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配信名:【VALKYRIE CONNECT】We Are IN The Game! Come Get Us! #HolokyrieConnect #kfp #TAKOTIME
05/14 05:36:10 Takanashi Kiara yo!!!
05/14 05:36:19 Takanashi Kiara i found my luggage scale!
05/14 05:37:01 Takanashi Kiara the one where you have to lift the luggage attached to the scale, does anyone have one like that? if i lift the empty luggage with 1 hand its 3.9kg , with 2 hands its 4.9 kg, which one is correct?
05/14 05:37:22 Takanashi Kiara or 4.4 or smth but it was more when lifting with both hands
05/14 05:37:35 Takanashi Kiara it does affect it tho
05/14 05:37:48 Takanashi Kiara explain those physics to me
05/14 05:39:10 Takanashi Kiara my arms arent shaking from just 3.9kg !!!!
05/14 05:39:29 Takanashi Kiara i think its supposed to be lifted with 2 hands...in any case, just a small difference i suppose
05/14 05:41:14 Takanashi Kiara oh nyo i am feeling tired
05/14 09:58:58 Takanashi Kiara https://valkyrie-connect.belugacpn.jp/