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title【LET'S CHAT!】 smol talk before smol break 【NIJISANJI EN | Elira Pendora】
sign cur num sum sum(YEN)
$ USD 85 635.93 \91,094
CA$ CAD 26 724.99 \77,216
SGD SGD 8 49.92 \5,305
HK$ HKD 4 95.00 \1,742
EUR EUR 2 7.00 \1,098
PHP PHP 3 300.00 \762
IDR IDR 1 50000.00 \470
THB THB 1 100.00 \409
NT$ TWD 1 75.00 \337
VND 2 40000 \241
YEN YEN 1 200 \200
COP COP 1 4000.00 \141
QAR 1 1 25.00 \25
ARS ARS 1 20.00 \10
---- ---- ---- ---- \179,050

no time
org currency icon name message
1 Aug 8 14:59:33 $2.00   Cheliax
2 Aug 8 15:03:08 $2.00   wildnexus
3 Aug 8 15:21:13 $2.00   Nyaruko
5 Aug 8 19:59:00 $2.00   StarCreator
6 00:03:48 $1.99   Fourth Wind Hero Good afternoon, Elira. How has your day been?
7 00:04:28 $5.00   wildnexus
Hewwo Ewiwa!!! I'm waiting for my laundry and working! Can you regale me with a recap of Daiya No Ace in honor of Koushien?
8 00:04:47 $2.00   Marco Harrorato
10 00:05:09 ¥200   あしがるる (wordless superchat)
11 00:06:20 $9.99   Person HeartMan Speaking of living, I’m leaving home to go to college in about 2 weeks, do you have any tips on being a functional adult?
12 00:09:23 CA$5.00   NameisGabe Im gonna send a super chat BUT NOT A MEMBERSHIP AND THERE"S NOTING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT MUAHAHAHAH
13 00:10:02 CA$10.00   VeeJaiii the Moomin Silly just got back from working 2 hours overtime there was a fire in the train stations so i had to cover for a few coworkers til they made it. Made more boba than i shouldve. Have a good break Ewiwa!
17 00:16:01 $2.00   wildnexus
Also did you see AI Somnium Files has merch?
18 00:16:24 $5.00   Mojey I started my Persona journey the other day! Starting with P3 but hopefully clearing it and enjoying the rest like you have been
19 00:18:14 CA$5.00   KBarn Someone on Twitter pointed our the photo lady from the SV DLC is most likely the descendant of your boy Adaman from Arceus. Same eyes and hair colour.
23 00:19:20 CA$2.00   TheDemiTroll Look how they massacred my boy raikou in the DLC..
24 00:21:11 CA$5.00   TheDemiTroll
Literally patrick with the trombone around his neck meme.
25 00:23:12 $2.00   Mojey
inb4 entei loses all its legs and is a snake
26 00:23:13 SGD2.00   HOT RANDOM ELIRA'S FOREVER CAKE NOISES I hope Entei has a massive underjaw like Heatran
27 00:23:25 CA$5.00   TheDemiTroll
fun fact: walking wake actually walks on the water if you take him out there
28 00:24:11 $2.00   wildnexus
If you manifest standing, we manifest underbite
29 00:25:10 COP4,000.00   Diego What if they make Entei Fly?
30 00:26:38 CA$5.00   TheDemiTroll
i know were memeing on Raikou's paradox, but can we hype up the Cobalion? Iron Crown looks awesome
31 00:27:12 $2.00   wildnexus
we "..." out of love AND judgement
34 00:30:47 IDR50,000.00   Tvanon Hey Elira, if you're taking break from today, does that mean you won't be in the NijiKoushien watchalong? Either way, have fun with your break!
35 00:31:15 $10.00   Just Some Guy with a Mustache Hope you're keeping cool during this summer, Elira!
36 Aug 8 23:35:22 $20.00   Just Some Guy with a Mustache
Oh yeah, for sure. And if it's this hot in August, can you imagine how insane the weather's gonna be in December?
37 00:33:48 CA$5.00   Crow Baron of Syrup There's nothing stopping you. Embrace being a shut in.
38 00:37:04 QAR25.00   kaycey it's been a rough couple days being sick and dealing with life, watching you always cheers me up hope you have a good break wiwa
39 00:42:27 $1.99   TwitchyTime Is the world infinite
45 00:50:10 THB100.00   RockyBirdy Fun fact: the maid cafe I went to "research" for your story on the Lazulight 2nd anni doujin now has a rival store next to it...and it's goth themed.
47 00:57:40 $5.00   wildnexus
WHAT IS THIS LOGIC?! I'm old and don't like change- oh no it's happening noooooo i've caught the oldge D:
Girl you redact your age for more than 5 seconds everytime someone ask your age. That numbers gonna be big. Got you on a technicality
52 01:02:19 CA$5.00   onemissingsock it's my bday on thurs :)) i was going to gift myself tswift tix but i got waitlisted BIG L but i'd really love a happy bday from u if that's oki ILY
54 01:05:29 $5.00   bankaimaster6661 I'll be sad while ur on break but ill try my best to endure until u come back so enjoy ur break and have lots of fun and sheesh you later
57 01:10:41 NT$75.00   Nine one Hope you have a good break Sorry can't watch stream until the end, have to go to work! Love you
60 01:16:45 $5.00   Mika's fries (Wholsome Fan) Hey Wiwa, sensitive question, should chat feel it's illegal to ask u anything about the other company, I've seen others fine and others not. thoughts?
61 01:19:03 $10.00   lime friend of mine from Canada brought me coffee crisp to try, can confirm it's really good
62 01:22:13 $2.00   wildnexus
People legit unalive crashing into a moose
63 01:24:54 $5.00   Konno201 #sheeshyoulater lets make this go viral also have a amazing break
Is Canada just Australia but not down under?
65 01:26:35 CA$6.99   The Shadow I put this in Pomu’s stream yesterday let’s not forget that Sonny is our man
66 01:26:54 $10.00   Sidewayz2013 I hope I never have to do it again, cuz I felt really bad... but I carry when I can, and on a trip to Montana, I encountered a bear at my campsite. i shot it in the leg and it ran, not sure after that
67 01:27:03 $5.00   Erawan My friend told me regarding bears. If it's brown, lie down. If it's black, fight back. If it's white, say goodnight cause you ain't coming back.
68 01:32:07 $2.00   NijiKnight I'm watching my hubby argue with a raven outside
69 01:32:27 $1.00   Argent (wordless superchat)
70 01:32:29 $2.00   Argent
(wordless superchat)
71 01:32:30 $5.00   Argent
Have this to send you off on smol break
72 01:32:31 $10.00   Argent
(wordless superchat)
73 01:32:32 $20.00   Argent
(wordless superchat)
74 01:32:33 $50.00   Argent
(wordless superchat)
75 01:32:34 $100.00   Argent
(wordless superchat)
76 01:32:41 $4.99   I Bee Jammin Finally free from work, Hi Elira hope you enjoy your break
77 01:35:00 $5.00   Kameko Have a good break Ewiwa!
80 01:38:23 CA$5.00   Ariston_Nova gatekeep, gaslight, girlboss.
81 01:41:17 $5.00   NijiKnight
Imagine mane-san writing a new song for Lazulight and naming it Land, Sea, and Sky.
83 01:44:45 $4.99   Hikari Ewiwa you’re doing way better than my friends who live in the states
Ewiwa: casually remembering the 50 states, Le' Me: Which side is east? is it my left or my right? Where am I?
85 01:46:57 $5.00   wildnexus
I know it's passed but as a local I must speak up. It's: Nev-a-da. Not Nev-ah-da. I hope you read this hearing Hermonie's voice
86 01:49:22 $5.00   Kameko
Ewiwa vegas fund
87 01:49:25 $2.00   wildnexus
Dear god please don't gamble on the strip
88 01:49:41 CA$10.00   Ariston_Nova
On one hand Casinos, on the other hand heat stroke. Yeah I'm pretty sure you're choosing Vegas what's a little health issue when it comes to Vegas.
89 01:49:50 $5.00   AKinkyKadaver vegas is really fun, there are strip clubs but only one is fully nude. oh and Nevada is pronounced with a short a like act
90 01:51:11 $4.99   Jaytsu EVO is in Vegas yeah!! I was there this year for Idol Showdown commentary -- but the heat outside was... so painful... food so... expensive...
91 01:52:24 $2.00   wildnexus
Vegas can get upwards 45C in summer it's brutal
92 01:56:52 CA$5.00   Ariston_Nova
Wiwi you gotta remember there's 50 States and we only have 10 Provinces. And we only have 3 provinces that don't border the US
93 01:58:39 $10.00   AKinkyKadaver
my bad I didn't realize what you meant earlier! the strips cool, I also recommend Fremont st, you can get your pic taken with girls in skimpy police outfits while they pretend to hit you with batons
98 02:04:06 CA$5.00   Ariston_Nova
You actually touched grass!? Many would kill for a childhood like that. All I remember was an old tire, a stick and a boat load of imagination
99 02:06:49 $5.00   Kameko
I gotta go to work now Ewiwa, hope you have a nice and safe break! See you next week!
100 02:07:11 CA$100.00   Trem Late BUT I been thinking abt Otakuthon alot lately & I get emotional. I remember how much getting to see u changed my life. U helped me gain confidence in myself & try to work towards bettering my life. I cling to that confidence you gave me to this day. TY
103 02:10:22 ARS20.00   Lector Amatus Enjoy your break, hope you have great vacations!
105 02:13:06 ₫20,000   Tundra Ch. [Elira's 3rd Apostle] I see now, baseball is a sports for based people
106 02:18:23 CA$10.00   Ariston_Nova
Time just flew, I suppose existential dread is part of the schedule? Or is that already spaced out and is an ongoing event?
107 02:24:16 CA$10.00   Ariston_Nova
You just had to bust out the archive. Frankly hated that song but what I would give to go back to 2011. Back when I just touched grass and was forced to get high marks to not get my privileges taken
108 02:30:37 $2.00   wildnexus
soon as you came back I started coughing help
110 02:44:44 $10.00   Brian Kim Thank you for the Haikyuu Recap, Now time to rewatch it for the 3rd time
112 02:47:28 $2.00   Mojey
osananajimi is the best route
113 02:47:40 $5.00   SolFang the names we need them
115 02:50:19 $2.00   SaberOfRed08 ok but did they brainrot u like Akeshu
118 02:55:32 CA$10.00   ひとりぼっちのMKTetris #SheeshYouLater Ewiwa! Have an amazing wonderful break!!!
119 03:00:34 $5.00   Mojey
my heart melts whenever yamaguchi yells TSUKKIIIIIIIIIIIII
122 03:14:08 $10.00   Josh S I'm going to Japan this weekend. Do you have any recs that will make me go "Wow! This is just like Persona 5 Royal"?
124 03:21:54 $2.00   wildnexus
Who the hell are you and where is Ewiwa?
126 03:23:22 $5.00   StarCreator
hey gurl did you hear about the roast beef sandwich at costco
129 03:25:07 $2.00   Prisu Help
131 03:25:36 CA$5.00   ひとりぼっちのMKTetris
You sound like an AI VTuber with Elira's voice
132 03:25:52 CA$2.00   Trem
im sorry I called you not normal I didnt mean it
133 03:26:22 $5.00   CureFaux can you friendzone us in this voice?
135 03:26:46 $2.00   wildnexus
Taion x Eunie and Shuake are mid
137 03:26:54 €2.00   Sango I like this , NPC Elira best
138 03:27:15 CA$2.00   VeeJaiii the Moomin Silly
139 03:27:19 $4.99   Hikari
Nice to meet you I’m Natasha, the underworld doctor. Feeling sick?
Haikyuu is MID, that should bring her back
141 03:27:53 $2.00   wildnexus
HxH is Mid Elira please come back
142 03:28:58 $2.00   τεαcυρ ηγαη ηγαη Like Akechi?
143 03:29:08 CA$2.00   ひとりぼっちのMKTetris
Come back next week and re-debut with this voice
144 03:29:10 $2.00   bankaimaster6661
I miss debut Elira voice
146 03:29:52 $2.00   Memers BALD
147 03:30:02 $2.00   wildnexus
So Debut Elira what's your fave BL ship?
148 03:30:44 SGD6.98   Shireen Hiro Actually never mind, I love you no matter what you have become 🥹
149 03:31:17 $5.00   Sean W Why is there a bun on the table?
150 03:31:27 €5.00   Sango
Do you know the difference between a chickpea and a garbonzo bean? I don't pay to watch garbonzos bean
152 03:32:36 $5.00   Miller She's so not normal
153 03:32:54 $2.00   wildnexus
Loved u at ur baldest we'll love u at ur cringiest
I'll never question your Wiwa mode again, i prefer this normal Wiwa compared to whatever was before, will still love you even if you're bald
156 03:34:44 SGD14.98   Shireen Hiro
157 03:36:41 $5.00   wildnexus
I don't know how to be tsun. It's not like I care about and appreciate you or anything b-baka or will miss you and hope you have a good break HMPH
158 03:40:04 $5.00   FriendlyRaccoon May I request hugs before you leave for break? To help me survive ;O
159 03:46:52 $2.00   Prisu
162 04:05:07 $10.00   Johnny Lacone Hope you have a good break Ewiwi gotta sleep so gnight
163 04:05:33 $2.00   Brumakian Productions Persona 3 Reload when?
164 04:07:28 $100.00   Nyaruko
hope you have a wonderful break
166 04:09:06 PHP125.00   Tophrii "we have to talk"
167 04:11:17 $10.00   wildnexus
Hope you have an amazing break and that you get lots of rest Ewiwa! I-I'm not gonna miss you or anything... maybe a little but not alot! Jokes aside fr I hope you have an amazing time off!
168 04:13:34 ₫20,000   Tundra Ch. [Elira's 3rd Apostle]
It's not like I'm gonna miss u or something~hmmp
170 Aug 9 03:17:00 $2.00   wildnexus
The option to name OkiDogi Artichoki is awesome
171 04:15:30 SGD6.98   Shireen Hiro
Can we get a chuu before you leave? Pretty please?
172 04:15:45 CA$5.00   Trem
TY for the stream Elira~! Gonna miss you lots on your break but you earned it after working so hard so rest up and enjoy yourself!
Thank you for talking to us before your vacation, we'll miss you but not a lot...well maybe a lot hmphh you get what i mean *Pouts face*, can you bring us along as well *pearly eyes*, we are squishy
175 04:16:28 PHP50.00   SZF sniff you later. have a noice break u deserve it
176 04:17:59 PHP125.00   Tophrii
did you not count heatran cause he's your number zero?
177 04:19:58 $5.00   wildnexus
If you have OkiDogi and Artichoki, who would be InnaWhile and Crocodile?
178 04:24:35 $5.00   Heatran you know, I tuned into you for the first time today and all I gotta say is "harsh Elira, harsh"
179 04:30:04 SGD6.98   Shireen Hiro
Thank you for the chat Ewiwa my last supa for you. I have to go now, hope you have a great great break, sheesh you soon!!
180 04:31:05 $2.00   Prisu
Thank you for the stream Elira! Have a great break
181 04:31:06 $10.00   Memers
Enjoy your break Bestie!! You better have fun Sheesh you later!!
182 04:31:48 $2.00   wildnexus
183 04:32:25 $5.00   Konno201
can we get a big sheesh you later for the road
185 04:32:30 $2.00   Nyaruko
sheesh you next week
GREAT !We got Sheesh
187 04:32:58 $5.00   Entry Hazard Sheesh you later!! And have a nice rest!!!
191 Aug 9 03:38:28 CA$100.00   Crow Baron of Syrup
(wordless superchat)
192 04:36:32 $2.00   StarCreator
193 04:36:53 CA$300.00   Crow Baron of Syrup
(wordless superchat)
194 04:36:59 $5.00   Okamidude we're so back bestie
195 04:37:58 $5.00   Dovin Elira i am on my knees begging you please go take your break, it may be the only cure. I dont know if im strong enough to see crow do this again
196 04:38:18 CA$100.00   Acadien (wordless superchat)
197 04:38:57 $5.00   Jukebox1412 Earlier you said bye and I thought you would end stream in 20 minutes, but you've exceeded my expectations!