トップ ※配信中のホロメン同士によるチャットを抜き出してます。(10秒毎に更新)
09/25 15:16:22 Mori Calliope
09/25 22:52:55 Mori Calliope Hello, everyone! I ran into some issues with streamlabs OBS so I'm moving everything over to regular OBS and will need a small delay. We're going to do a re-broadcast for those who can't make it, btw!
09/25 23:29:54 Mori Calliope NOTE: THESE ARE "SEMI-CLEAN" RENDITIONS OF THE ORIGINAL SONGS, WITH A REAPER TWIST!!! Just to let you know. some f-words and b-words may remain.
09/26 01:27:00 角巻わため Very Cooooooooool!!!
09/26 01:27:45 角巻わため Rap God!!!!!