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title【DANGANRONPA #5】A new chapter begins【NIJISANJI EN | Ike Eveland】
sign cur num sum sum(YEN)
$ USD 14 371.42 \50,056
YEN YEN 13 26257 \26,257
A$ AUD 6 155.37 \14,163
EUR EUR 3 54.00 \8,157
£ GBP 2 15.00 \2,555
NT$ TWD 7 479.00 \2,111
HK$ HKD 4 113.00 \1,940
DKK DKK 1 89.00 \1,774
PHP PHP 6 715.00 \1,741
CA$ CAD 1 11.00 \1,100
MYR MYR 2 19.50 \592
WON KRW 1 5000 \511
SEK SEK 1 27.00 \358
THB THB 1 40.00 \160
SGD SGD 1 1.48 \150
NZ$ NZD 1 1.10 \93
---- ---- ---- ---- \111,718

no time
org currency icon name message
1 May 7 07:05:49 ¥500   かなちゃ (wordless superchat)
7 00:01:36 £5.00   BloodRedSakura Hi Ike-san I hope your having an amazing day so far. this will be the first stream where I'm fully rested and not fall asleep for it so I'm happy!
12 00:02:17 ¥800   meeti K (wordless superchat)
20 00:03:06 A$10.00   Alhaitham Hi Ike!
23 00:03:19 DKK89.00   Josephine hi ike! can’t catch the stream today (sadge) but enjoy the game also my coworkers says hi lol
25 00:04:23 $9.99   Sage Rias Ayyyyyy new Danganronpa!! I'd love to give you headpats but your beret does make it a bit hard, but that's okay cuz it looks so cute on you!!
26 00:04:57 A$10.00   Salted Jam🍓💖 been looking forward to this!
27 00:05:44 $5.00   fredericeternal3 If you were to get another guitar, what would it be? I'm apprenticeing to be a luthier.
31 00:13:49 NZ$1.10   Echoh_39 (wordless superchat)
33 00:22:12 ₩5,000   bogang보강 Romeo and Cinderella duet by ike and millie
36 00:28:05 MYR4.50   Kawane Eveland [Ike & Shinri's Pet Quill / Koi]
37 00:28:58 $99.99   Aiko (1/2)Ikey~Long time no see. Miss you sm. I'm back in Asia for vacation. It's so good to be here as your stream time is so friendly. I finally don’t have to be 3am gang. すごく幸せなあ. n I just had wisdom teeth surgery a few days ago, watching your stream really cured my pain.
40 00:34:06 $99.99   Aiko
(2/2) Also, sorry for the late congratulations on your beautiful new outfit and 3 new covers!! You’re so talented and amazing and always bringing tuns of surprises to us. Thanks for being my only Oshi, thanks for being you. これからも応援します! Love you! Mua~
42 00:37:03 $50.00   Wesley Howdy Ikey! It's my birthday, so I woke up early to catch your stream & send my first supa! Thank you so much for bringing a smile to my face & becoming a part of my daily routine. So excited to see more Danganronpa! Happy streaming, ありがと !
43 00:43:11 NT$22.00   Melinda Lin
44 00:43:17 NT$22.00   River Jiang
46 01:00:03 €50.00   Maikaze Reasons for lactating when not pregnant can range from hormone imbalances to medication side effects to other health conditions. The most common cause of breast milk production is an elevation of a hormone produced in the brain called prolactin.
51 01:19:04 ¥2,000   遥咪Haruka アイクくん、こんばんわ。配信感謝
52 01:19:39 THB40.00   SALTY MALDY
53 01:20:15 ¥320   𓇼𓆡𓆉 ⋆k1 k𓇼𓆡𓆉 ⋆JP (っ'-')=͟͟͞͞ブォン
54 01:21:26 HK$25.00   Yau
55 01:22:04 ¥5,000   SerenaS [SerenaS] Money for donuts
56 01:24:39 A$5.00   Nimue Klein if it makes you feel better, you're the rare few who can pronounce my name correctly
57 01:26:14 A$10.00   Alhaitham
58 01:27:25 HK$25.00   Toru こっそりドーナッツ代~
59 01:27:46 NT$150.00   いち fund
60 01:27:49 £10.00   Christine I was going to save my first supa for something special, so here you go, donut funds :)
68 01:50:05 ¥500   きにゃこ アイキーおつかれさまです!まだ仕事なのでみれないけど、アーカイブでみますね!がんばれー!
69 01:50:37 MYR15.00   Kawane Eveland [Ike & Shinri's Pet Quill / Koi]
Smol fund. Also what is your favorite donut flavor/topping?
70 02:00:23 HK$38.00   🐋YATA🖋 He’s not tempted by the money. He’s tempted by the sme-
71 02:00:26 $20.00   bunnie sidhe in the wise words of haruhi fujioka: these damn rich people
72 02:00:26 SGD1.48   beice
74 02:01:09 ¥1,000   Yinjia 1000/10billion
75 02:01:10 PHP55.00   Seraphine Watcher 🌱🖋 I TRUST YOU IKE WHEN YOU GET THE COINS...LMAO
79 02:14:50 €2.00   Maikaze
You made me spill my energy drink Ike!
83 02:44:55 $9.99   チェチェ茄♡ Hi ikey>
84 02:46:51 ¥1,000   八和紙蜂はちわしはち
87 02:47:53 PHP137.50   Juliana Benedicto [JulesOfAJam] *peeks in* hewwo peeking ikey, may you speak your wisdom to us?
90 02:48:39 ¥1,600   meeti K
91 02:49:20 €2.00   Maikaze
That's PEAK gameplay right there XD
92 02:49:33 PHP137.50   Juliana Benedicto [JulesOfAJam]
thank you for speaking your wisdom, peeking ikey.
93 02:49:36 NT$30.00   Ljus Eveland💙🖋️ 同じ SO CUTE
94 03:05:39 $19.99   dietrich0711 Good morning, Ike! I hope you’re enjoying my favorite series! Your voice is so perfect for Naegi Hope no one has spoiled this experience for you so far!
96 03:14:32 CA$11.00   Sozoteki Baka🖋️ I love Sakura so much and I'm so happy that you enjoy spending time with her ;-;
97 03:21:23 PHP55.00   Ahjielah Kei
98 03:22:05 $1.49   Ren •ᴗ•
100 03:32:55 HK$25.00   yk. (よこ) How about if Sakura makes you a cup of protein coffee in Fika time? Will you drink it and enjoy it?
101 03:33:05 A$110.37   Frog in a Onesie Hi Ike! Playing one of my favourite games on my one year anniversary of being a Quilldren, a good time to come out of lurking for a bit! Your content has been a bright spot for me for a while. Here's a 11037, good luck, take care of yourself and keep being awesome! :)
103 03:41:57 $5.00   Prince Violet Thank you for streaming today Ike I found your stream while I was having a panic attack watching you has really helped me calm down~ Thank you~
121 03:53:05 SEK27.00   Hildo Dildo du e bäst
126 04:13:03 $19.99   Sage Rias
When you would say "free time?" And light up like that it was so cute lol it reminded me of when the kids I take care of would ask me to go to the park. Also are you planning to play Danganronpa 2 and 3?
127 04:27:27 NT$75.00   Ljus Eveland💙🖋️
Otsuikey~DANGANRONPA long time no see!!Every time I see your voice actor full of emotion, it's so funny! Please rest your throat!
128 04:28:02 NT$30.00   Lisa Ceui This game is really fun!Thank you for the stream!
129 04:28:10 ¥11,037   Yinjia
Hi Ike! Here’s another 11037Anyways, I’m so glad I finally became green! Can't believe I've been here for six monthsAnd I have a little strange request today. Can you pick four random numbers for me plz? I promise it’s for research purpose.
130 04:28:28 NT$150.00   偲Szu. Hello ike!I love you very much so I decide to give you my first sc.I am preparing for the entrance exam on May 20 and 21 these days,and I feel stressed.Can you say"會考加油"to me if possible?
131 04:28:44 ¥1,000   りんり お疲れさま!今日も楽しかった!!
134 04:28:49 PHP275.00   Art 🦊🖋 Hi Ike! thank you for today’s stream I recently got my report card for this semester and I’m so happy about my grades!!! Otsuikeyyy~
135 04:29:39 ¥1,000   Aster Eveland🖋 OtsuIkeyy I looooove ur Danganronpa stream sm I was so late but had lots of fun! rest well~
137 04:30:40 $10.00   Wesley
always a treat catching your streams! i love the new outfit so much & I look forward to cosplaying it soon! get some rest ikey!
138 04:31:36 $10.00   Nico hi ike I was able to finish some work I been procrastinating thanks to you, thanks for the stream Ike
139 04:31:57 A$10.00   Salted Jam🍓💖
thank you for the stream ike! I haven't been able to catch a stream for a while, your dangan ronpa streams are always so fun to watch rest well!
140 04:32:10 $9.99   チェチェ茄♡
Ikey missed my last supa)Wondering if I could get a Chinese morning alarm to cheer me up (茄茄wake up!) I know it might be difficult, so it’s okay if you don't do that!♡♡
141 04:32:51 ¥500   夏五郎[Natsugoro] Otsu Ikey! たまには日本語ボイスもいいね!ところでMillieちゃんとのロミシンデュエット最高でした!ありがとう