配信名【PERSONA 4 GOLDEN】 Kanji stream (real) 【NIJISANJI EN | Elira Pendora】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 66 393.91 \56,442
SEK SEK 1 500.00 \6,660
£ GBP 4 34.99 \6,378
MYR MYR 14 93.00 \2,849
CA$ CAD 3 15.00 \1,627
YEN YEN 1 800 \800
SGD SGD 2 4.00 \423
EUR EUR 1 2.00 \311
ARS ARS 2 100.00 \56
---- ---- ---- ---- \75,546
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 06月23日
$2.00   Cheliax
2 06月23日
$2.00   Nyaruko
3 06月23日
$2.00   wildnexus I looooove Kanji (real)
4 06月23日
$2.00   StarCreator oh we gonna learn things this stream
5 06月24日
$2.00   Uncle Biff Finally getting that Kanji Stream two years later.
6 00:04:41 £4.99   Rishee Ewiwa so excited for today! another day another Persona especially since it’s my Birthday YIPPEE!!!
7 00:07:06 £10.00   lm0 (a無言スパチャ)
8 00:07:09 $9.99   Shane Hi, Elira. This is the first time I’m able to catch you playing Persona 4 live. I’m looking forward to seeing you continue P4. It’s my favorite Person game. Also finishing Kanji’s dungeon (hopefully)
9 00:09:19 $5.00   Cooper Black heya wiwa i realize i bought p4 over 3 years ago and have 3 hours of playtime. Here's hoping you can beat tony 2 guns, you know who. have fun!
10 00:15:06 $5.00   Mojey wonder why Yosuke's enthusiastic
11 06月24日
  Jordan Augusto Tenorio WOW kanji stream actually real
12 00:17:18 €2.00   Gyro Juggler any hot steamy guys in the sauna?
13 00:18:56 $5.00   Kendra Bratton Fairy Vtuber Nice to see you playing Persona 4 Golden Elira! This was the very first Persona game I played that got me into the Series! I hope your enjoying it!
14 00:24:34   infernophoenix99 Hi Elira! Wanted to thank you because you have helped me while I've been struggling. Fun Fact to lighten the mood, the 22nd was Yosuke's Birthday.
15 00:27:15   chancho221 (メンバーシップ入り)
16 06月24日
  Mojey 20
17 06月24日
  Johnny Lacone 20
18 06月24日
  TheAntiYuu 10
19 00:33:23 $5.00   Johnny Lacone The Occasion? No idea, I'm tired but you're making me smile like an idiot and I'm happy. That's it.
20 06月24日
  τεαcυρ ηγαη ηγαη 5
21 00:33:36 $50.00   Mojey
okay I stopped
22 00:33:41   oddball-boy PAINT THE CHAT GREEN GUYS
23 06月24日
  Andres 20
24 06月24日
  Acadien 5
25 06月24日
  Shim MORE!!!
26 06月24日
27 06月24日
  cryptidferrets MORE GREEN
28 06月24日
  SnakeandWolf 1
29 06月24日
  maiko 20
30 06月24日
  Memers 5
31 06月24日
  Shim 1
32 06月24日
  Mojey 20
33 06月24日
  mio 10
34 00:35:53 $20.00   Mojey
You're my favorite silly gorl playin a silly game
35 06月24日
  Prinny 5
36 06月24日
  HxPunisher 5
37 06月24日
  Andres You may be just a silly girl playing this silly game but we appreciate all your sillyness
38 00:36:46 $10.00   Johnny Lacone
Silly gorls playin' silly games get silly gifts
39 00:37:36   Lazaruz95 (メンバーシップ入り)
40 06月24日
  HxPunisher Gosh, I just LOVE spending money on myself for my oshi
41 00:37:50 $2.00   Wanderer They are. They're using it to get a cute reaction.
42 00:37:58 $50.00   Mojey
but this IS something nice for me
43 00:38:20 $19.99   Lambchop54 I’ve spent the past 3 days catching up on the last 3 Persona 5 streams and now it’s Persona 4 time baby
44 00:39:53   mh6453 (メンバーシップ入り)
45 06月24日
  choucchi i love your persona gameplays and i cant wait for p3!!
46 00:44:14   Hidorisu I saw a glowing button, so I clicked it
47 06月24日
48 00:51:31 CA$5.00   KBarn Thought of you playing Star Rail the other day because there was an event that had some new BronyaxSeele moments.
49 00:53:00   DeVante wiwa
50 00:53:11 $10.00   Andres Still can't believe Hijiyama is voicing Detective Pikachu
51 01:02:51 $2.00   wildnexus
No joke, Evil Heeho carried me so far Heehoo
52 01:09:11 ¥800   Pirorin Ninja
53 01:12:15 SEK500.00   Sharko I'm taking a shot of 40% rum for ever game lost, on 23 atm, hope you are doing better, lovw Alwats from a swedish man
54 01:16:45 $5.00   A Pickled Cucumber You have to beat the gay boss to accept being gay. Just like irl
55 01:29:44 £10.00   lm0
56 01:39:10 $2.00   Ghooman (Gwardo's Hooman) Yu Narukami THE Sister Complex Kingpin of STEEL
57 01:53:33 $4.99   Ahri Suzumiya Elira, please share your rizz! You have enough women around you!
58 01:57:48   Clockwerk You must now dedicate your life to being more courageous…. For nanako
59 02:02:10 $9.99   BlueStar Hi Elira I this is pretty random but I just wondering if there is any official art of you in your dragon form. I tried searching but couldn’t find any
60 06月24日
  Engo It is June 23rd in p5r, am currently fighting Junya Kaneshiro. Will report months later when I get to Futaba's palace.
61 02:11:26   Vivi (メンバーシップ入り)
62 06月24日
  Sanera Dang, Elira. You rizzed Yukiko so hard!
63 02:21:48   Crescent Shroud fun fact, Yu can all joker Lil bro in pq2
64 02:35:25 MYR6.00   Xanxus998 but wait , what is friends can u eat those ?
65 02:36:53 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
uncle san i needed the moolah , let me go out
66 02:44:27 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
Pork kun turning into porky
67 02:58:58   Dragon Punch (メンバーシップ入り)
68 03:18:08 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
Challenge bombed
69 03:20:17 $2.00   StarCreator
you're a snack so I could never give them up
70 03:20:12 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
ur rizz dried up
71 03:21:16 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
Only nerds study
72 03:23:59 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
Omega brain sized nerd
73 03:25:03 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
Yay time to watch ppl die on TV again
74 03:25:58 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
Is the sussy piano ur theme Elira ?
75 03:27:40 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
Nah ur good in money , buy it
76 03:32:40 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
why no seeds in Junes
77 03:34:46 MYR15.00   Xanxus998
Have you tried the Persona rhythm game before ? got all the soundtracks and fire dance moves
78 03:37:42 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
Open Kanji to the new world
79 03:38:50 MYR6.00   Xanxus998
Did you fall for Kanji yet ?
80 03:38:57   Peter F Kanji is legit best boi
81 03:56:34   Sonata Shinonome I knew you would love Kanji
82 06月24日
  y U N G b A S E L O R d glad youre having fun with my favorite persona game, be prepared for more kanji based moments
83 04:08:29 $2.00   StarCreator
bless you
84 04:08:36 $2.00   τεαcυρ ηγαη ηγαη tskr x2
85 04:22:50 $2.00   wildnexus
Vrroooom Pheromones 0 rizz Yosuke
86 06月24日
  Kuroiii Yes, we always like talking about our dripping pheromones
87 04:39:08   PewPewSol I can't believe my oshi is reeking pheromones
88 04:39:25 $2.00   StarCreator
can you feel the pheromone levels increase yet
89 04:39:26 $2.00   Wanderer
Pork's phermones are starting to drip
90 04:40:03 $4.99   Shim Does the bike have its own pheromones?
91 04:40:38 $2.00   wildnexus
Get them pheromone flowing chat
92 04:41:40 $2.00   Andres
Great pheromones
93 04:42:12 ARS50.00   Prinny Great Pheromones
94 04:42:22 $1.99   lokey Great Pheromones
95 04:42:33 $2.00   TheAntiYuu Great Pheremones
96 04:42:34 $2.00   wildnexus
97 04:42:41 $2.00   Pork Belly I've Got Great Pheromones
98 04:45:35   Lil Rookie (メンバーシップ入り)
99 04:49:19 $2.00   Prisu BLESS YOUUU
100 04:49:27 $2.00   StarCreator
bless you
101 04:49:27 $2.00   wildnexus
Bless you! TSKR
102 04:49:32 $2.00   τεαcυρ ηγαη ηγαη
bless you
103 04:49:39 $20.00   Mojey
104 04:52:15 $2.00   Zalfuse Gotta explain it in June's terms to help her
105 05:01:46 $5.00   KelloggsPP Good that you're doing the roasting, she'd probably burn it.
106 05:02:03   Bobby Cutler insults make women like you? will try immediately
107 05:03:09 $5.00   Jessica Winters Would you rather they spent 2 years pretending to like Yukiko's food until she finds out they hated it all along and makes a reddit post about it?
108 05:26:56   Victor's Ace Who's your favorite so far?
109 05:41:08 $5.00   Kenneth Elder RUN, she is an SMT NPC clearly
110 05:41:17   SaberOfRed08 My birthday isn't for another month but my Cat Nylee just turned 5 today! She's watching the stream with me rn.
111 05:44:25 ARS50.00   Prinny
"I love MILFS even when I'm fully awake" -Elira Pendora
112 05:49:04 $20.00   Andres
Yosuke's rizz is so negative it got his scooter broken
113 06月24日
  Lawrence Kanji is the real winner today
114 05:49:42 $2.00   wildnexus
The Pheromones Worked!!!
115 05:50:01 $5.00   SaberOfRed08 Yosuke only has rizz with the bois
116 05:50:22 CA$5.00   VeeJaiii the Moomin Silly IT SHOULD'VE BEEN ME NOT YOSUKE T^T
117 06月24日
  stabworth Soujiro would explode if he saw this
118 06:08:21 $2.00   Jason why is it bad?
119 06月24日
  Superflydanfry This truly is a Kanji stream
120 06:24:29 $2.00   Sanera That's disgusting...
121 06:26:06 $5.00   boohoo723 If it makes you feel better, this is absolutely Yosuke's absolute rock bottom, so you can only go up from here.
122 06:26:56 $2.00   Chips! This is absolute rock bottom yosuke it gets better
123 06:46:00 $5.00   DG_Nick Mrs. Nakayama is literally this emoji
124 06:50:22 $5.00   Bobby Cutler Yosuke's character is enhanced by knowing he had a cut romance route. coming to terms with himself feels like it would have been better in that route
125 06:55:15 $2.00   wildnexus
"I'm poor!" Proceeds to gacha and lose
126 06月24日
  Hinoriii I Got gifted two times OMG THANK YOU I love your streams Ewiwa
127 07:28:16 $2.00   Memers GWS
128 07:28:22 $2.00   wildnexus
Wow we didn't even bring him up this time
129 07:28:31 $4.99   Shim
First Beef, now Akechi? What game are you playing?
130 06月24日
131 07:31:59 $2.00   Samuel Hedge If you like the game, you'll love the animation =D
132 07:32:29 $4.99   Shim
Which way is the figure looking?
133 07:33:25 CA$5.00   Chiru are you ready for the best dungeon BGM?!
134 07:34:16 $2.00   Wanderer
Can't be Adachi he's not ripped enough to carry TV
135 07:35:52   Jackson awkward turtle
136 07:36:01 $4.99   Shim
137 07:36:31 $10.00   「Senshi」 Teddie's letting out them BEAR-amones
138 07:42:36 £10.00   lm0
139 07:42:39 SGD2.00   HOT RANDOM ELIRA'S FOREVER CAKE NOISES What if Adachi is Akechi's great great grandfather
140 07:44:03 $2.00   Zalfuse
You can see poster's of Rise in P5 subway
141 07:46:18   Souporman Shadow Ewiwa would do an ara ara
142 07:47:39 $2.00   wildnexus
Can't wait for Elira's persona to be giant Akechi
hey girl, wanna play League, I'll be ur Veigar JG
144 08:08:11 $5.00   Bolwic Have you considered playing the Trails/Kiseki series?
145 08:12:52 $2.00   Prisu
Thank you for the Kanji(REAL) stream Ewiwa!
146 06月24日
  [Sno_we] Archer (メンバーシップ入り)