記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
YEN YEN 9 5720 \5,720
$ USD 5 18.99 \2,542
PHP PHP 7 741.90 \1,807
SGD SGD 3 11.96 \1,188
THB THB 2 140.00 \542
A$ AUD 2 4.00 \356
HK$ HKD 1 10.00 \170
R$ BRL 1 2.20 \56
---- ---- ---- ---- \12,381
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 03月15日
  Te Mabi (メンバーシップ入り)
2 03月15日
  Rara… (メンバーシップ入り)
3 03月15日
$2.00   moeemo fire extinguisher fund
4 03月15日
R$2.20   N A Today Renvaderz are firefighters
5 03月15日
A$2.00   [リーセ]RisseTENSAI Burn cream funds
6 00:01:23 PHP55.00   marian_ jae one order of BURNED GRASS with HORNS on top thanks
7 00:01:35 ¥500   カエデ୨୧kaede Take the kitchen repair fund
8 03月15日
9 03月15日
  Vanka Rhea Mikhailova Half-year together with the Alien Prince and the Renvaderz family!! I couldn't ask for more in this world
10 03月15日
  [リーセ]RisseTENSAI Renren where’s our serving of roasted horns?
11 00:05:03 HK$10.00   KAT🌹キャサリン fire fighting equipment ready
12 03月15日
13 03月15日
  xHAFUx Who let him cook???
14 03月15日
  DangoJustDango hopefully not burnt
15 03月15日
  Haru Alki 😈🛸 dont worry ren, we already prepare the fire fighters for you so u can relax while cooking
16 03月15日
17 00:08:05 ¥800   わなるWanaRu Fire extinguisher in left hand and ready to call ambulance in right handI'M SO READY proud of myself
18 00:08:13 ¥800   uyu I believe Len…! がんばレン
19 00:08:57 SGD2.98   Gale the Hexcretary Employee of the month chef Ren let’s gooo
20 03月15日
  KittyCat 5
21 00:09:37 $5.00   Hailey Ren you said to make food and I may just make the decision to eat Buldak noodles while watching this stream
22 00:09:56 ¥200   もえそちゃん Looking forward to good meals!!……
23 00:11:23   Fanna (メンバーシップ入り)
24 00:11:25 THB100.00   Ploy Let him bur- I mean cook. I believe in you Ren !
25 03月15日
  azza ♡ 5
26 00:14:51 $2.00   NASA - National Aeronautics Space Administration Not clever? Keep a close eye on your spaceship
27 03月15日
  柏木Ferrosa I finally can join your stream renren so sorry missing so much stream since I changed my job
28 03月15日
  Apple neko🐱 Happy 2 months 啾啾
29 00:25:58 $5.00   urtha1 Did I say he was hubby material in the ASMR stream? I take it back.
30 00:34:06 ¥800   わなるWanaRu
I'm sorry sir plate compensation counter has to be set up
31 00:40:55 SGD6.98   Ling Haru 鈴はる🛸🕯️ YOU GOT THIS RENREN!!!
32 00:51:31   Dust Rider[Hunting party] If it's Renren I can take off my glasses and pretend to be blind to any food crimes. I can't promise I would survive it though....
33 00:52:03   Lia💫 (メンバーシップ入り)
34 00:52:59   Ling Haru 鈴はる🛸🕯️ (メンバーシップ入り)
35 03月15日
  Nico 5
36 03月15日
  S.vanila 5
37 00:58:02 A$2.00   [リーセ]RisseTENSAI
Food inspectors, floor salmon was served here.
38 01:00:32 PHP275.00   Reo Shxiem idk what happened to "ill prove tomorrow that i can be good at cooking," which u said yesterday but im definitely enjoying this yeeting food & kitchen tools simulator master shef ren indeed
39 01:01:25   rocketgoal_ (メンバーシップ入り)
40 01:12:40   Ayoipog (メンバーシップ入り)
41 01:18:32 PHP138.00   Reo Shxiem
i take back my last supa LMAO HE IS COOKING
42 01:20:06 SGD2.00   Miyu so much improvement, proud of u chef Ren 🥹
43 01:30:15 ¥320   わなるWanaRu
ambulance plsssss
44 01:33:24 PHP55.00   ringolatte what a work of Art
45 03月15日
  生灵sama I'm the customer who ordered this dish. Why is this pork chop raw
46 01:43:46   urtha1 in the words of gordon ramsay "ITS EFFING RAWW"
47 01:44:12 ¥1,000   もえそちゃん
Chef Renおいしい ごはん(meal) を ありがとう!mm mm mmmm~!!! Sir, Fire trucks are always ready to go(`・ω・´)ゞ=3 (今日もほんと楽しい!Thanks to you, I'll be able to work hard on my afternoon meetings)
48 01:49:39 THB40.00   ʚ poppyy ɞ ̊
49 02:03:07 $4.99   NanaSpectrum Escape funds, roam free young one and touch all the grass you desire.
50 03月15日
  THOYA 💚 5
51 02:07:14   BitBlaster (メンバーシップ入り)
52 02:11:00 PHP26.40   ringolatte
53 02:16:05 PHP55.00   ringolatte
the last supper (suffer)
54 02:18:13   Eri (メンバーシップ入り)
55 02:20:13 ¥800   わなるWanaRu
Dear diary today I learned that when your highness said I love cooking stuff, it means he'll cook the whole kitchen and blow it
56 02:21:19 PHP137.50   ringolatte
OTSUREN (I guess?) hahaha, can I also order? I wanna order the chef instead LMAO here's the tip! Thank you for streaming
57 03月15日
¥500   カエデ୨୧kaede
Welcome to kitchen burning stimulator I laughed so hard and I can’t remember how the kitchen looks like originally hahaha