配信名【SUPER MARIO GALAXY】 how can I fight Bowser now knowing how moe he is 【NIJISANJI EN | Elira Pendora】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 32 134.99 \18,046
£ GBP 4 30.00 \4,991
A$ AUD 5 37.98 \3,385
CA$ CAD 3 22.00 \2,186
MX$ MXN 1 150.00 \1,104
SGD SGD 1 6.98 \700
R$ BRL 1 22.00 \588
YEN YEN 1 500 \500
MYR MYR 1 15.00 \454
---- ---- ---- ---- \31,954
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 04月12日
$2.00   Cheliax
2 04月12日
$2.00   Uncle Biff Always the bridesmaid....
3 04月12日
$2.00   Nyaruko
4 04月12日
$2.00   Memers Luigi is the perfect housewife dont @ me
5 04月12日
$2.00   StarCreator
6 04月12日
  androgosh (メンバーシップ入り)
7 00:03:39   Tsunderathalos I honestly thought that first “wahoo” was Mario. Itsa ‘wiwa!
8 00:05:37 £10.00   lm0 (a無言スパチャ)
9 00:06:10 $2.00   Zalfuse Silly little dragon
10 00:23:12 R$22.00   Daniel Duarte Hi Ewiwa! Congratz on the new outfit! So simple yet só beautiful and charming! Also, the left eye is too powerful for us to handle
11 04月13日
  Johnny Lacone 5
12 00:43:54   SilphytheBlack Bowser is best boy. bestest. also, Nice eye. :V
13 00:48:40 $2.00   StarCreator
my mama!
14 00:49:02   gz my mama!
15 00:49:14 £10.00   lm0
16 00:49:25 $2.00   τεαcυρ ηγαη ηγαη mama
17 00:49:51 $2.00   wildnexus Can Mane-chan be our mama then since u won't?
18 00:49:56 $5.00   Skyshield I find it hilarious that while Pomu got MGS brainrot, you got Xenoblade brainrot to the point you speak in Bri'ish
19 04月13日
  ElfinÆ Mwama!
20 00:53:30 $10.00   DrCranberry Mario was ripped asunder in the black hole Crushed with 20,000x earths gravity. Mario will know nothing but darkness in a place not even light escapes Mario as a being, no longer fundamentally exists
21 00:59:51   IcyMeerkat (メンバーシップ入り)
22 00:59:55 $5.00   Nick Vo [#190] girl you have TWO eyes now your depth perception is supposed to be BETTER
23 01:11:45 CA$11.00   Asky [Shrimpy Librarian] Remember in the other penguin galaxy - getting a shell makes you pass swim class, so it's not cheating. Not gonna save you from being stabbed for being too slow
24 01:12:12 $3.00   Chips! Common Ewiwa L
25 01:13:15 $2.00   wildnexus
If we quit in video games do we quit IRL?
26 01:14:10 $5.00   Johnny Lacone If we measure using games intended for kids as the benchmark, kids are cracked, scientifically speaking.
27 01:42:28 A$14.99   Randomperson2021 Hey Ewia, I got cookies and cream Pocky. Wanna play that Pocky game with me?
28 01:54:01 $5.00   Superneoking Oh no, I'm late for your stream, Chris. :( How many times have you died so far?
29 01:56:51 A$2.99   Randomperson2021
Status update, I’ve eaten all the Pocky.
30 02:08:38 $2.00   wildnexus
Roselina: Sad sotry. Mario: Wahoo! Yippee!
31 02:08:26 A$5.00   WMercy "Existence is suffering. Anyway it's time for lunch"
32 02:09:30 $5.00   Usny so... when are you playing nier: automata?
33 02:50:01 $2.00   resolvve ​IN FRONT OF HIS SON NO LESS
34 02:50:24 £5.00   lm0
35 04月13日
36 02:56:00 MX$150.00   Zurin Plex Congrats on beating the game! That was a real fun ride
37 02:56:10 $4.99   Salty Z3r0 gg wp
38 02:56:13 $5.00   Johnny Lacone
...and then Luigi ended up being chased by boos. The end. (this isn't actually what happened)
39 02:56:23 CA$5.50   ひとりぼっちのMKTetris Congrats on the clear! You're a gamer!
40 04月13日
  Zenliquid01 Did you know that the "W" in Luigi stands for Winner?
41 02:56:41 MYR15.00   edoge14 So Bowser survives being blown up by a supernova but Luigi is no where to be found
42 04月13日
  Zamy You did it yaaaaay
43 02:58:02 A$10.00   Beats This playthrough has made me realize how much I want a Galaxy 3. Think you'll play 2? also congrats gamer
44 03:00:25 $5.00   dayvena Thanks for the very fun stream Elira and congrats on Finishing the game
45 03:03:31 CA$5.50   Asky [Shrimpy Librarian]
Your final death score: 87 deaths, 12 of them by spaghetification, 11 by cringe (ie, stabbed for losing a race), and 1 by hilarious squishing
46 03:05:18 £5.00   lm0
47 03:09:00 $20.00   Superneoking
"It'd be nice to finish it" --- she says while Colony 6 lays in ruins
48 03:13:18 A$5.00   Beats
My oshi's skills are unparalleled
49 03:16:15 SGD6.98   Shireen Hiro Weee weee wahoo! Ewiwa~ that was fun and so cute!!! o^w^o
50 03:16:25 $10.00   Memers
Thanks for playing one of my favorite childhood games Ewiwa!! It was fun experiencing the game again with you!
51 03:16:55 $5.00   Nyaruko
Really wanna play some Mario now after watching the movie and you playing
52 03:17:50 $5.00   AKinkyKadaver Eliras streams always bring me a sense of warmness and comfort, thank you for the stream elira, I hope youre having a good day
53 03:30:57 $5.00   Dark Flame Master Did u see both P5R endings? If so, thoughts on the one without the boss fight
54 03:44:48   Kai1nferno (メンバーシップ入り)
55 03:48:13 $2.00   wildnexus
Spoiler filled P5R zatsu stream when?
56 03:58:43 $5.00   wildnexus
Congrats on beating P5R and Mario Galaxy! Ngl, January was so good! I loved the final boss and it made me love/hate Akechi and love Kasumi even more
57 04:12:02 $2.00   resolvve
Did you see McD's JP is having a One Piece Collab?
58 04:27:03 ¥500   タマザラシSpheal I really love that new outfit! lately I feel like I am saying cute...every time I see you in it! thank you ewiwa and kamamesi mama! mazi de kawaii
59 04:29:59 $2.00   Prisu Thank you for the stream 3wiw!! have a good dindin
60 04:30:53 $2.00   wildnexus
Akechi tucks you in: "I hate you..."