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配信名:【RUST】Day 2, totally didn't play offline secretly...at all.. #kfp #キアライブ
08/27 07:13:39 Takanashi Kiara i did the trendy thing that all of JP likes to do with turning the logo sideways for some reason
08/27 07:13:48 Takanashi Kiara didnt do a black border tho like they do haha
08/27 07:14:07 Takanashi Kiara its only a trend for rust and i dont get why haha
08/27 07:14:34 Takanashi Kiara anyway gotta eat the pizza that i almost dropped on the floor, ALMOST
08/27 07:15:59 Takanashi Kiara sadly not pineapple..or tuna... idk why i thought it would be good to get a different one
08/27 07:16:00 Takanashi Kiara nighto
08/27 07:16:19 Takanashi Kiara understandable beets
08/27 21:30:11 ぽちまる kusa
08/27 21:31:22 ぽちまる sooooooo CUTE!!!!!!!!!
08/27 21:32:04 Pavolia Reine supermarket dweller kiwawa
08/27 22:20:39 ぽちまる LOL