トップ ※配信中のホロメン同士によるチャットを抜き出しています。(10秒毎に更新)
配信名:【 RUST 】初心者がホロ鯖RUSTに教官をつれていざ侵入!!!!【ホロライブ/ ロボ子さん】
08/10 21:47:09 ぼくしーBoxi 充電中
08/10 21:48:27 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Title: 【 RUST 】Rookies Join The RUST With Guide!!! ※Roboco, Flare, Subaru will join the RUST season 2, Fubuki will be the guide tonight
08/10 21:59:31 ぼくしーBoxi ろぼ…ろぼ…
08/10 21:59:45 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Title: 【 RUST 】Rookies Join The RUST With Guide!!! ※Roboco, Flare, Subaru will join the RUST season 2, Fubuki will be the guide tonight
08/10 22:01:05 里人B ろぼ…ろぼ…
08/10 22:02:22 ぼくしーBoxi ログインできますように…!
08/10 22:04:37 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:05:34 ロボ子さん もうすこしまってね!
08/10 22:05:43 ぼくしーBoxi はいなー!がんばれー!
08/10 22:05:55 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]Please wait a little bit longer-!
08/10 22:07:44 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Title: 【 RUST 】Rookies Join The RUST With Guide!!! ※Roboco, Flare, Subaru will join the RUST season 2, Fubuki will be the guide tonight
08/10 22:08:05 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]earlier message from Roboco: Please wait a little bit longer-!
08/10 22:08:40 ぼくしーBoxi ちょっと遅れるそうです
08/10 22:10:38 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] From Twitter: Having issues with the game settings, curently adjusting-!!!
08/10 22:11:09 ぼくしーBoxi フブキちゃんからのツイートによるとゲーム設定トラブル調整中とのことー
08/10 22:12:15 ぼくしーBoxi そろそろ始まりそうかな?
08/10 22:13:02 ぼくしーBoxi !!
08/10 22:13:14 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:13:27 ぼくしーBoxi きちゃー!!
08/10 22:13:35 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:13:38 里人B はろーぼー!!
08/10 22:14:16 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:14:25 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Title: 【 RUST 】Rookies Join The RUST With Guide!!! ※Roboco, Flare, Subaru will join the RUST season 2, Fubuki will be the guide tonight
08/10 22:14:28 ぼくしーBoxi ここすき
08/10 22:14:41 ぼくしーBoxi はじまったw
08/10 22:14:46 里人B きた~!!
08/10 22:16:02 里人B 手癖がww
08/10 22:16:16 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]S: Roboco-senpai, please calm down, you are fine
08/10 22:16:19 ぼくしーBoxi キラーマシンはやいw
08/10 22:17:05 ぼくしーBoxi いつでも戦闘態勢に入ってるのねw
08/10 22:17:30 ぼくしーBoxi あった
08/10 22:17:44 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context: tutorial to check the treasure box
08/10 22:19:20 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Tutorila: about the safe zone
08/10 22:19:47 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:20:03 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: Can we directly drink water from river?
08/10 22:20:09 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] F: it's a waste water
08/10 22:21:44 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] COntext: Roboco has the water
08/10 22:21:55 ぼくしーBoxi なんとかウォーターw
08/10 22:22:27 ぼくしーBoxi 同じことしてるw
08/10 22:22:38 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Tutorial: how to drink water
08/10 22:23:26 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:23:40 ぼくしーBoxi 手が早すぎるw
08/10 22:25:30 里人B フォトナっぽいww
08/10 22:26:14 ぼくしーBoxi 落ち着いてがんばれーw
08/10 22:26:56 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:27:06 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: I can hear some developed tool being used!?
08/10 22:27:15 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:29:10 ロボ子さん めんげんにします><
08/10 22:29:15 ぼくしーBoxi ないす
08/10 22:29:23 里人B ロボ子さんありがとう~!
08/10 22:29:27 ぼくしーBoxi ありがとうー!
08/10 22:29:45 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I'll make the chat to members only ><
08/10 22:30:31 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Fixed coment: the chat will be mem. only ><
08/10 22:30:36 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:30:59 ロボ子さん みんなありがとう!
08/10 22:31:17 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:31:32 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]R: thanks guyssss
08/10 22:31:34 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:31:53 ぼくしーBoxi 皆さんいらっしゃい
08/10 22:33:07 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:33:19 ぼくしーBoxi フォトナ感あるのはわかるw
08/10 22:34:26 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:35:23 ぼくしーBoxi やさしい
08/10 22:36:57 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:37:21 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:37:30 ぼくしーBoxi 挨拶がわりの攻撃w
08/10 22:37:44 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context: Subaru is suspecting others for stealing items
08/10 22:37:53 ぼくしーBoxi 殺伐すぎるw
08/10 22:38:24 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]Tutorial: how to lock your personal item
08/10 22:38:45 ぼくしーBoxi ※声が遠いときは距離があります ※ブツブツになってるのはバグ
08/10 22:38:46 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:39:00 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:39:12 ぼくしーBoxi なんでw
08/10 22:39:44 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:40:19 ぼくしーBoxi ロボ子さんw
08/10 22:40:56 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:41:19 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:41:38 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context: Roboco broke
08/10 22:41:41 ぼくしーBoxi 連打するからw
08/10 22:42:25 ぼくしーBoxi 破壊神ロボ子さんw
08/10 22:43:13 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:43:47 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:44:02 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: all I wanted was to ride on the horse, how can I go down??
08/10 22:44:07 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:44:37 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:44:50 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]S: Fubuki senpai, I'll teach her a lesson
08/10 22:45:05 ぼくしーBoxi 帰っといでw
08/10 22:45:19 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] S: didn't know you gonna shoot that so soon, I was scared
08/10 22:45:52 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Tutorial: find the can
08/10 22:46:04 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] S: yabe, you all are carrying the stone and running around
08/10 22:46:06 ぼくしーBoxi 蛮族w
08/10 22:46:16 ぼくしーBoxi あった
08/10 22:47:15 ぼくしーBoxi きたか…w
08/10 22:48:01 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:48:30 ぼくしーBoxi 蛮族すぎる絵面w
08/10 22:49:04 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:49:27 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: no no no feed me food
08/10 22:49:28 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:49:45 里人B 怖い怖いwww
08/10 22:49:46 ぼくしーBoxi 急にバトル始まったw
08/10 22:49:57 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Fl: why does human die so soon
08/10 22:50:00 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:52:13 ぼくしーBoxi ロボ子さんあぶないw
08/10 22:52:27 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: wait.. .is this... I'm in Subaru's state?
08/10 22:52:33 ぼくしーBoxi サボテンがw
08/10 22:53:03 ぼくしーBoxi 手際がいいw
08/10 22:53:09 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:53:28 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:53:41 ぼくしーBoxi 突然のくまw
08/10 22:54:06 ぼくしーBoxi しゅばww
08/10 22:54:09 ぼくしーBoxi マップみてw
08/10 22:54:17 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context: Roboco and Subaru died
08/10 22:54:21 ぼくしーBoxi くまwwww
08/10 22:56:06 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] S: hurry up, Fubuki will be angry at us
08/10 22:56:12 ぼくしーBoxi 自由すぎるw
08/10 22:56:42 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:57:08 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] S: senpai, the white bear is dangerous
08/10 22:57:10 ぼくしーBoxi にげてw
08/10 22:57:26 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:57:44 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]S: I'm serious Roboco, it's not time to be cute
08/10 22:57:51 ぼくしーBoxi 資材ちゃんとあつめてるw
08/10 22:58:05 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] S: just scream when you see the white bear ok?
08/10 22:58:10 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: can we take that?
08/10 22:58:11 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:58:18 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] S: THAT'S YABE
08/10 22:58:26 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] S: SHE'S TRYING TO SUMMON THE BEAR
08/10 22:59:04 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 22:59:26 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context: Roboco saw the insect so she got scared
08/10 23:00:43 ぼくしーBoxi ロボ子さんの好きな釣りができるぞ
08/10 23:00:48 ぼくしーBoxi もういくのかw
08/10 23:01:00 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]Context: FBK bringing them to the casino
08/10 23:03:45 ぼくしーBoxi きたか…
08/10 23:04:35 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context: riding on hot air baloon
08/10 23:04:58 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: wait, why are you not riding Fubu-chan??
08/10 23:05:08 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Fu: there's limited gasoline you know
08/10 23:05:10 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 23:05:18 ぼくしーBoxi 手が早いw
08/10 23:05:37 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: wait, is this kind of attraction?
08/10 23:05:39 ぼくしーBoxi おちるよw
08/10 23:05:47 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Fl: I think we're doomed
08/10 23:06:00 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] S: is this battle royal?
08/10 23:06:10 ぼくしーBoxi 引っかかっ勝ったw
08/10 23:06:20 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] S: whew, that was lucky
08/10 23:06:25 ぼくしーBoxi よかったよかったw
08/10 23:07:09 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: sensei, Subaru is gone... ok she's back
08/10 23:07:10 ぼくしーBoxi おかえりw
08/10 23:08:36 ぼくしーBoxi 夜明けぜよ…
08/10 23:08:38 ぼくしーBoxi かわいい
08/10 23:09:18 ぼくしーBoxi ロボ子さん落ち着いてね?w
08/10 23:09:32 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Chat: please don't hit the NPC
08/10 23:09:42 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Tutorila: learning how to use the grocerry
08/10 23:10:17 ぼくしーBoxi であっちまったか…
08/10 23:10:25 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Tutorial: gamble
08/10 23:11:30 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: I plan to use all of my money
08/10 23:11:35 ぼくしーBoxi 思いっきりがよすぎるw
08/10 23:13:59 ぼくしーBoxi インプットで入れるのよ
08/10 23:14:25 ぼくしーBoxi input = 入れる output = でてくる
08/10 23:14:46 ぼくしーBoxi そうそう
08/10 23:15:03 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 23:15:16 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: will you lend me? I'll return it double
08/10 23:15:19 ぼくしーBoxi あかん人やw
08/10 23:15:40 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] S: Fu-tan, let's lend her, she's gonna make it double
08/10 23:15:48 ぼくしーBoxi なんでw
08/10 23:16:38 ぼくしーBoxi ぶっこんでるw
08/10 23:17:25 ぼくしーBoxi ロボ子さんw
08/10 23:17:39 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: I'm putting all I lend from you to 20
08/10 23:17:40 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 23:17:52 ぼくしーBoxi おしいw
08/10 23:18:08 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: let me choose 2 to 5 then
08/10 23:18:22 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] S: what happened to you? suddenly becoming calm
08/10 23:18:42 ぼくしーBoxi あー
08/10 23:18:51 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]R: I SHOULD'VE PICK 5
08/10 23:18:52 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 23:19:20 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 23:20:04 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] S: fu-tan, make this x 5
08/10 23:20:14 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] S: I will give you as well, meke it x 5
08/10 23:20:22 ぼくしーBoxi しゅばこっわw
08/10 23:20:29 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: I'll make it x 20
08/10 23:20:50 ぼくしーBoxi おしい!!!
08/10 23:22:07 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] S: see you after 2 years at Shabondi Islands, teacher
08/10 23:22:12 ぼくしーBoxi 先生ひどいw
08/10 23:22:22 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: hope to see you again
08/10 23:22:26 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: thanks Fubu-chan
08/10 23:22:33 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: OK, NOW I GOTTA GATHER SCRAP
08/10 23:22:44 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] no, please don't hunt me subaru
08/10 23:22:48 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 23:23:00 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] guys, can I go back??
08/10 23:23:01 ぼくしーBoxi はやいwww
08/10 23:23:16 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] seems like no one took this so let me go get using this
08/10 23:23:20 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ok ok here we go back
08/10 23:24:00 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] trust me guys, I was so close earlier
08/10 23:24:03 ぼくしーBoxi あかんw
08/10 23:24:11 ぼくしーBoxi RUST始まったわw
08/10 23:24:28 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ok let's go back
08/10 23:24:30 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 23:24:44 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] seems like someone is getting targeted, I wonder who
08/10 23:24:53 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] you see, when I stopped chooseing 20..
08/10 23:25:01 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] wait, who's fighting with the NPC?
08/10 23:25:27 ぼくしーBoxi しゅばw
08/10 23:25:34 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]S: GUYS, I'M BEING CHASED
08/10 23:25:41 ぼくしーBoxi タンバリンの人w
08/10 23:25:55 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] S: I will ambush you Roboco-senpai when I see you
08/10 23:26:02 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 23:26:30 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I bet who's living close here must be gamble addict
08/10 23:26:35 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Chat: it's miko
08/10 23:27:05 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ok found money, wait I don't need these items
08/10 23:27:12 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] wait, do I need house??
08/10 23:27:55 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] now let me make my house
08/10 23:28:05 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] can I build hjere?
08/10 23:28:10 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] anyways, where am I?
08/10 23:28:17 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] isn't this site good?
08/10 23:28:24 ぼくしーBoxi 目立つと狙われやすいよ?
08/10 23:28:33 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] let me make my no.1 house here
08/10 23:28:34 里人B 見える位置だと襲われそうだけどww
08/10 23:28:39 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]ahahahaha wait, which was the floor?
08/10 23:28:52 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] seems like I can't make here? use floor?
08/10 23:28:59 ぼくしーBoxi Floorが床
08/10 23:29:13 ぼくしーBoxi 物が多すぎてダメですって
08/10 23:29:33 ぼくしーBoxi もうちょっと周りに物や施設がないところ選びましょ
08/10 23:29:45 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] why don't I make the house near the road??
08/10 23:29:49 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] wood?
08/10 23:29:55 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I want a place closer
08/10 23:30:07 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]what's that?
08/10 23:30:20 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] can I break this?
08/10 23:30:45 ぼくしーBoxi [EN[ what's water well?
08/10 23:30:55 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] but I wanna live near the road
08/10 23:31:06 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I wanna make a house near the gambling spot
08/10 23:31:11 ぼくしーBoxi もうギャンブラーだw
08/10 23:31:44 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I think I can make one here
08/10 23:31:49 ぼくしーBoxi 目立つけどいい?
08/10 23:31:55 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] let me go back
08/10 23:32:05 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ah, that stone is really cool, what's that?
08/10 23:32:10 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] what's this guys?
08/10 23:32:26 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] this site is cool
08/10 23:32:42 ぼくしーBoxi 天然の要塞にはなりそうね
08/10 23:32:48 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ... this is trash
08/10 23:32:48 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 23:32:56 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I can't live in this so small place
08/10 23:33:01 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] eh? it broke?
08/10 23:33:07 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I should've used the stone ionstead
08/10 23:33:40 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] how about placing it like this?
08/10 23:33:51 ぼくしーBoxi いいね
08/10 23:33:57 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] isn't this great?
08/10 23:34:02 里人B 良い感じに隠密だ!!
08/10 23:34:07 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I think no one would notice someone is living here
08/10 23:34:20 ぼくしーBoxi ロボ子さんの秘密基地作成経験活かしてきたわね
08/10 23:34:30 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] guys, what's this? medium .... what?
08/10 23:34:34 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] where's the closet?
08/10 23:34:44 ぼくしーBoxi 再充電式バッテリーだね
08/10 23:34:52 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] it's not to put it on there? right?
08/10 23:34:57 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] where's the closet?
08/10 23:35:05 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] is my closet gone? did I threw it away?
08/10 23:35:15 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I don't have that much tree
08/10 23:35:17 ぼくしーBoxi 集めてこう
08/10 23:35:36 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I'm really bad at collecting treee
08/10 23:35:41 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] NOOOOO THE BOAR IS THERE
08/10 23:35:49 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I DON'T WANNA DIE, RUUUUUN
08/10 23:35:51 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 23:36:15 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I think I've learned about this world already
08/10 23:36:25 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I kind a think the trees are running away from me
08/10 23:36:29 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 23:36:36 ぼくしーBoxi 手持ち一杯か
08/10 23:36:58 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ok, this'll do
08/10 23:37:05 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] the rock... my house is the rock
08/10 23:37:08 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ok found it
08/10 23:37:12 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I wanna make chest too
08/10 23:37:25 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] eh, this medical tool door is right right?
08/10 23:37:33 ぼくしーBoxi 扉だね
08/10 23:37:50 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] tool camper, ok thanks for the advice guys
08/10 23:37:59 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ok ok, I want the tool camper, ok I made it
08/10 23:38:20 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]so then, I think I can place 2 of them at the corner, am I right?
08/10 23:38:42 ぼくしーBoxi 木材ー
08/10 23:39:03 ぼくしーBoxi その緑の時間がすぎると風化するよ(16日)
08/10 23:39:16 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]ah, so that's not the chest?
08/10 23:39:21 ぼくしーBoxi 維持費も入れないと
08/10 23:39:35 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] guys, help me remember where I'm staying
08/10 23:39:39 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I will live in N6
08/10 23:39:53 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]wait, I still got the warm? let me throw it away
08/10 23:39:54 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 23:40:15 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] yeah, I wanna have a place where I can stay
08/10 23:40:25 ぼくしーBoxi 釣りするときにまたミミズとればいいのよ
08/10 23:40:34 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]ah, I think why they are all addicted
08/10 23:40:39 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] it's really a tasky game
08/10 23:40:48 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ok, I got it, I got how fun is this game
08/10 23:41:03 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I kind a think when building house is fun
08/10 23:41:14 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] after building house, we can start the gamble
08/10 23:41:18 ぼくしーBoxi ギャンブル脳w
08/10 23:41:32 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] guys, which is the item?
08/10 23:41:43 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] is this storage box?
08/10 23:41:49 ぼくしーBoxi それ
08/10 23:42:02 ぼくしーBoxi 金属取らないとね
08/10 23:42:11 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I want the steel. where can I get?
08/10 23:42:19 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] was that the big stock there? not the stone
08/10 23:42:25 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] i can take metal already right?
08/10 23:42:30 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] can't I find it?
08/10 23:42:38 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ah, found my house
08/10 23:42:47 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] i-it's too dark...
08/10 23:43:15 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ah, so gotta find the drum to get steel?
08/10 23:43:24 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ok let's make the small storage first
08/10 23:43:37 ぼくしーBoxi 少しずつ改善してけばいいのよ
08/10 23:43:49 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] let me hide the small one behind
08/10 23:43:57 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] don't tell me I can't take them out
08/10 23:44:21 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] now this is nice
08/10 23:44:29 ぼくしーBoxi そろそろ水分補給したいね
08/10 23:44:37 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]wait, what's that sound? A BOAR???
08/10 23:44:48 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ok, let's walk following the road
08/10 23:44:54 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ah, water? let's take it later
08/10 23:45:03 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] keep collecting the items
08/10 23:45:12 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] now I can't stop myself digging tree
08/10 23:45:19 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] guys, I think playing rust is fun
08/10 23:45:28 ぼくしーBoxi どんどん楽しくなってくよ
08/10 23:46:12 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] glad I was able to start with the new guys too. I'm happy
08/10 23:46:21 ぼくしーBoxi 助かるわね
08/10 23:46:31 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ah, can I open the chat to all
08/10 23:46:34 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] btw, thanks guys
08/10 23:46:41 里人B はーい!
08/10 23:46:48 ぼくしーBoxi now let me open the chat to everyone
08/10 23:46:59 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] if you haven't subscrine, please do as well so you can comment
08/10 23:47:02 ぼくしーBoxi ありがたい
08/10 23:47:08 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]isn't this the steel?
08/10 23:47:09 ぼくしーBoxi おかえりー!
08/10 23:47:19 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]so then, ... wait, isn';t this the metal ore?
08/10 23:47:25 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] guys, this is the metal ore right?
08/10 23:47:35 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ... what's metal fragment?
08/10 23:47:42 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I GOTTA RECREATE THEM!?
08/10 23:47:47 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] HOW DO I BURN THE METAL???
08/10 23:48:02 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] metal ore is not usuable???
08/10 23:48:06 ぼくしーBoxi かまどつくるかー
08/10 23:48:52 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]wait, did I get scold?
08/10 23:48:57 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ah, here's the super market
08/10 23:49:01 ぼくしーBoxi 壊れたのよ
08/10 23:49:10 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]ah, the axe is broken? how can I fix it;;;
08/10 23:49:20 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]how can I repair them...
08/10 23:49:38 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ok , time to use the stone then
08/10 23:49:46 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] sad, the axe is broken
08/10 23:49:51 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ah- so I need to make new?
08/10 23:50:01 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ok then I don't need this if I can't recycle it now
08/10 23:50:05 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] eh? what's this?
08/10 23:50:11 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] eh... is this the chamber?
08/10 23:50:20 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] eh? what's this?
08/10 23:50:33 ぼくしーBoxi 炭だね
08/10 23:50:40 ぼくしーBoxi 燃料必要
08/10 23:50:44 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]n ow it's burning
08/10 23:51:20 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ah, so I gotta throw the axe?
08/10 23:51:25 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] wait, what's this trash???
08/10 23:51:44 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ok time to put the axe
08/10 23:51:58 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ok if I got this material, I should make the sleeping bag
08/10 23:52:13 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] is it still burning?
08/10 23:52:20 ぼくしーBoxi 文明開化してきたわね
08/10 23:52:25 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]wait, isn't this place nice???
08/10 23:52:42 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] eh? really? this place is so good, I think I'll fall in love
08/10 23:52:48 ぼくしーBoxi すもう!
08/10 23:52:54 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ~I think I'll live in this place
08/10 23:53:01 ぼくしーBoxi しかも100%オフだよ!
08/10 23:53:18 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] there's something on the shelf???
08/10 23:53:25 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]ah, I think I can get it
08/10 23:53:34 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ahh, so true
08/10 23:53:47 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] oh yes, I wanted to drink wat..... I think I don't want this...
08/10 23:53:53 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] but I can't resist it
08/10 23:53:58 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] how can I drink it anyways?
08/10 23:54:06 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] how can I drink water?
08/10 23:54:18 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] eh????? how do I drink?
08/10 23:54:19 ぼくしーBoxi もってないよ
08/10 23:54:26 ぼくしーBoxi 左クリック
08/10 23:54:31 ぼくしーBoxi 手に持って左クリック
08/10 23:54:40 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 23:54:55 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]THAT WAS ADIRTY WATER
08/10 23:55:01 ぼくしーBoxi ロボ子さん落ち着いてw
08/10 23:55:10 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] this place is really nice
08/10 23:55:20 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] wait, wait, I think I can have revenge
08/10 23:55:28 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] .... keep this secret to subaru ok?
08/10 23:55:40 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] let's keep this secret to subaru, ok?
08/10 23:55:43 ぼくしーBoxi
08/10 23:55:51 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I got tons of item here
08/10 23:56:00 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] let me go back to my base
08/10 23:56:04 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] it's at N6
08/10 23:56:06 ぼくしーBoxi そうだね
08/10 23:56:11 ぼくしーBoxi きのこたべとこ
08/10 23:56:27 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] is it just me that I think if you recycle, you gonna have more item
08/10 23:56:37 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] eh, wait, my house is just right in front of me!
08/10 23:56:39 ぼくしーBoxi かえりー
08/10 23:57:33 ぼくしーBoxi 壁つくっとこうかw
08/10 23:57:55 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I kind a hear some foot sound...
08/10 23:58:04 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] what' s reffle body?
08/10 23:58:07 ぼくしーBoxi ライフルだよ
08/10 23:58:23 ぼくしーBoxi 銃身、ライフルの素材
08/10 23:58:33 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]ah, I don't need riffle parts at the moment then
08/10 23:58:42 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] now I'm gonna make that thing
08/10 23:59:17 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] wait, I think I'm being scolded
08/10 23:59:47 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I can't build a thing here
08/11 00:01:00 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] am I doing right??
08/11 00:01:05 ぼくしーBoxi 玄関できた
08/11 00:01:09 ぼくしーBoxi あとはドアだね
08/11 00:01:15 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]is this right?
08/11 00:01:29 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] why??
08/11 00:01:37 ぼくしーBoxi あとはドアも作らないとね
08/11 00:01:44 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]seems like I can't build it
08/11 00:01:58 ぼくしーBoxi ロボ子さんが作ったのはドア枠だけだからあとはドアもだよ
08/11 00:04:35 ぼくしーBoxi ありがとうね
08/11 00:04:40 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] now let me make the wall
08/11 00:04:47 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] now what should I do it?
08/11 00:04:49 ぼくしーBoxi
08/11 00:04:58 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] now my stone is broken...
08/11 00:05:03 ぼくしーBoxi
08/11 00:05:12 ぼくしーBoxi ウマのプレゼントだ…
08/11 00:05:17 ぼくしーBoxi イノシシ!?
08/11 00:05:26 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] where's your master???
08/11 00:05:34 ぼくしーBoxi ウマのプレゼント…?
08/11 00:05:38 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] who's your master...?
08/11 00:05:44 里人B 野性かな?それとも…?
08/11 00:05:52 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] is this wild horse?
08/11 00:06:05 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] but fubuki is at the other side?
08/11 00:06:11 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] eh, it's a present?
08/11 00:06:12 ぼくしーBoxi 野生?
08/11 00:06:18 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] hm????? is this wild??
08/11 00:06:25 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] eh, a wilde horse popped up???
08/11 00:06:28 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] eh, really?
08/11 00:06:30 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] fubuki???
08/11 00:06:39 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] is this your present for me??
08/11 00:06:46 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I'm gonan have it,
08/11 00:06:49 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] THANKS FUBUKI
08/11 00:06:58 ぼくしーBoxi ありがてぇ…
08/11 00:07:08 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]didn't noticed how'd she gave me the horse..
08/11 00:07:13 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] let e put it here for now
08/11 00:07:32 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] eh, the horse would diE???
08/11 00:07:38 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I gotta make food box?
08/11 00:07:43 里人B ARKと同じでシビアだ…
08/11 00:07:51 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] what's this? is this the food box?
08/11 00:07:58 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] eh!? the horse might die easily?!
08/11 00:08:09 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] this hitch & through is the thing right?
08/11 00:08:21 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ok I'll keep eye on it
08/11 00:08:33 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I should put it in front of them?
08/11 00:08:40 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]ok I will be responsible for my horse
08/11 00:09:35 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] this is the song I love now
08/11 00:09:43 ぼくしーBoxi いいよねぇ…
08/11 00:09:51 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]Song: song from onepiece red
08/11 00:09:57 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I'm really into onepiece now
08/11 00:10:05 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I wanna memorize the song and rewatch it
08/11 00:10:10 ぼくしーBoxi どんどんみんなきてるw
08/11 00:10:49 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]ah this must be it
08/11 00:10:56 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] let me place the footings
08/11 00:11:12 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ah, it's totally not breathing here
08/11 00:11:17 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] now it's trash
08/11 00:11:23 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] so then,,,,
08/11 00:11:31 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] horse won't die right?
08/11 00:11:48 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] what is the horse eating?
08/11 00:11:55 ぼくしーBoxi 基本なんでもよ
08/11 00:12:07 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]will it eat berry?
08/11 00:12:18 ぼくしーBoxi こっちの世界のウマはだいたいなんでも食べるよ
08/11 00:12:34 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] wait, will horse run away?
08/11 00:12:47 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]ah, please don't ....
08/11 00:12:56 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] PLEASE DON'T RUN
08/11 00:12:59 ぼくしーBoxi おかえりw
08/11 00:13:14 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] now I learned
08/11 00:13:22 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] please love me ok? (horse)
08/11 00:13:30 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] now I wanna surround it so it won't run
08/11 00:13:40 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] so I need the footings right?
08/11 00:13:51 ぼくしーBoxi ここだとそうかもね
08/11 00:14:08 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ah, it's eating
08/11 00:14:11 ぼくしーBoxi よかった
08/11 00:14:33 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]is there any better way?
08/11 00:14:38 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]oi, horse, give way
08/11 00:14:52 ぼくしーBoxi ロボ子さん水30きるわよー
08/11 00:15:04 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] that's not good.... eh, I think I'm wasting material
08/11 00:15:14 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I still got tons of wood... why...
08/11 00:16:24 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I think I should do something with the things
08/11 00:16:35 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] see buttom left to know the reason???
08/11 00:16:53 ぼくしーBoxi 「視界が遮られてる」
08/11 00:17:24 ぼくしーBoxi 「スーパーに近すぎるので建てられない」
08/11 00:17:48 ぼくしーBoxi 結構ギリギリせめるわねw
08/11 00:18:01 ぼくしーBoxi 「他の建物に近すぎる」
08/11 00:18:22 ぼくしーBoxi ロボ子さん生きてw
08/11 00:19:01 ぼくしーBoxi 「温かいものを来てください」
08/11 00:19:16 ぼくしーBoxi ロボ子さん凍えてるって、温かい服着てだってさ
08/11 00:19:37 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I think I can do it... right?
08/11 00:19:46 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] it's little bit closer
08/11 00:20:03 ぼくしーBoxi 画面の真ん中下に状態とかたまにでるから注意してね
08/11 00:20:14 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]ah, let's place the horse house to othe place then
08/11 00:20:25 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I wonder if there's a good place near
08/11 00:20:43 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I think this entrance must be better
08/11 00:20:51 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] let me make your house horsey
08/11 00:21:05 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] it's just for you, this small house
08/11 00:21:06 ぼくしーBoxi
08/11 00:21:16 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I just want you to be locked in
08/11 00:21:20 ぼくしーBoxi ストレスたまりそうw
08/11 00:21:34 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]ahahaha I might give it a stresss
08/11 00:21:54 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I'll make your house bit bigger
08/11 00:22:19 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] now it looks like a car storage, hey, who said that?
08/11 00:22:30 ぼくしーBoxi ランボルギーニか
08/11 00:23:09 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]ah, let's just make it like this
08/11 00:23:13 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]ah, so it was craft?
08/11 00:23:18 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] is this right?
08/11 00:23:22 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I think I heard something....
08/11 00:23:37 ぼくしーBoxi みこちかw
08/11 00:24:17 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]ah- that was the boar in my place! thanks!
08/11 00:24:17 ぼくしーBoxi
08/11 00:24:23 ぼくしーBoxi なんかいってるw
08/11 00:24:34 里人B みこち!
08/11 00:24:37 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] M: how can I get in your place? what a yabe place to build a base
08/11 00:24:38 ぼくしーBoxi
08/11 00:24:47 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] M: your place is pretty nice
08/11 00:24:58 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: wow, I like your outfit
08/11 00:25:04 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] M: really? I'll give you this then
08/11 00:25:07 ぼくしーBoxi お、ありがたい
08/11 00:25:17 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: I think it's my first time wearing the clothes
08/11 00:25:22 ぼくしーBoxi これで暖かくなる、ありがたい!
08/11 00:25:37 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]M: you can always change your clothes
08/11 00:25:53 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] M: I'm currently making a business youk now?
08/11 00:26:03 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: wait, I think I shouldn't be making a deal with you...
08/11 00:26:08 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: what's that?
08/11 00:26:20 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: I think I shouldn't use it...
08/11 00:26:29 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] M:you can call with that phone
08/11 00:26:40 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: how can I call you?
08/11 00:26:46 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] M: here's my number
08/11 00:27:09 ぼくしーBoxi それ自分の
08/11 00:27:48 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] M: it's pretty crappy but we can call
08/11 00:27:49 ぼくしーBoxi
08/11 00:28:00 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: I'm at home, but seems like the signal here is pretty bad
08/11 00:28:02 ぼくしーBoxi
08/11 00:28:11 ぼくしーBoxi 音質ひっどw
08/11 00:28:53 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ah, bbq???
08/11 00:29:08 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: ok I'll do my best to improve so I can do bb with you
08/11 00:29:13 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: I'll call you again
08/11 00:29:19 ぼくしーBoxi みこちありがてぇ
08/11 00:29:27 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] guys, she gave me pink, yay
08/11 00:29:32 里人B あったけぇ!!
08/11 00:29:37 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I never knew rust is this kind game
08/11 00:29:41 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I thought it was a scary world
08/11 00:29:48 ぼくしーBoxi まずは育てるんよ
08/11 00:30:13 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I need fire
08/11 00:30:41 ぼくしーBoxi 海外にき「初心者だからまだあたたかいのよ、育ったら地獄がはじまるよ」
08/11 00:30:51 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] it's not the time to feed my horse, I'm hungry
08/11 00:31:02 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] the horse took all my food, I need to find mine
08/11 00:31:29 ぼくしーBoxi 回復ないす
08/11 00:31:41 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]sorry, I nseeze
08/11 00:31:56 ぼくしーBoxi たすかる
08/11 00:32:13 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]what's this???
08/11 00:32:24 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] seems like the boar miko killed is gone may be?
08/11 00:33:18 ぼくしーBoxi でれそう?
08/11 00:33:44 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]now time to get things
08/11 00:34:17 ぼくしーBoxi 銃ほしいなぁ
08/11 00:34:30 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] guys, I lost my stone, what should I do?
08/11 00:34:41 ぼくしーBoxi 砕いちゃったもんなぁ
08/11 00:35:04 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I can kill the chicken, don't underestimate me
08/11 00:35:15 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]sorry for calling it subaru
08/11 00:35:17 ぼくしーBoxi それ修理よw
08/11 00:36:19 ぼくしーBoxi スバルw
08/11 00:36:30 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]subaru is gone... she was really close to me... FOUND YOU
08/11 00:36:40 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I RETURN MY DEBT TO YOU X20, SO PLEASE WAIT
08/11 00:36:54 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I'm dying, so let me have your life
08/11 00:37:46 ぼくしーBoxi woodは木だよ
08/11 00:37:56 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]eh where am I? where'd my horse go?
08/11 00:37:58 ぼくしーBoxi まさか…
08/11 00:38:36 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I thought I lost, I'm highspec you know?
08/11 00:39:04 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Chat: really?
08/11 00:39:20 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ah, I'm starving. wai,t I gotta move?
08/11 00:39:24 ぼくしーBoxi そろそろ食べないと
08/11 00:39:28 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]is this the well?
08/11 00:39:32 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] seems like not
08/11 00:39:47 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] got the mushroom, want some?
08/11 00:40:02 ぼくしーBoxi [[EN] now that's miko's place
08/11 00:40:03 ぼくしーBoxi えらい
08/11 00:40:11 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] even I eat mushroom, tummy is ok
08/11 00:41:06 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] wait, I'm using a lot of time
08/11 00:41:11 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ok my goal now is to go home
08/11 00:41:17 ぼくしーBoxi そうだね
08/11 00:42:04 ぼくしーBoxi
08/11 00:42:56 ぼくしーBoxi
08/11 00:43:27 ぼくしーBoxi 汚染区域だったか
08/11 00:43:34 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] my horse won't go down...;;;
08/11 00:43:37 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] you meanie...
08/11 00:43:43 ぼくしーBoxi 早く逃げよう
08/11 00:43:48 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I'm dying
08/11 00:43:56 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] wait, this place is suffering me, why?
08/11 00:44:07 ぼくしーBoxi 早くこの汚染区域から離れよう
08/11 00:44:11 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] gotta go home...
08/11 00:44:18 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] this place is really scary, I don't know..
08/11 00:44:22 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I wanan pet Subaru
08/11 00:44:29 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] so this place is still radiated
08/11 00:44:33 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] where's my house?
08/11 00:44:34 ぼくしーBoxi N6
08/11 00:44:44 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] wow, I went to really far place
08/11 00:45:35 ぼくしーBoxi ウマも回復したい
08/11 00:45:48 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] why? why'd the bgm turned so creepy?
08/11 00:46:10 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] wait, there's a white horse... it was stone
08/11 00:46:14 ぼくしーBoxi
08/11 00:46:38 ぼくしーBoxi
08/11 00:47:43 ぼくしーBoxi
08/11 00:47:53 ぼくしーBoxi あぶなかったw
08/11 00:47:54 ぼくしーBoxi かわいいw
08/11 00:47:59 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ah, my yan
08/11 00:48:07 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ok it's made
08/11 00:48:15 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]now I got my sleeping bag
08/11 00:48:16 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] wait what?
08/11 00:48:27 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] name it? then I'll name it robocodayon
08/11 00:48:44 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] now I wonder what they are fighting
08/11 00:49:01 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] wait, they are closer than i thought
08/11 00:49:02 ぼくしーBoxi
08/11 00:49:07 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]a re you my romeo?
08/11 00:49:09 ぼくしーBoxi
08/11 00:49:31 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] it's nice music
08/11 00:49:32 ぼくしーBoxi
08/11 00:50:00 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context: Polka is asking for item
08/11 00:50:08 ぼくしーBoxi ワークベンチ2
08/11 00:50:23 ぼくしーBoxi Work bench
08/11 00:50:27 ぼくしーBoxi
08/11 00:50:58 ぼくしーBoxi どんどんきたw
08/11 00:51:02 ぼくしーBoxi
08/11 00:51:02 里人B あっ
08/11 00:51:12 ぼくしーBoxi あっ
08/11 00:51:24 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]Context: can you pay up 500 scrap???
08/11 00:51:38 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] O: how about hello-bo- as a work bench
08/11 00:51:42 ぼくしーBoxi 悪徳押し売りだw
08/11 00:51:51 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: I only got 70...
08/11 00:51:56 ぼくしーBoxi
08/11 00:52:07 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] O: 50 is ok then
08/11 00:52:15 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: fubuki, what's work bench 2???
08/11 00:52:26 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] F: if you have that you can make more things
08/11 00:52:29 ぼくしーBoxi
08/11 00:52:38 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] O: lol, you're so cute
08/11 00:52:47 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] O: forgive me for saying weird thing
08/11 00:52:52 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: it's ok, have all my money
08/11 00:53:01 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] O: I CAN'T TAKE THAT, IT'S TOO HEAVY
08/11 00:53:03 ぼくしーBoxi やさしいW
08/11 00:53:18 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]R: what's up with her... I get a lot of scrap tonight
08/11 00:53:20 ぼくしーBoxi 増えてくw
08/11 00:53:40 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] F: will you have work bench 2?
08/11 00:53:46 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Fl: where should I place it?
08/11 00:53:51 ぼくしーBoxi あかん、たまり場になったw
08/11 00:54:20 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Context: Fubuki, Flare, Omaru are here to make a new hanging out spot in Roboco's place
08/11 00:56:33 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]Context: making a contact number
08/11 00:57:18 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] R: I totally didn't know mikochi called me earlier
08/11 00:57:41 ぼくしーBoxi 音質治ったかな?
08/11 00:58:03 ぼくしーBoxi
08/11 00:58:34 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]wow, many pros are here
08/11 00:58:48 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I think everyone is logging in everyday, now I get it
08/11 00:59:33 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] so I gotta log in everyday!? so I'm doomed!?
08/11 00:59:35 ぼくしーBoxi そういうこった!
08/11 01:00:11 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] everyone gave me tons of good things, I don't wanna lose them all
08/11 01:01:11 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ah, I really love miko's present, this clothes is really cute
08/11 01:01:21 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] HEY DON'T POO IN FRONT OF MY PLACE
08/11 01:01:26 ぼくしーBoxi 草いや臭
08/11 01:01:59 ぼくしーBoxi 近すぎるんじゃないかな
08/11 01:02:58 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] why can't I place it? am I using wrong material?
08/11 01:03:33 ぼくしーBoxi
08/11 01:03:45 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] next stream, I'm gonna make roof, wall, and I wanna make gun
08/11 01:03:49 ぼくしーBoxi いいね
08/11 01:04:02 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] Omaru gave me x2 scraps, I wanna make my place more bigger
08/11 01:04:16 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I might wanna do the gamble too, but I think i gotta make more of my scrap more
08/11 01:05:03 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I don't need key of my place yet, I got tons of junk here, who'd want them?
08/11 01:05:43 ぼくしーBoxi 餌ほしくない?
08/11 01:05:53 ぼくしーBoxi [EN]can't I use this roasted chicken???
08/11 01:06:02 ぼくしーBoxi やけた
08/11 01:06:11 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] let me have it, itadakimasu
08/11 01:06:19 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] ok, so then let's end it here for now
08/11 01:06:24 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] hope it was the nice start
08/11 01:06:26 ぼくしーBoxi はいなー
08/11 01:06:29 里人B はーい!!
08/11 01:06:40 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] if you enjoyed, please leave like and sub, tonight's the end
08/11 01:06:48 ぼくしーBoxi 大事だねw
08/11 01:06:55 ぼくしーBoxi [EN] I wanan do it off stream as well
08/11 01:06:57 ぼくしーBoxi おつろぼでした~!
08/11 01:08:16 ぼくしーBoxi
08/11 01:08:26 ぼくしーBoxi みなさんもおつおやろぼでしたー G'night guys-