配信名【Graveyard Keeper】First Look at This Game!!!【NIJISANJI EN | Maria Marionette】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 10 33.49 \4,483
CA$ CAD 3 17.50 \1,732
YEN YEN 3 1340 \1,340
R$ BRL 2 7.70 \209
PHP PHP 1 55.00 \132
---- ---- ---- ---- \7,896
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 04月15日
  Hey Alex!! (メンバーシップ入り)
2 04月15日
  Naa (メンバーシップ入り)
3 00:05:54 $2.00   SIR956⏳(scarle's & maria's doggo) ready lets gooo
4 00:08:23 $1.99   No One can’t stay because sleep calls but have good night
5 01:08:46 ¥1,000   Kosu お礼がおそくなったけど、meet&greetありがとう!きんちょう で英語話せなかったけど日本語で話しかけてくれたのとてもうれしかったです!良い思い出になりました。もっと英語がんばります! Thank you so much Maririn!
6 01:18:27 $2.00   SIR956⏳(scarle's & maria's doggo)
lol mari
7 04月15日
  『 Honey Butter 。』 Maririn its 5 months already~. So happy to be a part of Dollhouse. Your stream always cheer me. Love Chu!
8 01:41:49 $5.00   flower hi maririn, I'm going to sleep!!!!! I'll catch you in the vod gn chat
9 02:25:04 $5.00   SIR956⏳(scarle's & maria's doggo)
time for me to sleep really enjoyed the stream also enjoyed meeting you at weebcon even with the scuff of me not being able to speak
10 02:36:38 $5.00   Rahkshi500 (a無言スパチャ)
11 02:51:04 ¥200   T K Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?
12 03:01:36 $1.00   Pinkerton (a無言スパチャ)
13 03:14:51 ¥140   Kosu
14 03:15:03 PHP55.00   telencephal0n all praise the church of maririn
15 03:45:17 CA$6.00   Momohaku Please share brain with the Maripets, my brain too smooth.
16 04月15日
  kleinWinWin Understandable! I also started with it and don't wanna stop playing!
17 04:03:42 CA$6.00   Momohaku
Maria's sneeze cure depression, sneezing stream to cure the world!
18 04:05:22 $1.49   Pinkerton
19 04:08:45 $5.00   TheJollyRamRancher just a small warning this game ruined my brain. now whenever I hear a bell I get excited and sprint for my basement.
20 05:15:30   dekinaiキノコ (メンバーシップ入り)
21 04月15日
  MaxWell 5
22 06:01:08 R$2.20   woda ARE YA WINNIN MARI
23 06:56:15 $5.01   Nina Singson Hi Mari. This is my superchat to you. I don’t watch ur streams often, but I hope you're having a wonderful night.
24 07:08:39 CA$5.50   Buddi Scotch Good morning from Canada
25 07:11:26 R$5.50   woda
I feel at peace with my inner self, thanks for the stream