トップ ※配信中のホロメン同士によるチャットを抜き出してます。(10秒毎に更新)
11/21 10:32:12 Gawr Gura nah im here, just waiting on game to cooperate
11/21 10:36:42 Gawr Gura it launched, i adjusted graphic settings, now it no launch =]
11/21 10:41:00 Gawr Gura game no longer starting, whys that
11/21 10:45:18 Gawr Gura OK WORKS NOW IKZ
11/21 10:47:02 Gawr Gura wow this game is
11/21 10:52:59 Gawr Gura im trying one more thing, fingers crossed
11/21 10:56:52 Gawr Gura guys this might not happen tonight lol
11/21 10:59:39 Gawr Gura im fumin
11/21 11:02:10 Gawr Gura ive task ended multiple times, restarted pc, verified file integrity ?? twice now, game will not start
11/21 11:04:24 Gawr Gura im going to reschedule this, we'll try tomorrow. sorry guys. i'll ask some holomembers for help too!