トップ ※配信中のホロメン同士によるチャットを抜き出しています。(10秒毎に更新)
配信名:【Mario Galaxy 2】Itsa Ame, In Space! Mama mia
04/09 08:12:08 Watson Amelia wii sensor bar is fcking stupidddddddsa kjhfljka
04/09 08:13:27 Watson Amelia the resolution looks like ass is that normal?
04/09 09:37:00 Takanashi Kiara I stole ame and I'm not giving her back sorry
04/09 09:38:09 Takanashi Kiara uh, here, u can have her back I guess
04/09 09:40:36 Takanashi Kiara because it's green
04/09 09:41:43 Takanashi Kiara I know I wouldn't like them but I'll eat them if u feed me
04/09 09:41:54 Takanashi Kiara OK ok I'll see myself out
04/09 09:42:24 Takanashi Kiara I embody the chat
04/09 09:43:05 Takanashi Kiara ame when we meet in RL we can play super smash bros without the ping!!!
04/09 10:49:11 Watson Amelia im gonna go microwave a mug caske!
04/09 10:49:13 Watson Amelia cake
04/09 10:49:19 Watson Amelia i brb! while im on the phoneee
04/09 13:35:27 Watson Amelia o7