記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 68 320.32 \45,897
CA$ CAD 4 20.00 \2,170
EUR EUR 3 6.49 \1,010
A$ AUD 2 3.99 \382
MYR MYR 1 6.00 \183
NZ$ NZD 1 2.00 \175
R$ BRL 1 5.00 \150
PHP PHP 1 50.00 \128
---- ---- ---- ---- \50,095
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 06月24日
  Charles Pierson (メンバーシップ入り)
2 06月24日
  BMUltra (メンバーシップ入り)
3 06月24日
  null void (メンバーシップ入り)
4 06月24日
  Nyaaa 1
5 06月24日
  Shadow Edge (メンバーシップ入り)
6 06月24日
$1.99   DelStar You can’t even bully your kouhai
7 06月24日
$1.99   DelStar
WEALLY Scarle you got new gloves?! WEALLY?!
8 00:03:06 $1.99   Juan Wick The Clock isnt the only 3D thing that’s wooden rn
9 00:05:26 $5.00   Tibbits001 I got you derrick.
10 00:05:39 $1.99   SIR956⏳scarle's & maria's doggo reimus doggo weally weally wanna boop mom
11 00:06:38   Jorge M. Your socks look different today
12 00:07:30 $2.00   Prince Hawke daily boop of the nose also headpat
13 00:08:37 $2.00   Prince Hawke
yes boop
14 00:08:44 $1.99   Juan Wick
Scarle got th wood Glock confirm GOATED w th sauce
15 00:09:13 $1.99   SIR956⏳scarle's & maria's doggo reimus doggo
Boop teehee wuv you beloved mom
16 00:11:51 $1.99   Wasabio 777 [Scarle’s Secretary] So an endurance stream today???
17 06月24日
$2.00   NotoriousBSG82 Adult supervision is required.
18 00:18:08 $2.00   Tibbits001
got you derrick x2
19 06月24日
  Saladdd Hi scarle! Goodluck on your wooden clock building
20 00:24:54 $4.99   DelStar
Scarle I think you should now how to tell time first before actually building a clock.
21 00:24:58 $5.00   NotoriousBSG82
Do you know what the final product should look like?
22 00:25:38 $5.55   Brando Sheriff Oh nice, new gloves! Low-key miss the penguin flipper sock hands tho
23 00:26:36 $4.99   DelStar
I’m glad you’re building a clock maybe now you won’t be late anymore and not make us wait for hours.
24 00:26:41 $2.00   LuisPJ how can you be innocent and not seiso
25 00:29:31   Ares the Parakeet Use something like a chopstick to help pop out the small pieces
26 00:29:46 CA$5.00   PK Scratch Don't be afraid. Just pull it out with confidence. If it's in too tight, maybe pump it slightly to loosen it up so you can pull out smoothly...
27 00:30:21 $2.00   klack Maybe we could do a 100 piece puzzle?
28 00:31:39 $5.00   Derrick amazon has a video on how to assemble
29 00:32:07 $2.00   Chris Tooley Scarle isn't stupid she's ditzy
30 00:34:56 $4.99   DelStar
The directions should have said “WARNING! Your hands should be this big for assembly. Having the IQ of Scarle is also not recommended.”
31 00:36:04 $2.00   Ozmin Weller pause.
32 00:36:17 $5.00   Derrick
God your adorable Scarle!
33 00:36:44 CA$5.00   Captain NK Puzzles help in dealing with Alzheimer's and improving mental fortitude, but I think this puzzle it out of your league, sorry granny :L
34 00:36:44 $4.99   DelStar
Scarle this is for experienced for people putting into holes . Not you….
35 00:37:39 CA$5.00   PK Scratch
Since it's your first time, just take it slowly and gently. There might be some resistance but as long as you line it up right, push it firmly.
36 00:38:06 $5.00   Ozmin Weller
well everyone has to have their first time....building clocks.
37 00:41:08 $1.99   Juan Wick
Since this is yer 1st time, I’ll push it in gently
38 00:46:07 $1.99   DelStar
Scarle how do you lose the Ls ? You get Ls all day
39 00:48:02 $1.99   DelStar
Believe me there’s no way you’ll lose Ls
40 00:49:16 $1.99   DelStar
I thought you we’re slapping a brick wall?!
41 00:50:34 $100.00   Derrick
Head Pats
42 00:50:42 $1.99   チル怠惰[Chill Sloth] This will take about twelve hrs folks get comfy
43 00:52:27 $1.99   DelStar
We’re done but it looks like ur no where near done
44 00:54:29 $2.00   Michael Chevauche Your brain is always confused
45 06月24日
  BMUltra Happy 8 months scarle!!!!!And what are you up to this time?
46 00:56:07 $2.00   Michael Chevauche
oh no you broke it
47 00:58:14 $1.99   Juan Wick
I think you need more protein in your diet FR
48 00:59:47 $10.00   Michael Chevauche
49 01:01:50 $1.99   Juan Wick
But what if I am hot honey rub & lemon pepper ?
50 01:01:57 $5.00   Michael Chevauche
Mcflurry = Niagara Falls south of the border
51 01:03:15 €2.49   lone wolf Lamb sauce
52 01:03:24 $10.00   Chris Tooley
Scarle, I'm not sure I should tell you this, but... if you order an Apple Pie and an M&M McFlurry from McDonalds and blend them together at home you can create an Apple Pie McFlurry.
53 01:04:35 $2.00   Michael Chevauche
the only flavor i can get you is me-flavor
54 01:06:56 $2.00   Juan Wick
thers a protein McFlurry recipe o YT Ur welcom bb
55 01:07:15 CA$5.00   PK Scratch
Chat, you're looking real cute tonight. Interested in going out for a drink maybe? ... Oh, hi Scarle. Don't mind us
56 01:08:54 $5.00   GoldenGlizzy PK Scratch ,
57 01:09:38 $2.00   DelStar
i just flirted with you with clock pick up lines?!
58 01:10:41 $2.00   Michael Chevauche
wow if i close my eyes the noise are just naughty
59 01:12:13 $2.00   Shadow Soldier Geez I didn't know clocks made you horny LOL
60 01:15:00 $5.00   Michael Chevauche
well it's either flirt with you or Aia. Still debating
61 01:31:31 R$5.00   GM Lemmy Are you an antique clock? Because you're. precious, beautiful and always late.
62 01:37:13 MYR6.00   edoge14 You have an xbox? Time to hopcon for some uno
63 01:38:47 $5.00   Lastlasagna (a無言スパチャ)
64 01:45:33 $2.00   DelStar
i can host a bingo game, she can win anytime ;)
65 01:47:46 $2.00   Sile Necrosis Ch. Why is Scarle out here handling a massive.. Clock?
66 01:51:12 $2.00   DelStar
Youre actually aint doing half bad yonaguni gg
67 01:59:47 $2.00   Sile Necrosis Ch.
"It's not going in the HOOOLEE" Scarle, 2023
68 02:01:03 A$1.99   Marle Peace
69 02:01:58 $2.00   Chris Tooley
You have non-toxic wood varnish, right Scarle?
70 02:14:14 $2.00   DelStar
Can you read the roman numbers on the clock ?
71 02:24:19 $2.00   DelStar
is the bwaby tired ? time for nappies?
72 02:24:43 A$2.00   Kitsune Foryst Daily Compliment: U are so wholesome & wild 24/30
73 02:26:32 $20.00   Derrick
Your doing amazing Scarle. I wish you the best and don't give up. Keep being adorable and cute. LUV YA! Goodnight!
74 02:26:47   Shel_BB (メンバーシップ入り)
75 02:29:59 $5.00   Silly Ivan I had a boss take away all my man-cards for knowing the lyrics to this song (he knew because he heard me singing it)
76 02:54:18 $2.00   DelStar
Didnt you say youd finish this by midnight? U lied
77 03:03:12 $1.99   SIR956⏳scarle's & maria's doggo reimus doggo
Holy macaroni mom you actually are cooking
78 03:18:46 $1.99   SIR956⏳scarle's & maria's doggo reimus doggo
Felicidades mom hicistes un buen Trabajo head pats
79 03:19:20 $2.00   DelStar
id give you headpats but you havent showered
80 03:19:35 $2.99   Cshadez Yep
81 03:21:22 $2.00   StarCreator c-can I clean your clock?
82 03:23:27 $2.00   Prince Hawke
so when is the clock getting lost in the room
83 03:24:41 €2.00   sango323 (Johnny X Ponyboy) oh thank god its a wooden CLOCK i was worried
84 03:26:20 €2.00   sango323 (Johnny X Ponyboy)
I thought you got it as a joke,i know you dont do
85 03:31:25 NZ$2.00   Nex Hurry, burn the clock!!
86 03:32:51 $2.00   Shadow Soldier
I nearly tripped over a bush when I saw the booba
87 03:34:29 $2.00   StarCreator
bless you
88 03:35:50 $5.00   The Phantomnaut When's Gunpla building?
89 03:43:10 PHP50.00   Mommy [Bessie] You weally completed the puzzle good job baby
90 03:47:28 $4.99   Cshadez Yep
I vote for Scarle to take one day off to rest her voice.
91 04:01:37 $2.00   brian goodnight my lovely bride