記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 37 173.98 \24,678
MX$ MXN 4 320.00 \2,657
EUR EUR 1 10.00 \1,555
PHP PHP 4 440.00 \1,120
WON KRW 1 10000 \1,110
CLP CLP 3 4950 \886
A$ AUD 3 8.00 \779
£ GBP 2 4.00 \727
SGD SGD 1 5.00 \530
MYR MYR 1 15.00 \461
COP COP 1 10000.00 \342
---- ---- ---- ---- \34,845
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 06月18日
  うみ (メンバーシップ入り)
2 06月18日
  Nekoya Shiki
3 00:04:07   Mar I have a flower !!!!!!!!
4 06月18日
5 06月18日
6 00:05:05   Lector Amatus Oh hey I can send one of these, have a good day Reimu, hope you have fun with the game
7 06月18日
  SM (メンバーシップ入り)
8 06月18日
  Inzziuma 👻 4 months already, time flies by when you have fun with people you love
9 06月18日
  Les Gold👻🎼 Hey Happy Father's Day to Reipapa (side note six month badge)
10 00:07:39 £2.00   oddball-boy WHAT'S ZELDA'S FAVOURITE APP? LINKEDIN
11 00:08:35 MX$65.00   Jaime Torres Diablos, apenas estoy viendo tu primer stream de BOTW, tardare unos días en alcanzar este stream.
12 00:08:35 ₩10,000   Green Good morning Thank you for using my fan art on the schedule! It's an honor! I hope you have a great day!
13 00:13:09 £2.00   oddball-boy
14 06月18日
  Halim Wong
15 00:17:17 CLP1,100   Bluesstyles(Reimu's Mad Dog) reimu have 2 sides: /
16 06月18日
  Rose Chu~
17 06月18日
  Ruyi Moonlight, KFP Ryuguard Phantomo the first thing i hear is "you guys might be wondering how i ended up in this situation" while falling into lava. perfect timing
18 00:23:53 $2.00   Riley (Reimu's Lapdog) character growth: liking a healthy, non-toxic man
19 00:30:09   No One Howdy this is a rare morning I’m still up but hope everyone will have a good Father’s Day keep being great phantoms and reimu
20 00:42:59 $5.00   Riley (Reimu's Lapdog)
21 06月18日
  appearance 1
22 00:47:23 $1.99   TriPrincess Congrats on beating another guardian Reimu!
23 00:47:47 $5.00   Riley (Reimu's Lapdog)
YOU BEAT IT SO MUCH FASTER!!! GOOD JOB MUMU YOU'RE GETTING BETTER <3 <3 <3 starting to realize mechanics faster too
24 00:49:35 $2.00   Rentarou Yamada Dwayne Daruk Johnson
25 01:01:49 $5.00   Riley (Reimu's Lapdog)
there are Shrines that need to have the cover blown up, need a puzzle solved to get in, & hidden in a way that you need to look from the PERFECT ANGLE
26 01:03:22 $5.00   Riley (Reimu's Lapdog)
I played and found 100~ w/o walk thru but the last 20~ I used a guide to find just to 100% it. it was mostly the hidden ones lol
27 01:23:28 A$2.00   ChickenKaichou hydration check cuz u thirsty
28 06月18日
  yasui hi mumu, i just finished my work,but i not able to catch this stream,hope u having fun
29 01:48:31 $5.00   Riley (Reimu's Lapdog)
you fight the Yiga leader, but it doesn't make them stop. just now they attack you to avenge their leader vs they attack you cause you're the hero
30 01:48:51 MX$65.00   Jaime Torres
Why does 10+10 equal 11+11? Because 10+10 is 20 and 11+11 it's twenty "too". Sorry, I know it's bad.
31 01:52:40   IceUrsa 👻🎼 Psychics make great explosives experts. They can foresee the C4. I'll C myself out now.
32 01:52:47 €10.00   Mirko D Okay have to go, gonna play with a friend. Have a fun rest of the stream. And thank you. You doing an amazing job Mumu and I am happy to support you even if it is not much. Just wanted to say that.
33 06月19日
  appearance 1
34 02:14:19   Ahri Suzumiya Not sure if it’s winter for you, but I hope you’re doing well~
35 02:18:09 $5.00   Riley (Reimu's Lapdog)
I could drive you anywhere reimu, I've been driving since i was 14, I can be whatever you need-
36 02:20:54 CLP2,750   Bluesstyles(Reimu's Mad Dog)
once with a friend we took a taxi at 3 am and the driver was high so what a way to pray that night xDDD
37 06月19日
  diamond san
38 06月19日
  Saint Tan Goodnight reimumu , have a fun stream. I still want to watch but I'm tucking in early~~ too tired from queuing for concert ticket
39 06月19日
  Mika's fries (Rizz) Could you curse me out in Español? Gracia mi amor
40 02:56:26 $5.00   Riley (Reimu's Lapdog)
I hate when people ask what I'm doing on my days off and i say "nothing" they go "you don't have plans?" no my plans are to do nothing and relax
41 03:00:56 MX$125.00   DLegendX Here's some loot, queen else Rilley will schooled me
42 03:04:06 MX$65.00   DLegendX
she found me wasting money on gambling and other women
43 03:04:58 $2.00   Riley (Reimu's Lapdog)
I only ever defend your honor, queen
44 03:06:20 CLP1,100   Bluesstyles(Reimu's Mad Dog)
aurum legend OW later??
45 03:10:33 $5.00   Supernova J Bombastic yo chat, you're looking really cute. wanna hangout some time?
46 03:10:58 PHP137.50   Angury Memer Hello Reimu~ its been a while i watched your stream! but I just wanna say that chat is really pretty
47 06月19日
MYR15.00   edoge14 Hey chat, come here often?. Oh hi Reimu didn't see you there
48 03:12:58 PHP137.50   Angury Memer
its okay chat. if Reimu removed the kiss emote. You can kiss her clipper instead. Imma kiss u all
49 03:13:44 $5.00   The Villain (Pokedex of Horror) Speaking of Emotes, would it be possible to get a 'HAHH?!' emote? I know I'd get a good laugh out of it.
50 03:14:03 $5.00   Mika's fries (Rizz) As a fan of "someone" else this chat is so healthy its scary
51 03:15:37 $2.00   Riley (Reimu's Lapdog)
we're healthy? sorry I'll be more parasocial, my B
52 03:16:12 $2.00   The Villain (Pokedex of Horror)
The chat is a Carnival Mirror of the Streamer.
53 03:17:54 $5.00   Riley (Reimu's Lapdog)
people have already called me cringe for my name, but gotta own this parasocial relationship as much as possible. I have a reputation to uphold now
54 03:21:23 $2.00   The Villain (Pokedex of Horror)
If you shoot them in the eye, it stuns them. GL!
55 03:23:20 A$1.00   ChickenKaichou
56 03:23:56 $1.00   Hernan👻🎼 (a無言スパチャ)
57 03:24:41 $2.00   The Villain (Pokedex of Horror)
Phan-Buta or Buta-Tomos sounds fun
58 03:25:36 $1.99   No One Reimus afk face sees all your past sins and judges
59 03:29:19 A$5.00   ChickenKaichou
Chat it's so cold... who wants to snuggle up?
60 03:30:57 $5.00   The Villain (Pokedex of Horror)
Don't talk about her like that; the pet takes after the owner. She cries for food, wants attention, pees herself...
61 03:33:51 $5.00   The Villain (Pokedex of Horror)
I've been meaning to ask: do we have a 'Pissydachi' equivalent as Phantomos? Not important, but curious.
62 03:34:40 PHP137.50   Angury Memer
I always had this dream of me sleeping with my Lickable Reimu Back Screen TV 8k Ultra HD. best dream ever
63 03:35:04 $5.00   Riley (Reimu's Lapdog)
we DO NOT and WILL NOT have what villain is talking about. Yes I'm gatekeeping. I'm kinkshaming. I will personally end this
64 03:35:20 $2.00   The Villain (Pokedex of Horror)
65 03:35:47 $2.00   Brendan Vore?
66 03:36:42 $5.00   Riley (Reimu's Lapdog)
man guys, look at that gameplay, reimu is about to fight a guardian fortress. can't wait to watch this. I'm not just trying to topic change
67 06月19日
  Bionic Hippo 5
68 03:37:32 COP10,000.00   Phoos I invoke my right as elder phantomo to Revoke and DISOWN the concept of pistomo now and FOREVER.
69 06月19日
  Hrotriks (Mumu´s soul meal) Yes I missed you even if you were here all the time
70 03:46:27 SGD5.00   Aurum (Reimu's Choker) Chat will be my 13th reason today. (Love you Reimu, stay cute and dont give us weird names please)
71 03:47:02 $50.00   The Villain (Pokedex of Horror)
To clarify: In Selen's Steam Profile Roast stream, Pomu and Enna figured that if they're Pissydachis and Aloushits, then Selen's was Vomit related (IDK why) to complete the Trifecta. I'm sorry for making anyone uncomfortable. I'll shush now.
72 03:58:00 $2.00   REIMU ENDOU'S BEST BED😈 Are you a calamity because u can destroy me always
73 03:59:09 $5.00   NijiKnight Good morning Mumu. Hubby has been so happy about us expecting that he recently got his car repainted in your colors. Have fun today.
74 04:00:25 $2.00   REIMU ENDOU'S BEST BED😈
I hear ur great feats? Is about ur great feet.
75 04:03:24 $5.00   REIMU ENDOU'S BEST BED😈
I heard your wise and strong maybe we can go TOE TO TOE literally .Ur also better goddess than zelda source trust me can confirm because ur sunshine.
76 04:15:26 $2.00   REIMU ENDOU'S BEST BED😈
I can assist relieving stress as ur BDSM subject.
77 04:18:15   Ido Ronen (メンバーシップ入り)
78 04:18:32 $5.00   Riley (Reimu's Lapdog)
I'm parasocial w/ a colombian ghost that I send money to help pay her bills. like this isn't even a joke, this is my reality. LMAO
79 04:20:00 $2.00   REIMU ENDOU'S BEST BED😈
If ur bored Im all game for some FEET play and woo
80 04:20:27 $1.00   nyx (a無言スパチャ)
81 04:22:06 PHP27.50   Kiryuu 23👻 (a無言スパチャ)
82 04:23:43 $2.00   REIMU ENDOU'S BEST BED😈
In te most hardest time reimu but has ur backtrust