配信名【FINAL FANTASY XVI】I am ready for more ANGST【NIJISANJI EN | Reimu Endou】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 30 147.93 \20,741
A$ AUD 1 20.00 \1,872
EUR EUR 2 10.00 \1,543
HK$ HKD 4 70.00 \1,254
£ GBP 1 5.00 \905
CLP CLP 1 2500 \431
CZK CZK 1 50.00 \323
COP COP 2 8000.00 \271
ARS ARS 2 150.00 \80
---- ---- ---- ---- \27,420
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 07月11日
  Good_Playlists (メンバーシップ入り)
2 07月11日
3 07月11日
  Sophie 1
4 07月11日
  Nyaaa 1
5 07月11日
  Nyaaa 1
6 07月11日
  Megane Famillie the Marippet 1
7 07月11日
  Nyaaa 1
8 00:03:35 $2.00   Richard Sakiestewa Reimu, our phantomo Eikon, we summon you!! FTW!
9 00:06:03 HK$25.00   Kani Sama (蟹様) In that case bad joke of the night, what do you use to keep your hair Reimu? Scare-spray!
10 00:06:10 $2.00   Richard Sakiestewa
if it helps, you make me smile, much like yours!
11 00:06:32 HK$25.00   chun-_- [淳]👹🧧 we always be here by your side babe mumube happy my princess
13 00:13:02 COP4,000.00   Phoos i failed clown school,i couldnt fill in the shoes.
14 00:37:00 $9.99   Astra (Reimu's 3am pizza leftovers) Mumu are you enjoying FFXVI? FF is my favorite series but I’m at work and still need to watch the last VOD lmao
15 00:39:29   lOnSlAuGhTl (メンバーシップ入り)
16 00:42:05 A$20.00   ChickenKaichou Hi Mumu! I'm finally taking a holiday and going to Japan tomorrow! Staying in and seeing the Kansai region. I'll try to catch your streams when I can, and take lots of pictures with にじぱぺ . But for now I sleep.
17 07月11日
  kii chan 🔗🤲
18 00:58:56 HK$10.00   Kani Sama (蟹様)
You're the best and worst SC I ever made :^)
19 01:04:30 $4.99   Astra (Reimu's 3am pizza leftovers)
I wouldn’t really say it’s good or bad, all lips feel a bit different
20 07月11日
  Neehar Kulkarni 5
21 01:15:25   Neehar Kulkarni When are we getting the Loot/Loot Goblin Emote Reimu, I wasnt something to spam when you get side tracked by loot :v
22 07月11日
  Astra (Reimu's 3am pizza leftovers) 1
23 01:24:49 $5.00   The Villain (Pokedex of Horror) I haven't touched FF since 13-1. Word of the day is Leucocholy: a state of feeling that accompanies preoccupation with trivial and insipid diversions.
24 01:33:48 $9.99   Astra (Reimu's 3am pizza leftovers)
Spells in final fantasy follow base base+a/ra and spells +ga ex: fire fira firaga with some exceptions such as curaja being between cura and curaga or after curaga don’t remember
25 01:43:35 $2.00   Richard Sakiestewa
Further example: Reimu, Reimura, Reimuga, Reimuja.
26 01:55:04 $10.00   KenseiMuyo THOT SLAIN
27 01:56:14 $1.99   TriPrincess Torgal deserves all the head pats and dog treats
28 02:04:14 $4.99   Astra (Reimu's 3am pizza leftovers)
Wait are we doing timeout gacha again?
29 02:38:22 $5.00   ReiAyanami8 *banging on taiko drums* Go Reimu! You can do this!
30 02:51:39 $10.00   ReiAyanami8
This is the most intense Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots game I've ever seen!
31 02:54:47 €5.00   Mirko D I just joined the stream and the first thing I witness is my Queen being awesome, more then usual. THAT WAS COOL! I am so proud of you Mumu! Congrats!
32 02:59:59 $5.00   Richard Sakiestewa
Fun fact: Bahamut is protrayed in the series as a nuclear breathing dragon of blue flames (I kid you not). An elite god or diety, the Dragon King.
33 03:01:36 $10.00   NijiKnight Have to go mumu. Hubby has his first meeting with his physical therapist in a bit. He's throwing a hissy fit because it was required since he lost his dominant arm and his left eye in an accident.
34 07月12日
  Mirko D 1
35 03:11:09 $5.00   KenseiMuyo
If you think this game has a wide assortment of hot men, Final Fantasy XIV has that in spades
36 03:11:40 $2.00   ReiAyanami8
Everyone else in this game looks like an F-Boy....
37 03:12:35 $5.00   NijiKnight
Though i may be hadicapable from now on, as long as i can hug wifey and hold my baby girl, having 1 arm is no big deal. Have fun mumu.
38 03:13:22 HK$10.00   Kani Sama (蟹様)
Play FF7 Crisis Core one day Reimu, there's a Zack
39 07月12日
  Syukree Ismail hii reimu!
40 03:15:25 $2.00   Richard Sakiestewa
I want to name one of my chocobos after you in 14.
41 03:15:49   misteisse | ミスタイゼ (メンバーシップ入り)
42 03:15:52 $5.00   Peter Campi Reimu, remember that Garuda's Gouge attack can be extended by mashing the attack button (square).
43 03:20:26 $5.00   Foxhull "You have a girlfriend, boyfriend and a dog! What else do you need?" Well, he doesn't have a brother, father, or a mother who loves him....
44 03:21:45 COP4,000.00   Phoos
Clive got to eat kfc 2 times in the game.
45 03:24:43 $2.00   raiifrost So does that mean...
46 03:25:55 €5.00   Mirko D
Okay have to go now. Here a little support for your Bank Account. Have fun with the game and stay as cute as you are! Bye Mumu and Phantomos, love you
47 03:27:43 $2.00   ReiAyanami8
Reimu: I'M NOT INTERESTED IN YOU! Me: *flashbacks*
48 03:31:40 $5.00   Peter Campi
you have to make use of Garuda's Eikon grab (circle button) when bosses/tough foes are half-staggered because it stuns them.
49 03:32:56 $5.00   Richard Sakiestewa
Fun fact: Meaning horseback knights, Dragoons in Final Fantasy are dragon knights who use spears, ride dragon back, and are masters of aerial combat.
50 03:39:33 $5.00   ReiAyanami8
Alright, I have work later tonight and it's the end of a 13 night work cycle, so I have to head to bed soon. I hope you have fun, Reimu, and good work
51 03:44:15   The Phantomnaut We see similar hair and face: "It's Joshua" Reimu sees him: "Not my type"
52 03:57:42 ARS100.00   Lector Amatus I got home just in time to watch the Garuda fight, I'm happy you are having fun and watching your reactions to the story moments is great. Here's a joke: what is red and bad for your teeth? a brick
53 03:57:55 $5.00   Peter Campi
Not gonna lie, it's really fun to use Garuda's grab ability to "yo-yo" enemies to death. You can also grab enemies into the air for air combos.
54 04:00:15 $4.99   Astra (Reimu's 3am pizza leftovers)
Flashback to an hour into stream when chat told you to charge your controller….end of flashback
55 04:05:50   Mog Moogle Kupo!
56 04:13:27 $4.99   Astra (Reimu's 3am pizza leftovers)
Who cares what other people think wear what makes you happy
57 04:22:40 ARS50.00   Lector Amatus
I want you to know that watching your reactions to Jill and Clive gives me life
58 04:25:42 CZK50.00   Max Maxwell Reimu can stream a cinematic for 3 streams guys c'mon
59 04:26:00   rafassa (メンバーシップ入り)
60 07月12日
  NEON 1
61 04:30:53 CLP2,500   Patricio Núñez To be fair, almost every Zelda feels different. I recommend playing a short one like Minish Cap, Link to the Past or Link's Awakening to catch a break
62 07月12日
  Mog Moogle 10
63 04:38:03 $5.00   NijiKnight
Fun fact, hubby's physical therapist is also a fellow phantomo.