記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 22 156.98 \22,285
A$ AUD 3 24.99 \2,430
CA$ CAD 2 12.49 \1,343
EUR EUR 1 5.00 \774
---- ---- ---- ---- \26,832
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:02:14 $50.00   Mori Mouse yay i get to play diablo while watching momma play diablo!
2 00:02:16 $5.00   The Professor Keen (announcer voice) FROM OUT OF NOWHERE! NINA FROM BEHIND WITH A GORILLA STREAM!
3 00:05:52 A$14.99   Lex I’m working at a winery rn, so I’m surrounded by wine but can’t drink any!
4 00:06:44 $10.00   Kravin Hi Ma, it's my birthday today so I'm giving superchats to my favorite vtubers. Thanks for all the chill streams and vibes. Gonna celebrate with some Granny Cream's hot butter ice cream!
5 00:10:38 €5.00   獣さん damn, Nina i know theres so much to do and see, but go wreck some demons man...
6 00:21:26 $2.00   Nhân Hi Nina recently I play Kenshi I gotaddicted to it
7 06月20日
  Inu- kun 16 months with the lovely fox mom, hope your day has been absolutely wonderful Nina. Much, much love for you
8 00:29:23   Just Some Sean [Honey#419] (メンバーシップ入り)
9 00:45:19 $5.00   Customer Support Johnson Hi fox mom, is it okay to worship Lilith as our other mom?
10 00:52:16 $2.00   Marco Harrorato (a無言スパチャ)
11 00:52:41 CA$5.50   JetStream I think I just heard the sound of hundreds of pencils scribbling drafts of Nina/Lilith at once.
12 00:54:57 $5.00   Customer Support Johnson
I heard Lilith was the inspiration to the "Papa, Don't Preach" song after what happened to Rathma-kun. Is that true?
13 00:57:02   Donny just using membership milestone to announce I lurks
14 00:57:33 $9.99   cheese616 Bought the June Nina voice pack. Guess I gotta pay the mom tax.
15 06月20日
  Nyaaa Mom!!! Love you!! Thanks for being the fox mom that we need but doesn't deserve!! Stay healthy and happy always
16 06月20日
  Jonathan Perry 5
17 01:10:18 A$5.00   Jonathan Perry Giving rabies to others, because sharing is caring.
18 01:12:22 $2.00   Salty Lich A chance to get bit by Nina. Where do I sign?
19 01:16:21 $10.00   TheDAWinz Are you a TRUE diablo ninuar!?!?
20 01:46:19 $2.00   Jessica Winters Enjoy the pomu leaf! It only took 3 tries lol
21 01:47:54 $5.00   Cloverlea [#47] This dungeon! This dungeon spawned a long discussion about what it would be like to jump into one of those pits of legs for a massage!
22 02:16:21 CA$6.99   TheMonsterENVY They are planning to make gems into a material so they won’t clutter up stuff in the future
23 02:20:11   Nathan Cotton - KFP Kenzoku Home Baker There's a fun podcast idea a couple of Youtubers do where they talk and play a game until they die, at which point the podcast ends
24 02:25:10   Urban Cohort She's gone, everyone be cute!
25 02:29:23 $4.99   Urban Cohort Hi chat! Wouldn't it be such a funny prank if we kissed? I bet it would be really funny.
26 02:35:56   John V The bride audio was very sweet, by the way, and pleasant late-night listening.
27 02:38:24 $10.00   Diabolic Tutor [#456] best value in supas, because they are free
28 02:40:34 $5.00   Charlie Spurr Nina hiiii! So unfortunately I can't see a specialist about my eye for six months, apparently being down an eye isn't important enough for them lol
29 06月20日
  青風 18 months Pog have a good day mon
30 02:50:58 $5.00   Charlie Spurr
Well my thing is a neurological issue, they still don't know the exact cause so doubt a checkup would've found anything. One-eyed pirate for now.
31 02:51:49 $5.00   EnvyMizuhashi In the words of the fabled Nick Cage: You're the Devil's Baby Momma.
32 03:06:41 $2.00   Charlie Spurr
Nina is having trouble finding her chesticles
33 03:12:15 $5.00   Charlie Spurr
I thought that stuff only gave blue stuff wth I have been avoiding it cuz it only gives me blue shiz
34 03:15:43 $2.00   Charlie Spurr
the only living she doing is live birthing a demon
35 03:16:22   Unbentchimp Got demons in your blood, have you tried not doing that
36 03:22:32 $5.00   Solaire Of Astora Hi, mom! I just got done assisting in a 6.5hr surgery and my my arent u a sight for sore eyes. Ty for gracing me with your beauty tonight~ Mwah
37 03:25:27 $5.00   Uncle Stone I wish I was done with 6.5 hours like Solaire, got to get back from break, dopamine is obtained, lay waste & loot em all Nina
38 03:27:54   bella nina! i've been listening to your stream while i work & i just wanted to say thanks. i haven't been able to catch one in a while, so this was a treat!
39 03:36:59 A$5.00   John V I still have my Diablo manual from 1996. It was my secret after Mum threw the game away, and my introduction to female anatomy. The 90s were weird.