記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
YEN YEN 3 2960 \2,960
$ USD 6 20.49 \2,924
CA$ CAD 1 10.00 \1,075
NT$ TWD 1 170.00 \768
PHP PHP 2 175.00 \455
MX$ MXN 1 50.00 \425
THB THB 1 100.00 \417
HK$ HKD 1 8.00 \146
R$ BRL 1 2.00 \60
---- ---- ---- ---- \9,230
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 08月02日
  uka。 (メンバーシップ入り)
2 08月02日
¥160   わなるWanaRu
3 00:00:14   Metaro CHENG (メンバーシップ入り)
4 00:04:35 $1.49   moeemo
5 00:04:46 ¥2,000   もえそちゃん wushu wushu wushu~ヾ(・∀・`*)+゜Ren~ I'll wushuwushu you a lot today
6 08月02日
  Ashley Flynn Hope your having a good day Ren
7 08月02日
8 08月02日
  xHAFUx 20
9 00:08:21 $2.00   Nina Singson You deserve some wushu wushus tonight, Ren
10 00:11:03   - RinXai - (メンバーシップ入り)
11 00:12:31   Nina Singson (メンバーシップ入り)
12 00:16:29   Momma S.j.Merchant (KendredSpirit) Hey Ren Ren! 5months of free Gifts. Happy 1 Year in ILuna. Minecraft is my favorite game. Ask me anything. You are awesome! Stay calm and sweet! XO
13 08月02日
  Nina Singson 1
14 08月02日
  azza ♡ HAPPY 9 MONTHSty for making me happy all this time, Minecraft ikzzwushuwushuwushu
15 00:26:55   Rawrr (メンバーシップ入り)
16 00:27:46 HK$8.00   LostRainLove (a無言スパチャ)
17 08月02日
  Dizzy 5
18 00:28:39 $5.00   Sweet_tori
19 08月02日
  Isa (メンバーシップ入り)
20 08月02日
21 00:38:39 MX$50.00   Dizzy Ren u want to know why I’m always thinking about u? Because my mom told me to think about my future. SHEEEESHH this stream is make me sleepy
22 00:45:00   Wish I just made some banana and oatmeal cookies! Just those 2 ingredients. Mushed banana and Oatmeal. It's healthy for you. Want some?
23 00:48:35 NT$170.00   NyaMii🐈 Morning RenRen i gotta go to work,hope you feel better today chu 🫶
24 00:51:59   quv0da (メンバーシップ入り)
25 08月02日
  Tumao OH, GOOD LUCK....
26 01:14:49 $2.00   Nikki Lyn Ren you'll be hearing from my therapist for this
27 01:26:25 $5.00   urtha1 hearing ren say half the words in that fanfic was the real treat LMAO
28 01:30:38 CA$10.00   Oreatlas Ren, how does your neck feels after all this whiplash?
29 01:31:20 ¥800   わなるWanaRu
uh.. uh thank u for reading ur secret lore for us uh.. yeah forbidden one but not a secret anymore we'll keep these stories in mind, religiously
30 01:35:00   natsuki_desuyo (メンバーシップ入り)
31 08月02日
R$2.00   N A 🛸 The creator sent you a list of supplies on X Ren
32 01:42:05 $5.00   Momma S.j.Merchant (KendredSpirit) There are 3 different kinds of Froglight... Pearlescent(Pink), Verdant (Green), and Ochre (Yellow). Your welcome. Love yeah always dear!
33 01:42:23 THB100.00   Ploy Happy to see you before going to work ! Have a nice day renren and renvaderz
34 02:05:04   Jackie Lin Let's gooooo
35 03:08:30   dream夢夢 (メンバーシップ入り)
36 03:11:41 PHP125.00   kazuuu youre doing great renren!! (≧▽≦)/ it's fun seeing your progress with your spaceship
37 03:31:13 PHP50.00   marian ~ the progress & fanfic read perfect combo XD OTSU~
38 08月02日
  Amelia * PAT PAT
39 08月02日
  akirasan (メンバーシップ入り)