トップ ※配信中のホロメン同士によるチャットを抜き出しています。(10秒毎に更新)
配信名:【VTraveler】HELLO ON THE GO
02/24 12:30:56 Watson Amelia my mic isnt syncing...........gimmie a sec
02/24 12:33:14 Watson Amelia here we gooooo
02/24 12:38:16 Watson Amelia oop
02/24 13:08:25 Watson Amelia i think we are going through a tunnel
02/24 13:08:44 Watson Amelia I THINK I REACHED MY DATA LIMIT
02/24 13:23:03 Watson Amelia sorry! I had to use my phone wifi for L2D but tomorrow I will try with the hotel wifi!!!!! ty for stickiing around though lol data cap
02/24 13:23:16 Watson Amelia
02/24 13:23:19 Watson Amelia o7