記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
YEN YEN 10 10720 \10,720
$ USD 10 47.49 \6,290
A$ AUD 4 36.49 \3,278
SGD SGD 2 10.00 \986
NT$ TWD 4 202.00 \870
HK$ HKD 3 31.00 \526
PHP PHP 3 212.00 \504
THB THB 2 109.00 \417
IDR IDR 1 35000.00 \298
VND 1 50000 \281
R$ BRL 3 9.00 \225
CA$ CAD 1 1.49 \145
INR INR 1 60.00 \96
---- ---- ---- ---- \24,636
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:03:22 R$2.00   woda well, those looks like very normal human hands
2 00:04:12 $2.00   wildnexus Ganbere Kotoka! Koto-can cook!!!
3 00:05:20 $2.00   zXxSladexXz So if you burn it is that an achievement speedrun?
4 00:07:43 PHP50.00   Yerrick Hunt Careful using glass ur reflection
5 00:08:42 $5.00   Murphy SUPERCHAT FOR OBS STUDIO
6 00:09:05 ¥320   ICHIGO Chan🍓 ずっとCAMERA FOR OBS STUDIOって出てるけど大丈夫???
7 00:09:06 IDR35,000.00   Meer Today’s stream is sponsored by OBS Studio
8 00:09:14 HK$8.00   FriendA
9 00:09:21 HK$8.00   Yuzu 小柚🍊
10 00:09:30 NT$30.00   Kotocats and Where to Find Them BANANA POOOOOOOG
11 00:09:57 NT$75.00   熱狗香腸 dark cuisine?
12 00:10:10 CA$1.49   Joe Cool
13 00:11:11 ¥200   こんぱろ with love
14 00:11:16 R$2.00   woda
fellas, we're off to a great start
15 00:11:37 ¥2,000   よしだ テーブル買って
16 00:12:47 PHP125.00   レインちゃん Hi!! I'm currently outside on data right now so I can't stay for the stream I'll try to catch up later if I can! Good luck with the stream!
17 00:15:23 ¥1,000   muhi お願いだからまな板と包丁使って
18 00:16:50 A$5.00   Kelvin Lai @Maria Marionette 【NIJISANJI EN】 please Send help Oneigai!!!! I REPEAT PLEASE SEND HELP! She's wasting soo much good food.
19 00:18:01 ¥200   Gorilla Dont stain the tatami
20 00:18:46 ¥500   muhi
21 00:19:26 ¥800   ICHIGO Chan🍓
やきとりはその棒から外していれるんだよ トマトなべはおいしい。
22 00:20:33 $2.00   zXxSladexXz
Tiger Princess, your audio is all over the place
23 00:21:05 SGD5.00   カテリナ Unironically, I'd eat this fr
24 00:23:50 ₫50,000   Taitejhin becareful of reflection on the pot
25 00:25:56 $5.00   Izzy Ok I get the Soba noodles but can you explain the Friend Chicken Christmas trend?
26 00:27:10 $5.00   OZ would you ever consider trying to add pineapple pizza to a hot pot?
27 00:30:19 ¥200   DoJ お前らの嫁だろ!早くなんとかしろ!
28 00:31:59 ₹60.00   PurpleLion
29 00:32:59 HK$15.00   Yuzu 小柚🍊
She has an iron stomach.. its okay
30 00:33:21 A$10.00   basedpomu 10/10 would eat
31 00:33:44 A$20.00   Kira Yamamoto I doubted your ability to eat anything. This is my punishment.
32 00:33:46 THB69.00   Bell I’m glad it’s delicious 🥹
33 00:34:23 $5.00   wildnexus
Koto-can cook right? Right...? Yeah sure right. Y'know what it's fine you have an iron stomach. Probably. Maybe. 10/10 I'd let you eat it again
34 00:35:57 ¥500   muhi
Id rather make it myself thanks ma'am
35 00:36:44 SGD5.00   カテリナ
Would still love to try this
36 00:39:11 R$5.00   woda
I have no words. I can only cry in despair as the last vestiges of my sanity leave my mind and I am simply forced to accept that today happened.
37 00:39:59 ¥5,000   スキマラム 少しでも生活の足しにしてもらえたら
38 00:43:45 NT$75.00   麻薯 masu 美味しいなら良かった!this is stomach 代
39 01:00:07 $10.00   Izzy
Sorry but the final ingredient is LOVE
40 01:00:45 A$1.49   basedpomu
41 01:01:00 $1.49   Bitterpeach
42 01:01:20 PHP37.00   Odran
43 01:01:50 NT$22.00   熱狗香腸
44 01:08:37 $10.00   wildnexus
Congrats on ur first Handicam stream Kotoka! This was oddly comfy and stressful I've never yelled at screen so much and I don't even cook so it was amazing! Camera for OBS Studio my oshi
45 01:08:41 THB40.00   Mick McBaldy is this desk kyun??