記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
CA$ CAD 7 123.20 \13,250
$ USD 15 92.70 \13,160
EUR EUR 6 29.00 \4,493
SGD SGD 1 2.00 \211
---- ---- ---- ---- \31,114
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 06月20日
  Grumpy Ursus (メンバーシップ入り)
2 00:04:08 €5.00   CrimsonSilver4 Before we begin, what's the birthday schedule for each segment? I see there's a EN minecraft collab after it but are you going to end it before that?
3 00:06:51 CA$22.00   Orion Hunter can't wait
4 06月20日
  Haxe ハクセー
5 00:12:08   David Rogers (メンバーシップ入り)
6 00:45:08 CA$2.20   Draconic the Moe Lion Fortunately you saved seven-and-a-half seconds ago
7 00:54:37 €2.00   Seabasstian (Finanas Butler) Don't use your age as an excuse
8 01:15:41 €2.00   CrimsonSilver4
If you want to teach Feesh something, use eggs.
9 01:35:14 CA$5.50   Draconic the Moe Lion
Guys, stop acting like Saito is already depraved just from this. He's not even done gloating yet. No Punishment is Too Great for this one.
10 01:47:22 €10.00   CrimsonSilver4
Congrats on being hot.
11 01:49:38   Alex Nguyen WOOOOOO hes was HOT
12 01:52:15 $1.99   Kunia Veas When you’re hot and perverted
13 01:53:09 €5.00   CrimsonSilver4
Gotta give a homie a hand sometimes.
15 02:02:04   Tako's clips Good morning y'all
16 06月20日
CA$55.00   Draconic the Moe Lion
Wait, so this really IS part of the Zero Escape continuity?! Date's getting memories of the Annihilation Route through the Morphogenetic Field, right?! So that means he's an Esper like Junpei and Akane, right?!
17 02:22:54 $4.99   Punishing Clown -Not Otto- Wait, but Date has good feeling of things tho in Saito’s body…?
18 06月20日
  nrnmarie 🍊
19 02:42:27 €5.00   Seabasstian (Finanas Butler)
Falco was in Rohan, Falco(in Rohans body) to Saito and then Saito and Rohan switched Bodies
20 03:37:50 $4.99   Tundra It must be traumatizing to the other 3 seeing Date’s old head explode..
21 03:39:33 CA$5.50   Draconic the Moe Lion
Hey Saito, how were THOSE fireworks! Spectacular, right? I still think he didn't suffer enough, though.
22 03:45:14 $10.00   Namakemono Don't act like you haven't swapped bodies with someone before ON STREAM
23 03:52:29 $1.99   Punishing Clown -Not Otto-
Ayo, JoJo Watchalong?
24 04:05:31   Nako Hi fina~
25 04:30:31 $1.99   Kunia Veas
We all know where this is going
26 04:40:06 $1.99   Punishing Clown -Not Otto-
Ota trying to Rizz Tessa in front her dad
27 05:20:08 $10.00   Jackson Congrats on finishing the game!!! btw does Feesh like lanterns?
28 05:20:18 $4.99   Salty Z3r0 gg Fina, wp
29 05:20:31 $10.00   mii What a great game! Can't wait for Nirvana Initiative!!
30 05:20:46 $9.99   fliboi joey A-SET YOU BET
31 05:21:12 CA$11.00   Orion Hunter
32 05:21:54 SGD2.00   Ryesia Congrats on completing the gameeee
33 05:23:42 $9.99   Kunia Veas
Congrats on finishing the game Finana. What a way to start your week of Finana
34 05:27:24 $5.00   AKinkyKadaver I dunno why but your playthrough really inspired me I think I'll buy the game myself thank you finana. can't wait to see you play the sequel!
35 05:30:18 CA$22.00   Bling Crosby Thanks for the playthrough. It was a blast!
36 05:30:29 $9.80   StarCreator nice clear! one ryugu water for the road please
37 06月20日
  IzutoZero what a great time feesh! congrats on finishing
38 05:31:11   TheMoatman (メンバーシップ入り)
39 05:31:22   zenine (メンバーシップ入り)
40 05:32:24   b679nuuK (メンバーシップ入り)
41 05:33:07   Silvasche congrats on clearing AI somnium!
42 06月20日
  コウイ 10