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配信名:【Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion: HD Renovation】is this even a good idea HELP【Reine/hololiveID 2nd gen】
06/15 23:28:55 Pavolia Reine might even hop on vr if i feel extra brave
06/16 00:30:13 Pavolia Reine id LAW IN PROGRESS
06/16 00:32:20 Pavolia Reine OK I can't seem to get the game to run in VR, so I'll be playing it on desktop
06/16 00:32:25 Pavolia Reine gimme a sec guys
06/16 00:43:24 Pavolia Reine sorry guys... the game is being super weird rn
06/16 00:47:12 Pavolia Reine yeah just wait a bit guys sorry i was trying for the last time but looks like i cant figure out how to run this on vr
06/16 00:47:27 Pavolia Reine boo kinda bummed about it but at least heart rate monitor is here
06/16 00:48:27 Pavolia Reine i'll start intro screen