配信名【BATTLEBIT REMASTERED】here to drive cars and runover players【NIJISANJI EN | Selen Tatsuki】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 20 213.99 \30,353
NT$ TWD 1 300.00 \1,387
MX$ MXN 1 125.00 \1,038
EUR EUR 1 5.00 \777
A$ AUD 1 5.00 \487
PHP PHP 1 137.50 \350
---- ---- ---- ---- \34,392
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:01:46   DawnCosmic (メンバーシップ入り)
2 00:02:15   stash izcold (メンバーシップ入り)
3 06月19日
MX$125.00   D-Dragon Take care Salad, cavities are no joke so be carefull. Hopefully your dentist can fix you up tomorrow. Btw, congrats on that one Apex round this morning my Rrat Queen lol
4 06月19日
  GrecoDan happy day daddy
5 00:02:44   HC Mafia (メンバーシップ入り)
6 00:03:12   honeyrust (メンバーシップ入り)
7 06月19日
  阿毛 AMAO
8 00:04:15   NisoL (メンバーシップ入り)
9 00:05:15 NT$300.00   F. hendy Lai happy father's day Daddy Selen. take care please old man
10 06月19日
  Adam Mkz the pain's gotta be deep rooted huh?
11 00:07:01 $10.00   Johnny Lacone I really really hope the procedure goes okay. As someone who had 'complications' during the procedure, it was...an experience. Here's to a swift recovery!
12 00:07:26 $50.00   Medi Haven't been able to watch in a month cause of work. After a month of no hot food, sleep deprivation, constant stress, and no showers, I finally know what it's like to be Selen. Also RipBozo teeth
13 06月19日
14 06月19日
  PinkBacon Having complications in surgery is my specialty, hope yours goes well
15 06月19日
  Wereley Hi Selen
16 00:09:04   LS Hi selen, what was the most amount of cavaties that you had at one time. Mine was 7, lol.
17 00:09:19   Drezzic98 scroll to the bottom for the agree
18 06月19日
  SZF is it blue tooth though.. hahah
19 00:09:38   S17 B32 Good luck with your trip to the dentist! Don't worry, Selen. Real dentists aren't that guy from Little House O' Horrors. You're going to be fine!
20 00:10:14 $5.00   gamrage You okay Selen? Did your painkillers finally kick in?
21 00:18:53 $50.00   Xekra Ready to see our dragon carry this team while on some painkillers.
22 00:21:04 $5.00   Medi
Thank you for your service
23 00:26:37 $5.00   Kyle “Cosmic Crown” B The moment you become cocky the universe corrects you. How embarrassing
24 00:30:07   darkduh11 Thanks for all the fun content Selen
25 06月19日
  Marshall Banana Just casually driving over a minefield
26 06月19日
  Loki Hades
27 00:46:31 $5.00   Medi
Canada is saved!
28 00:46:54   Warren Choi Nina is rolling in her bed rn
29 00:47:11 $2.00   Peter Campi This would be so awkward if Nina was here.
30 00:47:24   Eggplant the russian i'm most familiar with is russian back to the spawn point
31 00:49:17 $10.00   Javier Castillo (a無言スパチャ)
32 06月19日
  Epuration ill pocket medic if you buy me the game, also Happy fathers day daddy
33 01:02:34   Anon Selen be like Genji asking for heals
34 01:05:06 $5.00   Peter Campi
No medal more befitting a purple dragon than a purple heart.
35 06月19日
  bignanime This is the greatest plan.
36 01:22:20 €5.00   Marshall Banana Selen gets revived from a headshot by het pocket medics. Thankfully she had no braincells left to lose
37 01:23:24   Lavena (メンバーシップ入り)
38 01:23:54   Helmi "Roti" Zulkifli its been 20 months?? wow! iam proud to be a dragoon
39 06月19日
  Nith ニス I'm so proud of Selen for doing so well in this game, hoping for more "victories"
40 06月19日
41 01:59:20 $5.00   Dagoth Ur Be aware, Selen. You may encounter an enemy playing Free Bird through VOIP. If you encounter this person; RUN. You will not survive.
42 02:10:44   MooMoo (メンバーシップ入り)
43 02:17:13   Super Shock (メンバーシップ入り)
44 02:24:02 $5.00   Aefen the dentist is gonna take her fangs
45 02:24:06 $5.00   Pezzo It was an honor to pocket— I mean, fight by your side.
46 02:24:22 PHP137.50   Jio Flowers Good luck on your dentist appointment tomorrow! Atleast the tootaches will go away after
47 02:26:31 A$5.00   Wayvon I died so many times saving you
48 02:28:27 $5.00   Anton Namtet If it's an infection or a bad cavity you should be able to get treated same day. Just hope the dentist doesn't say the words "impacted wisdom tooth".
49 02:28:49 $5.00   huang george get another streamer to voice for you if you can't talk after the dentist, it sounds fun
50 02:30:49   Anourack Phongsavath Hi Selen
51 02:32:20 $9.99   Usny thank you for putting up with my nervous rambling self at the meet and greet! it was honesty a highlight of my life even if afterwards i realized i didn’t let you speak
52 02:34:02 $5.00   Medi
Selen Tangenting in the middle of a meet and greet
53 02:35:46 $2.00   Jasper Fox This is also for the medics.
54 06月19日
  Usny something i forgot to say was that it’s thanks to you that i’ve improved so much as an artist because you inspire me to draw you constantly
55 02:36:50 $5.00   Medi
Happy Father's day daddy (I was forced to say this I have a good father figure)
56 06月19日
  Aphelion 10
57 02:39:26 $20.00   Lopaka honeyed Dragoon happy fathers day. Goodluck with the dentist