記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 14 46.55 \6,324
PHP PHP 2 498.00 \1,233
NT$ TWD 2 60.00 \266
R$ BRL 1 5.00 \130
---- ---- ---- ---- \7,953
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 03月07日
  Eremitic (メンバーシップ入り)
2 00:12:23   Frank Kousei (メンバーシップ入り)
3 00:13:12 $4.99   Haru Kiba-Cure Taurus [EN Vtuber] Eating some sugar tomatoes while watching to see what fails will happen. Lol
4 03月07日
  cerise🍒 5
5 00:15:01 $5.00   Rashzakea Winner POV let's goooo Hope you have fun with the ladies! We'll be here supporting you as usual
6 00:15:03 NT$30.00   R-YONG ch. Big collab lets gooo! have fun there~
7 03月07日
  Frank Kousei
8 00:24:29 PHP249.00   J3LLYANN [Gen. 4 Scarle&Melo]💋🌂 Hi scarle, finally caught ur streams. I hope u have fun in ur collab and GL w/ ur nervousness today. idk if can stay but im always supporting u
9 00:24:48   Dumple_Roe a new record!
10 00:24:55 $2.00   Red RIP AND TEAR SCARLE
11 00:27:36 $1.99   Zura Let the Malding begin
12 00:33:33 $2.00   IkaOuji RIP AND TEAR
13 00:41:05 PHP249.00   J3LLYANN [Gen. 4 Scarle&Melo]💋🌂
Scarle, Pls turn on Big head mode in Gameplay. Go to option-gameplay-then turn on big head . Have fun scarle and niji girlss.
14 00:50:20 $1.99   Jason Carto Lmao Enna is so blood thirsty its disturbing
15 03月07日
  GM Lemmy Games like this are the only time Scarle gets to touch gress.
16 01:14:52 R$5.00   GM Lemmy I actually like your chill approach to the game.
17 01:24:55 $4.99   Frank Valice Hey today was really depressing for me any words to cheer a guy ip
18 01:27:21 $2.00   Cyborg Ed Batsu free door dash funds. Feed yourself.
19 02:17:39 $1.49   Pinkerton
20 02:18:01 $1.11   Brando Sheriff (a無言スパチャ)
21 02:28:39 NT$30.00   R-YONG ch.
No need to sry, take your time
22 02:51:19 $10.00   Scarle Bonacoochie Best time for chat food review is when you feel up to it and not pressured to do it because of chat or out of obligation. We'll be up for it whenever you are.
23 03:12:03 $4.99   NotSoDeadpool15 Hi hungry, we’re chat
24 03:12:45 $2.00   Rashzakea
Next one's a batsu young lady
25 03:36:22 $2.00   Bintock How was the gaming Scar?