トップ ※配信中のホロメン同士によるチャットを抜き出しています。(10秒毎に更新)
配信名:[MV] USSEEWA (Cover) - Calliope Mori x Milky Queen
Layout inspired by ArkahnX
11/30 22:39:37 Mori Calliope I am EXCITED.
11/30 22:54:16 Mori Calliope It is ALMOST TIME.
11/30 22:55:00 Mori Calliope I know Milky is watching. Milky, I do not have a "TV Twitch." But, you are a legend.
11/30 22:55:52 Mori Calliope I want you to LISTEN TO MILKY'S FREAKING SINGING VOICE, YOU GUYS.
11/30 22:56:16 Mori Calliope I put in some work too but oh my god she is amazing.
11/30 22:57:41 Mori Calliope I hope you guys will love it. Aneco did amazing with the art, the mix by Natsume-san is PERFECT, and Rigu nailed the style of the video, AGAIN.
11/30 23:00:12 Mori Calliope I'm excited! Let's gooooo!
11/30 23:00:17 Mori Calliope Enjoy, everyone! ^^
11/30 23:01:32 Mori Calliope Note: you can turn on English subtitles if you want!
11/30 23:06:08 Mori Calliope Thank you, everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11/30 23:06:33 Mori Calliope We hope you'll continue listening and loving it! Everyone worked incredibly hard.