記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 47 427.94 \57,596
EUR EUR 3 30.00 \4,335
CHF CHF 1 10.00 \1,472
R$ BRL 1 50.00 \1,281
PHP PHP 2 387.50 \949
CA$ CAD 2 7.70 \757
SGD SGD 1 6.98 \700
YEN YEN 1 500 \500
£ GBP 1 2.00 \327
A$ AUD 1 2.00 \179
COP COP 1 4000.00 \113
---- ---- ---- ---- \68,209
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 03月16日
  Francisco Martin (メンバーシップ入り)
2 03月16日
$1.99   Вадим Шевченко Ниночка, а ты уже посмотрела видео Арлекина?
3 03月16日
  636cc (メンバーシップ入り)
4 03月16日
  Grey Hare Archie
5 03月16日
  ExpertSwoosh It's been 3 months!? It felt like I became a mom yesterday
6 03月16日
  The Phantomnaut yyyyyyyyyyyy
7 03月16日
  lucky bunny Ayy senior citizen honeybunnies
8 03月16日
  Conan hi mom
9 00:00:47   SlamminSalmon [#711] AARP CLUB LETS GOOOOO
10 03月16日
  reivaX 918
11 03月16日
12 03月16日
  Dan Sullivan I Fox Mom's Glowy Eyes
13 00:01:42   Athrawne [#639] MOTHERRRRRRRRR
14 03月16日
  Starless2 🎰
15 00:02:27   Enki [Honey #648] 15 months strong! The mombership goes on and on and on and....
16 00:03:15   BricXs (メンバーシップ入り)
17 00:04:29 $100.00   Soorya just got paid les goooooooooooooooooo
18 00:04:35 $5.00   SlamminSalmon [#711] Will there be tapioca pudding served for bingo night?
19 03月16日
  Tiqian It has been 8 months since I joined the membership!GM NINA!!
20 00:06:57   HEALTHY AND HAPPY EVERY DAY (メンバーシップ入り)
21 00:07:11   Invietation (メンバーシップ入り)
22 00:07:20   xLohengrinx1 1 more month till one year. Let's go Fox Mom!
23 00:08:19 $10.00   AKinkyKadaver Hey Nina do you have any plans to continue atomic heart? I really enjoyed watching you play it and hearing about your knowledge on stuff, glad you're enjoying ckiii still tho
24 00:08:30 CA$5.50   Acadien Hi Nina, it's my birthday! I'm getting closer to being a senior citizen for real! Bingo now sounds awesome, old gang lets goooo.
25 00:10:17   tek (メンバーシップ入り)
26 03月16日
  Igneel Finally managed to catch a stream
27 00:13:09   Benji Smith pog
28 00:13:51 $1.99   WraithSage I wanna join in on the spoiling
29 00:14:09 $20.00   Bear Hands hi mom! can you send birthday wishes to my friend Brandon? we adore your streams!!
30 00:14:34 $99.99   MichaelDillonOR I am sorry you’re going through a rough patch. I hope you use this supa to do something really relaxing. Please take good care of yourself - I’m doing so too! It’s been a tough couple of weeks for me too, so I’m on vacation to do some project work. Be well, mom!
31 00:15:35 SGD6.98   Megane FaMillie I miss Enna
32 00:15:52 $5.00   Syxti Watt Hi Mom, it was my birthday on Saturday and I had two amazing steak dinners. I hope you have fun today and I look forward to hanging out with y'all
33 00:16:17 $5.00   Davren Helsmere Nina, you have an addiction to CK3, we have an addiction to spoiling you. The honey doesn't fall far from the bunny
34 00:17:07 $5.00   Cloverlea[#47 V2.0] Nina love!
35 00:19:41   The Professor Keen A pro tip, for maximum fun for Fox Moms is to put their children in giant hamster balls and roll them down hill.
36 00:19:48 $5.00   TAMAMO VIRUS O wise and beautiful Nina of the YouTube, grant me wisdom. How do I not be boring and charismatic?
37 00:20:00 €20.00   Unitychad Fixing a spicy sleeping schedule isn't easy! I hope you can get some support in doing that! Missed you! Interesting that you go into that customer service mode, many people become unhinged when sleep deprived
38 00:20:59   Chessex [#260] Stellaris is really complex even in the base game. Have fun Nina
39 03月16日
  艾薇嵐 Ivy Lan
40 03月16日
41 03月16日
  Noglad [#124] MOTHURRR please ensure the floor chicken follows the 3-second rule (or dont, whatever, im not your mom). have fun surviving the vampires!
42 00:27:41   Shree Klime, College Student Don't worry about your sleep schedule, I have a circadian rhythm disorder, I can relate. Important part is getting good sleep when you do get it!
43 00:28:42 $5.00   TI Crimson yes you need the "Curse" skull. her item is actually a huge help with crowd control at evolution. also easiest level is library.
44 00:31:21   Micado257 The strut on this girl, NICE, also hello mom, been a while since We've spoken, don't tell my boss I'm working
45 00:32:04 ¥500   ぼまー. こんばんは、ニナママの声が大好きです:)
46 00:32:49 $2.00   Marco Harrorato (a無言スパチャ)
47 00:36:23 €5.00   Snowscarf i am here made it yay also btw happy late white day Nina lot of kisses to you
48 00:39:06 $5.00   Mavranel, He of Many Faces Finished a good chunk of my work. Time for a break with my favorite fox mom.
49 00:39:22 R$50.00   Gain MK here, money for the chocolate
50 00:46:51 $5.00   TI Crimson
question marks are hidden characters on the stage. some stages have hidden items as well you have to find.
51 00:50:34   Hechicero Mama look i got the one month thing wooo
52 00:51:24 €5.00   Snowscarf
tbh i starting to learn how to sing sadly hard to find a teacher so i teach myself as best as i can till i find a good Teacher
53 00:55:38 PHP250.00   testchief7 Here's a belated birthday supa from me as my birthday was last thusday
54 01:02:19   Jimmy2buc - [FSF Task Force Bravo 1] When Quill, Ink & Parchment were a thing huh
55 01:06:09 $5.00   EnvyMizuhashi Mechanical pencils used to wear off all the time. Either the lead gets stuck and it can't get out OR they just slide out of the pencil. LOL
56 01:09:19 $2.00   Syxti Watt
I'm still on that Quill and Parchment tech
57 01:10:11   Akhaa[#353] I use pencils for trpg character sheets and notes but outside of it not at all
58 01:10:40 $5.00   VastSoot stone tablets? I use my stone tablet to write down complaints about Ea-nasir's copper quality
59 01:12:44   Mo-Man-7 (メンバーシップ入り)
60 01:22:11 $5.00   Syxti Watt
I once saw a drunk fox mom go ballistic in uno. It was absolutely savage!
61 01:33:10 $5.00   JBHUTT09 When Arcanas were first added there was one that would turn La Borra into a screen covering super nova of death. It was so much fun.
62 01:42:43   Moondog Keep on rocking on mom
63 01:46:45   vic viper look at this graph
64 01:46:49 $2.00   Mity It's okay mom, i have bad music tastes too <3
65 01:47:21 $5.00   Syxti Watt
My girl broke up with me around the time Dark Horse came out so yeah... that album hits hard
66 02:10:46 COP4,000.00   Phoos is there any restriction on what we can recomend?
67 02:10:53   P J (メンバーシップ入り)
68 02:20:36   Katrina Dungo Doing good mama! Feeling very productive today .
69 02:33:11 $5.00   Peter Campi That's nothing: I bought two copies of Alien: Isolation when it came out: one for Xbox One (so I could play it) and one for PC (for the future).
70 02:35:16 $5.00   Diabolic Tutor [#456] I have like 6 copies of Diablo 2 (physical and now digital), over the course of a decade
71 02:46:17 CHF10.00   Magister Generalis Just wanted to say that i really love the artpieces that you choose as the thumbnail for your streams but this has to be one of the best that i‘ve ever seen. Breathtaking!
72 03月16日
  Hypecord Hello mom! im sorry im so late
73 03月16日
  PirateturtleMellow Hi mom! Just turned 21 today and was wondering if you’ve got any first drink recommendations.
74 02:53:09 $2.00   A Pickled Cucumber Now THAT sounds decent
75 03月16日
  Sophie 5
76 02:57:08 $2.00   EnvyMizuhashi
Looks like the process didn't trust YOU!
77 03:01:25 $1.99   jacrispy69 Came for the floor chicken. Is there any left?
78 03月16日
  Nick Vo [#190] heads-up, Hurry Mode is a steep difficulty change because it makes the TIMER go twice as fast, i.e endgame-tier enemies at 15:00 minutes
79 03:10:59 $10.00   Green Fleece Hey Neeners, was watching last weeks videos and am proud to support a fellow old Puzzle Pirates player.
80 03:14:33   Eca hi mommmmm
81 03月16日
  lotadqueen hi mom, good luck with the vamp game! wish i could come more often but masters program is kicking me in the butt currently. all the love
82 03:22:07 $5.00   Whisperers Remember that, in all things, passion shows. Put your passion into the PowerPoint and it'll work out.
83 03:37:48   BadKarma90 (メンバーシップ入り)
84 03:47:21 PHP137.50   misteisse | ミスタイゼ Sold my soul to s8n once, he asked for a refund
85 04:04:33 $5.00   Talthar You can love us... you can hate us... just do not be disappointed in us.
86 03月16日
  BadKarma90 5
87 04:13:11   Whatthisface (メンバーシップ入り)
88 04:20:54   juniisdead hi mom i didn't realize i could send this. memberships are free!!
89 03月16日
  Nick Vo [#190] 5
90 04:30:25   Maverick J Are you winning, Foxmom?
91 04:30:45   DBuck Thank you badkarma for the membership, I’m to broke to buy one myself so this is really kind of you
92 04:47:00 $5.00   Slippery-Slaughter-Daddy try sun glasses or tinted lenses
93 04:49:32 $5.00   JBHUTT09
My mom bought a C shaped vase that she really loved, but now can't even look at it because I pointed out that it looks like a toilet seat.
94 05:06:23 $2.00   Pinkerton "The walls have bibles!" - Nina maybe
96 05:12:18   MMZero I wish to trade chickens for a Millie please.
97 05:12:26 $5.00   Cain Prescott Where do all the Supas go when they expire? Your walls. They go in your walls.
98 05:17:51   Raven201 Just wanna say Good Morning Nina !! I'm glad I caught your stream today
99 05:18:20   Zera #35 i have a question mom when do you play solasta with rosemi agin?
100 05:38:59 $2.00   EnvyMizuhashi
Pixels, Pixels Everywhere
101 03月16日
  Redeyeddrgnfly 10
102 06:05:53 $2.00   ALonelyChurro Okay, but would age = vintage as expected?
103 06:07:19 $1.99   RaydoBaconDude Bacon
104 06:15:07 $20.00   BadguyEX For future runs, if you grab the gold and silver ring, they pair with the Clock Lancet, Mom.
105 06:18:05 $5.00   DANIELOL8 hello Nina , I hope you doing ok, yesterday it was my birthday I don't mind a happy birthday from you now
106 06:25:25 £2.00   pirateFinn Vampire Survivors: Just One More Run, The Game
107 06:25:51   Meghanet [メガネット] (メンバーシップ入り)
108 06:26:15 A$2.00   John V You're thinking of Koschei the Deathless.
109 06:26:52 $10.00   BadguyEX
Arrows are for the Laurel, Mom. Laurel and Clock are part of the weapon set you need to kill Death. Good luck, Most Excellent Fox Mother.
110 06:28:52 $5.00   Nick Vo [#190] What they don't want you to know is that it's the same Ivan in all Russian stories, he's just really talented
111 06:32:50 $5.00   zim57 Just FYI those rings and red items are on almost every map so you can take your pick
112 06:33:53   lumisula Gotta sleep but I hope you get to become the death-murderer you were destined to be, I'm rooting for ya
113 06:40:15   8BitLlama (メンバーシップ入り)
114 06:50:52   Super Shock (メンバーシップ入り)
115 06:51:13   Scarle dummy shorty hands (メンバーシップ入り)
116 06:52:04   Scarle dummy shorty hands It me dat boi eric lmfao been watching u while
117 06:56:31 $5.00   A Pickled Cucumber
If you use doggo in Il Molise with limit break, it slowly gains levels faster until around 10minutes in, it starts gaining 10levels per second.
118 07:03:33   Projekt-Masako (メンバーシップ入り)
119 07:07:29 $1.99   bob god i want to sniff nina's feet
120 07:08:04 $2.00   Mity
Can I sniff them first?
121 07:11:04 $5.00   Bear Hands
Video Game :)
122 07:11:29   Difu Never distraction
123 07:45:44 CA$2.20   Thai Danh Mom, just a friendly reminder that knife is garbo
124 07:48:43   Cristian Oshino (メンバーシップ入り)
125 07:59:35   Otakun Dan (メンバーシップ入り)