配信名Let's See If My Internet Works
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
A$ AUD 2 120.00 \11,538
EUR EUR 2 33.99 \5,259
$ USD 7 13.95 \1,975
SEK SEK 1 50.00 \658
YEN YEN 1 500 \500
SGD SGD 1 2.98 \314
---- ---- ---- ---- \20,244
No 時間
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1 06月21日
  SIR956⏳scarle's & maria's doggo reimus doggo 1
2 00:01:28   YUki ฅ(ΦωΦ)ฅ
3 00:01:50 SGD2.98   Megane 4 eyes Famillie Maririn~
4 00:02:27 $2.00   Joshua Fox Congrats! The internet works!
5 00:02:53 $1.99   SIR956⏳scarle's & maria's doggo reimus doggo Lfg we live
6 00:09:52 $1.99   SIR956⏳scarle's & maria's doggo reimus doggo
7 00:19:22 $1.99   SIR956⏳scarle's & maria's doggo reimus doggo
How was the introduction with the neighbors?
8 00:22:50 SEK50.00   Sharko Sleeping on the top bunk sucks when you wake up and smash your head against the ceiling.
9 00:24:38   摸鱼的佐佐 (メンバーシップ入り)
10 00:27:36   fatsmall After twenty days, I will be taking my university entrance exam. I would like to hear Mariring's words of encouragement for my exam!
11 00:29:15   七刀切 こんまりり~ん!もうメンバー10カ月だ~!
12 00:31:49   Mizuki (メンバーシップ入り)
13 00:34:34 ¥500   お天気ちゃん 22日 東京 くもりのち雨 最高23℃ 最低19℃ 梅雨前線が北上し、西日本は雨の降るところが多くなります。局地的な強い雨に注意が必要です。今日もかわいいですね。関東より北の地域は明日22日(木)から梅雨空が戻るため、今日の日差しを有効に活用してください。
14 00:37:57 €23.99   NPC_No_33 Kanji pog
15 00:56:34   Deamer_TwT meow
16 00:57:31   Mika's Chonky Bird I've been a doll birb for 3 months now
17 00:59:35 $2.00   Doom Guy I never understood the point of this game.
18 01:09:09   Elaine Misteria (メンバーシップ入り)
19 01:10:19 $1.99   SIR956⏳scarle's & maria's doggo reimus doggo
Gnight miss maririn bye chat y’all stay blessed 🫶
20 01:35:00   edoge14 My friend recommended kanata no astra to me and I think it's great. It's not too popular tho I don't think
21 01:36:16 €10.00   Luthien Black Good morning Maririn I just woke up and you are streaming. Today must be a good day!
22 01:37:54   Henxiety I recommend Insomniacs After School, My Clueless First Friend, and Kubo Won't Let Me Be Invisible. (Blue Lock if you're in the mood for some footy)
23 01:46:09 A$100.00   DawnLight Hi Marinin, I’m the creator of A.I. Maria who sang Idol on bilibili. I’m so happy you watched it! You are my inspiration and the only true Idol for me. I hope you enjoy more covers by A.I. Maria soon!
24 06月21日
  Aphelion 5
25 02:01:40 $1.99   TheJollyRamRancher Sana ako nalang is one of my favorite songs lol
26 02:07:29 A$20.00   DawnLight
​I actually made a AI Maria covering the Millie Senpai Original version of Sano Aka Nalang, Hope you will like it as well(although somehow it's weird lol
27 06月21日
  にんぎょうQīxuě so many