【ELDEN RING】A Day In A Warriors Life (SPOILER ALERT) #kfp #キアライブ
公開日時:2022/03/23 09:45:07
開始日時:2022/03/23 23:00:40
終了日時:2022/03/24 05:28:57
総チャット数     :70126
チャット数(日本語 ):2974
チャット数(英語  ):56154

09:49:02 Takanashi Kiara chonkers has smth to say
09:49:29 Takanashi Kiara prrrrrrprrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrprrrrrr
09:50:11 Takanashi Kiara 
09:50:17 Takanashi Kiara 
09:53:14 Takanashi Kiara 
09:54:25 Takanashi Kiara i got rid of the kfp bucket and "scheisse"
09:55:09 Takanashi Kiara i never say scheisse unless i force myself to, so... 
09:55:26 Takanashi Kiara anyway
09:56:40 Takanashi Kiara omg smotthie is hunting my mouse cursor on screen and biting at it haha
09:57:01 Takanashi Kiara chonkers too!!!
09:57:18 Takanashi Kiara they wanna eat the mouse!
21:56:08 Takanashi Kiara is everything OK here? yt being weird I heard?
21:56:53 Takanashi Kiara OK coolio
23:04:14 Takanashi Kiara ehhhh i heard YT was being weird today D:
23:05:57 Takanashi Kiara it doesnt start for me either if i open my own stream, oof
23:06:33 Takanashi Kiara ah now it works for me~~
23:07:31 Takanashi Kiara if you cant see the stream, please try refreshing!見れない場合は更新してみてください 재장전해봐!
23:09:21 Takanashi Kiara korean bros you know what i mean!!! 
00:58:47 Pavolia Reine fort, evening?
00:59:26 Pavolia Reine just unga bunga
01:01:52 Pavolia Reine Try attacking, in short Don't give up!
01:14:19 Pavolia Reine he really is armed... be careful
01:14:58 Pavolia Reine i ate elden ring today. it made me like this
01:15:03 Pavolia Reine hope u had a good meal
01:16:52 Pavolia Reine  
01:18:43 Pavolia Reine ITS OK !!!! normalize dying (in game)
01:22:44 Pavolia Reine ur doing really well !!!! but if u wanna visit another time u could always do that too
01:28:46 Pavolia Reine NOOO this one is just difficult !!! 
01:29:13 Pavolia Reine the more u die the more u learn 
01:32:26 Pavolia Reine I rolled through them all yolo
01:34:31 Pavolia Reine LETS GOOO
01:37:34 Pavolia Reine strong foe, O strong foe...
01:38:51 Pavolia Reine Niceeee
01:40:46 Pavolia Reine I never saw this lady!?
01:41:14 Pavolia Reine lovable sort ahead
01:47:03 Pavolia Reine Why is it always limb?
02:05:24 Pavolia Reine gonna boot up my game while watching, ganba w the spider !!!
05:29:43 Takanashi Kiara 
05:34:55 Takanashi Kiara 
スパチャ(待機枠+アーカイブ枠) playboard(別サイト)