配信名【TALES OF VESPERIA: DE】 castle invasion commence ※spoiler warning 【NIJISANJI EN | Elira Pendora】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 70 277.46 \36,412
CA$ CAD 11 112.77 \11,034
£ GBP 7 25.00 \3,949
YEN YEN 6 2400 \2,400
EUR EUR 3 16.00 \2,269
HK$ HKD 5 80.00 \1,337
NZ$ NZD 2 15.00 \1,244
SGD SGD 1 5.00 \495
A$ AUD 2 2.00 \181
PHP PHP 1 25.00 \60
---- ---- ---- ---- \59,381
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 02月04日
$2.00   Cheliax
2 02月04日
$2.00   wildnexus Poor man's tip for the date
3 02月04日
4 02月04日
$2.00   Nyaruko
5 02月05日
$2.00   Uncle Biff If TALES games so good, y r there no HEADS games?
6 02月05日
$2.00   StarCreator tidal wave
7 02月05日
  El Chantù (メンバーシップ入り)
8 02月05日
$2.00   Memers
9 02月05日
$2.00   Uncle Biff
Manifesting glorious Pinned Message
10 00:00:06   fliboi joey (メンバーシップ入り)
11 00:05:20 $2.00   Uncle Biff
Your collabs with Windows, always the best
12 00:07:43 £10.00   lm0 (a無言スパチャ)
13 00:07:46 $10.00   Erawan Hi Ewiwa, gonna miss some of this because I'm flying back home later. Have fun when you're on break! Can I get a pre-happy birthday since you'll be away then? My bday is on the 9th.
14 00:11:01 $10.00   Jimoori Two days in a ro? POG! can't wait to watch how this plays out, it's like 8 hours of anime
15 00:12:59 $10.00   Jukebox1412 I watched a playthrough 10 years ago so I'm excited to see you play it too! Also it's my birthday so it's a good day.
16 00:13:56 ¥480   two-thirds
17 00:16:08 NZ$10.00   Matt Ewiwa best dragon
18 00:17:27 $5.00   Alex Hey Ewiwa, any plans for Valentine's Day?
19 00:18:26 $5.00   resolvve The Weewa Emote has man standing emoji energy
20 00:27:04   MrABKOne Hope you enjoy your break Wewa! I’m happy I could catch your stream for my birthday! Best of luck to you!
21 00:35:03 $2.00   StarCreator
22 00:36:49 $2.00   Principal Flame better thanDEMON FANG DEMON FANG DEMON FANG DEMON-
23 00:46:16 £2.00   6thMagic forgot this wasn't xeno, was surprised by accents
24 00:49:42 $2.00   wildnexus
And then you yell you're the Phantom Thieves?
25 00:50:20 CA$2.00   VeeJaiii Ah yes the beefcakes ;)
26 00:54:16 $2.00   Slade Omen stop simping
27 00:54:44 $2.00   Slade keep simping
28 00:55:10 $2.00   wildnexus
29 00:55:14 $2.00   Muhn Daine For real
30 00:55:16   Moravius MoonBleem-Watson So true tho
31 00:55:35 $2.00   Uncle Biff
Inspirating Speech 10/10
32 00:55:50 £2.00   6thMagic
not enough simping
33 00:56:05 ¥320   two-thirds
34 01:16:14 $2.00   StarCreator
she ready for the lan party
35 01:27:07 $10.00   Dreganastra00 man I love estelle so much, maybe I'll change my name to holy power
36 01:58:51 £2.00   6thMagic
yo them shoulder puffs, they're almost pauldrons
37 02:11:51 $10.00   AKinkyKadaver sometimes I get annoyed by this games constant combat spam but I feel like it's not nearly as bad as tales of phantasias spam. btw any plans to play the remake of Symphonia on stream?
38 02:12:39 $5.00   AKinkyKadaver
Oh and sorry to hear that you've been struggling with sleep lately, I hope you feel better soon
39 02:14:15 CA$5.00   Souper Special What do you think of the characters in Vesperia so far? (i love Yuri and Rita)
40 02:17:50   RainZero Based Vtuber playing based Tales game. Vesperia is one of my favorites JRPGs while growing up. Yuri best MC.
41 02:23:43   Amuro (メンバーシップ入り)
42 02:25:30 £5.00   lm0
43 02:25:31 A$1.00   ChickenParfait🪄 (a無言スパチャ)
44 02:25:32 $2.00   wildnexus
45 02:25:45 $0.99   Salty Z3r0 (a無言スパチャ)
46 02:25:49 $1.00   Agent Teacup (a無言スパチャ)
47 02:33:28 $5.00   Superneoking In a world with no aer. no aer, no aaaaeeeeerrrr
48 02:38:40 $20.00   Cermi Thank you for playing one of my favorite games on my birthday. Always glad to be a part of Famelira.
49 02:48:49 $5.00   Uncle Biff
I wish life was like JRPGS. Go in the woods, beat up four rabbits, get 1,000 dollars
50 02:57:38 $5.00   AKinkyKadaver
man I've gotta go to a prime dinner with a potential future client but I'm having such a fun time watching I don't wanna leave
51 02:58:21 $2.00   Uncle Biff
Failed to Cook? Doppio?
52 03:15:15   Kalzus (メンバーシップ入り)
53 03:35:47 CA$13.99   TheMonsterENVY Nan and Karol are also the same age.
54 03:37:58 $2.00   Uncle Biff
55 03:38:53 $2.00   wildnexus
I can't stop hearing Yuri Lawl and I laugh
56 03:43:58 $4.99   Mikael France Wait this ain’t Tales of Berseria
57 03:45:11 $2.00   Uncle Biff
Yuri is rubbing off on you, Elira
58 03:55:15 $5.00   Superneoking
Carve your name into their blood!!!
59 03:57:21   Sonata Shinonome For the final strike, if you press it too early (before the circle is fully filled) then it fizzles, gotta wait a second or so first~
60 04:12:01 $5.00   Superneoking
Elira: *removes Karol from party* Karol: "You must think I'm useless." Elira: "Awwww, noooo!"
61 04:16:43 CA$6.99   TheMonsterENVY
So yeah Estelle not healing with a blastia is what Rita and Yuri noticed when first healed and were shocked.
62 04:21:00 $10.00   AKinkyKadaver
Shrimp, Gouda, prime rib smothered in horseradish followed with chocolate and peanut butter cake but the highlight of my day is making it back to see my second fav ship start to blossom
63 04:21:53 $1.00   Agent Teacup
64 04:21:55 £2.00   lm0
65 04:21:56 $2.00   wildnexus
66 04:22:01 $0.99   Salty Z3r0
67 04:22:16 PHP25.00   Carlo Skie (a無言スパチャ)
68 04:22:33 A$1.00   ChickenParfait🪄
69 04:31:53 $2.00   Richard Grant pretty sure Danghrest is in Ohio
70 04:42:11 CA$5.00   TheDemiTroll its never been broken before! Barrier: Adios
71 05:03:01 €5.00   Marshall Banana You already are an EU time streamer to me
72 05:03:51 $5.00   AKinkyKadaver
Raven is Lowkey prob my favorite character in the game, I just love him for being so fishy
73 05:05:51 $5.00   AKinkyKadaver
his play style is really different from Yuri's too so if you're looking for a change up try to play as him for a while!
74 05:15:02 ¥320   two-thirds
But did it work?
75 05:17:32 €5.00   Marshall Banana
FYI cooking becomes really OP to heal and restore MP once you got some good recipes.
76 05:23:41 $2.00   Mojey TSKR raincheck
77 05:27:16 CA$5.00   TheDemiTroll
For her neutral B, she uses G U N
I can hear Patty say :"It's Hwigh Nwoon Uwu"
79 05:29:22 $5.00   Philip Garcia BTW, Patty's Voice Actor is the same as Mieus VA from Tales of the Abyss if you guys didn't know (or already do)
80 05:34:40   アホ That's a lot of beeps :EliraSweat::
81 05:47:16 $5.00   Alex
Duke's voice actor is the same as Sojiro from Persona 5, Jamieson Price
82 05:51:31 $2.00   wildnexus
Yuri was giving it his all. Elira though? Eeeeh...
83 05:52:57 €6.00   RJB TV mmmmmmhmmmmm. -_-
84 06:07:28 $2.00   wildnexus
85 06:07:33 £2.00   lm0
86 06:07:38 $1.00   Uncle Biff
87 06:08:08 CA$2.00   ひとりぼっちのMKTetris TO YOU! YER DUN? YIPPEE
88 06:08:11 ¥160   two-thirds
89 06:59:38 $5.00   AKinkyKadaver
I can't believe elira cameos in this game
90 07:02:37 $5.00   popintarts Me turning into Repede's voice actor near Judith.
91 07:03:11   Postal Yuri speaks for the people
92 07:03:29 CA$10.00   Shuubeans yuri is all of us
93 07:07:14 $5.00   wildnexus
hey Elira if you synthesize the special flag key item you could put Judith as the lead character. I'm just saying...
94 07:26:40 NZ$5.00   Matt
I approve of Estelle's mission to high five everyone she meets
95 07:42:40   Torasith (メンバーシップ入り)
96 07:53:18 $2.00   MechaSaurus 2.0 Youre a quaso
97 07:53:43   AMVY (メンバーシップ入り)
98 07:55:40 $1.49   ちーろん茶 Cheelong Tea
99 07:58:24 $2.00   Will Z What's the difference between sauce & gravy? none
100 07:58:44 $5.00   MechaSaurus 2.0
but ewiwi "Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?"
101 08:04:20   ROSE DISCIPLE🌹 (メンバーシップ入り)
102 08:08:28 CA$10.00   TheMonsterENVY
Good thing you got the secret or else you would have to deal with his reinforcments
103 08:24:44 $5.00   AKinkyKadaver
this honestly the scene that really made me love Yuri
104 08:28:42 $5.00   jjmara01 Yuri couldn't face his friends, since he doesn't want to hurt them. What a good guy.
105 08:42:14 $10.00   Mishaguchi hi ewiwi! Just wanted to say that this last two Vesperia streams have been comforting and have helped soften the blow after getting rejected from my top choice grad school
106 02月05日
  Chrissi Thanks for the stream ewiwa!! It was my birthday yesterday! (was supposed to send this earlier but I forgot oops) yay to 2 months!
107 08:56:55 CA$2.79   junjun366 Have a good night’s rest!
108 08:57:41 ¥800   two-thirds
Hi queen, when would you like to upload the plastic love
109 02月05日
  F e l o C Have a great break Eli you need it you are always doing your best we'll wait for you to comeback stronger
Honestly don't know what to say except we're so very proud of what you always do for us & no amount of thanks would suffice for what you've given us!!
111 09:03:34 $5.00   Salty Z3r0
nice run today, thanks for the stream
112 09:15:25 CA$50.00   Shuubeans
ty for being cozy ewiwa
113 09:19:20 $5.00   wildnexus
I'm a bit ahead of you in the story and when I saw Judith I immediately thought, Damn, Elira is gonna love her. And she rides a dragon
Yuri X Judy >Yuri X Flynn
115 09:20:44 $2.00   wildnexus
I respect everyone's ship, but there are just some ships that are superior, like Yuri X Judy
117 09:23:16 $2.00   AKinkyKadaver
that was my otp and Elira just killed it
118 09:23:36   Rectangle oh ive been sitting on this
119 09:25:13 ¥320   two-thirds
time to summarize frozen 2
120 09:26:07 $2.00   wildnexus
Would an AI know about Omegaverse? Hell no
121 09:33:40 $5.00   StarCreator
just got back from mahjong with friends! had your stream on to keep us company
122 09:34:00 $2.00   Prisu Thank you for the stream! Enjoy your dinner Elira
123 09:35:14 $5.00   Alex
Love you, Ewiwa
124 09:35:28 SGD5.00   Shireen Hiro Don't over push yourself, and enjoy the break! TAKE CARE EWIWA!! HAVE A GOOD REST!