記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 13 72.96 \10,537
£ GBP 2 15.00 \2,752
PHP PHP 1 250.00 \653
A$ AUD 3 6.00 \579
ARS ARS 1 1000.00 \559
EUR EUR 1 2.49 \392
MYR MYR 1 6.00 \186
---- ---- ---- ---- \15,658
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 07月05日
  SleepyFan currently in my pool hi kyo and kyomies
2 07月05日
  Yusa 🦊🧻 (メンバーシップ入り)
3 00:10:29 €2.49   Dexter Riverway IT'S MURICA DAY AND I'M UP LATE! SUPPORT FROM 🇳🇱
4 07月05日
$2.00   thewildmonarch IM AN IMMIGRANT LFGGGG
5 00:11:41 $9.99   Tabbylab Hey Kyo, happy 4th of July. I’d share one of my Red White and Blue popsicles I’m eating but I’m behind a screen, so use this to buy some.
6 00:12:56 $2.00   Hinorashi illegal fireworks aren't illegal today woooooo
7 00:12:58   •Jarukito• Happy 4th of July I’m gonna be eating good food today
8 07月05日
  Karameru Ringo Happy bizarre burger country day
9 00:15:50 $5.00   Mikio Ryota | みきお リョタ insider knowledge, most of the time when Mcdonalds says that the Ice cream machine is broken, they're just too lazy to refill it
10 00:16:56 $2.00   Hinorashi
what are your thoughts of Aia's skrunkly kyo
11 00:27:21 $5.00   Plum is a Kyomie they got you to pout...for FREE
12 07月05日
  Plum is a Kyomie 5
13 07月05日
  trish trish 5
14 00:29:26 $5.00   𝒎𝒂𝒚𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒅 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆 The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues
15 00:29:56   Mai Love you Kyo and Kyomies!!
16 00:32:34 A$2.00   miles have you taken the love language quiz?
17 00:43:17   Kokkii (メンバーシップ入り)
18 00:47:22   YUN (メンバーシップ入り)
19 00:48:17   Fanny Chou A4paper is good
20 07月05日
  Carla Ramirez
21 00:54:49 $9.99   Brenna Ahl Happy Fourth of July Kyo! I wanted to say I found you recently and since then you have put a smile on my face. Keep being yourself it’s a blessing to have found you
22 01:06:09 MYR6.00   MaiZ.e kyo you're cute.i wanna pat your head*pats head*
23 01:06:55   MothMeadows ! (メンバーシップ入り)
24 01:07:15 $9.99   Haru Kiba-Cure Taurus [EN Vtuber] I’m extremely late on this. Back on my birthday I did a “roast” at you. To be clear I don’t hate you dude, I just hate you took shots at my favorite ice cream flavor.
25 01:18:32 £10.00   christine k
26 01:21:47   minx I had a cheeseburger and that led me to fighting for my life on the toilet. It burned but I survived.
27 01:25:13   christine k (メンバーシップ入り)
28 07月05日
  リアン豆腐-LianDofu Six Months yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
29 01:48:48   Floki Odensen Hey do you like Dinosaurs? They discovered a new one just now. It's called Wydon Teulygmuh. Lemme find the subspecies name.
30 01:49:09   Aaliyah Snowden (メンバーシップ入り)
31 01:52:08   SHY Sandra (メンバーシップ入り)
32 01:53:03 A$2.00   Floki Odensen It was a Ligma joke. Darn you!
33 01:54:00 A$2.00   Floki Odensen
Wy-don T-You-Lig-Muh Bohlz
34 07月05日
  Stormy 🤟 Hi KyoI'm so happy to have spent these 9 months with you and the Kyomies looking forward to all the months ahead
35 01:55:51 $5.00   IstaLyakiosWolf after hearing how you same my name, I accept you like this lol
36 01:56:13 £5.00   christine k
Bye bye everyone and Kyo, happy merica day! from across the pond
37 07月05日
  Yue Yue 1
38 01:56:55   as・chle・miel Hi Kyo currently practicing how to render interiors, hypothetically if you were to have a room, would you like it minimal or nah? just curious
39 01:58:38   sgunky how you say my name?
40 07月05日
  Shaded 5
41 02:02:43 $4.99   Brenna Ahl
Kyo I’m dying my hair soon and I wanna do blonde and either pink or blue what color should I do I’m stumped.
42 07月05日
  Angela Chan 5
43 02:09:32 PHP250.00   bigbadgangleader the H in honest too, that was funny
44 02:15:47 $2.00   IstaLyakiosWolf
I mean sometimes I wanna punt my students...
45 02:29:44 ARS1,000.00   Mavros (a無言スパチャ)
46 02:39:39   powy (メンバーシップ入り)
47 03:04:08 $10.00   DawnCosmic there is no gun life, it made by mad house so most scene have no bgm but they focus more on the voice acting. it about a guy who is a gun