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配信名:【VR COLLAB】Preparing For Our Vacation With Reine!! #kfp #キアライブ
05/14 11:29:36 Takanashi Kiara vr is charging
05/14 11:29:51 Takanashi Kiara gonna melatoneen myself to bed now..
05/14 11:30:50 Takanashi Kiara lmao i just realized, i requested a hug pose from priichu, but now that i look at it it looks like a wedding/honeymoon pic LOL how fitting for maldives
05/14 22:09:16 Takanashi Kiara we have a problem where reine gets kicked out every 5 minutes ToT
05/14 22:16:36 Takanashi Kiara sorry guys we are experiencing issues TwT
05/14 22:17:14 Takanashi Kiara we have vrchat helping too but the solutions so far didnt help
05/14 22:17:23 Takanashi Kiara the games i prepared work tho so thats good lol
05/14 22:20:57 Takanashi Kiara it might have been fixed (might)
05/14 22:21:04 Takanashi Kiara waiting until half to see if it happens again tho