トップ ※リアルタイム抽出とアーカイブ抽出のスパチャを統合(merge)したものを表示しています。
配信名:【Half year Celebration】Singing with my custom intrumentals I made!!
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
 NT$  TWD   62   27662.00  125,405円
 YEN    1   47      92700   92,700円
 HK$  HKD   27    1614.00   28,182円
   $  USD    8     168.47   23,078円
 WON  KRW   11     208400   21,413円
 EUR  EUR    2     104.99   14,441円
 SGD  SGD    1     100.00    9,852円
   £  GBP    4      47.00    7,617円
 PEN  PEN    3     115.00    4,088円
 SEK  SEK    5     260.00    3,377円
 PHP  PHP    8     800.00    1,954円
 MYR  MYR    3      51.00    1,564円
  A$  AUD    1       5.00      476円
 IDR  IDR    1   20000.00      185円
---- ---- ----       ----  334,332円

No 時間 元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
13 08/26
¥250   Suzui (無言スパチャ)
16 08/26
$1.49   OkashiiAmerican少女
18 00:01:59 NT$30.00   Eryom エリョム
20 00:03:53 NT$75.00   Yan Yun
24 00:04:54 HK$8.00   saltfish (無言スパチャ)
25 00:04:59 ¥200   タマ仔tamako
27 00:06:48 NT$15.00   傾儂 (無言スパチャ)
28 00:06:07 ¥1,000   8のものおき Happy half anniversary!! I'm looking forward to watching you shine brighter in the future!!これからの活動も楽しみにしています!
30 00:07:16 NT$30.00   Happy half anniversary!
35 00:10:47 SEK100.00   Ellinor Happy six month Yugo!! I'm so proud and happy to have been with you and Noctyx's this far! love you so so much! and I can't wait for what the future holds! thank you for being there for me my light~
36 00:11:22 NT$1,500.00   Lairub Sreat Ater Beautiful singing always makes me cry.Happy half anniversary, thank you for meeting you this half year,I love
41 00:11:58 ¥5,000   無意識に切り抜くさすらいのパッチ Happy Half Anniversary!Thanks a lot everything! I enjoy every day because of you.Noctyxに入ってくれてにじさんじに入ってくれて本当にありがとう!Yugoが見えないところでも沢山、沢山努力して積み重ねたから良い結果になってると思います。いつも工夫した素敵なコンテンツで楽しませてくれて本当にありがとう!Yugoの透き通った綺麗な歌声大好き!ゲームを楽しそうに全力でやってくれる姿も大好き!これからも支えさせてね!
42 00:12:00 NT$1,500.00   y its so beautiful im crying
43 00:12:03 NT$1,500.00   Eryom エリョム OMG release when
45 00:12:22 ¥200   nuesaka.鵺坂 THANK YOU YUGO MY LIFE MY DAY MY TIME IS BLESSED
48 00:13:11 ¥2,440   好夏❦ーすいかー 初スパ!ユーゴデビュー半年おめでとうこれからもよろしくね
49 00:13:28 NT$70.00   nayuki peng Your song make me feel happy!Thank you Yugo!
53 00:13:51 ₩20,000   유랑 ゆらん ユーゴ最高!!!! 사랑해!!!!!!!!!!!
55 00:14:19 ¥2,440   yosan ハーフアニバーサリーおめでとう。 今日も綺麗な歌声をありがとう。大好き
56 00:14:26 PHP125.00   Angury Memer memory of mine is the song on how we met cuz I clipped that part lmaoo good ol days xD Happy 6 months mate!
57 00:15:11 NT$300.00   YUN CHEN WU Happy six monthsAlways looooooove you
58 00:15:36 PHP25.00   干物妹 Nanachan (無言スパチャ)
59 00:16:30 ¥1,000   雨芽 *あめ* Happy Half Anniversary
61 00:17:24 HK$100.00   Chloeybee Happy 6 months! It's great to meet you here! Thank you too!
63 00:18:14 NT$150.00   Yan Yun Happy Half Anniversary
64 00:18:28 ¥1,000   日奏(kanade) Happy half year Anniversary! This anniversary is in recognition of your hard work.You make everyday special and me happy.Thank you so much.I will continue to support you.Love you,Yugo
65 00:18:45 ¥250   ATM
66 00:18:55 NT$150.00   瞬鳴shun-míng Happy Half Anniversary
67 00:20:00 NT$30.00   Mia🐏 :_saiko:
69 00:20:41 NT$30.00   Joan Allen ずっと応援します!!!!loooove u
70 00:21:01 SEK20.00   Ellinor
71 00:21:46 NT$1,500.00   山神悠悠YOU YOU happy half anniversary I LOVE NOCTYX
72 00:21:31 NT$1,500.00   NaNaNa⚡ Natasha娜塔莎 Original songs are sooooooo beautiful!
73 00:22:05 NT$75.00   Huyu Thank you for the beatiful songs and beautiful voice Happy Half Anniversary!
74 00:22:14 NT$300.00   Mia🐏 happy half anniversary
78 00:25:22 HK$25.00   Leslie Long Happy six months!!! Always love you, your voice and your singing! Our best DJ Yugo Asuma!Love u 4ever
79 00:25:33 NT$30.00   YuFan于帆 I'm cryingYou're amazingLove you and thank you
80 00:25:54 ¥1,000   タマ仔tamako オク下めちゃくちゃ助かっちゃった…好き
81 00:26:31 HK$500.00   葛葉Miki Congrats on half years!! Yugoに出会えてよかった!Noctyxに出会えてよかった!ありがとう!オリジナルソング本当に最高ですこれからも応援します^^
83 00:27:21 ¥200   nuesaka.鵺坂 泣いちゃう、てかもう泣いてるんだけどさ……久しぶりに涙出して泣いたかも 好きだ、ユーゴ ありがとう
84 00:28:46 NT$150.00   Souo Happy half anniversary
88 00:32:51 NT$1,500.00   Ran Shen Happy half anniversary! Your voice always makes me happiest Thank you for today's karaoke stream Looooooooooooooooove Noctyx Looooooooooooooooove you, our tensai DJ
90 00:37:29 $2.00   Harvest the Krop Headbanging in my office cubicle!
91 00:37:42 £20.00   Mute-Static I don't know how your voice has the ability to grasp my heart so easily like this. Your energy is just a blessing.. and I'm so glad that I found you. May the stars bless you Happy Half year! I truly love you~
92 00:38:01 ¥200   リウ happy half anniversary!!yugo最高ーー!!
93 00:38:51 ¥200   しいたけ (無言スパチャ)
95 00:40:13 NT$330.00   Yayana Happy half year anniversary!That’s original song made me cry qwq Yugo の声本当に優しいくて、it’s always give me energy to get through the difficult things in my life. これからも応援しますよう!Yugo 大好き! 最喜歡你了!一直喜歡你!tete
97 00:40:41 ¥500   アルターナ Happy 180th day Anniversary! いつも楽しい時間をありがとう!!Yugoに出逢ってから、毎日がすっごく幸せだよ。歌手の夢は、Yugoに沢山勇気をもらったから、挑戦できたんだ!!僕の人生を変えてくれてありがとう。これからも応援してます。Love you suck! suck!
98 00:41:29 NT$150.00   G LOVE UYou are amazing!!!
101 00:45:52 HK$25.00   葬予無情Nuo Nuo Malin Happy Half AnniversaryYugo you are great! !!I love you so much! ! !
103 00:46:33 ¥5,000   タマ仔tamako Congrats on Noctyx half anniversary!!! Thank you for being here now. I'm really happy to have met you. I know I can say this a million times, but I love you so much! I wish you all the best and hope you continue to enjoy your stream! 愛してるよ!
104 00:47:30 ¥1,220   wataruuu so good im crying help
106 00:47:56 HK$78.00   Hatsuki Thank you so much for today’s karaoke stream and Happy half anniversary !! love you and you’re amazing Yugo
107 00:48:51 NT$300.00   SHENG Your voice has always been so beautiful and hope you will always shine on stage.
108 00:50:28 PHP50.00   Elex Happy 6 months woohoo! Love you!!!
109 00:50:37 SGD100.00   kzF777 (無言スパチャ)
110 00:52:00 ¥1,000   世界 ユーゴのGLAMOROUS SKY本当に大好きデビュー半年おめでとう!
111 00:52:30 $10.00   Rox Wolf I'm so proud of how far you've come, Yugo. You're working so hard, and I can see you improving bit by bit, day by day. You continue to inspire me, and I can't wait to see how far you'll go from here!
112 00:52:49 ¥1,220   透明人間Haruka🎧 Yugo your singing always makes me cry...I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately for some personal reasons...Thank you so much, your singing always save meI love you
113 00:52:54 NT$150.00   素敵なNAME I believe that Yugois a gift from god and so precious. We love when you singing you looks so happy
114 00:52:39 ¥1,000   雨月(amazuki) 最高の歌と歌声をありがとう…
115 00:53:02 ¥2,440   (無言スパチャ)
116 00:53:12 NT$75.00   シンルーSHIN RU love you!!! yugo 最高!!!
117 00:53:30 ¥200   皇真[ouma] Big Love × ∞(無限)
118 00:53:33 HK$100.00   🌳 すすTree I Love Yu and your voice and your singing and your everything Glamorous sky is the very first song that i heard you sing and i love you since then Love Yuuu
119 00:53:46 NT$330.00   Ree Wu YUGO大好き 半周年おめでとうございます。
120 00:54:18 NT$1,500.00   逢坂七奈 / Nana Osaka Happy half anniversary!! Your beautiful voice really made my day!! Thank you Yugo!! We love you!!
121 00:54:22 NT$750.00   baby baby ohhh Yugo最高!!!!!!
122 00:54:27 NT$75.00   もっちー_mochi Happy half year! I so proud of you Yugo! Thank you as always! Love you!
123 00:55:27 NT$1,500.00   Leia Rabbit Happy half anniversary!Thank you for today’s karaoke stream!We love you
124 00:55:44 SEK100.00   Ellinor you're so amazing Yugo!!! your making cry and dance!! Always having fun with you and Yuguys!! いつも愛してる! PS this is perfect after writing my exam for 5 hours, I feel more relaxed thanks to you Yugo!
130 00:58:07 $20.00   Cutie Kanroji Happy 6 month anniversary, Yugo! All of us are so proud of you!
132 00:58:52 €100.00   Still Underworld You are one of the most beautiful thing that happened to us. We love you Yugo You shine so bright, thank you for being our light.
133 00:58:57 ¥1,000   タマ仔tamako I love your voice (しみじみバージョン)
134 00:59:12 PEN100.00   VoirDeSnow(๓ˊᵕˋ๓)TH |สโนว์ Dear Best DJ. HPY 6-months.You prove everyone can improve themselves. Not giving up is hard. but you can do it. I don't know what true perfection is. But I really want to see what perfect you mean. I'll be listening to you right here to cheer you. Get a virtual kiss~ ;3
135 00:59:32 NT$150.00   Bacon Hsieh Happy half anniversary for Noctyx! Thank you for the karaoke stream todayYour voice is so precious, and I'm gonna cry Love you so much
138 01:00:08 NT$30.00   Akane Noctyx半周年おめでとう!大好きなYugoの歌でこの日を迎えて幸せです!これからも応援します!
140 01:00:49 NT$750.00   伊恩ion HAPPY HALF YEAR ANNIVERSARY YUGO!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU SO MUCH
144 01:02:04 ¥10,000   みおかの Mio Happy HALF ANNIVERSARY! I am so happy to have met Yugo and Noctix. Yugoの歌声はもちろん、成長しようとする姿も大好きです。差し支えなければこれからもよろしくお願いします。
145 01:02:23 HK$100.00   Amagi Yugo, congrats for six monthsMeeting you is one of the best things for me this year. Your voice is my cure to spend the tough and busy days Look forward to see you rocking the future stream!
146 01:02:45 HK$100.00   Aki Akino Thank you for today’s karaoke stream!
148 01:03:32 ¥250   こさめ (無言スパチャ)
149 01:03:05 NT$30.00   瑠璃(Ruri) 今日もユーゴに救われた…オリジナルソングを歌ってくれて本当にありがとうリリースしてほしい!!
151 01:03:50 NT$50.00   ki ki🦁🎧 So happy to hear today, thank you, 我愛你yugo
154 00:59:46 HK$50.00   Kuuyaクウヤ Happy half anniversary!! So proud of you and thank you as always!!! Love you our amazing DJ!!
155 01:05:47 ¥5,210   LB一般路过人🎧【LB】 your voice makes me cry,happy half anniversary,thank you!we love you !you are on your way to a better future
157 08/27
¥500   あらんか🎧arranca Happy 6th anniversary! I love your voice. I love your song. I love your coolness. My love for you knows no bounds
158 01:06:25 NT$170.00   襪子喵 I am a sock meow from Taiwan, today is my birthday, can I sing a happy birthday song, can I also say I love you,我愛你?
159 01:06:45 HK$50.00   Ryan。
160 01:06:55 ¥610   ReN. happy half anniversary 最高の時間をありがとう~楽しかったですかっこよくて素敵な歌声に癒されました I love u yugo
161 01:07:05 NT$170.00   襪子喵 I am a sock meow from Taiwan, today is my birthday, can I sing a happy birthday song, can I also say I love you,我愛你?
163 01:07:48 HK$25.00   Yuya_ユヤ お久しぶりです,ユーゴ(´;ω;`) Really miss you.ユーゴの歌本当に最高 LOVE YOU SO MUCH And HAPPY HALF ANNIVERSARY
164 01:08:14 NT$300.00   Luny麓麑 your voice always my redemption
165 01:08:19 ¥5,000   Jane Happy half annivesery and Otsu Yugo!! Wondering that if there’s gonna be a コンビname (group name?) of you and sonny just for the funny moments clipping or fanarts. Really enjoy the time when you two collab.( Sorry if it’s bothering ><)
166 01:08:26 ¥250   Mio 最高の歌声ありがとう!そして、デビュー半年おめでとうユーゴに出会って毎日幸せです!大好き
167 01:08:32 £2.00   リユクロス おめでとう
169 01:08:44 HK$10.00   Izumiii_0208 Otsukare!!Yugo saiko daaaaa
170 01:08:47 NT$330.00   襪子喵 I am a sock meow from Taiwan, today is my birthday, can I sing a happy birthday song, can I also say I love you,我愛你?
171 01:08:58 PHP50.00   {⚡️Juuuuwwwweeeeee🎧} It's always good to hear you sing hubby!Love you!
172 01:09:24 ¥200   はらき ユーゴの歌声が好き…素敵…泣いた…ありがとう…BIG LOVE…
173 01:09:39 HK$38.00   remi Otsuyugo!Thanks for your beautiful voice tonight and happy half anniversary!Can’t wait to the 24hrs karaokeYUGOSAIKOOOO!!
174 01:09:41 NT$150.00   Luny麓麑 it's ok! LOVE YUGO FOREVER
175 01:09:42 ¥1,000   タマ仔tamako 読まなくて良いです のどお大事にお疲れ様でした!
176 01:10:21 $99.99   MakaMakaHiya Happy 6 month anniversary Yugo! Thank you for the karaoke and thank you for sharing you music and passion with us always. We’re so proud of you, your growth as a person and streamer, and we love you sooooo much!!! Thank you for being our driving force and inspiration.
177 01:10:24 NT$170.00   Jinx Love u
178 01:10:28 ¥1,220   Mai M Happy half anniversary!! thank you yugo,thank you Noctyx,thank you nijisanji EN!! ユーゴに出会えて私の世界も広がりました。新しいことに挑戦するきっかけももらえて感謝してます、ありがとう。I love you~~~!!!!これからも応援します
180 01:10:34 NT$170.00   襪子喵 I am a sock meow from Taiwan, today is my birthday, can I sing a happy birthday song, can I also say I love you,我愛你?
181 01:10:35 HK$10.00   Yuya_ユヤ Otsukare, Yugo 大好き
182 01:11:35 NT$30.00   素敵なNAME It's just practice but it's almost perfect Yugo
183 01:11:47 NT$227.00   薯薯 Happy half year anniversary!!!!!! Noctyx Let's goooooooooooo! Love you Yugo
184 01:11:53 ¥10,000   せな Happy Half Anniversary!! いつも笑顔と幸せ、そして素敵な歌声ありがとう!!ユーゴくんに出会えて毎日が楽しいです沢山努力して成長していくユーゴくんが大好きですこれからもずっと応援しています愛してます🫶
185 01:12:07 NT$6,000.00   Kusa Chang Thank you for today’s streamYour voice penetrates my heart and makes me cryYugo Thank youI love your voice is so beautiful that makes me wanna marry you,can I?Happy half anniversarylove you
186 01:12:10 ₩100,000   💙 𝙀𝙣𝙆𝙤 🎧 Congratulations on the half-year anniversary of Noctyx and Yugo! I really like Yugo's singing voice and I think Yugo is the best singer! これからもYugoを応援するよ
187 01:12:10 HK$25.00   Sheepppp🐏 Happy Half Year! Your voice can always heal my heartThank you for everything. I love you soooo much mua mua muaaaaaaaa
189 01:12:40 ¥200   あぶら油分 happy Half Anniversary. love yugo.
190 01:12:59 MYR30.00   Ren Lostset HAPPY HALF YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!! YUGO! Thank you so much for singing to us! Your voice is always so cool and amazing! TSKR! TSKR! Looking forward to see your future content! Love you so much my King!
191 01:13:23 ¥1,220   yosan always love you ~~~~!!!
192 01:13:25 ₩2,500   yama 야마 i love you i like your voice 감사합니다
193 01:13:29 HK$50.00   blue white Time flies,can't believe it have been half year since our first meet! What I can tell is Yugo Asuma is a REAL charming person, I have gradually being fascinated to you in the past six months, thank u
196 01:13:52 ¥2,440   hdsjtskhhkf yugosaikou You know that Yugo? Every time I listen to you sing, it's not only a pleasure or a spiritual support for meHalf anniversary congratulations!There will be many half anniversaries to spend together next! Love you Yugo!FOREVER
197 01:13:55 £20.00   Shaz Happy half anniversary Yugo! So proud of you and your progress. Thank you so much for the stream, your singing always moves me and you always make me happy. Love you
200 01:14:56 NT$75.00   Sakiko Happy half anniversaryThank you for the karaoke.After that, have a good restNIJIMelodyTime fighting!! See you then. LOVE YOU Yugo.
201 01:15:05 HK$10.00   yutong Happy Half Year AnniversaryLove you~
202 01:15:27 ¥1,220   sanmi Thank u for karaoke stream また楽しみにしてます
203 01:15:40 MYR6.00   Wan4Memes Happy 6 months yugo, hi from Malaysia
204 01:15:40 NT$520.00   墨竹心 Fang Love you Yugo!
206 01:16:18 PHP125.00   JellyCreamA.M. hello yugo!!! random question have you heard of a mountain chicken? also HAPPY HALF YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!
210 01:16:55 HK$10.00   Syll Otsu yugo!happy half anniversary!amazing voice UWU
212 01:17:48 NT$30.00   Xinya Thank you for today's amazing stream
213 01:17:57 NT$170.00   tako たこ 🎧💙 otsu !!!! today’s stream is 最高 you voice is so beautiful I cried btw happy half years !! I LOVE YOU I will always support you🫶 chu chu
214 01:18:41 ₩5,900   YURI유리* ユゴに会って,こんな時間を持つようになってとても幸せ♡カラオケ期待してるよ! Happy half anniversary!!! love u yogo<3 saranghae!
215 01:19:16 NT$300.00   りんな Happy half anniversary ! Thank u for all the hard work ! Your beautiful voice made me smiling and crying at the same time , always support u
216 01:19:38 NT$150.00   Nosuma٩ᐛ۶ OTSU Yugo!!! Happy half-year anniversary. Thanks for being a member of Noctyx, today’s karaoke stream is awesome, love you Yugo
217 01:19:46 MYR15.00   Lee Zi Lin thank for the karaoke streamI feel very bad today but you give me the engery i will always love you
219 01:20:01 HK$50.00   Yoyo Tsang Happy Half AnniversaryI'm really glad to meet you in my life. Love your Singing. Love your laughter. DaiiiiiisukiMua~
220 01:20:08 NT$150.00   つきえtsukie Otsu Yugo! Though these are songs from before, every time u sound different & better, just cant help falling in love with ur voice! Happy Half-Anniversary and good luck on the karaoke relay! Big Love!
221 01:20:14 €4.99   It’s Eggie (無言スパチャ)
222 01:20:15 ₩10,000   neulヌル I wanna put you in a praise prison. You'll only hear compliments for 24 hours hahaha. You're the best. SARANHAE
224 01:21:58 ¥1,000   CoKei Asuma Happy half anniversaryThank you and Love you
225 01:22:48 HK$25.00   ZN Happy half anniversary! Your stream and your singing always make me feels better even I'm really sick.
226 01:22:58 ¥10,000   汐_【SEKI】_ happy half anniversary I can't stop my tear every time I hear you singing songs, your voice has the incredible power that moved me so much So lucky I met you in this summer .Thank you so much
228 01:24:58 PHP250.00   Kii chan 🔗🤲 happy half anniversary to Noctyx! thank you Yugo for being such a wonderful inspiration to us.I wish you nothing but success and happiness.thank you also for liking my attempt to sing theVampire song
229 01:25:04 HK$15.00   Choya Happy half anniversary!!!!love you so much ~
232 01:26:46 NT$70.00   Jinx Happy half anniversary,love u,mua
233 01:27:26 NT$300.00   Lairub Sreat Ater My friend 小兔兔吉吉(Xiǎo tù tù jí jí)wants to tell you that he supports and loves you
235 01:28:15 ₩10,000   유랑 ゆらん Noctyx 半周年おめでとう Noctyxに、にじさんじに入ってくれて本当にありがとう。ユーゴと出会って本当に良かった!ユーゴの歌が好きなので今日も幸せだった!日曜日のカラオケが本当に楽しみで眠れないそう。私にいつも幸せをくれてありがとう。お疲れ様!
236 01:28:15 NT$330.00   Yayana Yugo お疲れ! Happy half anniversary again! Every time I see you,I always have lot of happy ,thank you always shining in my life. Proud of you and love you every day!大好きだよamazing DJ 様 Mogumogu TSKR
238 01:29:08 HK$10.00   Ki_ Otsu!every time when u are singing u look so shine
240 01:29:25 ¥10,000   Tsukimi 遅くなってごめんなさい!yugo君は本当にかっこいいです~!好きだよ(今日本語お勉強します、文法が間違っていなければいいのですが><!)
241 01:30:51 NT$330.00   Emilia Wilde Happy 6 months I'm admire U keep improve yourself and step by step to find Ur way. 0227 is my BD, I'm so happy U come into my life.keepgoing but don't put too much pressure on yourself, Let's go Yugo
245 01:33:26 NT$75.00   阿沫 amuo 半周年おめでとう!ユーゴがだいしゅきこれからもずっと応援しますカラオケリレー頑張ってねYou can do it
246 01:33:54 PHP125.00   Elex Every time you sing One Ok Rock songs, you make me fall in love with the band more. Happy half anniv, thanks for being here. You're always the best!
247 01:35:13 NT$150.00   ビンカ binka Happy half year anniversary! Thank you for being here and singing! It was an amazing half year and let's make more splendid memories in the future! Love you, Yugo :)
248 01:36:43 $20.00   Jinx!! happy anniversrryyyyy
249 01:36:43 SEK20.00   Ellinor Jag älskar dig~ (I love you)
250 01:37:23 ₩5,000   엔시 𝙴𝚗𝚜𝚒 Happy half anniversary! 実は私はYugoのデビュー放送を見てにじさんじにはまってしまったの これからも応援するよ!! いつも愛してる! saranghae!!!
251 01:37:37 HK$25.00   Chloeybee
252 01:38:15 ¥500   あらんか🎧arranca Happy half-anniversary! I love your voice. I love your song. I love your coolness. My love for you knows no boundsSorry if my English is wrong.
253 01:38:19 HK$50.00   Kuuyaクウヤ Otsu Yugo, your singing always save me from bad mind resting, I'm looking forward to the relay and future more, Happy half anniversary, Thank you Yugo, love you
254 01:39:10 PHP50.00   {⚡️Juuuuwwwweeeeee🎧} Happy 6 mos to u & Noctyx! Keep rocking! Love u!
255 01:39:17 ¥1,220   透明人間Haruka🎧 Happy half year anniversary YugoYour songs have always comforted me and You've always saved me. I really appreciate meeting you. I love you「今でもあなたは私の光」
256 01:39:28 $10.00   dani devito ★彡 Yugooo, i'm a new fan and i love what you do, looking forward to more memories with you and happy half year to you and the boys!
257 01:39:46 ₩20,000   A- ria OTSU YUGO! Happy Half year! It's been about 2 months since I met you, but it was a very beautiful time. I was looking forward to seeing your stream every day and it was fun.
258 01:40:06 ₩20,000   A- ria Everyday watching you work hard made me gained a lot of courage too Knowing you is the biggest luck in my life I will always support you 사랑해! 방송해줘서 고마워!
259 01:40:07 A$5.00   Ren Zotto's Knees Your voice and laughter helps me find the strength to get through each day. I'm glad I was able to be here to support you tonight. I love you
260 01:43:32 $4.99   MakaMakaHiya Jokes on you Yugo, I already told my coworkers about how cool I think you are
261 01:43:34 ¥200   nuesaka.鵺坂 happy half anniv yugo! luv u chu chu chu
262 01:43:43 NT$30.00   静嵐🖋️Seiran Just want to say LOVE YOU! Happy half anniversary!
263 01:45:59 HK$25.00   杫櫻. support for today
264 01:46:49 ¥250   hdsjtskhhkf yugosaikou 先生におすすめした多分今先生配信見てると思う
266 01:48:43 ₩5,000   메루 Meru 半周年おめでとう! ユーゴのおかげでいつもとても幸せこれからも応援するよ love u 사랑해(*≧ω≦)
268 01:49:42 NT$300.00   Necy This is the first time I donate for you. Thank you so much for always letting me enjoy your beautiful singing! Happy half anniversary! Love you Yugo
269 01:50:58 NT$30.00   Joan Allen always love u
270 01:52:04 IDR20,000.00   Jelly Ryou really like your original song, love you
271 01:52:14 £5.00   EnglishOtaku Happy 6 months and thanks for the karaoke today! You have such a good taste in music, rock and roll never dies! Never let them forget that!
273 01:54:23 HK$100.00   Majima I LOVE U YUGO. I am proud of you.Chu
274 01:55:44 ₩10,000   미야ミヤ OTSU YUGO I love your original song! Is there a chance to listen to your another original songs in the future? I'll support your music life and stream
275 01:56:04 ¥250   hdsjtskhhkf yugosaikou 先生本当に見てるみたいです先生からクラスルームメッセージきました先生!ユーゴを応援してください!
276 01:58:06 PEN10.00   VoirDeSnow(๓ˊᵕˋ๓)TH |สโนว์ I'm waiting for your original song! It's excellent! I can listen all day. If it's on sale, don't forget to allow Thai to buy it. Because We meet 'Not available in your Country' in everything. orz
277 01:58:27 SEK20.00   Ellinor I have experience the Yugo buff, it's real!!
278 02:02:09 NT$330.00   Yayana 何時も応援します! I got the Yugobuff every time when you called my name.Hope you can gonna be best in future and be happy (*¯︶¯*) Love Yugoお兄さん every day!
279 02:02:28 PEN5.00   VoirDeSnow(๓ˊᵕˋ๓)TH |สโนว์ Love u forever. See you TMR!!
280 08/27
¥1,000   タマ仔tamako Thank you Love