記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 22 96.45 \13,640
EUR EUR 3 8.00 \1,249
MX$ MXN 1 20.00 \168
IDR IDR 1 14900.00 \140
---- ---- ---- ---- \15,197
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 07月25日
  Cloud殷云 (メンバーシップ入り)
2 07月25日
  Cloud殷云 (メンバーシップ入り)
3 00:00:47 $2.00   Iron Monkey🐠 twerking in chat while atthe table eating sideways
4 00:04:39   Hechi 鶴祁 LOVE U ><
5 00:05:39 $1.49   outcast777
6 07月26日
  Hechi 鶴祁 1
7 07月26日
  outcast777 1
8 00:24:12 €2.00   CrimsonSilver4 Joshua x Jote or Joshua x Dion? Make your case.
9 00:50:00   sailormoon4eternal (メンバーシップ入り)
10 07月26日
  Kenny Nini Rep you were saying something about not intimidating?
11 00:56:27 €5.00   CrimsonSilver4
The Revive Elixir won't work unless you equip it. You can also pause mid combat and use your items or change them.
12 00:56:49 $5.00   SenSae i guess you could say he's not horsin around
13 01:10:00 $4.99   Punishing Clown -Not Otto- Daily pun of the day for Feesh and chat: Why did the chocobo cross the road? He was going to wark!
14 01:32:37 $2.00   It’s no.21's, no.1 Simp! Starbucks customers when it opens in the morning
15 01:56:32   John Warlock (メンバーシップ入り)
16 02:17:44 $5.00   Jackson what's happening? I'm 7 y/o
17 02:19:22 $5.00   mii play the victory music
18 02:21:09 MX$20.00   Massey
19 03:36:40 $1.00   mii
20 03:36:55 $1.00   Iron Monkey🐠
21 03:36:56 $0.99   fliboi joey (a無言スパチャ)
22 03:37:12 $0.99   SilencedBarbarian (a無言スパチャ)
23 03:37:17 IDR14,900.00   Emrald 「エメラルド」
24 03:37:19 $0.99   Salty Z3r0 (a無言スパチャ)
25 03:37:58 €1.00   Seabasstian (Finanas Butler) (a無言スパチャ)
26 03:39:12 $1.00   Aster (a無言スパチャ)
27 03:54:04 $5.00   AKinkyKadaver Whenever I watch finana I get filled with happiness. feesh streams are always so good. I'm glad you're enjoying ff16, I'll have to pick it up someday!
28 04:27:21 $5.00   AKinkyKadaver
I always love and appreciate feesh streams thank you for the fun stream!
29 04:27:22 $5.00   Salty Z3r0
thanks for the stream, its always fun
30 04:27:29 $5.00   Jackson
Thank you for streaming! I am loving this playthrough!!
31 04:29:25   Alan Chocobo Thanks for stream Feesh
32 04:31:40 $5.00   AKinkyKadaver
Im still hoping for a Diablo 4 stream one day lmao but I actually bought vrising forever ago! I havent played it yet tho I think I have too many games
33 04:34:04 $5.00   AKinkyKadaver
have there been any developments in your rimworld save? also talk to Maria, she'd probably be able to suggest you some!
34 07月26日
  Yeetzer(THE TAKASHI)🐠🌂
35 07月26日
  Iron Monkey🐠 Appreciate you lots fina fr! Love for the Feesh! One more month till 2 years!!! Any plans? We would love to celebrate with you
36 07月26日
  Totte Almost 2 years!
37 04:41:16 $5.00   AKinkyKadaver
I married the cute redhead, I love her
38 04:44:59 $10.00   AKinkyKadaver
I waited every single day outside of namis hotel room for her so I could give her presents when she woke up. I lost her back in the GC version I wasn't gonna make that mistake again
39 04:50:11 $20.00   AKinkyKadaver
for me nami just breaks my heart. she can't find a job but doesn't want to go back home and she cries on the beach when she thinks she has to go home. she feels like a mooch and hates it but can't afford to pay
40 07月26日
  Salty Z3r0 Fina, you are fun and talented and i appreciate you, thanks for the company
41 07月26日