記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 12 43.93 \5,944
CA$ CAD 2 13.00 \1,290
EUR EUR 2 7.00 \1,041
CLP CLP 1 5500 \925
CHF CHF 2 6.00 \907
IDR IDR 1 50000.00 \461
£ GBP 1 1.00 \168
---- ---- ---- ---- \10,736
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 04月28日
  Ghost of Volsung (メンバーシップ入り)
2 04月29日
$25.00   astralyoyo This should cover a 10-roll for ya. Love you, Finana, & thank you for doing all that you do. When I finish my short term work after rebranding my content, I promise ya I'll make you a new fanart since its been awhile.
3 00:03:41 CHF5.00   Nici Maybe some supas will fix it?
4 00:12:26   Nightmare (メンバーシップ入り)
5 04月29日
  Ryesia wonder if you'll find the easter egg in this station
6 00:21:22 CLP5,500   RowJ Seele is an amazing character and with c2 you can easily get 2 turns in a row, thanks to her passive and ulti you can easily get 6 turns, who needs aoe damage if you have Seele~ her set is full crit~
7 00:59:39 €6.00   Floofy Hoots Your character might be taller than her, but Herta can sense that Finana is truly the smallest
8 01:00:02   Paper_Bag_Friend It is what it is
9 01:01:47   L Z (メンバーシップ入り)
10 04月29日
  Zamy Cyber RP with simulated gods
11 04月29日
12 01:31:55   Kiki Aryos (メンバーシップ入り)
13 02:16:58 $5.00   Ivan Suzuki Himeko has a special dialog with the shards
14 04月29日
  Nathan Hawk Oh wow a year already, first started watching with honkai now we got honkai with trains. Truly we've come a long way. <3 Feesh
15 02:39:03 CA$11.00   Ghost of Pomu - Millie's Sexy Voice Lover NOT PAID Watching you play Star Rail convinced me to download the game. I'm just scared about how far down the whaling rabbit hole I'll fall
16 04月29日
  Nepgearsy Is it really ok to show Pomu's real face just like that?
17 03:31:52 $1.00   mii (a無言スパチャ)
18 03:32:09 CA$2.00   Orion Hunter (a無言スパチャ)
19 03:32:11 $1.00   Iron Monkey🐠 (a無言スパチャ)
20 03:32:16 CHF1.00   Nici
21 03:32:34 $0.99   Punishing Clown -Not Otto- (a無言スパチャ)
22 03:32:43 $0.99   Kunia Veas (a無言スパチャ)
23 03:32:48 $0.99   SilencedBarbarian (a無言スパチャ)
24 03:32:49 £1.00   Esty Crow (a無言スパチャ)
25 03:32:57 €1.00   Seabasstian (Finanas Butler) (a無言スパチャ)
26 03:33:52 $1.00   Jackson (a無言スパチャ)
27 03:46:14 $1.99   Punishing Clown -Not Otto-
He essentially the Cowardly Lion, big but fearful
28 03:51:29 $1.99   Juni Snezhnaya using the tech of Vladof Corporation
29 04:01:58 $1.99   Punishing Clown -Not Otto-
I’d say Cocolia is Evil for the right reasons, imo
30 04:39:40 $1.99   Punishing Clown -Not Otto-
Why are we weird? We basically just got born lol
31 04:52:41 IDR50,000.00   NSays InGame
32 05:44:28   golem101 (メンバーシップ入り)
33 04月29日
  Caramel 5