配信名【Final Fantasy XIV】 Paladin Power! 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 11 145.98 \20,569
NT$ TWD 6 1305.00 \5,986
MX$ MXN 2 300.00 \2,465
HK$ HKD 5 128.00 \2,305
PHP PHP 5 750.00 \1,892
MYR MYR 1 60.00 \1,832
SGD SGD 3 15.00 \1,581
£ GBP 2 6.79 \1,224
A$ AUD 1 10.00 \968
YEN YEN 1 500 \500
IDR IDR 1 20000.00 \188
ZAR - 1 35.00 \35
---- ---- ---- ---- \39,545
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 06月29日
  Pei (メンバーシップ入り)
2 06月29日
  Ling_Zzz (メンバーシップ入り)
3 06月29日
  muro (メンバーシップ入り)
4 06月29日
SGD5.00   renn [ Legatus Come In ₘₑ ] Can't stay cause i'm pretty tired, hope you have lotsa fun! Anyway, big paladin power? I can also give you something else...to power into.
5 00:01:35 NT$300.00   Yu (a無言スパチャ)
6 00:03:40 PHP125.00   HammerFox Lalafell Master race lets go!
7 00:05:01 HK$25.00   Stone🐏
8 00:05:24   Yoongles Comfydumb ohai again
9 00:08:24 NT$300.00   さとし (a無言スパチャ)
10 06月30日
  Ari hi fuuchan, millie!
11 00:13:26 MYR60.00   mm i love it whenever the siblings collab but im gonna pass ot first, 2H of sleep for the past 50H really wasnt a good idea lol you're a beast for staying awake for 3 days, saraba now and have fun fuuchan millie and comfydants!
12 06月30日
  Lin Notomori it's night here so I came here to give u guys a goodnight huggg
13 00:24:33 PHP125.00   HammerFox
Thats the reason Lalafell is the master race
14 00:25:13   Eclair Ra (メンバーシップ入り)
15 00:26:50 SGD5.00   Hi Hi Fuchan
16 06月30日
  Balsa (メンバーシップ入り)
17 00:30:24 $5.00   Yenway It's okay for a 16-year old to flirt with Minfilia. She's a miner.
18 00:35:27 PHP125.00   pacy 🍞 [lurking loaf] millie we love u, but why do u keep tryna toss fuuchan to us - i mean, why wld we wanna date our ojisan you can keep him /j
19 00:39:10 PHP250.00   sunshine ☀️ truly a chaotic comho you two are nuts sanded millie lmao
20 00:45:39 HK$25.00   Chiu Flowright sorry fu-chan not much choices in emoji , pick any u like. --:)
21 00:49:05 PHP125.00   HammerFox
Pipin has fabulous hair, ngl
22 00:54:42   ssssssssquishy (メンバーシップ入り)
23 06月30日
  AsheKaian (メンバーシップ入り)
24 00:55:22 $5.00   Anton Namtet Congrats on promoting to Paladin, Fulgur!
25 00:57:20 $4.99   DarkCelan115
26 06月30日
27 06月30日
  Atom Penmug (メンバーシップ入り)
28 06月30日
29 06月30日
  NING- have fun in FF14 fuuchan and millie~~~
30 06月30日
  Kirobane for Millie,for Comfydants,for Fuuchan
31 06月30日
  ssstar s
32 01:34:18 SGD5.00   Zanna Lukas (a無言スパチャ)
33 01:49:47 HK$25.00   Chiu Flowright
how about ? *throwing (10, i count it) towards fu -chan*
34 06月30日
  Doan Nguyen (メンバーシップ入り)
35 01:58:12 HK$38.00   Tiff-Tiffany *Baaa* Daily greetings fufu~ how is Bleep bleep doing~ is he happy recently? I feel like I miss him and I think I need sth fluffy to hold today (*´ω`*)
36 02:00:29 NT$75.00   Ryuu竜 small note, monsters won't atk you if your lvl is 11 lvls higher than them
37 06月30日
  U 5
38 02:01:25 $5.00   Vivek enjoying watch ur ff14 journey
39 02:08:08 $2.00   KuugaP Streamer on the Streets, Screamer in the Sheets
40 02:08:55 HK$15.00   Tiff-Tiffany *Baaa*
Top on the sheep LMAO
41 02:09:50 $1.99   DarkCelan115
Riding confidence up to the TOP
42 02:17:48 ZAR35.00   Izumi Cat Fulgur, I have to say you have very quickly become my Favorite Vtuber. Thank you for being the way you are! you are so wholesome! You make my day
43 02:24:40 $2.00   Anton Namtet
Happy trails, laborer!
44 02:25:34 A$10.00   Xiaojun
45 02:26:52 NT$150.00   Becky (a無言スパチャ)
46 02:34:39 IDR20,000.00   nadindra i dedicate my 1st ever supa to you
47 02:35:06 $100.00   H ff14 赞
48 06月30日
  さかな (メンバーシップ入り)
49 03:27:21 $10.00   Lady Knight If you turn your back to the eye symbol, you won't get petrified
50 03:32:10 NT$150.00   Emilyjasmine Chang Hi Fuu Chan, it's time for me to go to bed. I love the FFXIV stream today. Good luck with your writing! Good night
51 03:52:35 $5.00   Yenway
They found it. They found the DS Tree!
52 03:53:41 $5.00   Whisperers I will never look at FFXIV the same again...
53 04:11:29 MX$200.00   Corvo Bacardi Thank you for thinking about us in 505 - Ater Corvus
54 04:13:01 MX$100.00   Corvo Bacardi
You can only have an FC House if your fc is 30 days old and rank 6
55 04:23:50 £1.79   FUKI FUKI DASUKI Tskr cat ears fuu channnnnnnnnnn
56 04:27:26 NT$330.00   BRANdee Cat ears is justice!
57 04:28:01 £5.00   Yuuki Tempest Fu tan kawaii tskr
58 04:28:23 ¥500   重华 Chong Hua OMG CAT EARS SO CUTEEEEThank you very much Millie!I will never forget!
59 06月30日
60 06月30日
  Slime (メンバーシップ入り)