トップ ※配信中のホロメン同士によるチャットを抜き出しています。(10秒毎に更新)
配信名:soup before flying away
09/19 19:16:09 Mori Calliope souper...CHATS. but i will also be drinking soup for breakfast~!
09/20 07:43:56 Mori Calliope need a liiiittle more time for packing guys ;; ;; will see you soooon
09/20 09:08:34 Alban Knox The store closing right before you hit that "order" button, I freakin' felt that dude
09/20 09:09:44 Alban Knox THE CRACK, Let's go!
09/20 09:10:08 Alban Knox I'm good dude, hope you're doin well today!
09/20 09:10:18 Alban Knox Love me some chill vibes man
09/20 09:11:58 Alban Knox Oh god the thought is terrifying LOL
09/20 09:12:59 Alban Knox That's freaking awesome dude!
09/20 09:17:20 Alban Knox "So what do you do for a living?" "I sit in people's chats and type silly dumb things". That's quite the conversation LOL
09/20 09:21:09 Alban Knox LOL
09/20 09:25:42 Alban Knox Good on you dude, nice! You got this!