配信名【OUTLAST】It can't be THAT bad... right Luca...?【NIJISANJI EN | Kotoka Torahime】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 3 30.00 \4,000
YEN YEN 4 2300 \2,300
SGD SGD 5 18.00 \1,803
EUR EUR 1 10.00 \1,451
PHP PHP 1 550.00 \1,340
HK$ HKD 2 75.00 \1,273
A$ AUD 2 9.99 \889
MYR MYR 2 12.00 \362
IDR IDR 2 40000.00 \358
HUF HUF 1 400 \155
---- ---- ---- ---- \13,931
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:06:09 MYR6.00   nikkiz boo
2 00:06:32 HK$25.00   🦁 YuNaur is deadging :3 💰 remember put something beside you to cover the sensitive moment ganbare Koto!
3 00:14:59 MYR6.00   *ASHURA* Insane please
4 00:18:21 ¥200   🐈️いずみちゃん🎭️ Out LastはサクサクPlayで5時間半ほどでクリアできるよOut Last 2よりは簡単w
5 00:21:00 $5.00   Ahri Suzumiya アウトラストをしたことがありますか
6 04月12日
  🦁 YuNaur is deadging :3 💰 5
7 00:37:28 A$2.00   Scarnon They l- HELLO KOTOKA
8 01:14:55 IDR20,000.00   Emrald「エメラルド」 koto's cake too thicc it's alerting the guards
9 01:47:03 HUF400   Sasuke Seiron Kotoka became so much braver too, honestly
10 02:16:24 SGD2.00   omfgitzneo[ネーォ] I think you need a CD too
11 02:17:02 SGD2.00   omfgitzneo[ネーォ]
12 03:01:31 €10.00   buninfrills look at xsoleil, my oshi wave
13 03:13:36 ¥300   まさきっち
14 03:17:24 $5.00   dayvena Hi Kotoka. thanks for the fun stream. Good luck with the rest of outlast Im sure it will be wholesome and family friendly adventure
15 03:20:36 ¥1,600   obake
16 03:20:38 IDR20,000.00   Emrald「エメラルド」
This is literally the calmest outlast stream ever
17 03:39:10 PHP550.00   Shari 💀 We love youuuuuuuu~~
18 04月13日
  Lollipop糖糖 10
19 03:40:12   Beel Beez (メンバーシップ入り)
20 03:43:32   Choco (メンバーシップ入り)
21 04月13日
  Choco 5
22 03:44:06   holla at erica (メンバーシップ入り)
23 03:44:27 A$7.99   Snuggie [Hex’s Angel] Sicklings have come to drop by our love and positivity as well as all the snackies and blankies alongside it, We Love You Koto and Kotocats
24 04月13日
  Sasuke Seiron 5
25 03:47:36 HK$50.00   Yuzu 小柚🍊 We will be with you till the end So don't be afraid 🥹 We love you! GANBAKOTO
26 04月13日
  Yuzu 小柚🍊 1
27 03:54:26 SGD2.00   omfgitzneo[ネーォ]
yay fridge
28 04:31:02 ¥200   🐈️いずみちゃん🎭️
Out Last 2もあるから、気が向いたらPlayしてね
29 04:32:18 $20.00   Roland Nicolas Dammit. Another missed stream. Can you play outlast again?
30 04:32:28 SGD2.00   Pyrite Madison looks scary at the start that's all
31 04:33:41 SGD10.00   omfgitzneo[ネーォ]
Good job clearing thegame! Good luck with Demonologist though.
32 04月13日
  Beel Beez 50