記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 5 130.00 \17,038
MYR MYR 3 75.90 \2,245
IDR IDR 4 250000.00 \2,159
YEN YEN 6 1880 \1,880
PHP PHP 3 553.00 \1,332
HUF HUF 1 1000 \366
---- ---- ---- ---- \25,020
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:02:36 $10.00   Not Seth Hope your move went well! Not able to watch your streams all the time but love your energy and support for the community!
2 00:02:58 $100.00   7hatGuy Gacha funds
3 00:04:56 IDR50,000.00   Reichi free supa for gacha
4 00:06:30 HUF1,000   Sasuke Seiron smol gacha money, I SUMMON AYAKA
5 00:09:55 $5.00   tzachquiel Shenhe is supp for ayaka, Ayaka is dps In order to freeze, u have to apply hydro first I really like ayaka btw very small gatcha funds hime :)
6 00:10:24 MYR60.00   nikkiz GACHA?!
7 00:11:50   daniel z (メンバーシップ入り)
8 00:12:25   tzachquiel (メンバーシップ入り)
9 00:13:24 ¥1,000   よしだ がちゃ ボイス買うよ!
10 00:13:35   Midnight Echo (メンバーシップ入り)
11 00:13:44 IDR100,000.00   Glanz matress fund because its more important
12 00:13:49 PHP249.00   J3LLYANN [Gen. 4 Scarle&Melo]💋🌂 Ayaka is very broken tbh. Fun facts about her Shes is one of the best dps in cryo and she has a skin too. Also if u didnt know she has brother.
13 00:14:08   C L E R O (メンバーシップ入り)
14 00:17:09 ¥200   DoJ できない誓いはやめとこう
15 00:19:24 IDR50,000.00   Glanz
yokubo sensor is up huh? go check shop for free pulls
16 00:19:38 ¥140   こんぱろ
17 00:29:17 MYR6.00   Undead Lord May the Gacha gods be on your side Kotoka, amen
18 00:30:30 ¥200   DoJ
19 00:30:59 MYR9.90   Zafkiel Gaming May the Gacha gods bless you with Ayaka, Kotoka
20 00:35:55 $10.00   基利曼罗伯特 New fan here, and you still have time for this banner, like around two weeks. So don't worry, your next 5 star in this banner will be Ayaka
21 00:36:32 ¥200   DoJ
22 00:36:57   Ben Young (メンバーシップ入り)
23 00:38:03 ¥140   Gorilla
24 00:43:29 PHP249.00   J3LLYANN [Gen. 4 Scarle&Melo]💋🌂
theres ways to get Primos in game: Open chest, do quest(main or side), Hangouts, Abyss, and Events. And when theres a new update hoyo gives in mail
25 01:31:44 PHP55.00   Seigen Gaming Robe Enjoyer here I love watching you play Genshin
26 01:35:14 $5.00   Erawan Hope you are having fun! Arrived in Japan, traveling for 2 weeks. Gonna pass out, been flying for like 20 hours now Hope to wake up for the collab.
27 02:07:15 IDR50,000.00   Reichi
just finished lunch, how was your gacha going, Kotochan??