配信名【#Elira3D お披露目】 Love at First Light 【NIJISANJI EN | Elira Pendora】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 120 2484.49 \320,993
YEN YEN 167 306007 \306,007
CA$ CAD 28 584.77 \56,390
A$ AUD 9 615.33 \55,236
NT$ TWD 20 7935.00 \33,732
£ GBP 6 135.99 \21,382
HK$ HKD 10 998.00 \16,506
SGD SGD 8 124.34 \12,130
PHP PHP 16 2649.00 \6,207
MYR MYR 10 172.50 \5,136
WON KRW 2 37500 \3,891
EUR EUR 3 21.00 \2,941
THB THB 5 610.40 \2,376
AED AED 1 50.00 \1,758
R$ BRL 3 50.00 \1,264
IDR IDR 4 110000.00 \936
NZ$ NZD 1 10.00 \821
HUF HUF 1 2000 \703
CHF CHF 1 5.00 \694
PEN PEN 1 6.90 \237
ARS ARS 1 243.40 \173
BGN BGN 1 2.00 \143
---- ---- ---- ---- \849,656

No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 Jan 7 02:01:03 $2.00   wildnexus LETS GOOOOOOO!!!!
3 Jan 7 02:12:17 $2.00   Cometeor
6 Jan 7 02:42:17 $2.00   Cheliax Lets gooooooo congrats on the 3D Ewiwa!!!
7 Jan 7 02:59:25 $2.00   Zephyr Kitten First
15 Jan 7 13:49:08 $2.00   Uncle Biff Still not Friday. I'll check back in a few hours.
18 Jan 7 16:26:19 $2.00   StarCreator three dee wi wi
20 Jan 7 19:30:09 $2.00   Uncle Biff
Still not Friday? Okay, I'll check back later.
64 Jan 13 16:30:26 ¥480   two-thirds
68 Jan 13 20:55:01 $100.00   Mojey ELIRA REAL!!! IT'S HAPPENIIIINNNGGG!!!!!
69 Jan 13 20:57:41 ¥1,600   two-thirds
70 Jan 13 20:58:00 $1.49   Murphy
71 Jan 13 21:01:44 ¥320   two-thirds
in 3 hours! let's goooooo!!!!
72 Jan 13 21:32:46 ¥1,000   マットジーヴァス エリーラさん!3Dおめでとうございます!
74 Jan 14 00:03:27 ¥320   two-thirds
actually hype
85 Jan 14 00:40:13 ¥320   two-thirds
in 20 minutes
87 Jan 14 00:40:37 ¥500   ツツイチ221
90 Jan 14 00:46:31 $1.00   Mac (a無言スパチャ)
111 Jan 14 00:58:15 $2.00   Prisu ITS ALMOST WADDLE TIME WOOOOOOOO!
132 Jan 14 01:00:09 ¥2,434   いろチャン (a無言スパチャ)
164 Jan 14 01:01:47 £100.00   lm0 (a無言スパチャ)
169 00:01:44 CA$5.00   Virulent ビルレント CONGRATS ON THE 3D!
175 00:01:55 $100.00   Vivek Love at first light let's go, this is such a wonderful moment
191 00:02:21 CA$10.00   ひとりぼっちのMKTetris GRATZ ON 3D!!! EWIWA YOU'RE SO CUTE!!!
200 00:02:46 $5.00   boohoo723 Gacha fund. DO IT
201 00:02:49 $20.00   Birb Grats on the 3d, it looks great!
205 00:03:02 $25.00   Phishy Happy 3d Ewiwa!
206 00:03:05 $10.00   Salty Z3r0 ...pog
209 00:03:08 ¥200   めるせです
210 00:03:09 ¥160   NoRai (a無言スパチャ)
214 00:03:15 ¥320   笹丸ササ (a無言スパチャ)
215 00:03:16 ¥2,434   元祖べちこ焼 (a無言スパチャ)
216 00:03:16 ¥10,000   ふぇんりる 仕事で見れないのでスパチャだけ……!おめでとうエリーラ
218 00:03:19 ¥1,000   だいず (a無言スパチャ)
219 00:03:20 $10.00   shirokuma (a無言スパチャ)
220 00:03:05 NT$75.00   熱狗香腸 angel peko? WTF?
222 00:03:30 ¥500   あおいちゃん CUTE
224 00:03:35 ¥320   じゃめす Congrats 3D Elira!
225 00:03:41 HK$50.00   jada tang im almost crying!!! ewiwi lazulight gogogo!!!
226 00:03:43 ¥3,200   シラツキ (a無言スパチャ)
230 00:03:46 ¥1,000   さーもん
235 Jan 14 01:04:04 ¥1,000   かにえ (a無言スパチャ)
236 00:03:53 $5.00   StarCreator
SSR ewiwi
237 00:03:53 $10.00   DOGHEARTEDLY 3Dおめでとうございます!!!you look soooo cute !!!!!!
238 00:03:54 ¥2,000   k. south Congrats Ewiwa
239 00:03:58 ¥1,000   わっふる 3Dおめでとう!!エリーラ!!
240 00:03:59 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82 Congrats on becoming 3D Elira!
241 00:04:00 ¥190   たつぞー
243 00:04:03 PHP50.00   AUBADE Let' gooooooo!
244 00:04:04 ¥777   ばびお Congrats 3D Ewiwa!!!!!!!!
245 00:04:05 ¥1,000   Miruha 3Dお披露目おめでとう!!!!
246 00:04:09 HK$100.00   elithea44 Ewiwa is so cuteeeeee
249 00:04:24 ¥1,000   * hana 3Dおめでとう!!!!かわいい!!!!
252 00:04:35 ¥5,000   りんごちゃん R congratulation!!
253 00:04:37 IDR20,000.00   vene i love you wiwi congrats on the 3D debut
255 00:04:45 ¥1,000   右ねじRightscrew New story
256 00:04:48 ¥2,000   dia _ (a無言スパチャ)
257 00:04:39 ¥3,200   ツユゾラ Congratulations!!!
258 00:04:53 ¥500   春駒【はるこま】 3Dおめでとうございます!
259 00:04:57 ¥200   †(ここに名前)† (a無言スパチャ)
260 00:04:59 ¥2,000   青桐 aogiri (a無言スパチャ)
261 00:05:00 ¥1,600   i love you. 3Dお披露目ありがとう!
262 00:04:46 ¥500   WonderEbiFly ver2 (a無言スパチャ)
263 00:04:44 ¥200   ぐぅたら Congrats on 3D Ewiwa
264 00:05:03 ¥140   toro
265 00:04:49 HK$50.00   sakua Let's goooooooo
266 00:05:04 ¥500   柔らか仔猫ちゃん 3D御披露目おめでとう
267 00:05:05 ¥500   デンカ 3Dお披露目おめでとう(*´ω`*ノノ☆パチパチ
268 00:05:08 ¥2,000   ドン十万 おめでとうございます!これからも応援してまっす!!!
269 00:05:09 ¥600   sabi sabi wooooo
272 00:04:56 ¥500   ゅ_ Congrats on 3D Ewiwa!!
274 00:05:05 ¥500   アマグモ congratulation!!
275 00:05:23 £8.99   🍌🍌Cherry Lee 3D Let’s Goooooo Ewiwa
276 00:05:23 ¥1,000   Uio LETS GOOOO
277 00:05:25 ¥500   イチ Congratulations on your 3D!おめでとうエリーラ!
279 00:05:32 THB69.00   Edenius this is like a birthday present of mine congrats!
280 00:05:33 PHP25.00   Sedna (a無言スパチャ)
282 00:05:38 €6.00   Lucky Nag💾👾 Congratulations on the 3d Elira, this is also way too funny
283 00:05:41 $10.00   MarcusOfGoetsu Congrats on 3D ewiwa
286 00:05:49 $5.00   Fukuro Ch. 3D おめでとう! I can feel memory's door opening!
287 Jan 14 01:06:09 NT$300.00   ying 3D
288 00:05:57 ¥10,000   わーたん えりーら3Dおめでとう!!!!sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh
290 00:06:02 PHP500.00   Sillykyuu SHEEEEEEEEEESHHH
292 00:06:05 ¥1,000   そな ˢºᐢª 3Dおめでとう
298 00:06:17 $10.00   MightyBryGuy XX CONGRATS ON THE 3D MODEL!
299 00:06:20 $5.00   Solid Takezo Congratulations on your 3D Elira!
300 00:06:24 PHP125.00   Zephyr_Monochrome CONGRATS ON 3D EWIWA!!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!!
301 00:06:27 $50.00   evedel09
302 00:06:30 ¥500   Nico (a無言スパチャ)
304 00:06:43 ¥2,434   ひきしろすい (a無言スパチャ)
305 00:06:43 CA$10.00   roboの哀れ aaaaaaAAAAAAAAA!!!
307 00:06:47 CA$15.00   maru chan MISS YOU FT PETRA BLESSSSSSS I7 RISE UP
309 00:07:00 ¥500   音速のノニ エリーラおめでとう!
310 00:07:05 ¥3,200   zzzq Congrats to your 3Dにじフェスで3Dえうぃわに大感激してこの日をずっと楽しみに待っていましたこれからも応援していますSHEEEESH
311 00:07:06 $2.00   Zephyr Kitten
313 00:07:13 $1.99   Froggyonalilypad
316 00:07:17 MYR15.00   kenny CONGRATS ON 3D EWIWA!! actually hype
318 00:07:20 IDR20,000.00   David「Titanium」 congrats on 3D! so cute!
319 00:07:24 ¥1,000   まき おめでとうEWIWA
321 00:07:30 ¥1,000   Ty - 0001 おめでとうErila !!!
322 00:07:32 ¥1,000   そうじ 3D おめでとうございます
324 00:07:40 ¥5,000   烏丸ゆうじ 3Dおめでとう!!!!!
325 00:07:41 $9.99   🌙 moonya (a無言スパチャ)
326 00:07:43 PHP125.00   Skypen Congrats on 3D Ewiwa!!
327 00:07:33 ¥3,000   メロソ 3Dおめでとうございます!!!
329 00:07:52 $10.00   Daru Congrats Elira!
330 00:07:53 MYR6.00   serra 【せっら】 ewiwa すごい!!
331 00:07:46 $20.00   shirokuma
332 Jan 14 01:08:08 ¥1,000   たつぞー
Congratulations Ewiwa
335 00:08:07 ¥1,600   natsu エリーラ3Dおめでとう!!
339 00:08:20 $20.00   Chicken Bone I think "Love at First Light" is super cute! cringe is dead and I'm ready to follow my heart! Congrats on 3D it's soooo good!!
340 00:06:15 HK$250.00   natalie leung congratulations on 3d
341 00:08:22 MYR4.50   Emil 🦊🐘
343 00:08:05 ¥200   のんびりゆっくり
345 00:08:27 ¥500   ライカ Congratulations on your 3D!!!
347 00:08:30 $20.00   Dani CONGRATS ON 3D EWIWAAAAAAAAAA
348 Jan 14 01:08:53 SGD5.00   Kel Congrats on 3D!
349 00:08:48 $10.00   MataMataMata CONGRATS ON 3D! We have reached new levels of cuteness. much love!
352 00:08:52 $5.00   WireSun7 CONGRATS ON 3D EWIWA
353 00:08:54 CA$10.00   Chiru My bald oshi is too cute!!!
354 00:08:58 $2.00   Usarurú
357 00:09:14 ¥2,232   DoJ えうぃわ3Dおめでちょおおおおおおおおおおおお!!!!!
358 00:08:49 ¥500   あしがる?る! Congrats on 3D EWIWA!!!
360 00:09:24 ¥1,000   めーぷる 3Dおめでとうございます!! 物凄く可愛いです!!
361 00:09:28 ¥3,200   もやし Congratulations!
365 00:09:17 ¥8,000   むげんプリン 大好き
367 Jan 14 01:10:04 ¥800   さくさくぽよち𓂃 𓈒𓏸
368 Jan 14 01:10:08 ¥500   magicien
370 00:09:41 HK$10.00   Koro CONGRATS ON 3D EWIWA
371 00:10:04 A$5.00   Mr Simple Ahhh 3D Elira!!! So cuuteee and congrats!!!
372 00:10:06 ¥200   ちーこ〔chi-ko〕 Elira! congratulations!
373 00:10:06 ¥1,600   JILL-san エリーラちゃん、3Dおめでとう!大好き!!
374 00:10:18 ¥500   まもつ Congrats on 3D!!!
375 00:10:19 R$10.00   Przybyci CONGRATS ON THE 3D EWIWA
377 00:10:20 ¥5,000   ちづる Congrats on 3D
378 00:10:13 ¥1,000   本多章仁 Eliraおめでとう
379 00:10:37 $100.00   Agent Teacup (a無言スパチャ)
380 00:10:39 $10.00   Fren congrats on 3D miss Ewiwa!!!!!
381 00:10:48 $10.00   AtomB she's just a goofy gal
382 00:10:53 $2.00   J ♡ CONGRATS ON THE 3D EWIWA
383 00:10:53 CA$10.00   Bianca Congrats on your 3D debut, Ewiwa!! Making NijiEN history
384 00:10:42 $5.00   Lune CONGRATS ON 3D EWIWA!
385 00:10:57 $5.00   Salty Z3r0
Cute !
386 00:10:57 MYR6.00   aeong congrats on 3D ewiwa!!!
390 00:11:11 $10.00   rezrov13 Congrats on your 3D Elira! It's my birthday today and this is a great gift!
391 00:11:12 CA$2.00   ひとりぼっちのMKTetris
392 00:10:59 ¥2,434   ともりゅん Congratulations to Elira 3D!
393 00:11:18 $2.00   Agent Teacup
you are so cute
395 Jan 14 01:11:35 A$5.00   jouaki CONGRATS ON YOUR 3D EWIWAAAAA
396 00:11:26 ¥500   ミヤマクワガタ
398 00:11:16 NT$1,500.00   inekiいねき エリーラちゃん3Dおめでとう!!!
399 00:11:31 $2.00   wildnexus
400 00:11:36 ¥320   Mio Congrats on 3D Eliraaaa!!! すごくかわいいです!!
402 00:11:42 ¥320   FUKA THANKYOU
403 00:11:43 HK$38.00   haha (a無言スパチャ)
404 00:11:44 CA$2.79   Dawn CONGRATS EWIWAAA!!!
405 00:11:48 ¥1,600   yuri かわいい〜3Dありがとう〜〜!!
412 00:11:07 €10.00   firnantok WOOOOOO! YOU LOOK GREAT, BIG E!
413 00:12:10 ¥1,000   mizt Congrats on 3D かわいいいいいい
414 00:12:16 IDR20,000.00   Tvanon CONGRATS ON 3D!!!
416 00:12:21 ¥10,000   坂の上のタモ / Tamo Congrats on EWIWA's 3D!I've been looking forward to it for a long time.I'll always support you. I love you!
417 00:12:21 MYR15.00   Yukiko ^_^ Congrats Ewiwa!
419 00:12:22 ¥800   alpaca (a無言スパチャ)
420 00:12:25 $10.00   JP Ng SOOO CUTE!!! CONGRATS ON THE 3D!!!
421 00:12:25 ¥800   404notfound (a無言スパチャ)
424 00:12:37 ¥500   ヨウスケ エリーラホントにおめでとー!めっちゃかわいい!!!
425 00:12:50 NT$75.00   HuyuEk Congrats on 3D!!! So cuteeee
427 00:12:56 SGD5.00   Shireen Hiro EWIWA, I LOVE YOU
428 00:12:57 $25.00   Genspenst
429 Jan 14 01:13:11 ¥2,232   えみり / みーちゃん 3Dおめでとうかわいいえりちゃんの歌声がだいすき!これからも応援してます!
430 00:13:18 ¥500   照りたんぽぽ エリーラちゃんおめでとうございます!!
433 00:13:43 $1.99   NamingSystem Congrats on the 3D!!
434 00:13:51 ¥2,434   VTuberリアクション
435 00:13:57 NT$30.00   伊星 (a無言スパチャ)
436 00:13:41 HUF2,000   Himemiya Chikane Yes, Ewiwa, youre super, super cute!! Congratulations on getting 3D!!
438 00:14:22 £10.00   lm0
439 00:14:26 MYR30.00   TaDa (a無言スパチャ)
440 00:14:45 $10.00   Majin D Ewiwa you're so beautiful~
442 00:14:48 MYR30.00   Jasonジェイソン HEART EYES??????
443 00:14:50 NT$150.00   silver wei (a無言スパチャ)
445 00:15:08 THB179.00   SeiRen [セイレン] Congratulations! You look so good Ewi-chan
447 00:15:16 ¥200   JUNJUN PONGJUN So cuuuuuuuute♡♡♡♡♡
448 00:15:19 NT$300.00   G SS trsk!
452 00:15:47 ¥2,434   demidemi 3D POGGGGG
453 00:15:57 THB100.00   Melnia Congratulation on 3D Ewiwa!!
455 00:16:08 $5.00   Ernesto Congratulations on 3D Ewiwa!!! You look so cute!!!
459 00:16:52 $5.00   Derrick Seeto
461 00:16:58 ¥140   Kubert
464 00:17:33 ¥2,434   クー 3Dおめでとう!Poooooooog!!
466 00:17:55 NT$300.00   魚魚 Congratulations on 3D Ewiwa you are soooooooooooo cute OMG! I'm going to cry!!!!!
467 00:18:06 NT$1,500.00   妹妹【マイマイ】Hannah Congratulations 3D Ewiwi baby You are super talented and cute giving my best love to you
472 00:19:06 PHP125.00   third12[三塁] Congrats on 3D Ewiwaaa you are so cuuuute SHEEEEEESHHH
474 00:19:50 ¥1,000   心臓が複数ある軟体動物 3Dcuuuute!!
476 00:21:08 $5.00   Sidewayz2013
477 00:21:23 NT$150.00   silver wei
Congrats on 3D,Elira!!!!! Finally be real and you are sooooo cuteeeee! haha I forgot write message in last sc.
479 00:21:42 ¥2,434   シオノギ (a無言スパチャ)
481 00:22:08 $49.99   Rumin『るみん』
483 00:22:16 $5.00   bignanime ぴえん超tskr.
484 Jan 14 01:22:41 ¥1,600   ICHIGO Chan🍓 世界で1番お姫様だよ…EWIWA.... 最高だよ…ありがとう…
489 00:23:02 ¥500   ぱる。 エリーラ!本当に本当に3Dおめでとう!ようやくだね!自分のことみたいにすごくうれしい!世界でいちばんかわいくてかっこいい、最高の"推し"だよ!大好き!おめでとう!
490 00:23:07 THB19.00   ふフジ (a無言スパチャ)
493 00:23:29 ¥2,434   クー
So cuuuuuute
495 00:23:34 ¥8,000   かいわれのかたわれ
499 00:24:35 $5.00   Zalfuse Cute too cute, we were already blessed so much with the stomping and the barking, what more can possibly happen tonight??!?!
500 00:24:43 ¥2,434   Xoey ゾーイ TSKR
501 00:24:19 ¥2,434   あゆ (a無言スパチャ)
502 00:24:55 $100.00   discomoonie CONGRATS ON THE 3D!
503 00:24:59 ¥320   もち 可愛い。 改めておめでとう!
510 00:25:54 CA$2.00   ひとりぼっちのMKTetris
Plastic Love TSKR
511 00:25:57 $2.00   wildnexus
519 00:26:41 $5.00   Entry Hazard SASUGA ELIRA EWIWA, 最強. EWIWA FIGHTING
520 00:26:47 CA$10.00   Kai Huang voice of an angel
521 00:26:48 £2.00   AngelBerry
522 00:26:58 ¥200   no-nameeeeeow #Elira3D CONGRATULATIONS!
523 00:27:05 CA$100.00   Orion Hunter
526 00:27:46 NT$300.00   タコ飯 Wiwa 3Dおめでとう!!!!🥹🥹🥹
527 00:27:46 IDR50,000.00   Eila Richter CONGRATS ON YOUR 3D EWIWAAAAA. I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU
530 Jan 14 01:28:32 MYR30.00   Yaminiඞ
533 00:28:40 SGD10.00   Isabel燴「イサベル」
536 00:28:52 $20.00   eclair (a無言スパチャ)
543 00:29:32 $10.00   Gwently🚪🔑
545 00:30:02 $2.00   Michael Fang LOVE YOUR VOICE SO MUCH! You're awesome, Elira!
546 00:30:03 NT$170.00   Mei2251
548 Jan 14 01:30:21 ¥2,434   いちか ichika
549 00:30:24 CA$20.00   Nerium AMAZING
550 00:30:30 ¥2,000   さとう (a無言スパチャ)
552 00:30:41 $5.00   Alexander Babski THE MATRIARCH OF NIJIEN
553 00:30:44 $5.00   Majin D
555 00:31:01 NT$750.00   須凛 (a無言スパチャ)
556 00:31:04 HK$100.00   yk. (よこ) Congrats 3D!!!!!
558 00:32:06 $20.00   Mari Suzuki👹 🎭 Congrats Ewiwa!!
559 00:33:21 NT$300.00   Mona congrats on 3D Ewiwa!! so cuuute!I'm gonna cry
560 00:34:40 ¥500   かなえんぴつ LazuLight LET'S GOOOOOO
562 00:36:16 $10.00   Zephyr Kitten
Dab fee, thank you very much Big E
563 00:36:33 CA$2.00   Nerium
564 00:37:21 ¥2,434   みるく Ewiwaちゃん3Dおめでとううう!!めっちゃくちゃかわいい!
567 00:39:28 $24.34   LancetheGallade1500 This is pretty much exactly what I expected from EN's first 3D Debut. Congratulations, Miss Pendora!
568 00:40:20 ¥100   つきうさ。 (a無言スパチャ)
570 00:41:30 ¥2,434   かに玉 (a無言スパチャ)
571 00:41:19 NT$1,500.00   3D congratsss!!! 恭喜3d
572 00:42:30 ¥3,200   干されたスライム congrats for your 3D!!
573 00:42:41 £10.00   lm0
574 00:44:16 $5.00   Salty Z3r0
Lazulight 4 Eva
575 00:44:46 $10.00   Lightsza Ewiwwa its my birthday this sunnday. could i get a happy birthday?
578 00:45:19 ¥1,600   ミョルニル持ちの炭鉱夫 エリーラ3D可愛いおめでとう!!!!
580 00:45:41 ¥3,200   ミヤ (a無言スパチャ)
581 00:46:24 PHP125.00   Aleph Alon I'm delighted to see that you finally got your long-awaited and well-earned 3D avatar, Elira!
584 00:46:48 ¥400   鴗篠-sonishino-
585 00:47:17 ¥90   たらりら
588 00:47:42 ¥500   ユビキチン。 (a無言スパチャ)
592 00:48:26 NZ$10.00   Chairo Congrats on 3D Elira! listening to your streams are one of my few sources of happiness that help my cope with my bad relationship with my boss at my dead end job. btw second eye reveal when?
593 00:48:37 $100.00   Kerithan Congrats on the 3D, Elira! I know I speak for many, many others when I say we adore you and appreciate you for the countless hours of streams you've given us! You deserve this so much, thank you for all that you do, and here's to many other milestones for you to reach!
595 00:48:51 ¥2,000   手裏剣サッシー 3D Elira SuperCute Omedeto!!
596 00:49:03 ¥2,434   mokishiwataモキシワタ
597 00:49:04 PHP499.00   mojaru yo congrats on 3d debut!
600 00:49:27 PHP250.00   Sammy21290 We love you Eliraaaa <3
601 00:49:34 SGD50.00   Shireen Hiro
602 00:49:34 A$10.00   haku No u
604 00:49:54 MYR6.00   Kon Koffee Congrats on the 3D Ewiwaaa!!! sooo cuteee
606 00:50:05 ¥2,434   五家宝【ごかぼ】
607 00:50:09 ¥2,434   てぃーしー・いちいちご (a無言スパチャ)
608 00:50:11 $10.00   whirleaf
610 00:50:14 $10.00   Pinkerton Congrats on your 3D debut, Elira!
611 00:49:50 A$14.99   Febrina Tjeng congrats for ur 3D elira!!
612 00:50:19 NT$100.00   ユアン / Yuan CONGRATULATIONS 3D EWIWA
613 00:50:19 A$1.00   Trudon (a無言スパチャ)
614 00:50:07 ¥320   なぎさま Congrats on 3D!おめでとうううう
615 00:50:20 MYR30.00   Volgy Congratulations!
617 00:50:21 $2.00   Nyamo Nyan
618 00:50:26 ¥320   にくにく8 エリーラ本当に3Dおめでとうー
620 00:50:32 THB243.40   スフィアマスター 3DおめでとうEwiwa!!!
621 00:50:40 $5.00   Alejandro R (a無言スパチャ)
622 00:50:42 ¥1,000   さと (a無言スパチャ)
623 00:50:46 ¥500   Hana Maru Elira~~~~love you~~~!まだ英語下手だけど今年もっと頑張るよ!Today is highest!!
628 00:50:55 ¥1,000   ハル
629 00:50:40 SGD20.00   Malenda 3Dおめでとう!! You are so cute and amazing!! Love you Elira
630 00:51:05 $10.00   TobiBazooka Congrats on the 3D Ewiwa
631 00:50:49 ¥2,434   moongate (a無言スパチャ)
633 00:50:27 $10.00   Chiii Hiiim (a無言スパチャ)
635 00:51:13 A$24.34   TheGentleChainsaw CONGRATS ELIRA!
637 00:51:14 ¥1,000   ねね みみ-Nene Mimi- 3Dおめでとおお!
638 00:51:15 PHP50.00   third12[三塁]
Thank you for making our days brighter
639 00:51:17 ¥500   うとうとさんどら
640 00:51:17 $10.00   Nice Hat Congrats on 3D Elira!!!
645 00:51:24 $5.00   Dovin i am a puddle, i am so happy
650 00:51:33 ¥2,000   夜鷹 Amazing!! :)
652 00:51:36 ¥2,434   横唐横尾 Congratulations Elira! nice home run! 3Dおめでとうございます!
653 00:51:36 $34.00   AKsTF2 Huge congrats on 3D Elira! You absolutely crushed it! Can't wait to see more!!
658 00:51:50 A$5.00   ChickenParfait🪄
666 00:52:07 ¥2,434   777RYO BIG LOVE Elira~~~!!
669 00:52:11 $20.00   Nonarinne ELIRA THE ROCK
671 Jan 14 01:52:30 R$20.00   Sacchin CONGRATS ELIRA!
673 00:52:03 ¥400   さや エリーラちゃん、3Dおめでとうございます
675 00:52:24 ¥140   RinQ Tiger
676 00:52:26 ¥200   こんぱろ Congrats on 3D Elira!!!!
677 00:52:28 A$50.00   CaffeinatedTea Congrats ewiwa!
681 00:52:39 PHP125.00   plums おめでとう 3dweewaa
682 00:52:39 CA$10.00   Nerium
683 00:52:43 ¥800   みりん (a無言スパチャ)
684 00:52:49 ¥2,434   にゃもにゃも 3Dおめでとうございます!ずっと応援します!
685 00:52:50 ¥2,434   ヒビカワ Congrats on your 3D!
687 00:52:56 CA$6.99   Lemonade /レモネード Congrats on 3D!!!! Thankyou for the beautiful singing.
688 00:52:56 ¥1,000   Kei HAIROGI Thank you Elira!!おめでとう!
692 00:53:13 CA$1.00   Crow Baron of Syrup (a無言スパチャ)
693 Jan 14 01:53:26 CA$2.00   Crow Baron of Syrup
695 00:53:18 CA$5.00   Crow Baron of Syrup
696 00:52:48 CA$10.00   Crow Baron of Syrup
697 00:53:23 CA$20.00   Crow Baron of Syrup
698 00:53:23 ¥3,200   mya Congrats on 3D
699 00:53:24 CA$50.00   Crow Baron of Syrup
700 00:53:24 ¥2,434   方向音痴 Congratulations Elira! 3Dおめでとう!
701 00:53:26 $24.34   Jackson Congrats on 3D!
702 00:53:26 CA$100.00   Crow Baron of Syrup
704 00:53:29 $100.00   StarCreator
congrats on 3d slaaaay
705 00:53:37 $22.32   DD Lesbian Liaison Vee Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful...
708 00:53:45 A$500.00   basedpomu congrats on the 3d debut our beloved sky dragon! you deserve all this and more, you're truly special i love you!
710 00:53:50 $20.00   Its Vern god-like
712 00:53:53 ¥1,000   MAO えりーら3Dおめでとう
713 00:53:55 PHP250.00   clearplasticcups CONGRATS ON 3D, ELIRA SO PROUD OF YOU!!!
716 Jan 14 01:54:19 ¥3,000   おこめ ありがとう…おめでとう…I can't think of any other words to say
717 00:54:09 CA$50.00   fiendishtim Congrats on your 3d Elira
718 00:54:09 CA$5.00   Peter Mogato
719 00:54:12 $5.00   Agent Teacup
723 00:54:22 NT$75.00   (a無言スパチャ)
724 00:54:24 ¥1,000   うろ (a無言スパチャ)
727 00:54:33 ¥10,000   ぎすにーさん
728 00:54:07 PHP50.00   Odran
729 00:54:34 $5.00   Majin D
730 00:54:34 ¥2,000   yayaharu Good 3D streaming
731 00:54:36 ¥2,434   カトウ (a無言スパチャ)
732 00:54:22 ¥2,434   うぉーずまん Congrats on 3D!
734 00:54:39 HK$50.00   Delta Congrats on 3D!!! You look so cute and did so well
735 00:54:40 ¥160   Meめ
739 00:54:41 ¥2,434   みぞれ (a無言スパチャ)
740 00:54:41 ¥1,600   薄荷ちゃん エリーラちゃん3Dおめでとう!
741 00:54:42 ¥1,600   AOI 。 エリーラ3Dおめでと〜
742 00:54:42 $243.40   ABuff Seagull Pog
745 00:54:49 CA$2.00   ひとりぼっちのMKTetris
Thank you Ewiwa! This 3D reveal was amazing!
746 00:54:49 CHF5.00   SyrusDrake Congratulations on the 3D debut. It was a lot of fun! Thanks for bringing us so much joy, Elira!
748 00:54:52 ¥500   nitta
750 Jan 14 01:55:04 $5.00   JFMD AMAZING
751 00:54:53 $5.00   Salty Z3r0
752 00:54:53 €5.00   alice
754 00:54:56 $100.00   ジャーメイン列車 (GermaineTrain)
755 00:55:01 $100.00   chelsey beautiful! congratulations on your debut <3
757 00:54:54 $50.00   elegytovoid CONGRATS ON THE 3D DEBUT ELIRA!!!!!!!!! finally getting to see you in 3d was such an emotional experience, i'm so happy for you and the rest of lazulight!
760 00:55:06 $9.99   chiiffon happy 3d, elira! thank you for being so lively and wonderful!
761 00:55:06 PHP50.00   third12[三塁]
awww i love you eliraaa
763 00:55:09 AED50.00   Aiと Congrats on the 3D Ewiwaaaa
764 00:55:09 ¥190   たつぞー
767 00:54:58 $99.99   oimo buster Thank you Elira
769 00:55:13 CA$10.00   Biscu1ts Here's my gift for your hard work, thank you so much Elira!
770 00:55:14 PEN6.90   🍮 flan Congrats Ewiwaaaaa
771 00:55:15 HK$100.00   shin_I CONGRATS ON 3D, EWIWA!!!SO PROUD OF YOU!!!
772 00:55:15 SGD5.00   慧 (hui)
773 00:55:15 ¥2,434   冬華-touka- 3Dおめでとう!
774 00:55:16 $4.99   MattBodega (a無言スパチャ)
775 00:55:03 ¥8,000   カタナサヤ (a無言スパチャ)
777 00:55:20 $5.00   JP Ng
Absolutely slayeddddd your 3d debut!!! Congratsssss
781 00:55:25 $5.00   Jesse Im blown away by how amazing your model and this whole stream was Ewiwa!! You look absolutely beautiful!! Thank you for this amazing night!
783 00:55:26 $19.99   Loki Hades Congrats Ewiwa!
784 00:55:26 PHP50.00   bee
785 00:55:27 $10.00   KazakeCraze Best Friday the 13th, ever.
788 00:55:28 $5.00   Peurin Congrats on 3D Ewiwa~
790 00:55:30 NT$30.00   伊星
I love you !!!!!!
791 00:55:31 ¥200   atchi
792 00:55:32 $5.00   Anourack Phongsavath Congratulations Kami Oshi!!
794 00:55:23 ¥1,000   Xoey ゾーイ
Congrats Elira!!!!!!!!!!
795 00:55:35 $5.00   MadScientist (a無言スパチャ)
796 00:55:36 ¥1,000   その辺の桜井 綺麗でかわいかった!おめでとう!
797 00:55:38 ¥320   しのぶさんだった何か。 it’s the PERFECT Time︎ 最高の時間をありがとうございました!!お疲れ様!!
798 00:55:38 $1.00   SliceSabre (a無言スパチャ)
799 00:55:38 SGD24.34   NoyZaz・ノイザス congrats on the 3D ewiwaaa!!! you did so amazing
800 00:55:38 ¥2,434   せら (a無言スパチャ)
803 00:55:42 $10.00   Shinoda CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR WONDERFUL 3D!
804 00:55:45 ₩7,500   hibin Ewiwa 3D congratulation
806 00:55:38 $100.00   Ninelie Congratulations on your 3D debut Elira, thank you for being such a beautiful soul. All I can hope for is the continuation of your success and happiness Thank you so much for being here.
807 00:55:50 $10.00   Frontline Chief Congratz Elira!!! you deserve it and so much more. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us!
808 00:55:40 $5.00   H4VOC WOOOOOO CONGRATS!!!
809 00:55:51 ¥2,434   らいむぎ 3Dおめでとーう!
810 00:55:52 $5.00   Sidewayz2013
We love you too silly dragon Eliraaaa~
811 00:55:54 ¥10,000   てらまぁ [Eighty Nine Tera] エリーラ3Dおめでとう!最高に可愛かった!
812 00:55:54 ¥800   ものさし (a無言スパチャ)
814 00:55:46 ¥2,434   元祖べちこ焼
816 00:55:41 ¥500   ticktack (a無言スパチャ)
817 Jan 14 01:56:10 ¥1,600   サマーナイト -深夜-
818 00:55:36 ¥2,434   気まぐれなSS ewiwaおめでとーたのしいお披露目だった!!!
819 00:55:50 $2.00   Agent Teacup
it was so beautiful
820 Jan 14 01:56:16 $10.00   Karl Williams Congrats on the 3D showcase, Elira. It was amazing and it makes me even more to see the rest of Lazlight be presented in 3D. love forever!
821 00:55:53 CA$13.99   trying really hard but failing watching this at work trying not to cry so so so so proud of you ewiwi!!!
822 00:55:53 ¥2,434   しゅーいち 3Dおめでとうエリーラ!!
823 Jan 14 01:56:18 $2.00   wildnexus
824 Jan 14 01:56:19 ¥2,434   yukke_org (a無言スパチャ)
825 Jan 14 01:56:19 $5.00   Voitan YOU DID AMAZING ELIRA! BEST OF LUCK IN 2023!
826 00:55:52 HK$250.00   reirei 3Dおめでとう!
827 Jan 14 01:56:25 NT$30.00   YUI Kusakabe Gongrats Elira
828 00:55:46 ARS243.40   ima rafan (a無言スパチャ)
829 Jan 14 01:56:26 $5.00   Sailor Sakura Mew
830 00:55:35 SGD5.00   Shireen Hiro
831 Jan 14 01:56:33 NT$300.00   伊江 (a無言スパチャ)
832 00:55:51 $2.00   J ♡
thank you so much Elira
834 Jan 14 01:56:41 ¥2,434   Rigel (a無言スパチャ)
835 Jan 14 01:56:49 $24.34   Dani
836 Jan 14 01:57:02 $10.00   Swampykins
837 Jan 14 01:57:05 ¥800   なお*
838 Jan 14 01:57:10 $24.34   [CONSUME] CONGRATS ON 3D
839 Jan 14 01:57:17 ₩30,000   山林yamarin Thanks elira what a great performance and also congratulations for your 3d
841 Jan 14 01:57:20 ¥1,000   ほしたま 3Dおめでとう!Elira!
842 Jan 14 01:57:28 $100.00   Jimoori Elira you are my KAMIOSHI I swear i shouldn't be crying this much but your growth and happiness just floor me everytime!!! Seriously thank you for being you!! And I wish for your continued happiness, I'll support you for life!
843 Jan 14 01:57:28 CA$100.00   alleras (a無言スパチャ)
844 Jan 14 01:57:35 ¥15,800   小鳥遊昴流 3Dお披露目おめでとうございます! Congrats 3D EWIWA!
845 Jan 14 01:58:01 R$20.00   Karassawa CONGRATS ELIRAAAAAAAAA
846 Jan 14 01:58:32 $2.00   Nark101 Congrats on 3D Ewiwi