配信名【ATOMIC HEART】i did have relations with that fridge【NINA KOSAKA - ETHYRIA】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 30 167.98 \22,638
EUR EUR 5 40.00 \5,747
DKK DKK 1 200.00 \3,858
A$ AUD 1 2.00 \184
---- ---- ---- ---- \32,427
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 02月23日
  Jodini (メンバーシップ入り)
2 00:04:06   Snowscarf heyo 2 months nice
3 00:04:16 $4.99   How Dy (a無言スパチャ)
4 00:07:53 €10.00   Snowscarf heyo cant wait to see you watch Atomic heart again you make it fun tbh i dont think it the kind of game i would play myself at all
5 00:10:46 €5.00   Snowscarf
tbh atomic heart is great but a big reason i would never play it is Nora alone and Glove tbh
6 00:12:19 $10.00   Odyssey Eurobeat Let's test the alerts!
7 00:14:19 €10.00   Snowscarf
tbh your like the biggest reason i want to get into singing to seeing your journey from beginner to now is just amazing
8 02月23日
  Igneel 10
9 00:20:12 $20.00   TheExtraMiles I can't catch the Karaoke on saturday because of a gig, I hope we both sing well Fox mom!
10 00:20:52   ARBITOR117 (メンバーシップ入り)
11 02月23日
12 00:22:27 $2.00   ARBITOR117 Time for gunplay!!!!
13 00:22:37   Serand the Warlord So excited for classic rock karaoke thank you Nina letsgooo
14 02月23日
15 00:24:16   Barder145 Istructions uclear, [REDACTED] stuck in fridge
16 00:24:51 $20.00   ARBITOR117
I really need to buy this game. I keep forgetting to buy it. The gameplay looks dope.
17 00:28:21   Guto Lima Hi mom! I missed a lot of streams, but i m glad you are back! Missed you!
18 00:33:30 $2.00   Marco Harrorato (a無言スパチャ)
19 00:36:56 $4.99   Urban Cohort Hello mother! Are you fetching today? (As in "you're looking quite fetching" haha hehe 🫠)
20 00:37:07 $2.00   bep i would 500 fetch quests for you nina nina i lovey
21 00:37:37 $2.00   ARBITOR117
Do they give you big guns in this game?
22 00:40:04 $5.00   ARBITOR117
this game reminds me of bioshock. hmmmmm nice.
23 00:43:24 $5.00   ARBITOR117
I just hope they give you a minigun. I know they give you rifle. it was in the trailers.
24 00:44:19   Felix Wuff helloooooo! work is holding me on a 60+ hour weeks and i use your vods now to fall asleep to. i hope you are doing well! you have so much friend vibe!
25 02月23日
  Magister Generalis It feels like this game was made for you
26 00:55:42 $10.00   ARBITOR117
To defeat Fear, you give in to Anger and Rage. Become like Doomguy or Master Chief mentality.
27 01:18:53 $5.00   SenSae I'm sorry about the mess mother
28 01:22:19   Unitychad (メンバーシップ入り)
29 01:22:28 €10.00   Gekido headpats and wine funds
30 02月23日
  Rashzakea Sneaking in my milestone supa while Mom is away Love you Mom
31 01:58:19 $5.00   Theocrass nina, you being scared is the cutest sh*t ever
32 02:09:24 €5.00   Snowscarf
that why your my oshi your as much of a scary cat as i am by god
33 02月23日
34 02:19:09 $5.00   sanek94cool The whole game is secretly an advertisement of Nu Pogodi
35 02:35:13   gamirf (メンバーシップ入り)
36 02月23日
  Thunderwing Doomslayer
37 02:35:31 $5.00   Rashzakea You're doing a great job Mom! You're very cute, and you've got this
38 02:35:40 $5.00   Your Lord and Senpai Best I can do is one headpat and 5 bucks
39 02:44:02   トーマ (メンバーシップ入り)
40 02:46:46 $5.00   Tienda Good morning mom! Can I use the credit card to buy this game?
41 03:04:31 $2.00   LuigisApartment tax return dono for my mom
42 03:42:32 $5.00   Ashlynne Dietrich Sometimes you gotta be the unstoppable force, other times you're the immovable object, sometimes you min max to be both
43 04:10:21   Nikodem Ossowski "I improved at shooting so quickly since someone told me I actually need to aim" moment
44 02月23日
  implode 1
45 02月23日
  Wrathinuss 5
46 02月23日
  Ashlynne Dietrich 5
47 04:37:29 DKK200.00   Twistshock Hey Ninya, I turned 31 today, so have some money on me.
48 04:45:48   ridingsonic hey fox mom is there the apple party suppose to be?
49 05:02:08 $2.00   Federal Bureau of Investigations Damn Commie Fridge got Nina acting unwise ;o
50 05:21:16 $5.00   Legen Gary Might wanna hide when level 2 happens. you can SHOK the cameras to disable them quickly (sorry if this is backseating)
51 05:33:54 $5.00   Jessie Dioquino Story: Metal Gear 1 and 2, then SOLID 1-4, then substanance, then solid V. OR skip pixels, and want 3D butt: start with MG Solid 1-4, sub, V, then MG
52 05:46:11 A$2.00   Scarnon Good Morning Nina. Your Fridge loves you.
53 05:50:14 $5.00   vante2 You want the truth? YOU WANT THE TRUTH!? THERE IS NO FRIDGE! I MADE IT UP!
54 05:50:17 $5.00   MachVox Here's another $5 so I don't have to answer.
55 05:51:10 $5.00   Ozmin Weller daga kotowaru
56 05:51:30 $2.00   Legen Gary
fridge/save points in red mushroom shaped building
57 05:56:36   NotSoDeadpool15 Hello Comrade Nina I hope you’re enjoying this game and if you’re not please report to your nearest commissar so they can convince that you are
58 06:01:15   hieu tran QUEENNNN
59 06:05:39 $2.00   Legen Gary
Granny Zina is future "Granny Nina" I can feel it
60 06:11:24   LordKrosis атомное сердце похоже на сплав биошока и фоллаута
61 06:12:34 $2.00   Legen Gary
for a first release, good start for these devs
62 06:19:10 $10.00   LordKrosis Dont worry, we cherish every moment we get with you but we want you to take care of yourself too so if your tired dont worry about calling it for the day.