配信名【BROFORCE COLLAB】a job only bros can do【NIJISANJI EN | Pomu Rainpuff】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 59 326.27 \44,633
EUR EUR 3 9.00 \1,298
CA$ CAD 2 10.00 \991
BGN BGN 1 5.00 \368
PHP PHP 1 125.00 \309
ARS ARS 2 270.00 \184
IDR IDR 1 14900.00 \131
---- ---- ---- ---- \47,914
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 03月08日
$2.00   fake NEET HELL YEAH BRO
2 03月08日
$2.00   Cheliax
3 03月08日
$1.49   outcast777
4 03月08日
  Huey Emmerich (メンバーシップ入り)
5 03月08日
$2.00   Murphy
6 03月08日
$2.00   StarCreator bro
7 03月08日
  StickyMuffinz (メンバーシップ入り)
8 03月08日
  Triptrip0205 1
9 03月08日
  Orious (メンバーシップ入り)
10 03月08日
  Pinkie (メンバーシップ入り)
11 03月08日
$2.00   Solid Takezo
12 03月08日
  Plake (メンバーシップ入り)
13 03月08日
  Miguel Macias 1
14 03月08日
$2.00   outcast777
15 03月08日
  Mary (メンバーシップ入り)
16 03月09日
$2.00   Seymour (シーモア) NijiBroforce let's go
17 03月09日
  Clint (メンバーシップ入り)
18 00:00:49   Haizmi (メンバーシップ入り)
19 00:01:24   Puminy (メンバーシップ入り)
20 00:01:15 $10.00   Ziryo Broforce? It's time to get the Bros together, spend time doing some Brojobs for Brobucks. Yeah, Bro!
21 03月09日
22 03月09日
23 03月09日
24 03月09日
  梅冶 Mäyer
25 03月09日
  シャルル Can we keep the enna emote
26 03月09日
27 00:03:43   Allen Sky In my dictionary Liar is spelled SELEN
28 00:03:48 $2.00   shadowdemonlord Broforce, supplying Brojobs everywhere!
29 03月09日
  Leroy happy to have found you, here’s to many more fun times
30 03月09日
  Ray Mack 5
31 00:07:31   naddy213
32 03月09日
  lis 💜 5
33 00:25:57   TruckSama (メンバーシップ入り)
34 00:27:01   Astranier hi pomu
35 00:31:22 €2.00   Golden_Burrito NijiBros assemble!
36 03月09日
  MechaSaurus 2.0 7
37 00:34:56 $10.00   Stairmaster9068 Hi Pomu. Just thought you should know chuck norris's movie career was propped up by the cia to sway the american populace during and after the vietnam war. he started the "left behind POW" trope
38 03月09日
  Hai-Helfer鮫之丞{キアラ大好き侍} 10
39 00:47:57 $2.00   NotABot55 Another game another day for BROmu Rainpuff.
40 03月09日
41 01:06:43   zerratedsoul (メンバーシップ入り)
42 01:12:45   radioactivebean0 (メンバーシップ入り)
43 01:17:12 $5.00   Murphy
Pomu imitating Snake on the bike at the end of MGS3, I see. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH"
44 01:35:33 $40.00   joshua pou selen pls say you will go to a $uicideboy$ vip tickets i will pay 5000
45 01:38:03 $5.00   LordKrosis USA USA USA
46 01:38:36 $5.00   Medi OHHHH SAYYYY CANNN YOU SEEEE
47 01:53:41   Customer Support Johnson You know that guy... Always keeping you waiting
48 03月09日
  Bryan V
50 02:12:26 $5.00   Rodrigo I'm actually disappointed that you didn't know what Dopey meant and why Selen kept saying Snow White...
51 02:13:33 $5.00   Cresent Sato Dwarfio Dropick
52 02:13:37   Jackie^.^
53 02:13:38 $10.00   Super Shock Here, I stole this D from Oppio
54 03月09日
  Ethan Gavette Thanks NijiBros. Very cool
55 02:15:14 €2.00   ThisIsAName best placeholder emote ever □
56 03月09日
  VeryUnofficialPerson Amazing Collab
57 02:16:14 $10.00   WireSun7 I laughed so much during this stream, so thanks for Pomu for setting up this collab. But now I want to say goodbye to the fallen emote□7 it will be missed
58 02:16:58 $5.00   Ray Mack i miss snake broskin
59 02:18:20 BGN5.00   Chovek I'm actually extremely but I must □ while I have the opportunity
60 02:18:30   kise ryouta (メンバーシップ入り)
61 02:18:50 CA$5.00   Virulent ビルレント Thanks for the collab, I think it killed a bunch of brain cells but I never used them anyways.
62 02:18:59 $10.00   Solid Takezo
Thank you for the fun stream! I think we all lost many braincells today but it was so much fun! This got a lot of mileage today lol. Also don't worry, we understand the coolness of Pliskin
63 02:18:59 $2.00   WildestDuck Can we get your best live □ in memory? o7
64 02:19:08 $2.00   Hiun F. Marseille how did you find ennadeadpan
65 02:19:19   SuperDarkAqua Goodnight sweet □ you will not be forgotten
66 02:19:25 $5.00   SpookyOugi getting in my use of □ before its gone
67 02:19:26 $5.00   mistfist In memory of the beloved
68 03月09日
  Liber Ataraxia Cherish these moments
69 02:19:46 $5.00   Bionic608 That was amazing. Thanks for playing my recommendation! Really wanted to see Niji EN play and this stream exceeded the chaos I expected! :_pomuLove:
70 02:20:03 $4.99   Shree Klime, College Student Thank you again for the blessing of :_pomuEnnadeadpa: Pomu it was well worth the blood oath
71 02:20:10 $5.00   Sean W Plissken is a cool name and no one can tell me otherwise
72 03月09日
  SBJ_Tube That's why you gotta wait for the right moment
73 02:20:45 $2.00   Nhân So I saw the ai vtuber react to you she want nuke
74 03月09日
75 02:21:03 $22.32   fake NEET
Thanks for the hilarious collab! That was non-stop craziness!
76 02:21:04 $10.00   Mika Suzuki hi pomu! first superchat ever! yesterday was my birthday and i hope i can get a birthday song?
77 02:21:27 $5.00   Murphy
We can change that
78 02:21:40   GhostStalker Been so busy with work (my promotion and back pay finally came through), but I’ll be sure to catch your outfit reveal on Friday!
79 02:21:52 $5.00   Anton Namtet This is the greatest gift you have ever given Pomie Party. I don't care if its for one stream only. □
80 02:21:44 $5.00   Airborne Ninja Would love to see the gang play Helldivers together someday, I'm sure there will be minimal teamkilling
81 02:22:22 $5.00   Alpa310 beep boop Thanks for stream
82 02:22:35   💜KAT💜 one more for the silver pp □ so excited for friday
83 02:23:12 $2.00   Hiun F. Marseille
neuro sama called you a tsundere
84 03月09日
  Dizzy tsunderes always deny being tsunderes
85 02:24:15 CA$5.00   Drex The d in doppio stands for delfish□:_pomuDeadpan:
86 02:25:01 $9.99   GhostStalker I was only on one episode! And that was almost 9 years ago now! But I’m glad you can use me as a bragging point to your fam, lmao. I’ll be sure to CHAPE APE KARA KINA for you next time I’m at Anikura
87 02:25:06 $5.00   Bintock No Pomu! That is as Dadian slip SMH!
88 02:26:36 $5.00   CureFaux thanks for the stream, never seen this game before but it was wild. <- looks fine to me in light(best) mode. bye suffer emote □7
89 02:27:33 ARS225.00   ima rafan Speaking of Nijicon I started listening to them yesterday and I really love Alien Girl in New York. The lyrics are very silly but the song is a banger
90 02:28:17 PHP125.00   Deviculus Went to the climbing gym yesterday, and was able to name a new route after you! Electric Fairy will be there for a few months
91 02:29:06 $2.00   Nhân
offtopic but what your least favorite metal gear?
92 02:30:06 $5.00   NijiKnight I took a second nap today and didn't realize my leg was hanging off the couch. Now I'm up and my leg is asleep. I feel like old Snake chasing Ocelot.
93 02:31:06 €5.00   DoesEmi Hi pomu!! it was my birthday yesterday, I wish I could get a pomudachi cake to devour but alas... I hope it's ok to ask for a bday song instead?
94 02:32:51   Stuffed_Shark This stream was banging, bro!
95 02:33:04 $1.49   Haizmi
96 02:33:05 $4.99   GhostStalker
Speaking of NijiCon, I really need to learn Trigonometry MIX for Triangle Dreamer. SINE COSINE TANGENTO!
97 02:33:24 $2.00   Kodi Bromu
98 02:33:30 IDR14,900.00   David「Titanium」
99 02:33:34 $5.00   bignanime The bro nicknames were so good. Double Bro Seven was my favorite~
100 02:33:55 $2.00   Nhân
can't watch all stream this week but see you on st
101 02:34:07 $10.00   Donovan Its my birthday today, gonna celebrate by building my Metal Gear Rex model kit, thanks for the stream Pomu!
102 02:36:07 $5.00   NijiKnight
Thanks to Just Some Guy with a Mustache, my wife is now playing the role of Ocelot. She has the terminal brainrot too. God I love that woman.
103 02:40:01 $5.00   naniwazuni Food $200 Data $150 Rent $800 chekis $3,600 someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying □
104 02:46:40   TheCatDaddy It’s been five months, and I still don’t know who Otsu is and why everyone is so afraid of them
105 02:48:04   KCMooMooCow hi pomu
106 02:48:40   Eurydi I'll ruin my credit score for you, gurl!
107 02:48:58 $2.00   Rodrigo
Pomu's just like me fr fr
108 03月09日
  WesternTelecom i just remembered i had this, I'm using it for
109 02:51:30   Booporiety (メンバーシップ入り)
110 03月09日
  Gonxaleo I watched actual PBS ranked matches earlier and it's literally apex but fun. Also so close to be promoted to Pomu!
111 02:52:38   Mika Suzuki (メンバーシップ入り)
112 02:52:59   Flaux Azalea (メンバーシップ入り)
113 02:53:16 $2.00   WireSun7
Thanks Bro□
114 02:54:21 $5.00   Shinkou Looking forward to more Pomu the pilot soon
115 02:54:40 $5.00   Solid Takezo
Did you draw this emote btw? I really like this it
116 02:55:42 $5.00   Ray Mack
gives me life, thanks for the stream bro
117 02:55:43 $5.00   Murphy
It's talks like these that really make me sincerely want to enable you to be your absolute worst self
118 03月09日
  Clogwok Who need financial restraint, bro?
119 02:57:12 $5.00   Customer Support Johnson Hey bro, do you think of yourself as a George Costanza or more of a Newman in the Seinfeld universe?
120 02:57:33 $5.00   Vivy Core
121 02:58:14 $5.00   Alpa310
□ thanks brah
122 03月09日
  Kenけんケン I just got here, what happened
123 03月09日
124 02:58:46   Miguel Macias bye bye forever □ my beloved, you will be missed
125 03月09日
  pockydonut 7
126 03月09日
  Nanjiro Nanaya 7
127 03月09日
  Zantheed 7
128 03:00:06 ARS45.00   ima rafan