トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。(5分毎に更新)
配信名:【SCHEDULE】Ame's Weekly Schedule & Chat
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1 00:00:00   D e l n a lol I didnt realise that Mio said in her stream to ame that she should try the slots during summer festival
2 00:00:00   Roger Liao morning teaheads
3 00:00:00   Multi
4 00:00:00   D e l n a
5 00:00:00   Cordis Die
6 00:00:00   Cordis Die
7 00:00:00   Certifried Nousagi you guys know when the derby ame is planning supposed to be?
8 00:00:00   D e l n a probably the same time as the pool party that calli is doing
9 00:00:00   Certifried Nousagi wed or thur (jp time)? maybe everything is done on thursday- war, derby, party
10 00:00:00   D e l n a well Calli's pool party is in 11 hours
11 00:00:00   D e l n a so Wednesday 12:00pm JST
12 00:00:00   D e l n a it also has to be in 11 hours, because Thursday JP time the server will be wiped
13 00:00:00   Roger Liao I wonder if she can make it in time, seems a lot preparation to do
14 00:00:00   D e l n a it seems like she spent a majority of her monday on Rust, if she was seen at Mumei's stream 14 hours ago and then 6 hours ago Kiara tweeted about helping her
15 00:00:00   Roger Liao Did she even sleep
16 00:00:00   Multi she's grinding rust so hard
17 00:00:00   D e l n a oh ame post
18 00:00:00   D e l n a SHE I STILL PLAYING RUST!?
19 00:00:00   D e l n a AME!?
20 00:00:00   Roger Liao
21 00:00:00   Roger Liao so no sleep
22 00:00:00   Nice Boat
23 00:00:00   D e l n a
24 00:00:00   Multi
25 00:00:00   D e l n a When I was watching the JP battle earlier, Pekora was logging onto a 12/12 server, so maybe she was just online while the girls battling
26 00:00:00   벼랑위의 포뇨뇨뇽
27 00:00:00   벼랑위의 포뇨뇨뇽
28 00:00:00   D e l n a 12/50*
29 00:00:00   Galileo🔎 load up September on the boom box and get on the dance floor 🪩
30 00:00:00   RadDude sleep doko
31 00:00:00   아메도코
32 00:00:00   Roger Liao I bet she passed out after the post
33 00:00:00   Multi
34 00:00:00   D e l n a I am going to sleep in hope of good news about ame, I hope the teammates have a good day/night
35 00:00:00   Multi night delna
36 00:00:00   Employee #1337
37 00:00:00   Galileo🔎 sweet dreams Ame
38 00:00:00   KG still plays💛🔎
39 00:00:00   Roger Liao gn
40 00:00:00   RadDude
41 00:00:00   아메도코
42 00:00:00   Astaim what's the dance floor for? I feel like I missed a lot of stuff going to bed early yesterday
43 00:00:00   Multi post
44 00:00:00   PlaYer Mick
45 00:00:00   아메도코
46 00:00:00   Cordis Die
47 00:00:00   Diza
48 00:00:00   RadDude
49 00:00:00   Multi The game doesn't want her to sleep
50 00:00:00   Roger Liao
51 00:00:00   Roger Liao game why you do this to our sweet tato
52 00:00:00   Cordis Die can't have shid in rust
53 00:00:00   Cordis Die I mean, it's not that bad right?
54 00:00:00   Cordis Die right?
55 00:00:00   Dryaxx Feeling genuinely bad for Ame. hours of grinding gone in a matter of mins because of a dumb game feature is a bothersome feeling
56 00:00:00   slowchamp the tears in rain speech
57 00:00:00   Multi yeah
58 00:00:00   Galileo🔎 is working naked the only way to avoid the copter? it seems pretty unlucky that Ame keeps getting attacked...
59 00:00:00   slowchamp but seems like her place is in the snow region
60 00:00:00   Furiia
61 00:00:00   slowchamp oooooooooooooooo
62 00:00:00   slowchamp wth
63 00:00:00   Multi what?
64 00:00:00   slowchamp outerwilds collection
65 00:00:00   Galileo🔎 where?
66 00:00:00   slowchamp on fangamer site
67 00:00:00   slowchamp they just released it today iirc
68 00:00:00   Galileo🔎 oh sweet that merch is nice
69 00:00:00   elessar123 that deskmat is really nice
70 00:00:00   Galileo🔎 shipping is $15 dollars sheesh
71 00:00:00   Galileo🔎 give me the address ill pick it myself
72 00:00:00   Cordis Die inb4 the real address is somewhere in Wattropolis
73 00:00:00   Roger Liao
74 00:00:00   kev.fps hoping ame's house can be repaired
75 00:00:00   Emirius oh member post , read member post , read the replies
76 00:00:00   kev.fps
77 00:00:00   mifu mifu wonder if ame slept lol
78 00:00:00   kev.fps maybe. I'm hopeful she doesn't take the setback too hard
79 00:00:00   mifu mifu hope they get to use the derby
80 00:00:00   kev.fps from the picture it looks like the derby area outside the garage was untouched, just the garage itself with the cars
81 00:00:00   kev.fps I'm optimistic
82 00:00:00   mifu mifu they have one day more, right?
83 00:00:00   Emirius Mori frame is up
84 00:00:00   Emirius the derby is during the peace party no?
85 00:00:00   kev.fps that was my understanding too, but I'm not 100% sure
86 00:00:00   kev.fps its the 31st in JST already
87 00:00:00   mifu mifu
88 00:00:00   Emirius wonder who will show up
89 00:00:00   Emirius kiara is a no go pretty late for her
90 00:00:00   mifu mifu oh right, ame mentioned the twitch thing for rust
91 00:00:00   Emirius Ame sleep schedule is done for this week
92 00:00:00   Emirius she is pretty much on a jst sleep schedule
93 00:00:00   kev.fps right, she stayed up for the sports fes
94 00:00:00   Emirius she is getting ready for the jp trip i can feel in my gator bones
95 00:00:00   Multi she could be in japan right now
96 00:00:00   kev.fps woah
97 00:00:00   mifu mifu
98 00:00:00   Diza
99 00:00:00   Princess Nitch Ameee
100 00:00:00   Princess Nitch Good day Teamates!!
101 00:00:00   Emirius
102 00:00:00   mifu mifu
103 00:00:00   Multi hi nitch
104 00:00:00   kev.fps good afternoon
105 00:00:00   RadDude
106 00:00:00   Suidar
107 00:00:00   MegalordMarcus
108 00:00:00   rain_deer Morning Gators
109 00:00:00   Galileo🔎 Pumpkin spice latte is back
110 00:00:00   Cordis Die
111 00:00:00   Drex
112 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Woah Ame’s been working good morning
113 00:00:00   Roger Liao
114 00:00:00   Diza
115 00:00:00   Nice Boat
116 00:00:00   Kelp🍤
117 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I looked into the attack heli info, the only thing I can see why they’d attack is that she was wearing 3 pieces of clothing, 2 seems to be the max.
118 00:00:00   marcjel.c Good Morniiinghope ame doing good rn
119 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Cyberpunk Edgerunners looks incredible
120 00:00:00   Astaim
121 00:00:00   RadDude Ame dokojk I hope she's slept or is sleeping
122 00:00:00   D e l n a Good morning teammates
123 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity
124 00:00:00   Gizmoさん King when does it come out
125 00:00:00   RadDude
126 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Looks incredible
127 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I’m blown away by the sheer awesome of that new trailer lol
128 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity And this month?
129 00:00:00   Gizmoさん The perfect setting for storytelling and without bugs this time
130 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I never had bugs playing; but I have the cyberpunk Xbox
131 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity It has serious ghost in the shell vibes to me, makes me happy, can’t wait
132 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Oh 13/9
133 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I meant this coming month*
134 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity It’s my kind of graphic doesn’t look like it holds itself back
135 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Yeah cyberpunk is my favourite genre in general
136 00:00:00   Drex
137 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Ever played ghost runner?loved the aesthetics in the city level
138 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I love the gritty cyberpunk that was a cool game, I wish it was more fleshed out, like a mirrors edge like story
139 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity There’s a game eventually coming out called Replaced, you’d like it probably
140 00:00:00   Gizmoさん The sea of ship containers and cranes I’m passing by right now looks pretty cyberpunk to me
141 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Woah replaced looks so good
142 00:00:00   Gizmoさん A 2.5D game interesting
143 00:00:00   WASDTA Ame ghostrunner part 3
144 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Oh yeah she hasn’t finished it
145 00:00:00   Emirius so i guess we will see Ame on Calli stream
146 00:00:00   Emirius gonna go to the gym early just in case
147 00:00:00   Multi hopefully
148 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
149 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Oh Ame tummy grumble could be heard in Mumei’s rust stream yesterday
150 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Yeah replaced looks really unique, and wicked
151 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity She was talking to aliens in that house
152 00:00:00   아메도코
153 00:00:00   Ascapade
154 00:00:00   huyn Ha
155 00:00:00   Kyle Edwards
156 00:00:00   Roger Liao bzzz
157 00:00:00   IFt
158 00:00:00   Drex
159 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
160 00:00:00   C2char Les Ame dokoooo
161 00:00:00   Roger Liao she sleebing
162 00:00:00   RadDude Hopefully
163 00:00:00   WASDTA She'd better be asleep
164 00:00:00   Moko_b
165 00:00:00   Emirius i'm back did a miss any Ame?
166 00:00:00   Astaim nothing since the members posts as far as I know
167 00:00:00   C2char Les Ame is actually MIA... probably sleeping off the rust tragedy
168 00:00:00   rain_deer What a roller coaster of emotion those posts were
169 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity She’d better be doing wtf she wants
170 00:00:00   Ziin
171 00:00:00   DrPigeonPhD
172 00:00:00   Multi
173 00:00:00   rain_deer
174 00:00:00   Ziin
175 00:00:00   Emirius Calli title tho
176 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Ain’t no peace in rust
177 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Nah someone will show upI’m sure
178 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity
179 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Yeah expect chaos
180 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Calli things she can come in and lay down any law with nothing to back it up:3 that relies on good faith
181 00:00:00   Quinzi morning
182 00:00:00   Astaim imagine the heli showing up in the middle of the derby and bombing all the cars
183 00:00:00   Quinzi wake up with headache
184 00:00:00   Roger Liao
185 00:00:00   WASDTA Maybe this barbecue stream will turn into a murder mystery
186 00:00:00   Astaim morning, try driking some water, that usually works for me
187 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity There should be a dress code for the gathers, to prevent any heli attacks.
188 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity and water
189 00:00:00   Quinzi alright I'll also take medicine, thanks
190 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Ibuprofen definitely help yeah
191 00:00:00   Quinzi
192 00:00:00   P!ckl3R!ck: The Coolest Teamate Sup
193 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Naked barbecue
194 00:00:00   Emirius
195 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Imagine being naked at the grill and some hot oil bounced back on you
196 00:00:00   Roger Liao
197 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity It only burns alittle xD I fry stuff without a shirt on
198 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Why are helicopter sounds in rust so realistic
199 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity That game does an incredible job at realism in a lot of ways
200 00:00:00   Drex
201 00:00:00   despawn ihop responded to a tweet about ame
202 00:00:00   RadDude Yeah lol
203 00:00:00   Multi I saw that
204 00:00:00   idjtmk nagi
205 00:00:00   Emirius ihop x hololive collab, i believe
206 00:00:00   RadDude Oh boy Kronii is playing The Last Campfire, that was truly one of the Ame streams of all time when she played it
207 00:00:00   Roger Liao pancake
208 00:00:00   Multi was that the stream where she ate in silence for 15 min or was that a different stream
209 00:00:00   Emirius but uh why did IHOP call Ame cute and funny
210 00:00:00   RadDude I'm not sure Multi lol but sounds plausible
211 00:00:00   Verkatos
212 00:00:00   Tartyrsause yes!!! 140 days left ta goo... yea baby!!!
213 00:00:00   Emirius didn't ame play the same game kronii is playing?
214 00:00:00   Galileo🔎 i remember ame playing the last campfire and it had an annoying VA. she beat it in 1 stream
215 00:00:00   Galileo🔎 the water and characters looked cool but that voice was off putting
216 00:00:00   Emirius yeah found the vod
217 00:00:00   Emirius 7 hours
218 00:00:00   Emirius @Galileo saw your comment in the chat room 2 months member badge
219 00:00:00   Galileo🔎 she only really got stuck on 1 puzzle, where you had to roll 2 cubes to make a bridge or something
220 00:00:00   Galileo🔎 wow only 2 months back then time be zooming
221 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I liked the story:3
222 00:00:00   Amelia, Whats on? Good morning
223 00:00:00   Cordis Die
224 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity
225 00:00:00   Drex
226 00:00:00   marcjel.c
227 00:00:00   marcjel.c sorry wrong arm
228 00:00:00   Roger Liao
229 00:00:00   Emirius oh the oddloop holoEN animation has nearly reached 1m views
230 00:00:00   Galileo🔎 need a bazooka emote
231 00:00:00   Kent S Ame doko
232 00:00:00   marcjel.c the ame and kronii by quasarcake?
233 00:00:00   Emirius Ame on Calli's stream in 30 minutes
234 00:00:00   Emirius maybe
235 00:00:00   Emirius if she is awake
236 00:00:00   D e l n a yeah thats the big if
237 00:00:00   marcjel.c theres a chance whole myth will be there?
238 00:00:00   RadDude Sorry I ate her for playing too much Rust
239 00:00:00   D e l n a Kiara already said itll be too late for her
240 00:00:00   marcjel.c sleepy Eu zone
241 00:00:00   D e l n a which fair enough itll be 4am
242 00:00:00   Emirius i think it is an open invite thing
243 00:00:00   Emirius and this is hololive EN we are talking about
244 00:00:00   RadDude Anyways would be nice to know beforehand but it is what it is with this dang game
245 00:00:00   Emirius wonder if she will play rust tomorrow right after reset
246 00:00:00   Astaim is the derby part of the peace party or a different thing?
247 00:00:00   Emirius at the party
248 00:00:00   Emirius dance floor and disco ball on the pics
249 00:00:00   Astaim ohh, true
250 00:00:00   despawn my guess it will end in a shootout
251 00:00:00   Emirius for sure
252 00:00:00   Emirius if Bigfish shows up rockets gonna fly
253 00:00:00   marcjel.c dont let her hold explosives
254 00:00:00   Gizmoさん If Ame drive irl it would be on the right side right?
255 00:00:00   RadDude Left
256 00:00:00   Multi right
257 00:00:00   D e l n a center
258 00:00:00   Emirius upside down
259 00:00:00   GadoTwist weast
260 00:00:00   Kent S she drives where she wants to, Ame way
261 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Ogeyjust drawing something
262 00:00:00   WASDTA Why drive when you can just crowd surf everywhere
263 00:00:00   RadDude lol, just a crowd of teamates in a line where she wants to go helping her with transportation
264 00:00:00   GadoTwist
265 00:00:00   Multi princess carry ame everywhere
266 00:00:00   Gizmoさん I volunteer to princess carry Ame
267 00:00:00   marcjel.c gonna lay down my coat for her
268 00:00:00   Multi no worries I can handle it
269 00:00:00   RadDude Only qualification is that you are not allowed to look, ever, or
270 00:00:00   marcjel.c or she can step on me
271 00:00:00   marcjel.c
272 00:00:00   Post Awareness Confusions i wannaa
273 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Or what if just maybe she carries us
274 00:00:00   RadDude No YOU carry the queen, & wear the cute blindfold provided
275 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Ogey
276 00:00:00   Emirius time to check the peas party, i don't really like peas tho
277 00:00:00   WASDTA stream started
278 00:00:00   RadDude
279 00:00:00   D e l n a why is the stream laggy for me
280 00:00:00   Roger Liao
281 00:00:00   GadoTwist Same
282 00:00:00   RadDude I think it's Calli's side
283 00:00:00   D e l n a oh thank goodness
284 00:00:00   Roger Liao I like eurobeat version Q
285 00:00:00   RadDude I checked some other streams & they were fine
286 00:00:00   Emirius calli's is really laggy for me
287 00:00:00   magno parra rust probably loading
288 00:00:00   Emirius is she trying to play on a laptop?
289 00:00:00   D e l n a
290 00:00:00   Roger Liao
291 00:00:00   Multi
292 00:00:00   Emirius i think it is a laptop
293 00:00:00   RadDude
294 00:00:00   Emirius got redirected to a random video
295 00:00:00   WASDTA Susan please
296 00:00:00   RadDude oh it's back
297 00:00:00   Ziin plz
298 00:00:00   D e l n a
299 00:00:00   WASDTA 2 players
300 00:00:00   Emirius that counter is buggy
301 00:00:00   Quinzi I'm back what happened to Calli's stream?
302 00:00:00   Emirius oh nyo 3d model and rust
303 00:00:00   Multi
304 00:00:00   Ziin
305 00:00:00   D e l n a
306 00:00:00   Quinzi
307 00:00:00   GadoTwist
308 00:00:00   D e l n a ayo?
309 00:00:00   Emirius lol
310 00:00:00   D e l n a
311 00:00:00   Emirius it was her internet
312 00:00:00   RadDude
313 00:00:00   GadoTwist
314 00:00:00   Multi
315 00:00:00   Quinzi lol
316 00:00:00   Emirius she forgot her seedbox on, trying to keep those ratios up yk
317 00:00:00   Quinzi
318 00:00:00   D e l n a concert day fair enough
319 00:00:00   magno parra jp has the summerfest
320 00:00:00   WASDTA Like all of jp?
321 00:00:00   D e l n a yeah
322 00:00:00   D e l n a all of JP + gura and ina for a song
323 00:00:00   WASDTA Nice
324 00:00:00   RadDude Yeah thought so
325 00:00:00   magno parra its on the oficial hololive channel
326 00:00:00   RadDude Peace Party successful or not 3D Calli do be cute
327 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Plus gura lol
328 00:00:00   GadoTwist
329 00:00:00   D e l n a
330 00:00:00   RadDude
331 00:00:00   Emirius is mumei still doing her watchalong?
332 00:00:00   D e l n a yeha
333 00:00:00   Emirius uh so the party is on i guess
334 00:00:00   WASDTA
335 00:00:00   Astaim does calli play with a controller or just moves her camera weird?
336 00:00:00   RadDude There is a mouse pointer on screen
337 00:00:00   Astaim yeah, that's why I'm confused She could be using the Steam mappings to have the mouse on a stick
338 00:00:00   Gizmoさん She never plays fps with mouse probably just not used to it
339 00:00:00   magno parra mouse on the right hand, controller with the left
340 00:00:00   Astaim I see, that makes sense Like obviously she's using a mouse now, but when she walks it looks like controller
341 00:00:00   Antiwhippy I think it's more likely that Ame streams her demo derby at her late slot tomorrow
342 00:00:00   Antiwhippy that way JPs can join in too
343 00:00:00   D e l n a today is the fina lday
344 00:00:00   Verkatos Even if we don't see Ame stream today Ame is still very cute today, I just know it
345 00:00:00   D e l n a its wipe day
346 00:00:00   Emirius no tomorrow only today until reset
347 00:00:00   Emirius jps will stream after the "live" concert
348 00:00:00   Antiwhippy reset is the first Thursday of every month for PC
349 00:00:00   D e l n a tomorrow is thursday for JP
350 00:00:00   Antiwhippy and it's every server, not admin controlled
351 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity It’s an English game
352 00:00:00   D e l n a and its a JP server
353 00:00:00   Antiwhippy but they wipe globally, not based on local times
354 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Yup
355 00:00:00   Antiwhippy 2pm est
356 00:00:00   D e l n a
357 00:00:00   Astaim wipe is in like 27 hours I think
358 00:00:00   Antiwhippy so plenty of time really
359 00:00:00   RadDude sheesh, no wonder she pulled an all nighter
360 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity It’s on Thursday us time almost two days
361 00:00:00   E.Y. Did I miss any Ame?
362 00:00:00   GadoTwist Nope
363 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Like 39 hours?
364 00:00:00   Verkatos Not as far as I know
365 00:00:00   RadDude oh ok, so she can play tomorrow
366 00:00:00   Astaim oh, I confused 11 am and pm, there's 12 more hours than I thought
367 00:00:00   E.Y. Also I'm confused will Ame stream tomorrow?
368 00:00:00   Astaim countries that don't use 24 hours smh
369 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity That’s called military time in America lol
370 00:00:00   RadDude Tomorrow is Wednesday, she will stream unless something comes up
371 00:00:00   E.Y. Alsoo any chances for Ame to appear during Mori's stream?
372 00:00:00   Cordis Die Watson Wednesday!
373 00:00:00   Emirius
374 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity
375 00:00:00   Cordis Die She could, yeah
376 00:00:00   Cordis Die
377 00:00:00   RadDude I don't think she is online yet
378 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity If calli didn’t invite people I’m not sure how they would have know or made a window to come:3
379 00:00:00   Emirius i think she made a post on the discord like a good old @all
380 00:00:00   D e l n a
381 00:00:00   GadoTwist How many times has Ame change her taxi service name?
382 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I personally never see those lol
383 00:00:00   Emirius uh no Ame and no Gura
384 00:00:00   Quinzi
385 00:00:00   자두 Plum calli called wataxi but no answer...
386 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity She no longer taxi of justice?
387 00:00:00   Emirius hope they are preparing a surprise or something
388 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Wataxi
389 00:00:00   magno parra wonder if the other person in the server is anya who feels it is too awkard to appear alone
390 00:00:00   Cordis Die Lul, that sounds possible, ye
391 00:00:00   WASDTA I was thinking it was anya too
392 00:00:00   Emirius Mori making a open invite birthday party RP
393 00:00:00   Gizmoさん The Waxi
394 00:00:00   Cordis Die luluulul
395 00:00:00   GadoTwist
396 00:00:00   D e l n a
397 00:00:00   Emirius demolition derby lets go
398 00:00:00   Astaim have you guys ever done that thing where the party is at 8, but to everyone that means "show up around 8:30 or 9" and you arrive 8 sharp and are all alone and awkward with just the host?
399 00:00:00   WASDTA I'd have to be invited to a party
400 00:00:00   despawn party for one
401 00:00:00   GadoTwist
402 00:00:00   D e l n a Yeah, but we decided to play beer pong to drown out the awkward
403 00:00:00   RadDude ()
404 00:00:00   Quinzi I've been there sharp and only a few people just got there. feels weird to talk to them
405 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Letting busy people know days in advance is just good practice:3
406 00:00:00   Emirius () Cool party brah
407 00:00:00   Quinzi mostly I'll just busy myself with phone while wait
408 00:00:00   Gizmoさん There will only be peace when there’s one person in the world huh
409 00:00:00   Gizmoさん At least it’s a peaceful party ()
410 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Peace maintained:3
411 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Is there only Calli onlinecan’t hear because earpods charging
412 00:00:00   Astaim I'm sure people will show up eventually, there's usually a lot of people online at this time
413 00:00:00   Roger Liao
414 00:00:00   Emirius hey she is doing alot of progress on her blueprints thats a good thing right?
415 00:00:00   Astaim true
416 00:00:00   Quinzi
417 00:00:00   Cordis Die
418 00:00:00   Emirius maybe the people online are jp
419 00:00:00   Emirius who can't show up on stream
420 00:00:00   Emirius you know live concert and stuff
421 00:00:00   D e l n a
422 00:00:00   Emirius Ameeee
423 00:00:00   D e l n a Ame!
424 00:00:00   Roger Liao AMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
425 00:00:00   Astaim
426 00:00:00   Khôi Hoàng Ngọc Anh
427 00:00:00   Cordis Die AMEEEE
428 00:00:00   Multi AME
429 00:00:00   p.f. Ame
430 00:00:00   huyn Ha oh.
431 00:00:00   GadoTwist
432 00:00:00   RadDude AME
433 00:00:00   huyn Ha ame...
434 00:00:00   magno parra
435 00:00:00   huyn Ha
436 00:00:00   Nice Boat
437 00:00:00   감사합니다
438 00:00:00   Multi
439 00:00:00   Roger Liao Taxi of justice
440 00:00:00   huyn Ha
441 00:00:00   RadDude Just Calli & Ame online?
442 00:00:00   Quinzi doko
443 00:00:00   Emirius now theres 2 people now its a party
444 00:00:00   Multi she's probably played 30 hours of rust in the past 48 hours
445 00:00:00   slowchamp ame detected
446 00:00:00   Emirius no theres like 5 people online
447 00:00:00   RadDude Oh, I wasn't watching until now really
448 00:00:00   PlaYer Mick
449 00:00:00   RadDude Uh, I mean, I sure do love Rust streams
450 00:00:00   Roger Liao
451 00:00:00   PlaYer Mick more taxi seats!
452 00:00:00   Quinzi AME
453 00:00:00   Diza
454 00:00:00   RadDude
455 00:00:00   Kyle Edwards
456 00:00:00   GadoTwist
457 00:00:00   Multi
458 00:00:00   Roger Liao
459 00:00:00   감사합니다
460 00:00:00   Diza
461 00:00:00   PlaYer Mick
462 00:00:00   Cordis Die
463 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills wow
464 00:00:00   Roger Liao oh my god
465 00:00:00   자두 Plum
466 00:00:00   Cordis Die omg Ame
467 00:00:00   p.f. So cool!
468 00:00:00   D e l n a
469 00:00:00   Justin Thyme
470 00:00:00   Multi
471 00:00:00   D e l n a
472 00:00:00   Roger Liao
473 00:00:00   Quinzi
474 00:00:00   p.f.
475 00:00:00   GadoTwist
476 00:00:00   PlaYer Mick
477 00:00:00   Diza
478 00:00:00   감사합니다
479 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
480 00:00:00   Multi LMAO
481 00:00:00   Quinzi cute
482 00:00:00   Roger Liao
483 00:00:00   Cordis Die
484 00:00:00   p.f. The sign
485 00:00:00   RadDude
486 00:00:00   Astaim immediately crashed
487 00:00:00   Roger Liao is that lighting mcqueen...
488 00:00:00   RadDude holy shid Ame worked hard on this
489 00:00:00   Nice Boat
490 00:00:00   Quinzi yeah
491 00:00:00   감사합니다
492 00:00:00   PlaYer Mick
493 00:00:00   Multi
494 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
495 00:00:00   D e l n a
496 00:00:00   GadoTwist
497 00:00:00   Roger Liao
498 00:00:00   Astaim
499 00:00:00   kev.fps
500 00:00:00   자두 Plum
501 00:00:00   RadDude
502 00:00:00   jack10w
503 00:00:00   Kreis aru
504 00:00:00   WASDTA
505 00:00:00   magno parra
506 00:00:00   WASDTA
507 00:00:00   p.f.
508 00:00:00   Cordis Die Just how much time did Ame spend on it
509 00:00:00   Nice Boat
510 00:00:00   Diza
511 00:00:00   Roger Liao
512 00:00:00   jack10w
513 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
514 00:00:00   PlaYer Mick
515 00:00:00   Khôi Hoàng Ngọc Anh
516 00:00:00   자두 Plum
517 00:00:00   감사합니다
518 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
519 00:00:00   Quinzi oh god
520 00:00:00   Multi calli you're killiing me
521 00:00:00   Diza one-woman demolition derby working out pretty well
522 00:00:00   Roger Liao I'm dying
523 00:00:00   Khôi Hoàng Ngọc Anh the heli again
524 00:00:00   p.f. The chopper
525 00:00:00   kev.fps oh god not the helicopter
526 00:00:00   Roger Liao
527 00:00:00   RadDude
528 00:00:00   Quinzi
529 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Wow is she really spoiling ames hard work, of course lol
530 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
531 00:00:00   jack10w
532 00:00:00   Roger Liao ....
533 00:00:00   Quinzi lmao
534 00:00:00   WASDTA LOL
535 00:00:00   Diza
536 00:00:00   WASDTA WTF
537 00:00:00   nuw_er
538 00:00:00   RadDude You're supposed to break it though
539 00:00:00   GadoTwist
540 00:00:00   kev.fps
541 00:00:00   C2char Les Ame dokoooo
542 00:00:00   Nice Boat
543 00:00:00   huyn Ha
544 00:00:00   WASDTA Calli stream c2char
545 00:00:00   Multi doesn't she have a license IRL?!?
546 00:00:00   RadDude yeah
547 00:00:00   C2char Les yay ame's aliveee
548 00:00:00   Justin Thyme
549 00:00:00   Multi I will never make fun of ame's driving skills again
550 00:00:00   자두 Plum
551 00:00:00   WASDTA Because of the lights, I guess this is meant to be done at night
552 00:00:00   WASDTA but maybe it looks good in the day too
553 00:00:00   RadDude Driving in games with a keyboard sucks
554 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Hope ame comes and deals with the trespasser xD
555 00:00:00   RadDude ty Ame
556 00:00:00   C2char Les hey she almost did it
557 00:00:00   C2char Les need more speeeeed
558 00:00:00   Astaim
559 00:00:00   Astaim
560 00:00:00   Roger Liao Calli makes ame's driving skill looks god tier
561 00:00:00   Quinzi
562 00:00:00   Gizmoさん What did I miss what is she doing
563 00:00:00   kev.fps
564 00:00:00   감사합니다
565 00:00:00   Roger Liao nvm
566 00:00:00   D e l n a Blessed amemori stream in the end
567 00:00:00   자두 Plum
568 00:00:00   p.f.
569 00:00:00   RadDude She drives
570 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity There she is xD
571 00:00:00   C2char Les watson motors
572 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Driving a tractor xD
573 00:00:00   Kreis aru Ame drive
574 00:00:00   huyn Ha
575 00:00:00   rain_deer Dam I'm missing Ame
576 00:00:00   WASDTA Get on quick
577 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Ame
578 00:00:00   rain_deer Watsons Wheels no down payment required
579 00:00:00   WASDTA She actually made the jump
580 00:00:00   RadDude The AmeMori crumbs are piling up they're starting to get on the floor
581 00:00:00   C2char Les watson monopoly
582 00:00:00   C2char Les the new Gerald Ford of Hololive
583 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Cope harder lol
584 00:00:00   RadDude I'm kidding
585 00:00:00   Multi giggles
586 00:00:00   Diza Watson Motors dealership
587 00:00:00   Kreis aru ?
588 00:00:00   rain_deer No bad ships with Ame, she pairs with everyone.
589 00:00:00   Verkatos Ame's giggles
590 00:00:00   Multi
591 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
592 00:00:00   D e l n a
593 00:00:00   rain_deer
594 00:00:00   Quinzi
595 00:00:00   자두 Plum
596 00:00:00   jack10w
597 00:00:00   Roger Liao
598 00:00:00   Diza
599 00:00:00   Cordis Die
600 00:00:00   감사합니다
601 00:00:00   nuw_er
602 00:00:00   RadDude True, seeing her hang with Calli does make me happy a little personally though
603 00:00:00   RadDude
604 00:00:00   C2char Les true ame calli has always been the weakest combo
605 00:00:00   RadDude
606 00:00:00   Quinzi heli
607 00:00:00   kev.fps
608 00:00:00   WASDTA
609 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
610 00:00:00   rain_deer
611 00:00:00   Quinzi woah
612 00:00:00   D e l n a what
613 00:00:00   GadoTwist What is this car?
614 00:00:00   kev.fps thats cool
615 00:00:00   Diza
616 00:00:00   자두 Plum
617 00:00:00   감사합니다 wow
618 00:00:00   Roger Liao
619 00:00:00   Diza student driver car
620 00:00:00   RadDude
621 00:00:00   WASDTA Except the student is in the backseat
622 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
623 00:00:00   rain_deer
624 00:00:00   Astaim tandem car
625 00:00:00   WASDTA It's like those fake wheels that parents give their kids
626 00:00:00   C2char Les ame clearly spent hours on that loll
627 00:00:00   AttackGoalie It's like a trainer jet, but for cars
628 00:00:00   AttackGoalie What a great time to join, 'sup all
629 00:00:00   Quinzi she must be working hard for this one, glad someone say it work well
630 00:00:00   rain_deer Yeah, she hasn't been sleeping.
631 00:00:00   Roger Liao
632 00:00:00   Multi
633 00:00:00   Khôi Hoàng Ngọc Anh My oshi so cool
634 00:00:00   WASDTA Seriously
635 00:00:00   AttackGoalie Looks amazing
636 00:00:00   자두 Plum
637 00:00:00   kev.fps
638 00:00:00   Diza
639 00:00:00   Nice Boat \
640 00:00:00   D e l n a
641 00:00:00   Roger Liao Damn I'm so proud of ame
642 00:00:00   RadDude She did great
643 00:00:00   RadDude But sleep doko
644 00:00:00   Multi
645 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
646 00:00:00   Diza
647 00:00:00   Quinzi
648 00:00:00   RadDude
649 00:00:00   WASDTA Ame tech tips in rust
650 00:00:00   C2char Les Ame still the tech master even in rust loll
651 00:00:00   gosu リング Kinda like minecraft
652 00:00:00   rain_deer Ame so smart
653 00:00:00   자두 Plum ame: the tech master
654 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity She learns through doing
655 00:00:00   Roger Liao
656 00:00:00   Diza
657 00:00:00   D e l n a
658 00:00:00   Multi
659 00:00:00   nuw_er
660 00:00:00   감사합니다
661 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
662 00:00:00   AttackGoalie
663 00:00:00   GadoTwist
664 00:00:00   rain_deer
665 00:00:00   RadDude
666 00:00:00   자두 Plum
667 00:00:00   Quinzi
668 00:00:00   kev.fps
669 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity And she made the electrical wall metal thank god:3
670 00:00:00   D e l n a
671 00:00:00   C2char Les ame has gotten good a driving
672 00:00:00   Multi
673 00:00:00   Diza
674 00:00:00   WASDTA
675 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills promoting peace by force
676 00:00:00   AttackGoalie Peace or else
677 00:00:00   RadDude Ame got Calliope Mori to sing in her car damn she's never gonna wash that car again
678 00:00:00   rain_deer The music system is pretty crazy. They should start a band.
679 00:00:00   PlaYer Mick
680 00:00:00   WASDTA She float
681 00:00:00   PlaYer Mick
682 00:00:00   Quinzi
683 00:00:00   AttackGoalie Floating around in a doughnut in a hazmat suit is quite the image
684 00:00:00   rain_deer
685 00:00:00   C2char Les Ame is a woman of vision
686 00:00:00   Cordis Die
687 00:00:00   Cordis Die Ame is cute
688 00:00:00   GadoTwist
689 00:00:00   RadDude This is adorable
690 00:00:00   D e l n a
691 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
692 00:00:00   kev.fps
693 00:00:00   Quinzi she's always cute
694 00:00:00   Roger Liao Most chilling rust stream
695 00:00:00   감사합니다
696 00:00:00   Diza
697 00:00:00   Quinzi
698 00:00:00   Multi
699 00:00:00   AttackGoalie
700 00:00:00   자두 Plum
701 00:00:00   RadDude
702 00:00:00   D e l n a LOL
703 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
704 00:00:00   Justin Thyme
705 00:00:00   Roger Liao
706 00:00:00   kev.fps
707 00:00:00   marcjel.c
708 00:00:00   Multi
709 00:00:00   Astaim
710 00:00:00   WASDTA
711 00:00:00   mifu mifu
712 00:00:00   RadDude
713 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
714 00:00:00   huyn Ha
715 00:00:00   Verkatos
716 00:00:00   P!ckl3R!ck: The Coolest Teamate White stuff??? PAUSE AME
717 00:00:00   Roger Liao
718 00:00:00   Quinzi It's a water chat
719 00:00:00   P!ckl3R!ck: The Coolest Teamate
720 00:00:00   Roger Liao
721 00:00:00   D e l n a
722 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
723 00:00:00   PlaYer Mick
724 00:00:00   Diza
725 00:00:00   rain_deer
726 00:00:00   P!ckl3R!ck: The Coolest Teamate
727 00:00:00   kev.fps
728 00:00:00   Roger Liao That's a water shotgun
729 00:00:00   감사합니다
730 00:00:00   AttackGoalie Did it pop the floaty?
731 00:00:00   자두 Plum
732 00:00:00   D e l n a
733 00:00:00   Multi
734 00:00:00   Quinzi
735 00:00:00   P!ckl3R!ck: The Coolest Teamate
736 00:00:00   Khôi Hoàng Ngọc Anh
737 00:00:00   kev.fps
738 00:00:00   rain_deer
739 00:00:00   C2char Les watson blowing her load
740 00:00:00   Roger Liao
741 00:00:00   AttackGoalie
742 00:00:00   RadDude
743 00:00:00   D e l n a
744 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
745 00:00:00   AttackGoalie
746 00:00:00   PlaYer Mick
747 00:00:00   rain_deer
748 00:00:00   P!ckl3R!ck: The Coolest Teamate
749 00:00:00   Cordis Die
750 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
751 00:00:00   AttackGoalie
752 00:00:00   Multi
753 00:00:00   D e l n a
754 00:00:00   rain_deer
755 00:00:00   kev.fps dorks
756 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills holosummer in rust
757 00:00:00   D e l n a artists you know what to do..
758 00:00:00   rain_deer The most wholesome gun fight ever
759 00:00:00   Quinzi
760 00:00:00   P!ckl3R!ck: The Coolest Teamate
761 00:00:00   Roger Liao
762 00:00:00   Multi
763 00:00:00   Belo
764 00:00:00   감사합니다
765 00:00:00   kev.fps
766 00:00:00   Quinzi
767 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
768 00:00:00   PlaYer Mick
769 00:00:00   AttackGoalie
770 00:00:00   RadDude Fortnite
771 00:00:00   Cordis Die Omg I remembered the trampoline stream
772 00:00:00   huyn Ha haha
773 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity You could make so many cool obstacle courses with a bounce thing
774 00:00:00   huyn Ha
775 00:00:00   RadDude Wonder if she still uses the trampoline
776 00:00:00   huyn Ha
777 00:00:00   D e l n a
778 00:00:00   아메도코
779 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
780 00:00:00   rain_deer
781 00:00:00   Quinzi nice
782 00:00:00   P!ckl3R!ck: The Coolest Teamate
783 00:00:00   Astaim
784 00:00:00   Virus
785 00:00:00   kev.fps nice
786 00:00:00   Astaim sick
787 00:00:00   Multi this is so cute
788 00:00:00   WASDTA Sick flip
789 00:00:00   Roger Liao Never know rust can be this cute
790 00:00:00   D e l n a
791 00:00:00   C2char Les SPIN THE WHEEEEL
792 00:00:00   AttackGoalie
793 00:00:00   RadDude
794 00:00:00   P!ckl3R!ck: The Coolest Teamate
795 00:00:00   Virus
796 00:00:00   자두 Plum
797 00:00:00   Multi
798 00:00:00   Roger Liao
799 00:00:00   rain_deer
800 00:00:00   D e l n a
801 00:00:00   kev.fps
802 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
803 00:00:00   GadoTwist
804 00:00:00   P!ckl3R!ck: The Coolest Teamate LMAO
805 00:00:00   감사합니다
806 00:00:00   Roger Liao
807 00:00:00   P!ckl3R!ck: The Coolest Teamate
808 00:00:00   RadDude
809 00:00:00   WASDTA Oh she was playing during that war
810 00:00:00   RadDude Ame must be obsessed to have played during that too
811 00:00:00   Roger Liao Give war a chance
812 00:00:00   WASDTA There was a lot of explosive ammo being fired in that fight iirc
813 00:00:00   D e l n a
814 00:00:00   PlaYer Mick
815 00:00:00   GadoTwist
816 00:00:00   감사합니다
817 00:00:00   P!ckl3R!ck: The Coolest Teamate
818 00:00:00   Quinzi
819 00:00:00   C2char Les do we get Watson wednesday/??
820 00:00:00   Roger Liao off stream?
821 00:00:00   Multi what time is the war?
822 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Yeah scrapping all the stuff you don’t need to do tech tree is good idea
823 00:00:00   kev.fps makes sense
824 00:00:00   RadDude Why not stream the war, Ame logic
825 00:00:00   AttackGoalie
826 00:00:00   mifu mifu
827 00:00:00   P!ckl3R!ck: The Coolest Teamate
828 00:00:00   mifu mifu anyone knows the time of the war?
829 00:00:00   Quinzi
830 00:00:00   Multi isn't the war gonna be like crazy late like +10?
831 00:00:00   Quinzi aww Calli
832 00:00:00   mifu mifu +10 of today?
833 00:00:00   C2char Les a day of love
834 00:00:00   rain_deer
835 00:00:00   WASDTA Probably around the end of Watson Wednesday if that's how she wants to do it, right?
836 00:00:00   Multi I thought it was tomorrow sometime between +6 and +12 but I don't know when
837 00:00:00   C2char Les incredibly brutal lol
838 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I think it’s all day lol
839 00:00:00   Emirius i think she will probably try to do her derby early on and then scrap everything
840 00:00:00   rain_deer wonder if she's gonna participate.
841 00:00:00   Multi
842 00:00:00   RadDude I don't see any Rust reservations right now so I don't know really
843 00:00:00   Emirius the jps will put streams up after the summer end thing
844 00:00:00   WASDTA I'm hoping she'll participate in whatever else is going on before/after the derby.
845 00:00:00   mifu mifu when ends the summer thing?
846 00:00:00   RadDude makes sense
847 00:00:00   WASDTA Which could theoretically be war
848 00:00:00   kev.fps but when will ame make her offstream cameo
849 00:00:00   Emirius i really didn't care for the holosummer thing
850 00:00:00   WASDTA Cameo where kev?
851 00:00:00   Emirius EN and IDs excluded yet again
852 00:00:00   WASDTA Gura and Ina are singing apparently
853 00:00:00   C2char Les the sky lanturn lol
854 00:00:00   kev.fps in the war, if she participates. unless she makes it part of watson wednesday
855 00:00:00   kev.fps I thought it would be JP prime time which is a bit early for watson wednesday
856 00:00:00   Emirius she said wednesday will be kinda weird this week
857 00:00:00   mifu mifu maybe ame is as confused as us
858 00:00:00   Emirius cause of the server reset
859 00:00:00   WASDTA Maybe a bit, but I would expect her to just be on rust as much as possible on Wednesday for the reset.
860 00:00:00   Emirius wich is why i hope she puts a frame early on for the streams this wednesday
861 00:00:00   huyn Ha
862 00:00:00   WASDTA Hopefully anyone on the server who wants to participate in the derby will get a chance
863 00:00:00   Multi BLOW UP THE OCEAN
864 00:00:00   rain_deer
865 00:00:00   RadDude
866 00:00:00   kev.fps
867 00:00:00   Nice Boat
868 00:00:00   AttackGoalie
869 00:00:00   mifu mifu what time is the server resetting again?
870 00:00:00   RadDude Calli wants to give Ame her meat
871 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
872 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I imagine war will be late late, derby might be during her streams
873 00:00:00   AttackGoalie
874 00:00:00   Max Piston
875 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity She can’t handle ame lol
876 00:00:00   kev.fps
877 00:00:00   PlaYer Mick
878 00:00:00   rain_deer
879 00:00:00   자두 Plum
880 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills rock football
881 00:00:00   Multi
882 00:00:00   rain_deer
883 00:00:00   감사합니다
884 00:00:00   Quinzi lol
885 00:00:00   Nice Boat
886 00:00:00   AttackGoalie She took a burger rock to the knee
887 00:00:00   rain_deer
888 00:00:00   Cordis Die
889 00:00:00   Virus
890 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
891 00:00:00   Cordis Die Flintstones coming to Rust
892 00:00:00   감사합니다
893 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
894 00:00:00   rain_deer
895 00:00:00   RadDude
896 00:00:00   kev.fps
897 00:00:00   PlaYer Mick
898 00:00:00   RadDude Rock Ball!
899 00:00:00   Multi
900 00:00:00   AttackGoalie Throwing the burger rock with Dad
901 00:00:00   RadDude
902 00:00:00   D e l n a
903 00:00:00   Astaim
904 00:00:00   Quinzi
905 00:00:00   rain_deer
906 00:00:00   감사합니다
907 00:00:00   AttackGoalie
908 00:00:00   Diza
909 00:00:00   Justin Thyme
910 00:00:00   자두 Plum
911 00:00:00   WASDTA this is savage
912 00:00:00   kev.fps
913 00:00:00   Roger Liao
914 00:00:00   rain_deer
915 00:00:00   Multi she didn't deserve it
916 00:00:00   D e l n a
917 00:00:00   AttackGoalie
918 00:00:00   Quinzi
919 00:00:00   kev.fps
920 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills eat death
921 00:00:00   jack10w
922 00:00:00   감사합니다
923 00:00:00   RadDude
924 00:00:00   Quinzi what?
925 00:00:00   Roger Liao ...
926 00:00:00   Nice Boat
927 00:00:00   Multi
928 00:00:00   GadoTwist
929 00:00:00   D e l n a
930 00:00:00   WASDTA Death cosplaying as Jesus
931 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
932 00:00:00   Diza
933 00:00:00   rain_deer
934 00:00:00   AttackGoalie You could make a religion out of this
935 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I swear she had a tape recorder in hand lol
936 00:00:00   Quinzi
937 00:00:00   감사합니다
938 00:00:00   Multi
939 00:00:00   rain_deer
940 00:00:00   자두 Plum
941 00:00:00   WASDTA
942 00:00:00   Max Piston
943 00:00:00   Diza
944 00:00:00   kev.fps
945 00:00:00   RadDude
946 00:00:00   Quinzi dev pls
947 00:00:00   D e l n a
948 00:00:00   Roger Liao
949 00:00:00   WASDTA
950 00:00:00   RadDude
951 00:00:00   kev.fps
952 00:00:00   rain_deer
953 00:00:00   WASDTA I'm excited for this so called diving board
954 00:00:00   WASDTA
955 00:00:00   Roger Liao no
956 00:00:00   slowchamp i wish mori, i wish
957 00:00:00   Quinzi
958 00:00:00   rain_deer
959 00:00:00   GadoTwist
960 00:00:00   RadDude Ame hates streaming (real)
961 00:00:00   WASDTA
962 00:00:00   Multi
963 00:00:00   D e l n a
964 00:00:00   Roger Liao
965 00:00:00   감사합니다
966 00:00:00   D e l n a is there a DLC she is missing
967 00:00:00   WASDTA
968 00:00:00   rain_deer
969 00:00:00   kev.fps gura's tape is finally revealed
970 00:00:00   RadDude
971 00:00:00   RadDude Ame doko
972 00:00:00   GadoTwist
973 00:00:00   Roger Liao
974 00:00:00   WASDTA For ame only
975 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity For dlc owners I imagine
976 00:00:00   D e l n a
977 00:00:00   GadoTwist
978 00:00:00   kev.fps
979 00:00:00   Quinzi
980 00:00:00   RadDude
981 00:00:00   PlaYer Mick
982 00:00:00   감사합니다
983 00:00:00   AttackGoalie
984 00:00:00   WASDTA
985 00:00:00   Roger Liao
986 00:00:00   Cordis Die
987 00:00:00   Quinzi
988 00:00:00   huyn Ha ?
989 00:00:00   AttackGoalie
990 00:00:00   WASDTA
991 00:00:00   kev.fps I'm losing it!
992 00:00:00   WASDTA
993 00:00:00   rain_deer
994 00:00:00   PlaYer Mick
995 00:00:00   Quinzi
996 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity You guys should have heard zeta make her horse name tape xD
997 00:00:00   감사합니다
998 00:00:00   rain_deer
999 00:00:00   AttackGoalie
1000 00:00:00   Roger Liao
1001 00:00:00   WASDTA Calli
1002 00:00:00   rain_deer please post it
1003 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1004 00:00:00   rain_deer first try
1005 00:00:00   Quinzi
1006 00:00:00   rain_deer
1007 00:00:00   감사합니다
1008 00:00:00   Roger Liao
1009 00:00:00   WASDTA
1010 00:00:00   Astaim
1011 00:00:00   WASDTA
1012 00:00:00   Daito_Navy AH I LEFT MY MEATLOAF IN HERE
1013 00:00:00   D e l n a lol that latest Zedd art
1014 00:00:00   Daito_Navy ah there we go i found it
1015 00:00:00   rain_deer Chaotic neutral shark
1016 00:00:00   PlaYer Mick
1017 00:00:00   Max Piston
1018 00:00:00   AttackGoalie That's a great picture
1019 00:00:00   kev.fps cute!
1020 00:00:00   Quinzi
1021 00:00:00   Multi tweet
1022 00:00:00   WASDTA
1023 00:00:00   rain_deer
1024 00:00:00   감사합니다
1025 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Illegal flying
1026 00:00:00   Roger Liao
1027 00:00:00   자두 Plum
1028 00:00:00   WASDTA
1029 00:00:00   RadDude
1030 00:00:00   Roger Liao
1031 00:00:00   WASDTA I'm off. gonna watch the stream in bed on my phone
1032 00:00:00   감사합니다
1033 00:00:00   WASDTA Hopefully we get lots more ame tomorrow
1034 00:00:00   Multi same gn everyone
1035 00:00:00   PlaYer Mick
1036 00:00:00   WASDTA later guys
1037 00:00:00   AttackGoalie Rest well
1038 00:00:00   Quinzi
1039 00:00:00   RadDude Ame grilling
1040 00:00:00   rain_deer
1041 00:00:00   kev.fps
1042 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1043 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1044 00:00:00   rain_deer sleep tight
1045 00:00:00   Roger Liao I was just thinking about that
1046 00:00:00   Roger Liao
1047 00:00:00   Emirius pork ribs
1048 00:00:00   RadDude
1049 00:00:00   감사합니다
1050 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1051 00:00:00   rain_deer
1052 00:00:00   Astaim LOL
1053 00:00:00   Nice Boat
1054 00:00:00   AttackGoalie
1055 00:00:00   kev.fps
1056 00:00:00   자두 Plum
1057 00:00:00   Roger Liao
1058 00:00:00   Emirius Ame robo
1059 00:00:00   RadDude lmao what was that
1060 00:00:00   AttackGoalie Cute
1061 00:00:00   rain_deer
1062 00:00:00   Roger Liao
1063 00:00:00   Kent S
1064 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1065 00:00:00   Quinzi
1066 00:00:00   Kent S
1067 00:00:00   RadDude
1068 00:00:00   kev.fps
1069 00:00:00   rain_deer
1070 00:00:00   Roger Liao
1071 00:00:00   Kent S
1072 00:00:00   PlaYer Mick
1073 00:00:00   AttackGoalie
1074 00:00:00   nuw_er
1075 00:00:00   Roger Liao
1076 00:00:00   자두 Plum
1077 00:00:00   Quinzi
1078 00:00:00   AttackGoalie
1079 00:00:00   slowchamp damn i didn't expect rainforest impromptu
1080 00:00:00   Kent S
1081 00:00:00   slowchamp
1082 00:00:00   RadDude
1083 00:00:00   rain_deer
1084 00:00:00   RadDude
1085 00:00:00   rain_deer
1086 00:00:00   rain_deer
1087 00:00:00   Roger Liao
1088 00:00:00   Diza
1089 00:00:00   RadDude Ame
1090 00:00:00   Emirius Ame is such a sweet girl wtf
1091 00:00:00   rain_deer
1092 00:00:00   D e l n a
1093 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1094 00:00:00   kev.fps Ame, this was great
1095 00:00:00   Roger Liao
1096 00:00:00   Nice Boat
1097 00:00:00   자두 Plum
1098 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
1099 00:00:00   Emirius this is why she is my oshy
1100 00:00:00   huyn Ha
1101 00:00:00   RadDude She is we know this
1102 00:00:00   huyn Ha
1103 00:00:00   AttackGoalie
1104 00:00:00   Lucun 7
1105 00:00:00   감사합니다
1106 00:00:00   D e l n a PEACE
1107 00:00:00   Kent S
1108 00:00:00   rain_deer
1109 00:00:00   Roger Liao Our girl makes today better again
1110 00:00:00   nuw_er
1111 00:00:00   RadDude
1112 00:00:00   rain_deer
1113 00:00:00   huyn Ha
1114 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1115 00:00:00   자두 Plum
1116 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
1117 00:00:00   Justin Thyme
1118 00:00:00   RadDude
1119 00:00:00   지호JiHo
1120 00:00:00   huyn Ha
1121 00:00:00   AttackGoalie
1122 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1123 00:00:00   D e l n a
1124 00:00:00   Lucun
1125 00:00:00   Nice Boat
1126 00:00:00   Roger Liao
1127 00:00:00   RadDude
1128 00:00:00   감사합니다
1129 00:00:00   지호JiHo
1130 00:00:00   rain_deer luv Ame
1131 00:00:00   AttackGoalie
1132 00:00:00   kev.fps
1133 00:00:00   Quinzi
1134 00:00:00   huyn Ha wo....wowo
1135 00:00:00   지호JiHo
1136 00:00:00   nuw_er
1137 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Off she goes
1138 00:00:00   Astaim
1139 00:00:00   Roger Liao
1140 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
1141 00:00:00   지호JiHo
1142 00:00:00   자두 Plum
1143 00:00:00   감사합니다
1144 00:00:00   huyn Ha
1145 00:00:00   Kent S Ame doko
1146 00:00:00   AttackGoalie
1147 00:00:00   RadDude
1148 00:00:00   Cordis Die
1149 00:00:00   Roger Liao Rest well ame
1150 00:00:00   Pami Aww ame so sweet
1151 00:00:00   Cordis Die Ame so cute
1152 00:00:00   Quinzi
1153 00:00:00   kev.fps
1154 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1155 00:00:00   Lucun
1156 00:00:00   Cordis Die
1157 00:00:00   AttackGoalie Nice speech Calli
1158 00:00:00   RadDude Truly riveting speech Calli
1159 00:00:00   RadDude
1160 00:00:00   AttackGoalie
1161 00:00:00   rain_deer glad I could catch some Ame today.
1162 00:00:00   Heik Glad Ame showed up to the peace party
1163 00:00:00   AttackGoalie
1164 00:00:00   RadDude
1165 00:00:00   Heik
1166 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1167 00:00:00   kev.fps
1168 00:00:00   Heik And we also got to see the demolition derby in action
1169 00:00:00   AttackGoalie Yeah, that was nice
1170 00:00:00   rain_deer thank you Calli from bringing us Ame.
1171 00:00:00   Cordis Die I wonder how many hours did Ame spend on the derby
1172 00:00:00   Emirius atleast 1 hour i think
1173 00:00:00   Diza more than intended, thanks to that one chopper
1174 00:00:00   RadDude A long time
1175 00:00:00   Heik
1176 00:00:00   rain_deer All day probably
1177 00:00:00   AttackGoalie Yeah, that looked like a ton of work was put into it
1178 00:00:00   Cordis Die Luv Ame
1179 00:00:00   RadDude Night Teamates
1180 00:00:00   kev.fps
1181 00:00:00   rain_deer sleep tight
1182 00:00:00   AttackGoalie Rest well
1183 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1184 00:00:00   D e l n a
1185 00:00:00   Heik
1186 00:00:00   Emirius
1187 00:00:00   감사합니다
1188 00:00:00   Cordis Die Gn!
1189 00:00:00   rain_deer I sleep too, later Gators
1190 00:00:00   marcjel.c
1191 00:00:00   Roger Liao night night
1192 00:00:00   Cordis Die
1193 00:00:00   AttackGoalie
1194 00:00:00   감사합니다
1195 00:00:00   kev.fps
1196 00:00:00   Diza
1197 00:00:00   AttackGoalie
1198 00:00:00   Roger Liao
1199 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Ame was so cute but I could only hear, I was using the imagination station skills
1200 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
1201 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Imagination station 2 when Ame
1202 00:00:00   아메도코
1203 00:00:00   Cordis Die Man, imagination station was good
1204 00:00:00   Roger Liao yeah I really enjoyed it
1205 00:00:00   Verkatos Imagination Station was wonderful
1206 00:00:00   Verkatos I really really want to see her do another stream like that again
1207 00:00:00   Cordis Die Maybe if we ask her very nicely?
1208 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Maybe
1209 00:00:00   idjtmk 7
1210 00:00:00   Cordis Die
1211 00:00:00   Cordis Die alrighty, time for me to go too, gn teaheads
1212 00:00:00   Roger Liao gn
1213 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
1214 00:00:00   marcjel.c
1215 00:00:00   D e l n a Nagi always winning
1216 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Cute art as always
1217 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity It is
1218 00:00:00   marcjel.c the cute interactions between calli and ame they're so cute
1219 00:00:00   marcjel.c i almost felt sad when no one attend because of the timing of activities luckily ame is there she so sweet
1220 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity She is always considerate
1221 00:00:00   Galileo🔎 luv Ame (。・ω・。)ノ
1222 00:00:00   Kingdom Silver Calli & Ame in demlition derby
1223 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I was so worried when calli was on there in the dark with the heli near, like panicking lol
1224 00:00:00   Kingdom Silver peace
1225 00:00:00   D e l n a oh sweet tweet
1226 00:00:00   D e l n a cute
1227 00:00:00   지호JiHo
1228 00:00:00   GadoTwist Ey, Neon White
1229 00:00:00   GadoTwist Tech tierlist
1230 00:00:00   D e l n a SWITCH SPORTS?!
1231 00:00:00   D e l n a Time to prepare the old switch sports gameplay and see if I can snipe ame for bowling
1232 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Tech tier list sounds interesting
1233 00:00:00   Kris can't wait
1234 00:00:00   Roger Liao
1235 00:00:00   Diza also post
1236 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1237 00:00:00   D e l n a ooo
1238 00:00:00   PlaYer Mick
1239 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
1240 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
1241 00:00:00   자두 Plum
1242 00:00:00   지호JiHo
1243 00:00:00   D e l n a that heart
1244 00:00:00   huyn Ha
1245 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I’m old enough to remember the things she mentioned, and had them
1246 00:00:00   Roger Liao it's good to hear from ame before sleep, gn teamates
1247 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1248 00:00:00   Kingdom Silver
1249 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
1250 00:00:00   D e l n a did we get an update
1251 00:00:00   D e l n a not yet
1252 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity
1253 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity This has be racking my brain, remember the easy bake ovens lmao
1254 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Me*
1255 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Nice I commented all that era stuff
1256 00:00:00   GadoTwist Oh that answers my question. Wasn't sure if she wanted a specific set of tech or tech in general
1257 00:00:00   D e l n a I honestly have nothing to suggest other than google glasses
1258 00:00:00   mifu mifu
1259 00:00:00   Diza
1260 00:00:00   mifu mifu i can only think of consoles
1261 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I commented a bunch lol
1262 00:00:00   GadoTwist Walkmans
1263 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Cassette players
1264 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Walkman was pretty high end lol
1265 00:00:00   mifu mifu oh i remember having a walkman lol
1266 00:00:00   D e l n a OOOO Walkmans were bis
1267 00:00:00   D e l n a sorry the best*
1268 00:00:00   D e l n a I remember listening to Eiffel 65 and System of a Down with the walkman on a school trip in 2001
1269 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity They were the only way to play music portably aside from stereo
1270 00:00:00   Gizmoさん I’ve never seen a Walkman,do you buy tape and put it in
1271 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity You buy a cassette, and stick it in yeah
1272 00:00:00   mifu mifu i had one but for cds
1273 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Then you had puffy headphones xD
1274 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Yeah Walkman was a brand but it’s also the first like portable music device
1275 00:00:00   GadoTwist I used to have one for MiniDiscs
1276 00:00:00   D e l n a yeah I had one for CD's
1277 00:00:00   D e l n a I remember trying to stick it in my pocket
1278 00:00:00   Gizmoさん How much does a Walkman cost today I wonder
1279 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity The tech is ancient
1280 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Super affordable lol unless it’s like rare. There is a golden one
1281 00:00:00   D e l n a it honestly wouldnt surprise me if walkman come back into fashion in the next 10 years
1282 00:00:00   GadoTwist Kinda like vinyl?
1283 00:00:00   D e l n a yeah, but I feel like vinyl is a bit different because its also a collectable,
1284 00:00:00   mifu mifu tho i dont remember much from when i was a kid
1285 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity AIWA JX2000 look this up lol
1286 00:00:00   D e l n a I could imagine 18 year olds walking down the street with a walkman/casette attached to their belt and jamming
1287 00:00:00   Gizmoさん I should check out those vintage stores every once in a while,that would be me soon
1288 00:00:00   D e l n a
1289 00:00:00   GadoTwist $3k
1290 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity That one is the rare one lol
1291 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
1292 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I have such a vivid memory, it’s a gift and a curse honestly lol
1293 00:00:00   GadoTwist Having a dedicated portable music player used to so common until smartphones came along
1294 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1295 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
1296 00:00:00   아메도코
1297 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
1298 00:00:00   D e l n a yeah, I recently watched Baby Driver and watching the protagonist just use an ipod to listen to the music for the right mood is just cinematic beauty imo
1299 00:00:00   D e l n a made me appreciate the handheld music devices before smartphones
1300 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity iPhones are just iPod touches lol
1301 00:00:00   Gizmoさん I got an iPod shuffle 3rd gen at home but no usb to 3.5mm so it’s basically useless
1302 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Watching technology evolve as I’ve grown has been equally amazing as it is terrifying
1303 00:00:00   D e l n a spinning the wheel on an ipod to adjust volume or play the games
1304 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I commented iPod shuffle lol
1305 00:00:00   Diza dang, I just noticed that I made the same suggestion as another investigator several minutes after them
1306 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity A couple gigs back then was massive space, like 1-3 was huge!
1307 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I’m sure a couple did
1308 00:00:00   Diza I had my hands full with a game and was sneaking in a word here or there for my post
1309 00:00:00   D e l n a yeah I remember my brother got a 120gib Ipod Classic and I was so jealous of him
1310 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills whats the first storage device you own?
1311 00:00:00   D e l n a I remember just seeing 1 of 2000+ songs and I was like thats so many
1312 00:00:00   Gizmoさん USB thumb drive6GB
1313 00:00:00   GadoTwist The floppy disk?
1314 00:00:00   D e l n a storage device in general or music?
1315 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity There was no reason to have that much back then xD 120 was thought to last forever
1316 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills in general
1317 00:00:00   D e l n a yeah, but it was so cheap when he got it too
1318 00:00:00   GadoTwist I remember having zip drives. They held an amazing 100MB of data
1319 00:00:00   D e l n a because it was around the time the other versions of ipods were coming out
1320 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Probably my old pc, I can’t remember how much space it had brick tower with floppy/disc drives
1321 00:00:00   D e l n a I think the first storage device I had was a CD that had I'm Bue on it
1322 00:00:00   D e l n a Blue*
1323 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Or the ps1 memory card
1324 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills i remember having a bunch of floppy disk just to install one game
1325 00:00:00   Diza my Windows 95 computer could hold hundreds of megabytes, hundreds!
1326 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills insert disk 8
1327 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Yeah gigabytes were not a thing lmao that was massive
1328 00:00:00   GadoTwist Did anyone else have those colorful iMacs in their schools?
1329 00:00:00   D e l n a yeah I remember playing Frogger on it
1330 00:00:00   Diza oh man, those were everywhere
1331 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I think my school was too cheap for macs xD
1332 00:00:00   Gizmoさん I’m still surprised when I saw a 2tb ssd the size of my wallet technology evolved fast
1333 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Technology moves forward at an unrelenting pace. There weren’t even cellphones, and you couldn’t call out of your area code without collect calling
1334 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity The internet was a baby
1335 00:00:00   Gizmoさん First I phone came out 2 years after I’m born and now they have insane battery life and have 1tb storage
1336 00:00:00   elessar123 You had to pay like 10 cents a minute for long distance or something
1337 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
1338 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Imagine a phone that flips open, and has an antenna
1339 00:00:00   elessar123 Like the old RAZR?
1340 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Older
1341 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Fatter
1342 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity That was revolutionary because how thin it was
1343 00:00:00   GadoTwist I forgot cellphones used to have antennas that stuck out
1344 00:00:00   elessar123 I had a sprint one before that, which was maybe twice that size
1345 00:00:00   elessar123 never used those super old ones without the retractable antennas
1346 00:00:00   Gizmoさん What was your first phones
1347 00:00:00   GadoTwist Probably a Nokia
1348 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I didn’t have a cellphone till high school lol
1349 00:00:00   D e l n a Motorola L6
1350 00:00:00   Diza definitely a Nokia, it wasn't even a flip-phone
1351 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity 8th grade actually
1352 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills motorola flip phone
1353 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills looks and feels like a brick
1354 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Yeah mine was probably a Motorola
1355 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity That brand was big lol
1356 00:00:00   D e l n a I remember being on the bus and seeing a kid with the Motorola flip phone and my jealousy was sky high
1357 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Damn
1358 00:00:00   RadDude omg Ame schedule
1359 00:00:00   elessar123 Not sure if it's actually it, but it looked similar to a Sprint PCS Touchpoint
1360 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Mine was the sony xperia s definitely a different era
1361 00:00:00   D e l n a I remember someone gave me a Motorola Razr and I was so excited, even though people were moving on to the next gen of phones
1362 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Yeah some cellphones didn’t even flip, just one side, like one inch screen xD
1363 00:00:00   Gizmoさん There is a new Motorola Razr
1364 00:00:00   RadDude Idk what tech she will review but it will be nostalgic
1365 00:00:00   D e l n a I also remember the weeb in me, in 2010, going to Japan and owning a shitty smart phone, but I actually wanted one of those flip phones that Japan had that looked super flat
1366 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity It was genuinely next gen, like unheard of lol
1367 00:00:00   D e l n a so I remember going through Shibuya and Shinjuku looking for a phone store to buy one of them
1368 00:00:00   GadoTwist Gizmo, your first cell phone didn't have a physical keyboard? I feel so old
1369 00:00:00   RadDude anyway back 2 sleep
1370 00:00:00   D e l n a
1371 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1372 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
1373 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
1374 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity
1375 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Oh yeah all this made me feel old xD
1376 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Was 20 years ago
1377 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Yeah but the physical keyboard Nokia my dad had still works and the Sony smartphone doesn’t so…
1378 00:00:00   elessar123 ok, that's one word
1379 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Exactly, sometimes simplicity is more reliable
1380 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Older tech are built to be so reliable
1381 00:00:00   D e l n a Idk why but my folks held onto all their shitty 90's phones that were so useless
1382 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity It’s just build from less parts, so it’s easier to fix also
1383 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills and repairable
1384 00:00:00   Gizmoさん I love tech that can withstand the test of time
1385 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity That’s the sucky thing about modern stuff, the parts are so pricy
1386 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity And fragile
1387 00:00:00   D e l n a yeee, I remember getting my screen fixed in 2013, and the repair cost was $150?, I wanted to get my iphone screen repaied a few months ago, $600
1388 00:00:00   elessar123 What I definitely don't miss is a new charging cable every phone
1389 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I can’t remember how they charged where they different?
1390 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Were*
1391 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Micro usb didn’t exist
1392 00:00:00   elessar123 They all had different connectors
1393 00:00:00   GadoTwist I think it was like those really tiny DC power connectors?
1394 00:00:00   elessar123 from various barrel sizes to ones that look like um
1395 00:00:00   elessar123 like SATA connectors
1396 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Yeah the two circles?
1397 00:00:00   elessar123 don't know what they're called
1398 00:00:00   elessar123 yea
1399 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I do remember xD
1400 00:00:00   elessar123 5-10 years ago, I finally recycled like a dozen different chargers I couldn't identify
1401 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I bet, they did have tons of different ones, flat, round, long ones lol they didn’t have a uniform design, everyone lol as in healthy competition back then because it was so new
1402 00:00:00   Gizmoさん With all that innovation, why does lighting cable break so often
1403 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I’ve got through so many god damn iPhone cords xD
1404 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Gone*
1405 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Idk how the hell I break them but the connector always ends up broken:p
1406 00:00:00   Gizmoさん It’s not even the apple one ,lighting cables from all manufacturers just like to destroy themselves
1407 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Oh I know my generic ones do the same thing xD
1408 00:00:00   Gizmoさん I want a crt monitor as a secondary monitor
1409 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I remember the first games I play, it’s a strange feeling remember stuff this far back, like using a part of my brain that was not used in a long time. Sub Terrania, and Revolution X
1410 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity
1411 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Played *
1412 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1413 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
1414 00:00:00   elessar123 The Aerosmith arcade game? That was fun
1415 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Does fruit ninja on a counts as a first game
1416 00:00:00   GadoTwist Gizmo, please
1417 00:00:00   D e l n a lmfao
1418 00:00:00   D e l n a love that gizmo
1419 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Yes xD I just looked that up, I didn’t even know what was about Aerosmith, so wild xD
1420 00:00:00   elessar123 Yea, the alt fire shoots CDs
1421 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Aerosmith kidnaps you?! No wonder my bro liked it lol
1422 00:00:00   elessar123 it was something
1423 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity It was sick for my like infant brain
1424 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Sry
1425 00:00:00   Gizmoさん I’m not as bad as Bae
1426 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Fruit ninja was awesome lol I played that when it was invented an iPod touch game
1427 00:00:00   D e l n a gizmo, what might be bad now for you, will be a relic in 10 years time
1428 00:00:00   D e l n a so you can say fruit ninja in the future and there will be people that said amongus
1429 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Oh god apex will be a retro game
1430 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Unreal is what apex will be to someone someday lol
1431 00:00:00   elessar123 GTA5 will be... oh wait, it's already a retro game
1432 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Unreal tournament
1433 00:00:00   GadoTwist Don't be sorry GizmoTime is very cruel
1434 00:00:00   D e l n a I loved Unreal tournament
1435 00:00:00   D e l n a that was my first FPS game
1436 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Mine as well
1437 00:00:00   elessar123 Wolf 3D?
1438 00:00:00   elessar123 too early?
1439 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I played duke nukem and doom
1440 00:00:00   elessar123
1441 00:00:00   D e l n a oh
1442 00:00:00   D e l n a I take that back sorry
1443 00:00:00   D e l n a Goldeneye was my first FPS
1444 00:00:00   GadoTwist I feel like I've played a lotta older games because I had older siblings. So yes, Wolf 3D was probably my first FPS game
1445 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity But I mean like fps online, unreal was my first like multiplayer one
1446 00:00:00   Gizmoさん At least I played the first doomsomewhat recently
1447 00:00:00   elessar123 I played Doom, um, I don't know if it's even considered online
1448 00:00:00   D e l n a I played goldeneye multiplayer before i played unreal tournament online
1449 00:00:00   elessar123 more like direct connect through phone lines
1450 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Yeah lan lol
1451 00:00:00   D e l n a and I remember
1452 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Didn’t the wasd thing came from doom multiplayer?
1453 00:00:00   D e l n a I played UT online for like 15 minutes
1454 00:00:00   D e l n a and I hated it
1455 00:00:00   GadoTwist I remember playing the first Half-Life's multiplayer with my family
1456 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I played with my dad, we jammed
1457 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I didn’t even know about half life till the orange box lol
1458 00:00:00   D e l n a and I only hated it because I spent 30 minutes downloading the mods
1459 00:00:00   D e l n a and then was at 300ms
1460 00:00:00   elessar123 I don't know if Doom used WASD, but Quake probably did
1461 00:00:00   GadoTwist oof
1462 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Lightning fast xD
1463 00:00:00   elessar123 there wasn't much point to using a mouse for Doom since you can't look up/down
1464 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Damn
1465 00:00:00   elessar123 I guess we still did, since I remember turning 180 quickly
1466 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Yeah those games are on a linear plane, was too complex to make it look up xD
1467 00:00:00   D e l n a I think I spent most of my time playing with bots until WoW
1468 00:00:00   elessar123 There was a game that used a modified Doom engine that had up and down
1469 00:00:00   elessar123 might have been Rise of the Triad (ROTT), but I don't remember which game tbh
1470 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity My dad could build computers back then, so we had pretty good ones, would play command and conquer online, and unreal
1471 00:00:00   Gizmoさん I was so confused when I played doom,not being able to move up and down
1472 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
1473 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity That’s the capability of what games could do then, what the coding allowed, the coding didn’t even exist xD
1474 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Going from side scroller/top down to 3D was monumental
1475 00:00:00   elessar123 and the semi infamous fast inverse square root
1476 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity That’s why I appreciate all games, because I was playing those og ones, and know how far it’s come
1477 00:00:00   Gizmoさん I love games they’re a piece of art
1478 00:00:00   GadoTwist Difference between console generations were a lot more pronounced back then. Going from like a Sega Genesis, to a PS1, to a PS2 was amazing
1479 00:00:00   elessar123 Going from SNES to N64
1480 00:00:00   elessar123 though SNES games mostly aged better
1481 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity They were true leaps, not just slight graphical enhancements, and more processing power in smaller boxes, but real innovation
1482 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I love both, but 64 for me was better because play 3D games was amazing, from glover, gex, Mario, and stuff man:3
1483 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Kirby!
1484 00:00:00   GadoTwist My friend had the N64. Fun times playing Smash and Golden Eye
1485 00:00:00   Gizmoさん PS2 was great,good memories
1486 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity That was one side scroller that was 3D that was huge
1487 00:00:00   Gizmoさん And the PSP!
1488 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity The psp was too expensive:3
1489 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I played gameboy lol
1490 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Always wanted a psp
1491 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I eventually borrowed my friends, and played crisis core, and god of war lol
1492 00:00:00   GadoTwist Loved my PSP. Had some of my favorite games, like Crisis Core, Patapon, Dissidia
1493 00:00:00   D e l n a yee I had a PSP and played need for speed: most wanted
1494 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Well I didn’t buy it of course I remember I played those Japanese ultraman games
1495 00:00:00   Gizmoさん And need for speed
1496 00:00:00   GadoTwist Burnout for me
1497 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Everyone loved the need for speeds xD
1498 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity My bro liked grand turismo, I never could get into them
1499 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Racing and sports games I’ve never liked lol the Mario sports games, and Wii sports are the exception
1500 00:00:00   E.Y. Nah I have this one game that I like call Burnout
1501 00:00:00   E.Y. Basically crashing cars makes the racing game fun for me
1502 00:00:00   GadoTwist I love performing takedowns on other cars
1503 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity All my friends would play those but I just didn’t like them:3 those were the bearable ones cars themselves don’t really interest me though lol
1504 00:00:00   GadoTwist Did anyone play Wipeout, or Roll Cage? They're like futuristic racers with weapons
1505 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I like ones like Mario kart, crash team racing, and stuff like that
1506 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Wipe out yeah!
1507 00:00:00   GadoTwist Oh frame up
1508 00:00:00   Gizmoさん We had it so good
1509 00:00:00   idjtmk
1510 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Cute we definitely did
1511 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Isn’t that right my fellow 90s kids
1512 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1513 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity
1514 00:00:00   idjtmk
1515 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity “Nah” the round stereo in the thumbnail
1516 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Oh godthose round stereos were used in my English exams
1517 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Nokia phone hell yeah
1518 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity That’s the type I meant, it probably has a pull out antenna
1519 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I didn’t have a cellphone then, I got one when I needed to have something to keep in touch with my parents xD
1520 00:00:00   탐정 Ame
1521 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Speakers themselves have come a long way, those round ones were definitely a more girl device I remember more chicks having those:3
1522 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I freaking forgot VHS! And the VCR lmao
1523 00:00:00   Gizmoさん You can’t name all of them save some for the other teamates
1524 00:00:00   elessar123 Betamax
1525 00:00:00   GadoTwist I wonder if we'll get two streams on Friday since I imagine the Kiara collab will be earlier than AMT
1526 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity It was one of those! I remember how wildly complex the sound system looked xD
1527 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity We had big big speakers, and a subwoofer, now a little thing can make as much sound and bass
1528 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Do you know what a vcr is gizmo xD
1529 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity The tech is dead so I forgot it entirely
1530 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1531 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I forgot discs didn’t even exist!
1532 00:00:00   marcjel.c so quiet today
1533 00:00:00   Gizmoさん I had a vcr
1534 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Good be kind rewind xD
1535 00:00:00   marcjel.c havent seen a working vcr only old players. am i that young
1536 00:00:00   Gizmoさん I’ve stuck my fingers in a vhs tape don’t worry
1537 00:00:00   E.Y. I am busy doing stuff I need to do for the week so no chance to hang out here
1538 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I’m trying to think when they became obsolete, they had tv with them build in xD
1539 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Built*
1540 00:00:00   GadoTwist Well there were VCDs for a while and then DVDs
1541 00:00:00   marcjel.c the only 90s tech i own would be family computer,walkman ,tamagochi and gameboy advance
1542 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity All good ones at least lol
1543 00:00:00   GadoTwist A normal GBA, or a GBA SP?
1544 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Did it have backlighting? XD
1545 00:00:00   marcjel.c the not flipping one
1546 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity That’s color
1547 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Was it black and white? Or color xD
1548 00:00:00   marcjel.c i cant remember but i played golden sun there
1549 00:00:00   GadoTwist The original GBA didn't have backlight either. Didn't mean it was the GB color
1550 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity The color just added basic colors to it, from black and white pixels
1551 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity No he said the not flip one so it couldn’t be that
1552 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I asked about backlight because the sp did
1553 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I rmemeber using the little light that attached to the charging port for the advance
1554 00:00:00   marcjel.c SP only 2000 something
1555 00:00:00   marcjel.c yeah i cant play games at night
1556 00:00:00   GadoTwist The GBA SP was the flip one. The original GBA was shaped kinda like the PSP.
1557 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Oh yeah the oval!!!
1558 00:00:00   marcjel.c yeah thats it gado
1559 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I forgot that lol
1560 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Back light is for playing games under the blanket?
1561 00:00:00   elessar123 There was also a GBA Micro
1562 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity The attachment light thing came in clutch xD
1563 00:00:00   marcjel.c my friend have that micro gba its so cute
1564 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity From the first gameboy onto the advance that light was vital lol
1565 00:00:00   elessar123 I bought one like 10 years ago, but the SP is actually better
1566 00:00:00   E.Y. I got a GBA in 2007 thinking it was the hottest thing
1567 00:00:00   elessar123 it's just a nice collector's item more than anything
1568 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity It’s good to play the games lol
1569 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity You can play them on pc emulated but cartridges
1570 00:00:00   E.Y. Wait I still remember I still have a working GBA
1571 00:00:00   elessar123 Also have a DSLite still, which can also play GBA games
1572 00:00:00   marcjel.c GBA sp dominates the market that time
1573 00:00:00   sc boomer ame is going to be unleashed in the upcoming stream
1574 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I have my Pokémon silver, and yellow versions somewhere. And the pikachu gameboy color
1575 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Ds games were amazing
1576 00:00:00   marcjel.c it has to many attacments lol
1577 00:00:00   elessar123 DS/DSLite were amazing
1578 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Yeah it awakened my brain, I’m sure it’ll have the same effect on her xD
1579 00:00:00   elessar123 Then they took out the GBA slot
1580 00:00:00   marcjel.c the nostalgia guys
1581 00:00:00   E.Y. I remember the PSP
1582 00:00:00   E.Y. Patapon was the bomb
1583 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity They just couldn’t make the games work with that extra cartridge slot I imagine
1584 00:00:00   marcjel.c i can still remember playing games with no spoilers or no guide to anyting just play and play
1585 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Better go find your retro stuff right nowthey might still work
1586 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Yup, they did make guides but they weren’t official xD
1587 00:00:00   elessar123 I still have my PSP, but the screen is broken
1588 00:00:00   E.Y. Nah I am sure my PSP broke
1589 00:00:00   marcjel.c the back of the package or someting
1590 00:00:00   E.Y. Same, the screen is broken
1591 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Oh my gameboy color does:3
1592 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Yeah they had Manuel’s in the games! Lol
1593 00:00:00   marcjel.c secret manuals and codes
1594 00:00:00   E.Y. Wanna know my biggest blunder with my Game Boy?
1595 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity That were more then one page, they had story, lore, and tips on top of the controls xD
1596 00:00:00   marcjel.c what
1597 00:00:00   아메도코
1598 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
1599 00:00:00   E.Y. Trading Pokemon Emerald with Pokemon Sapphire because I thought color blue = better
1600 00:00:00   marcjel.c LOL
1601 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity XD
1602 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Bruh
1603 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Emerald being both games is a blunder lmao
1604 00:00:00   marcjel.c same but different story
1605 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity More
1606 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity It added raquaza, and you could catch both R/S legendary:3 and battle island
1607 00:00:00   Gizmoさん I’m glad I can still play pokemon emerald and red on emulatorsdon’t tell Nintendo
1608 00:00:00   marcjel.c i remember when we 5 of us my friends discover missingno on pokemon red
1609 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I remember first meets sudowodo lol
1610 00:00:00   E.Y. I moved on from Pokemon, I still like it but not as much anymore
1611 00:00:00   E.Y. Unless they make an RTS game out of it
1612 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I stopped after black/white 2
1613 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I played let’s go, I own sword(did play it yet:3), legends was wicked, and I’m playing the new one for sure
1614 00:00:00   E.Y. Though I remember there was a turn based strategy game with pokemon on it
1615 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I loved the mystery dungeon games
1616 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity They were hard xD
1617 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity And rangers
1618 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity So good
1619 00:00:00   marcjel.c ahhh the nostalgia will kick us and we can hear many things to ame tommorow.
1620 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I forgot about Pokémon crystal xD
1621 00:00:00   marcjel.c gonna go home now ending my shift
1622 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1623 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity
1624 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity We need new ape escape!
1625 00:00:00   SanMann 3D ame in thumbnails has big kusogaki energy
1626 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Idk what that means
1627 00:00:00   SanMann smol blonde bratty detective
1628 00:00:00   D e l n a idk about that one chief
1629 00:00:00   D e l n a Like La+ or Kobo
1630 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity So like a kid
1631 00:00:00   D e l n a yah
1632 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Don’t know kusogaki?they always say it tho
1633 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I had no idea that’s what that even meant lol I’ve never asked though:3
1634 00:00:00   D e l n a just a bratty kid is the best description
1635 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I see more excitement in ames expression then anything
1636 00:00:00   Gizmoさん I see smug
1637 00:00:00   E.Y. Smol Ame uoh
1638 00:00:00   E.Y. okay now how do I delete messages
1639 00:00:00   D e l n a 3 dots on the right of your message
1640 00:00:00   Gizmoさん You do this
1641 00:00:00   D e l n a has option to remove there
1642 00:00:00   Gizmoさん UUUUGHHHHHOOOO AMMMMEEEE
1643 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Or you just refrain from saying stuff that requires deletion lol
1644 00:00:00   E.Y. So is smol Ame a kusogaki?
1645 00:00:00   D e l n a smol ame is a big kusogaki
1646 00:00:00   E.Y. uoh
1647 00:00:00   Cordis Die Morning, teaheads
1648 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity She’s deadly, not exactly bratty lol
1649 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity
1650 00:00:00   E.Y. Okay that is the last one I won't be doing the same thing again
1651 00:00:00   Kyle Edwards
1652 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
1653 00:00:00   mifu mifu
1654 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1655 00:00:00   GadoTwist Looked away for a few minutes and I see a few messages deleted
1656 00:00:00   Cordis Die Nothing happened here
1657 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1658 00:00:00   E.Y. Yep nothing
1659 00:00:00   E.Y. You don't need to know why
1660 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Lol
1661 00:00:00   mifu mifu
1662 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1663 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Nothing happened
1664 00:00:00   mifu mifu i should get like 4 package of ame merch next week
1665 00:00:00   D e l n a
1666 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
1667 00:00:00   GadoTwist Nice
1668 00:00:00   E.Y. stop hoarding them and give some to me
1669 00:00:00   E.Y. jk jk
1670 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity nice
1671 00:00:00   mifu mifu after that i ll stop buying stuff for some time... but anniv is soon rip
1672 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Ain’t gonna be a house wife today, just got maccas for dinner
1673 00:00:00   D e l n a yeah im saving for anniversary
1674 00:00:00   D e l n a still need yagoo in that flare hoodie tohugh
1675 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Only get it if you think it’s worth the money,merch can be quite expensive
1676 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Exactly
1677 00:00:00   GadoTwist Nabi and Ina's cover soon
1678 00:00:00   mifu mifu well, i ll only get it if i like it
1679 00:00:00   mifu mifu as usual
1680 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Especially the hoodies, they’re bit small for western people or if you’re a little thick, and I only worn my Ina hoodie once because tropical climate
1681 00:00:00   mifu mifu i assume the hoodies are usually universal size , like ame shirt
1682 00:00:00   mifu mifu if thats so i can wear it with no problem
1683 00:00:00   Gizmoさん I still love it tho,sleep next to it every night
1684 00:00:00   Gizmoさん The Ame t shirt is a good size for me and actually wear it occasionally
1685 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Coco jacket is too recognisable where I live and definitely gonna wear the myth hoodie this winter
1686 00:00:00   mifu mifu i didnt get the myth hoodie
1687 00:00:00   Cordis Die I have a muth jacket and Ame hoodie. The jacket is so good
1688 00:00:00   mifu mifu im not really a fan of clothes with characters on it, i got the ame hodie tho
1689 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Ame hoodie gib me
1690 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Usually don’t like clothing with characters but Omocat merch has the perfect balance
1691 00:00:00   mifu mifu its good, but not my thing, i decided to get the hoodie anyways
1692 00:00:00   mifu mifu ina nabi cover soon
1693 00:00:00   D e l n a
1694 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1695 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
1696 00:00:00   Cordis Die
1697 00:00:00   감사합니다
1698 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1699 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
1700 00:00:00   Cordis Die
1701 00:00:00   감사합니다
1702 00:00:00   Twig_E
1703 00:00:00   D e l n a
1704 00:00:00   Gizmoさん too cute
1705 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I actually knew that song lol
1706 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1707 00:00:00   Cordis Die Damn, that was cute
1708 00:00:00   GadoTwist Say So reached 500k
1709 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
1710 00:00:00   감사합니다
1711 00:00:00   Cordis Die
1712 00:00:00   Twig_E
1713 00:00:00   Gizmoさん When is the YouTube live starting?
1714 00:00:00   GadoTwist In an hour
1715 00:00:00   huyn Ha
1716 00:00:00   GadoTwist er.. 50 minutes
1717 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Hype
1718 00:00:00   huyn Ha
1719 00:00:00   GadoTwist I wonder if we'll get a Nabi and Kiara cover eventually?
1720 00:00:00   D e l n a I think this was her last cover song
1721 00:00:00   D e l n a before she goes overseas
1722 00:00:00   GadoTwist No...
1723 00:00:00   Cordis Die Wut?
1724 00:00:00   D e l n a Yeah she said she was dueting every month until September,
1725 00:00:00   D e l n a maybe that means she has one in september? maybe? hopefully?
1726 00:00:00   Cordis Die We wait and see, I suppose
1727 00:00:00   D e l n a and then she goes overseas until March I believe
1728 00:00:00   D e l n a oh well she left Korea in August
1729 00:00:00   D e l n a so today? lol
1730 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Oh
1731 00:00:00   D e l n a oh the Magic World ORchestra MV release also
1732 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Wait a minute tmr is September already
1733 00:00:00   D e l n a ye
1734 00:00:00   GadoTwist whoa another BuzzG song, nice
1735 00:00:00   D e l n a my work got delayed until 26th of September
1736 00:00:00   D e l n a so atleast I get to watch the anniversary live
1737 00:00:00   GadoTwist That's a lot later than you expected, right?
1738 00:00:00   D e l n a yeah, I expected September but not that late
1739 00:00:00   D e l n a but they need to do contract fixing
1740 00:00:00   D e l n a also hot damn Dezmond has been streaming for 9 hours
1741 00:00:00   GadoTwist He's still going?
1742 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Wait he isn’t done
1743 00:00:00   D e l n a yeah 9 hours 21 mintues
1744 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Maglord maggin hard
1745 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Did you guys see his message for Kaela yesterday?
1746 00:00:00   GadoTwist The Rust war was going on at the same time, so I only saw up to Axel's
1747 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Hi I’m Magni Dezmond, the superpower that I want to have is to make people explode because I want to kill people
1748 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1749 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Something along those lines in a very serious tone
1750 00:00:00   Gizmoさん And all Kaela said was get magged and it’s maggin time
1751 00:00:00   D e l n a I just love that the boys have all just tuned in at different times
1752 00:00:00   D e l n a I wonder how long the live show is going to go for
1753 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Speaking of the boys Kronii had to do some serious talking again about collabing with them and shippinggrow up people plz
1754 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Probably an hour ?
1755 00:00:00   D e l n a I saw that but I thought it was related to kronmei after summer festival
1756 00:00:00   D e l n a I didnt watch the DBD collab though
1757 00:00:00   D e l n a yeah but there is 35 talents that need to perform today which might mean its longer
1758 00:00:00   D e l n a 37*
1759 00:00:00   GadoTwist Could be mostly group performances
1760 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Not if they perform together
1761 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Also check out the DBD vod,absolutely hilarious
1762 00:00:00   D e l n a yeah not wrong, I love the banner, makes it feel like we are about to get gen groups singing together
1763 00:00:00   D e l n a yeah I have been meaning to
1764 00:00:00   D e l n a which pov though, calli or altares
1765 00:00:00   GadoTwist It was fun. Altare was ridiculous when he went serious as a killer
1766 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Altare because he’s cracked at the game
1767 00:00:00   GadoTwist They take turns as killer, so you might have to swap viewpoints
1768 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Yeah but no Bae Kronii and Vesper povbut you can still feel Bae’s frustrations without hearing her
1769 00:00:00   D e l n a
1770 00:00:00   아메도코
1771 00:00:00   D e l n a I love Altare's voice but his laugh still just seems weird to me
1772 00:00:00   D e l n a like its his real laugh but I need to get used to it
1773 00:00:00   아메도코
1774 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Weird because he’s a demon lord and trying to hide his evil laugh
1775 00:00:00   GadoTwist Yeah, took me a bit to get used to his voice, so I get it
1776 00:00:00   D e l n a nah its just the laugh I do when im faking my laughter
1777 00:00:00   Gizmoさん He’s actually kinda scary in the last round
1778 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1779 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I can’t see him as a demon lord, he debuted saying hero, and despite saying otherwise he doesn’t seem evil xD
1780 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Literally “cheesed to met you”ed Bae
1781 00:00:00   D e l n a yeah, I only watched about 15 minutes of that Altare Kobo collab, but he had some real demon lord energy
1782 00:00:00   slowchamp nice early frame up
1783 00:00:00   Gizmoさん If you don’t have time for vod watch the clips
1784 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Kobo is a villain xD
1785 00:00:00   slowchamp ame is motivated
1786 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity She will kneecap him lmao
1787 00:00:00   D e l n a 100% King
1788 00:00:00   D e l n a
1789 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity She showed a gun during chess xD
1790 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Just her existence along is funny to me
1791 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Alone*
1792 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity He might talk big, but that little one is a true demon the rubix thing also showed me how smart she is, on top of the instrument playing
1793 00:00:00   GadoTwist Been a while since the last Kobo karaoke. Hope she plays again
1794 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Why her existence? XD
1795 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Glad she popped off, it helps all of ID, I’m sure she spreads the love
1796 00:00:00   Gizmoさん I should say her voice the way she speaks and acts and basically everything is funny
1797 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity That is far better xD I can appreciate a tough guy act lol she’s gotta be the big dog so to speak, she’s earned it
1798 00:00:00   D e l n a yeah Im happy for her success but I can't stand her, but thats my own personal preference.
1799 00:00:00   D e l n a also that kronii shipping clip is very kronii
1800 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Lol
1801 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I find that hella strange, people need to get a grip, and comprehend what relationships, casual or not look like like one stream, and the super chats got weird lol
1802 00:00:00   아메도코
1803 00:00:00   Gizmoさん People:friends?
1804 00:00:00   D e l n a I visited /vt/ for like 10 minutes like 24 hours after the ame duet karaoke and it made me realise that there are some legit losers in this community
1805 00:00:00   slowchamp ame knows about 90s tech? she's a zoomer
1806 00:00:00   slowchamp
1807 00:00:00   Gizmoさん she's a fellow 90s kid just like me
1808 00:00:00   GadoTwist Eh, she's got older brother Watson. I experienced a lot of older tech by having older siblings
1809 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1810 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity He can’t be that much older lol
1811 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity
1812 00:00:00   아메도코
1813 00:00:00   D e l n a lmfao gizmo
1814 00:00:00   Gizmoさん loved Quake used to play it back then,those were the good old days
1815 00:00:00   slowchamp i remember the era when mobile phones are as big as a 2L bottle
1816 00:00:00   GadoTwist Oh yeah? What operating system did you play it on?
1817 00:00:00   Gizmoさん I..I don't uhhhh forgor
1818 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity You were alive when they had the phones that gave off radiation?
1819 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1820 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
1821 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity
1822 00:00:00   Gizmoさん they what
1823 00:00:00   GadoTwist I don't think I've ever held phones that big
1824 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Me either xD seem in movies, know them, but those were hella expensive being like the first type. And yeah I guess the waves it gave off were not good lol
1825 00:00:00   GadoTwist Ooo, it's starting
1826 00:00:00   D e l n a 5 minutes early
1827 00:00:00   D e l n a 43k people waiting
1828 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
1829 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity The concert?
1830 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity It’s free?
1831 00:00:00   D e l n a ye
1832 00:00:00   D e l n a ye
1833 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity
1834 00:00:00   D e l n a on Hololive official channel
1835 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
1836 00:00:00   아메도코
1837 00:00:00   Benery V.
1838 00:00:00   Benery V. morning
1839 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1840 00:00:00   Cordis Die
1841 00:00:00   D e l n a
1842 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity
1843 00:00:00   D e l n a
1844 00:00:00   탐정
1845 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1846 00:00:00   Benery V.
1847 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1848 00:00:00   Justin Thyme
1849 00:00:00   Cordis Die
1850 00:00:00   D e l n a
1851 00:00:00   p.f.
1852 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1853 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
1854 00:00:00   Benery V.
1855 00:00:00   Justin Thyme
1856 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
1857 00:00:00   아메도코
1858 00:00:00   Twig_E
1859 00:00:00   D e l n a
1860 00:00:00   Benery V.
1861 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1862 00:00:00   D e l n a
1863 00:00:00   Twig_E
1864 00:00:00   Benery V.
1865 00:00:00   탐정
1866 00:00:00   Justin Thyme
1867 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
1868 00:00:00   D e l n a
1869 00:00:00   Twig_E
1870 00:00:00   D e l n a
1871 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
1872 00:00:00   D e l n a
1873 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1874 00:00:00   Benery V.
1875 00:00:00   Twig_E
1876 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
1877 00:00:00   Justin Thyme
1878 00:00:00   Cordis Die
1879 00:00:00   D e l n a
1880 00:00:00   D e l n a BLUE CLAPPER!
1881 00:00:00   D e l n a
1882 00:00:00   p.f.
1883 00:00:00   Justin Thyme
1884 00:00:00   Twig_E
1885 00:00:00   Cordis Die
1886 00:00:00   Benery V.
1887 00:00:00   D e l n a
1888 00:00:00   Benery V.
1889 00:00:00   D e l n a
1890 00:00:00   D e l n a
1891 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
1892 00:00:00   D e l n a
1893 00:00:00   D e l n a
1894 00:00:00   Twig_E
1895 00:00:00   Benery V.
1896 00:00:00   Justin Thyme
1897 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills Akai Haato is back
1898 00:00:00   Cordis Die
1899 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1900 00:00:00   D e l n a
1901 00:00:00   Benery V.
1902 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1903 00:00:00   D e l n a
1904 00:00:00   Twig_E
1905 00:00:00   Benery V.
1906 00:00:00   Justin Thyme
1907 00:00:00   D e l n a
1908 00:00:00   D e l n a Ahh umisea!!
1909 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
1910 00:00:00   D e l n a
1911 00:00:00   GadoTwist Gura! Ina!
1912 00:00:00   p.f. Umisea
1913 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1914 00:00:00   Benery V.
1915 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
1916 00:00:00   Twig_E
1917 00:00:00   Justin Thyme
1918 00:00:00   Justin Thyme
1919 00:00:00   Benery V.
1920 00:00:00   D e l n a
1921 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
1922 00:00:00   D e l n a
1923 00:00:00   D e l n a sad shark noises here
1924 00:00:00   Justin Thyme
1925 00:00:00   D e l n a
1926 00:00:00   Benery V.
1927 00:00:00   Twig_E
1928 00:00:00   D e l n a
1929 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1930 00:00:00   Benery V.
1931 00:00:00   D e l n a
1932 00:00:00   p.f.
1933 00:00:00   Justin Thyme
1934 00:00:00   Cordis Die
1935 00:00:00   D e l n a
1936 00:00:00   Justin Thyme
1937 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1938 00:00:00   Benery V.
1939 00:00:00   Cordis Die
1940 00:00:00   D e l n a
1941 00:00:00   Benery V.
1942 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1943 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
1944 00:00:00   D e l n a
1945 00:00:00   Justin Thyme
1946 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1947 00:00:00   D e l n a I cant not see yagoo with this song now
1948 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
1949 00:00:00   Justin Thyme same
1950 00:00:00   Benery V.
1951 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
1952 00:00:00   Benery V. still hoping yagoo will pop out the middle
1953 00:00:00   D e l n a
1954 00:00:00   탐정
1955 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills hope so
1956 00:00:00   D e l n a
1957 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
1958 00:00:00   Benery V.
1959 00:00:00   D e l n a
1960 00:00:00   Benery V.
1961 00:00:00   p.f. Laplus
1962 00:00:00   GadoTwist Laplus
1963 00:00:00   D e l n a the stalls in the back
1964 00:00:00   D e l n a LOL
1965 00:00:00   p.f.
1966 00:00:00   D e l n a a surprise
1967 00:00:00   탐정
1968 00:00:00   Justin Thyme
1969 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1970 00:00:00   D e l n a Ayame
1971 00:00:00   D e l n a shes alive
1972 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1973 00:00:00   D e l n a
1974 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills rare holomen
1975 00:00:00   Justin Thyme
1976 00:00:00   Benery V.
1977 00:00:00   Gizmoさん rare holomen
1978 00:00:00   Twig_E
1979 00:00:00   D e l n a I thought we were blessed today with rare amemori crumbs
1980 00:00:00   D e l n a and now we are blessed with ayame crumbs
1981 00:00:00   E.Y. My Ame senses are tingly
1982 00:00:00   E.Y. I feel like Ame is gonna appear somewhere
1983 00:00:00   marcjel.c
1984 00:00:00   Gizmoさん somewhere
1985 00:00:00   D e l n a
1986 00:00:00   Benery V.
1987 00:00:00   D e l n a
1988 00:00:00   p.f.
1989 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1990 00:00:00   Benery V.
1991 00:00:00   D e l n a A CHAN IN A SWIMSUIT ?
1992 00:00:00   D e l n a OOO?
1993 00:00:00   GadoTwist
1994 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
1995 00:00:00   탐정 WOW
1996 00:00:00   D e l n a is this there metaverse game?
1997 00:00:00   Khôi Hoàng Ngọc Anh
1998 00:00:00   Twig_E
1999 00:00:00   Benery V.
2000 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
2001 00:00:00   D e l n a Shiraken
2002 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
2003 00:00:00   GadoTwist
2004 00:00:00   D e l n a
2005 00:00:00   D e l n a oh its there 2022 version of the SSS
2006 00:00:00   Gizmoさん new SSS mv
2007 00:00:00   D e l n a Great concert!
2008 00:00:00   Pud
2009 00:00:00   slowchamp damn I wish ID and EN are included too
2010 00:00:00   slowchamp maybe next time
2011 00:00:00   slowchamp
2012 00:00:00   탐정 One day
2013 00:00:00   D e l n a that or they are included in the next big concert new song
2014 00:00:00   Gizmoさん EN summer plz
2015 00:00:00   지호JiHo plz
2016 00:00:00   Cordis Die
2017 00:00:00   Benery V.
2018 00:00:00   slowchamp yeah just prove to me that sidebranch treatment isn't real, cover
2019 00:00:00   D e l n a please anniversary bring good news
2020 00:00:00   slowchamp
2021 00:00:00   mifu mifu EN will have the spotlight soon, right now its hard for them to be there
2022 00:00:00   E.Y. yeah soon
2023 00:00:00   D e l n a when they can enter regularly, then ill start pointing a gun
2024 00:00:00   slowchamp kishida said they'll open to travel without a guide soon (tm)
2025 00:00:00   slowchamp don't lie to me kishida
2026 00:00:00   GadoTwist
2027 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
2028 00:00:00   mifu mifu well, that also will make the girls more busy
2029 00:00:00   Gizmoさん oh sss mv already up
2030 00:00:00   Diza
2031 00:00:00   Inspecter Mills
2032 00:00:00   ♡-lizzy-♡ 140
2033 00:00:00   Gizmoさん
2034 00:00:00   Benery V.
2035 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Kronii said “you find me attractive because I’m your oshi” interesting it’s not the other way around
2036 00:00:00   Gizmoさん It’s true tho
2037 00:00:00   mifu mifu i mean ,you dont chose your oshi just cause of if u find her attractive or not
2038 00:00:00   Gizmoさん I find Ame entertaining and sweet,way before I find her attractive so it’s true,your oshi grows on you
2039 00:00:00   mifu mifu my first impression of ame was really different, and she grew on me a lot
2040 00:00:00   Benery V. my first impression of Ame from her debut stream was that she's crazy still kinda true but she's also sweet and creative
2041 00:00:00   mifu mifu from design alone at first i wasnt much into her, from debut she seemed a bit crazy, now her design is one of my fav things and ofc we know her better now
2042 00:00:00   Benery V. her design grew on me a lot once I noticed her eyes and smile
2043 00:00:00   아메도코
2044 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Her design definitely grew on me, I now wear a beige short sleeve coat and a white shirt as casual wear
2045 00:00:00   Gizmoさん I like her right of the bat after she beatboxed to superliminal musicso cute but it’s crazy how I can like her more and more each passing day
2046 00:00:00   Justin Thyme I noticed all Nabi children have that toothy smile, it makes me smile to see it
2047 00:00:00   Gizmoさん That smile, that damn smile
2048 00:00:00   Gizmoさん Oh well average day with a bit of Ame and tomorrow we gettin lots of Ameluv Ame and good night teaheads
2049 00:00:00   Justin Thyme gn
2050 00:00:00   Benery V.
2051 00:00:00   GadoTwist
2052 00:00:00   Ascapade
2053 00:00:00   아메도코
2054 00:00:00   E.Y. same gn!
2055 00:00:00   아메도코
2056 00:00:00   Benery V.
2057 00:00:00   marcjel.c
2058 00:00:00   Astaim
2059 00:00:00   Cordis Die
2060 00:00:00   Cordis Die I have a question for ppl who use twitter much
2061 00:00:00   Cordis Die I have a thing that I wanna post, but it is made of two images, how do I post it? 2 images in 1 post get cropped and don't look so good >~<
2062 00:00:00   Cordis Die
2063 00:00:00   Astaim I remember seeing a tweet testing which ratios image have to be to not get cropped when you post multiple. For 2 images both have to be in 7:8 I think
2064 00:00:00   Cordis Die Damn it, mines are literal squares
2065 00:00:00   slowchamp did we talk about this before? i find it interesting that EN make themselves as comfy is possible, which is understandable while the top of JP such as pekora or marine still chasing growth
2066 00:00:00   slowchamp sometimes i feel like JP do the hard carry, or EN effort will bear fruit in a long time after
2067 00:00:00   slowchamp oh wait we did talked about this before
2068 00:00:00   slowchamp
2069 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity I’m unsure how jp hard Carrie’s people that do their own work lol
2070 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity Carries*
2071 00:00:00   Cordis Die Can't say much about that, I don't really watch JPs, but that's one thing I love about Ame. She just does what she likes
2072 00:00:00   slowchamp I mean hard carrying the company's growth, but again mori's music doing as great as suisei and gura's merch sold so good
2073 00:00:00   slowchamp i hyperfocus on streaming side of things sometimes
2074 00:00:00   slowchamp but hmmm global audience is harder to get
2075 00:00:00   slowchamp well whatever, we talked about this before and it didn't do anywhere let's just wait for ame
2076 00:00:00   KingOfDepravity We have no idea how much callis music sells, how much gura merch sells, or any of those metrics, or how much YouTube pays them lol would still be hard to gauge anything though.