トップ ※配信中のホロメン同士によるチャットを抜き出しています。(10秒毎に更新)
配信名:【NEEDY STREAMER OVERLOAD】Crazy AF Chick Wants To Be Fame #kfp #キアライブ
01/31 23:52:02 Takanashi Kiara yo guys help me~~!!
01/31 23:52:45 Takanashi Kiara what was that key combination one has to push to reset the size of a window (when you cant move it because the movable part is like outside of the screen)
01/31 23:52:53 Takanashi Kiara
01/31 23:55:15 Takanashi Kiara thanks, genius chickens!!!
02/01 03:55:05 Takanashi Kiara watch this while waiting for me! https://youtu.be/1u6vLv-awOA
02/01 03:55:13 Takanashi Kiara
02/01 03:55:42 Takanashi Kiara shes singing about me
02/01 03:55:49 Takanashi Kiara in fucking rain, so cool
02/01 03:56:06 Takanashi Kiara she doesnt give a shit about the rain
02/01 03:57:16 Takanashi Kiara imagine the whole audience is drenched too its like they all became one man, i wish i was there
02/01 03:58:49 Takanashi Kiara i am so moved by watching that, F
02/01 04:11:06 Takanashi Kiara trigger warning, this game contains crazy shit like idek but be careful