トップ ※配信中のホロメン同士によるチャットを抜き出しています。(10秒毎に更新)
配信名:【MV】Scuffed Up Age - Mori Calliope (Original Song)
09/20 10:51:37 Magni Dezmond LETS GOOOOOOOOOOO
09/20 10:59:32 Mori Calliope yaaaaay!!
09/20 11:00:36 Mori Calliope this is trippy
09/20 11:00:53 Mori Calliope what the fuck is this
09/20 11:01:10 Mori Calliope this is not what the preview showed me lmao
09/20 11:06:12 Mori Calliope ebi and fam killed it on this one
09/20 11:06:58 Mori Calliope SIMPLE ANSD CLEAMN IS THE WAAAUY
09/20 11:08:08 Mori Calliope love is the way < 3
09/20 11:08:32 Mori Calliope thanks everyone!!!!