you a gunship cuz i wanna get down when i see you.
158 00:50:46 $10.00   Lord Pésus you said Forrest fairies don't grant wishes but being with you grants me all my wishes.
159 03月01日
  Kureko (メンバーシップ入り)
160 00:51:09 $1.49   NinjaTendo
161 00:51:16 $2.00   Clinton Griffin
Pomu are you a Sniper? your the Lady for my Nagant
162 00:51:22 $9.99   Attabui Enough with the de-rizz-ion!
163 00:52:20 $2.00   Hiun F. Marseille
no pickup lines needed,you already lifted my heart
164 00:52:29 $5.00   //ace [chajiizumaa] Is your name kojima? Because you're making my metal gear SOLID. (that physically hurt me to send sorry pomu)
165 00:53:06   Zephiere Hey girl do you need $3.14 cause youre already a cutie just need pi
166 00:53:20 CHF5.00   Tree Bobber
Hey girl, are you my first job's monthly salary? Because you have left me begging for more.
167 00:53:54 $2.00   TheAntiYuu Girl r u SOLDIER? Cuz baby you look First Class
168 00:54:02   Renz Hey gurl are you Ocelot because mrow
169 00:54:17 MYR6.00   Daryl speaking about ff, will you be my final fantasy?
170 00:54:58   JBHUTT09 Pomu stronk!
171 00:55:21 CA$2.00   Virulent ビルレント
3.14, 3.14 or 3.14?
172 00:56:13   Haru Thanks guys for showing me what to not say on a date
173 00:57:02   Blong ブロン (メンバーシップ入り)
174 00:57:38 €2.00   Gyro Juggler gurl are you a mecha? cause i wanna mecha you mine
175 00:58:20 $5.00   Vivy Core
Hi, my name is Vivy Core, but you can call me tonight.
176 00:58:34 PHP50.00   Seed Ch. not good at Rizz game but here, take this!
177 00:59:17 $5.00   Renz If I was a superhero my superhero name would be Yourman
178 00:59:38 $5.00   smistake
Baby, I lost my phone number, can I have yours? It's dark and I can't get home and I'm scared
179 01:00:03   Turtle You got that power washing rizz damm
180 01:01:26 $5.00   Jonesypoo hey girl are you like Aerith cuz I wanna be like Sephiroth and run my "sword" through ya
181 01:02:04 $5.00   Scei But I don't need to be cool. I just need you.
182 01:02:08 $4.99   Cheliax
Hey girl do you like Manatsu from DIALOGUE+? Because you’ll really love Manatsu on your chin
183 01:02:11 €5.00   acceptable casualty
Hey Girl, are you a Ship? Cause i wanna lay you down and build you up!
184 01:02:18   Ria I know a mystery even Detective Conan can't solve: The mystery of how you got so dang beautiful!
185 01:02:32 €10.00   Kyouki no Mad Pomudachi Hi Pomupuff. Weird question, but I recently got weirdly inspired to try my hand at fanfiction for the first time. Just wanted to know if you're okay with being written from the first person POV?
186 01:02:39 $2.00   Raziel Faustus hey girl are a vaporeon cause did you know...
187 01:02:39 $10.00   Dreq Dreck Sorry for veering off-topic. It's about your community post about game footage taking the whole screen vs being in the overlay. As the veteran streamer, what even are the pros and cons of each?
188 01:03:11 $4.99   Urban Cohort Hey girl, are you going to 7th Heaven? Because I'm gonna tag along and hang out with Tifa. :|
189 01:03:32 SEK50.00   Sixshotsavior Hey girl do you like furniture because WUBBA DUBBA DUB IS THAT TRUE!
190 01:03:43 $5.00   Jonesypoo
hey girl are you from school days cuz I want you to love me so much and hold my head close
191 01:03:47 $5.00   Pyrobug0
Hey girl, are you Expert Controls? Because when you're around, I feel like I'm spinning and falling to the ground.
192 01:03:54 $5.00   Silver Are you a sidequest? Because I wanna do you for the experience.
193 03月01日
  JPmokyu you also got tips to pick up fairies
194 01:04:41 $1.99   Komori Baka Vt Pomu! I had surgery today and it went well! Pomu=
195 01:04:53 €2.00   acceptable casualty
"I'm really excited to get this Tail" - Pomu
196 01:05:06 €5.00   Kyouki no Mad Pomudachi
It's not anything weird. I just can't write good noir in third person. Gotta be internal monologuing!
197 01:05:35 $5.00   A Pickled Cucumber Hey Pomu, want to marry me for political reasons? Because I'll put you in a position of power every night
198 01:05:31 $5.00   Ria When I look at you, my metapod can't get any harder
199 01:06:18 $5.00   Andres
Pomu has to sign up for boxing cuz she's a real knockout
200 03月01日
  Helplesschikn Looks like you finally got that job as a toilet after all Pomu
201 01:07:02 $5.00   Renz
Hey grill are you a bidet because we should be dates
202 01:07:17 £2.00   oddball-boy
203 01:07:37   Pyco My favorite was during DOOM when you were in the box.
204 01:09:00 $2.00   Shiirohh
Pomu. Can you teach me your Rizzardry?
205 01:11:01   TheAntiYuu Hey babygirl, are you the mother of all omelettes? Because I don't mind fretting over all of your eggs.
206 01:11:22 $5.00   Lupus Daemon Hey girl, are you a clone of the world's greatest soldier? cause your jeans are full of junk.
207 01:11:52 €2.00   acceptable casualty
You better get a censor rdy for those smexy planes
208 01:16:33 $10.00   lilybees hi pomu, are you the fairy of luck? because i had a good interview and im onto round two. dono for good interview luck
209 01:16:24 SEK50.00   Sixshotsavior
Pomu of the Forest what is your wisdom?
210 01:18:21   Yorozuya Nico (メンバーシップ入り)
211 03月01日
212 01:19:05 €5.00   Kyouki no Mad Pomudachi
Hey Pomu, do you live on a farm, because you are the GOAT.
213 01:19:06 ¥200   Cirnein Hello Pomu. Cleaning.
214 03月01日
  Yorozuya Nico
215 01:21:38   Dill-One Witewawwy hitting da gwiddy
216 01:22:58 $4.99   Shinkou
Dedotated WAM moment
217 01:23:01 $5.00   Gup
This one is terrible, but "Did I die and end up in Seventh Heaven because every moment with you feels like seven minutes in Heaven."
218 01:23:56 $10.00   Crab Channel New chant for the One Winged Angel song: It's a dir-ty thing. Spray it down and make it clean. POWER WASH
219 01:24:08   Sgt. Bombie Hey girl are you my WAM because I want to deditate myself to you
220 01:25:54   Prognosti Couture Wahmu Wainpwuff
221 01:26:58 ARS90.00   ima rafan Pomusuke says Final Fantasy peaked at VI
222 01:27:45   Ethan (メンバーシップ入り)
223 01:29:18 $2.00   Vivy Core
Pomsuke: That Fairy Woman keeps grinding gears
224 01:31:16 $2.00   Clinton Griffin
Pomu are you a Kricketune? Because DELELELE WOOOP
225 01:36:27 $2.00   Resting Glitch Face Did you get Fulton'd out to this base, or...?
226 01:37:05 $20.00   Horasu my wife heard your intro music when she was heading out to work and commented "this sounds like the theme music for someone with 1 brain cell" i'm sorry pomu
227 01:44:11   setsuna200 it's been a hell of a year, Pomu. I am so happy you finished my favorite game series Metal Gear Solid. all I can say is "your pretty good".
228 01:49:09 $2.00   Clinton Griffin
Pomu are you a Pokemon? I can make you Squ irtle
229 01:55:12 $2.00   Bowtie Pikachu VODS Hello
230 01:55:36 $5.00   Benedictblue Are you aerith? Because i need a new sheath for my Masamune
231 01:56:32 €5.00   Conor Gunn How is it out of stock?! It's virtual. Where is the stock!? Who is keeping it?
232 01:57:50   Chibodee Crocket I knew a guy who named his daughter Aeris. I don't know what he did when they changed the official localization to Aerith...
233 01:58:47 $10.00   Kenny Parks What do you call a pile of cats......a meowntain...
234 01:59:58   Matt_726 pomuu i have a job interview tomorrow and im very nervous so thanks for helping me relax!
235 02:01:12   Jonesypoo are we spraying down Tifa or nah
236 02:03:40 $5.00   Elizord Pomu kills innocent shinra worker. "See chat this is your fault"
237 02:04:00 €2.00   Maxinery Hellooo calling all Pomus!!
238 02:04:05 €6.00   Floofy Hoots Bwee are Pomu
239 03月01日
240 02:05:56 $10.00   Kenny Parks
What does a mermaid wash her fins with?......tide...
241 02:07:38   MMZero They dirtied the whole kitchen just so you could ruin that bad drawing.
242 02:07:44 $2.00   Murphy
243 02:09:43   Varin thats why Barret always wears sunglasses
244 02:10:30 ¥500   きりく good morning~! There's a temperature difference of 15°C today, isn't it dangerous? ? ?しごとまえにぽむみれてうれしい〜!
245 02:11:59 PHP50.00   rathaking123 Hey pomu say Im pomu oh and a clean super chat
246 02:20:13   Kaochii I summoned my inner Pomu and today’s my last day at my toxic job. I can finally say I quit my job… but for PlateUp!
247 02:21:55   CorLeonas (メンバーシップ入り)
248 02:23:22 $5.00   xsithspawnx Have you tried asking Tifa if she's cool with big PP energy as an alternative to mako energy?
249 02:24:48 $2.00   NinjaTendo
Securing Creative Alternatives (to) Mako
250 03月01日
  Minimas I thought it was the Welcome Door
251 02:25:46 €6.00   Floofy Hoots
You should start a conversation with Ewiwa with "Hey babe" sometime xD
252 03月01日
  Supaishy Wait so this whole place wasn't the toilet this whole time?
253 03月01日
  Karl Williams Maid Pomu gonna make Seventh Heaven look like a MILLION BUCKS after today
254 02:28:46 £5.00   Fresh Toast The briskadets are bottoms and we're plain feral so if anything it's a perfect match
255 03月01日
  Barely Shiny One year! I promise I won't draw any more art of you and Elira on the Garfield Dark Ride in this second year though! tehe pero
256 02:33:57   GhostlyDegree Too much empty wall space in here to be an american restaurant
257 02:38:35 $5.00   Camtaro You must be a White Mage, cause looking at you I get a raise..... I'll show myself out
258 02:42:03   Teptepp (メンバーシップ入り)
259 02:42:38 $9.99   damdan13l Wait pomu you know fall out boy?? I love them, especially their old songs like alone together!!
260 03月01日
  Bruh Moment Generator she has such a way with words
261 02:44:49 $5.00   Mika's fries (#1 Fan)
T-they l-l-look heavy m-ma'am..can I hold it f-for you..?
262 02:45:13 $1.49   Murphy
263 02:45:20 $2.00   Michael Fang Metal Gear Washer
264 02:46:07 $2.00   Sean W
I'm potty trained
265 02:46:33 $2.00   Mika's fries (#1 Fan)
I twerk to diamond city lights
266 02:47:34 $5.00   Gup
I can hook you up with Tifa
267 02:48:13 $2.00   Camtaro
Takes after his owner i guess
268 02:48:16 $5.00   Ray Mack
im good thanks
269 02:48:46 $2.00   StarCreator
bought a robot litter box wouldn't know
270 02:50:16 €2.00   sango323 Oh, thats me. I've been using the litterbox My B
271 02:51:46 ¥1,000   きりく
Sorry. I love TMNT and the word 'Cowabunga!' is very familiar to me. I don't hear it often in Japan, but is that a word that everyone uses? I often shout "Cowabunga!!" when eating pizza.
272 02:53:27 $5.00   F0XBlade I have pizza right now and am yelling cowabunga, can confirm
273 03月01日
  Barisuta582 Selen: I have a wonderful and lovely sister, but she never tells me who her lover is.
274 02:56:38 $10.00   CureFaux google says cowabunga (originally kawabonga) is derived from hawaiian word "Kupaianaha" which means surpsing / wonderful. surfers adopted it circa 50s - 60s
275 02:58:22 $1.00   Murphy
276 02:58:28 $1.00   Murphy
277 02:58:28 $1.00   fake NEET
278 02:58:34 $1.00   WireSun7 (a無言スパチャ)
279 02:58:35 $1.00   Ray Mack
280 02:58:36 $1.00   Murphy
281 02:58:41 CA$1.00   Virulent ビルレント
282 02:58:41 $1.00   Murphy
283 02:58:42 $1.00   fake NEET
284 02:58:44 $1.00   WildestDuck (a無言スパチャ)
285 02:58:44 $1.00   Gupple (a無言スパチャ)
286 02:58:47 $1.00   Pyrobug0
287 02:58:49 $1.00   Murphy
288 02:58:50 $1.00   Ray Mack
289 02:58:54 $0.99   P1234M (a無言スパチャ)
290 02:58:54 $1.00   Murphy
291 02:58:57 $1.00   fake NEET
292 02:59:02 $1.00   Murphy
293 02:59:05 $1.00   Ray Mack
294 02:59:07 $1.00   Murphy
295 02:59:11 $1.00   fake NEET
296 02:59:13 $1.00   Israfel713 (a無言スパチャ)
297 02:59:14 $0.99   Gizep (a無言スパチャ)
298 02:59:15 $1.00   Murphy
299 02:59:16 $1.00   Israfel713
300 02:59:17 $1.00   WireSun7
301 02:59:20 $1.00   Israfel713
302 02:59:20 $1.00   Murphy
303 02:59:21 $1.00   Ray Mack
304 02:59:21 $1.49   TY Onion Fairy🧚🍂
305 02:59:21 $0.99   Fukuro Ch. デタラメフクロウ (仮)
306 02:59:26 $1.00   fake NEET
307 02:59:27 $1.00   NinjaTendo
308 02:59:27 $1.00   CaseyRaptor (a無言スパチャ)
309 02:59:28 $1.00   Murphy
310 02:59:32 $1.00   xsithspawnx
311 02:59:34 $1.00   Murphy
312 02:59:36 $1.00   Ray Mack
313 02:59:38 $1.00   Israfel713
314 02:59:39 $1.00   Israfel713
315 02:59:41 $1.00   Murphy
316 02:59:41 $1.00   fake NEET
317 02:59:43 £1.00   Rokuyon 【ろくよん】
318 02:59:45 $1.00   Jeanne Knee-san (a無言スパチャ)
319 02:59:45 $1.00   Israfel713
320 02:59:46 $1.00   Murphy
321 02:59:47 $1.00   Israfel713
322 02:59:50 $1.00   Ray Mack
323 02:59:53 $1.00   Murphy
324 02:59:55 $1.00   AKsTF2 (a無言スパチャ)
325 02:59:57 $1.00   fake NEET
326 02:59:58 $1.00   Murphy
327 03:00:04 $1.00   Ray Mack
328 03:00:06 $1.00   Murphy
329 03:00:11 $1.00   Murphy
330 03:00:15 $1.00   fake NEET
331 03:00:18 $1.00   Phlylgenion (a無言スパチャ)
332 03:00:19 $1.00   Ray Mack
333 03:00:19 $1.00   Murphy
334 03:00:22 $1.00   Yuki Baskerville (a無言スパチャ)
335 03:00:24 $1.00   Murphy
336 03:00:25 $1.00   Scrap Heap (a無言スパチャ)
337 03:00:26 €1.00   Eko (a無言スパチャ)
338 03:00:30 $1.00   Gup
339 03:00:31 $1.00   Murphy
340 03:00:32 $1.00   Ray Mack
341 03:00:32 $1.00   fake NEET
342 03:00:33 $1.00   Jax (a無言スパチャ)
343 03:00:35 $0.99   Mortunodos (a無言スパチャ)
344 03:00:36 $1.00   Murphy
345 03:00:38 $1.00   Murphy
346 03:00:45 MYR1.90   nina rozenrad (a無言スパチャ)
347 03:00:47 $1.00   Ray Mack
348 03:00:50 $1.00   Murphy
349 03:00:50 $1.00   fake NEET
350 03:00:51 $1.00   Jax
351 03:00:56 $1.00   Murphy
352 03:01:01 $1.00   Ray Mack
353 03:01:02 $1.00   Murphy
354 03:01:03 $1.00   miya (a無言スパチャ)
355 03:01:04 $1.00   Jax
356 03:01:05 $1.00   WireSun7
357 03:01:05 MYR1.90   nina rozenrad
358 03:01:09 $1.00   Murphy
359 03:01:10 $1.00   fake NEET
360 03:01:14 $1.00   Ray Mack
361 03:01:15 $1.00   Murphy
362 03:01:16 $1.00   Jax
363 03:01:19 $1.49   Catbusss
364 03:01:23 $1.00   Murphy
365 03:01:24 ¥100   きりく
366 03:01:25 MYR1.90   nina rozenrad
367 03:01:19 $1.00   Ray Mack
368 03:01:29 $1.00   Murphy
369 03:01:32 $1.00   fake NEET
370 03:01:36 $1.00   Murphy
371 03:01:41 $1.00   Jax
372 03:01:42 $1.00   Murphy
373 03:01:45 MYR1.90   nina rozenrad
374 03:01:46 $1.00   Ray Mack
375 03:01:49 $1.00   Murphy
376 03:01:55 $1.00   Murphy
377 03:02:00 $1.00   Ray Mack
378 03:02:01 A$1.00   ChickenParfait🪄
379 03:02:02 $1.00   Murphy
380 03:02:02 $1.00   Ray Mack
381 03:02:04 €1.00   Eko
382 03:02:05 $1.00   fake NEET
383 03:02:06 $1.00   Jax
384 03:02:09 $1.00   Murphy
385 03月01日
386 03:02:12 MYR1.90   nina rozenrad
387 03:02:19 $1.00   Murphy
388 03:02:21 $1.00   Ray Mack
389 03:02:23 $1.00   Ray Mack
390 03:02:24 $1.00   Murphy
391 03:02:25 $1.49   Joshua
392 03:02:31 $1.00   Murphy
393 03:02:32 $1.00   SliceSabre (a無言スパチャ)
394 03:02:36 $1.00   Murphy
395 03:02:38 $1.00   fake NEET
396 03:02:41 $1.00   Ray Mack
397 03:02:42 €1.00   Eko
398 03:02:43 PHP25.00   Eli (a無言スパチャ)
399 03:02:43 $1.00   Murphy
400 03:02:44 $1.00   Ray Mack
401 03:02:48 ¥100   pockydonut (a無言スパチャ)
402 03:02:50 $1.00   Murphy
403 03:02:57 $1.00   Murphy
404 03:03:01   Mailoc Pomu dojo?
405 03:03:01 $1.00   Ray Mack
406 03:03:03 $1.00   Ray Mack
407 03:03:03 $1.00   Murphy
408 03:03:04 $1.00   fake NEET
409 03:03:10 $2.00   Jax
Do you think she got lost?
410 03:03:12 $1.00   Murphy
411 03:03:17 $1.00   Murphy
412 03:03:20 $1.00   Ray Mack
413 03:03:23 $1.00   Doublej126 (a無言スパチャ)
414 03:03:24 $1.00   Ray Mack
415 03:03:24 $1.00   Murphy
416 03:03:25 €1.00   Eko
417 03:03:30 $2.00   fake NEET
I think she fell in
418 03:03:30 $1.00   Murphy
419 03:03:37 $1.00   WildestDuck
420 03:03:37 $1.00   Murphy
421 03:03:39 $1.00   Ray Mack
422 03:03:40 $1.00   StarCreator
423 03:03:44 $1.00   Murphy
424 03:03:46 $1.00   Scarlet Rook (a無言スパチャ)
425 03:03:52 $1.00   Murphy
426 03:03:52 $1.00   WireSun7
427 03:03:55 $2.00   Ray Mack
Someone call the toilet police
428 03:03:57 $1.00   Murphy
429 03:04:00 $1.00   fake NEET
430 03:04:04 $1.00   Murphy
431 03:04:09 $1.00   Ray Mack
432 03:04:10 $1.00   Murphy
433 03:04:10 $2.00   Jax
I'll miss her7
434 03:04:13 $1.00   Ray Mack
435 03:04:17 $1.00   Murphy
436 03:04:18 $0.99   StarCreator
437 03:04:26 $1.00   Ray Mack
438 03:04:32 $1.00   Bracken (a無言スパチャ)
439 03:04:33 €1.00   Eko
440 03:04:35 $1.00   Mailoc (a無言スパチャ)
441 03:04:47 ¥500   きりく
Thank you for earlier! TMNT is my favorite American hero, so I was very happy that Pomu used words I knew! It's clean! !ぽむのおかげでしごとがんばれるぜカワバンガ!!!
442 03:05:23 $1.99   big nut Pomu
443 03:06:19 CA$5.00   Virulent ビルレント
It was snowing all day where I live so thanks for the comfy stream. I think my rizz has improved as well.
444 03:06:30   MikeRayjr Thanks for chilling with us!
445 03:06:37   Alpha310 Thanks for stream Pomu! Tell staff I said "hi!"
446 03月01日
  Lydia's Still Here Thanks for the stream Pomu!!
447 03月01日
  Murphy Feel better Pomu!
448 03:07:19 $5.00   Ray Mack
Thanks for the chill end of day stream Pomu! Take care and rest well
449 03:07:25 $4.99   Solid Takezo
Thank you for the stream Pomu! Helped the work day go by fast. I hope you feel better soon! Sending lots of good vibes your way!
450 03月01日
  Allen Havens Thanks for the stream Pomu~! Rest well~!
451 03月01日
  Sayakai Feel better soon
452 03月01日
  ShiftyBarrel Congrats on your latest marriage Pomu! Hope the rest of your week goes smoothly
453 03月01日
  Shortluu - Hololive_Nijisanji Fan Thanks for the stream Pomu ! everyone !